There are 29,070 projects available.
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International Waters
Phase 3
Project Number: BOT/OP3/2/06/20 |
Centre for African Resorces: Animals, Communities and Land Use (CARACAL) aims at utilising the ecosystem approach and partipatory techniques including GIS to identify key resources essential to community livelihoods with emphasis on gender specific ( ... )
and to identify needs, opportunities and threats to these resources in the international waterways of Chobe, Linyanti and Kwando. The involvement of communities through participatory techniques and engagement of other stakeholders through a proactive forum will provide the basis for a wetland inventory leading to the development of an integrated wetland plan for Chobe, Linyanti and Kwando
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: THA/06/02 |
Target Population/Location of project:
30 families living in Baan Napu, Tambol Dongphaya, Bor Klua District, Nan Province, (near Khun Nan National Park). Project members are farmers, and depend on the local ecosystem for livelihood ( ... )
ties and food security. Due to the hilly and mountainous nature of cultivated land, agricultural yields are rather low.
Planned activities:
1. Launch capacity-building activities for project members re: energy conservation, and renewable energy
2. Build solar-biomass stove for food processing
3. Create tree nursery; use seedlings to reforest watershed area
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: TUR-05-11 |
Kuzucu Village will be replacing part of its energy needs for irrigation (from electricity) to wind energy by the use of an experimental wind collector. The wind collector will be used to pump water from a shallow, unused water well with a low ( ... )
re. The pumped water will be stored and used to complement the existing water supply scheme. The proposed collector will be able to provide the needs of 40 farms around the insatallation (the perimeter of reach of the pumping system). The system will be beneficial to not only the 40 farmers it will be providing the water, but to all farmers of the cooperative as without the use of electricity
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: MAR/SGP/OP3/12 |
Project background
Responding to the programme of action for small island developing states concerning climate change and sea level rise, the UNEP is underpinned by the reality that the past and current emission has already committed the earth to ( ... )
gree of climate change in the 21st century. UNEP agrees that reducing uncertainties about climate change, its impacts and the cost of various response options is vital.
Therefore, the prudent policy portfolio of actions proposed by UNEP is at controlling emissions, adapting to impacts and encouraging scientific, technological and socio-economic research.
Globally, much attention is focussed on
Multifocal Area
Phase 3
Project Number: INS/SSGF/05/08 |
IBU 4 ACEH has been assisting women survivors at Bereugang Barrack, Kaway XVI Sub District, since relief phase. A year after tsunami, the camp in Beureugang is inhabited by 170 households lived in 10 barracks. The IDPs were originally lived from ( ... )
Aron before relocation. The relocation purposed on improvement of the IDP?s well being from their early tent structure in Keude Aron to semi-permanent wood barracks in Beureugang. The South-South Grants Facility supports the establishment of community-owned sewing workshop for women, procurement of 5 units of sewing machine, 1 unit of embroidery machine, 1 unit of periphery machine, 1 unit of
Phase 3
Project Number: SSGF/IND/P11/06/TN02 |
Phase 3
Project Number: mon/06/03 |
The project will establish a small eco-tourist camp in community protected area, near by Zorgol Khairkhan Mountain in Bayan-Unjuul soum of Tuv province in order to link community based eco-conservation with their sustainable livelihood enhancement. |
Multifocal Area
Phase 3
Project Number: GHA/CWI/06/003 |
Zukpiri, Dupare and Konjiahi are classified as one of the worst guinea worm infested communities in the Upper West Region. The communities lack adequate potable water source. Most of the people drink from hand-dug wells and streams.
Clinical ( ... )
is of the water sources indicated that all the water sources are full of bacteria, pathogens, has an odour and traces of minerals beyond the permissible levels. The results indicate poor water supply coverage in the community. Water Coverage (defined as the number of people having access to basic level of service) indicated that 800 people have no access to potable water.
For sanitation in
Biodiversity Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: GHA/OP3/Y2/06/097 |
Increasing biodiversity depletion in Zukpiri and its environs caused by human activities and land degradation has led to depletion of soil fertility, low crop yields, loss of herbal plants, siltation of water bodies, lost of biodiversity and ( ... )
ion in tree population. The problem persists due to the break down of community rules and regulations, population increase and ignorance on the part of the community on the consequences of their actions on the environment.
In the past when community rules and regulations were held in high esteem, the biodiversity of the community was flourishing well. During that time different species of
Biodiversity International Waters
Phase 3
Project Number: HND/SGP/OP3/08/06 |
Con la combinacion entre actividades de pesca y la conservación del Robálo ( Centropomus undecimales, Centropomus ensiferus) esto integrado fortaleciendo las cpacidades de organizacion para el desarrollo local la que nos conlleva a 4 componentes ( ... )
yectola cual son: Infraestructura, equipamiento, proteccion y fotalecimiento organizativo.
Phase 3
Project Number: NER/OP3/Y2/2006/07 |
L?objectif général du projet est de contribuer à l?amélioration de la santé de la population du Niger et plus particulièrement celle qui est la plus démunie en lui procurant des médicaments efficaces, inoffensifs, peu coûteux et issus de ( ... )
Les objectifs spécifiques sont les suivants :
-Se doter d?outils et de matériels facilitant un meilleur conditionnement des plantes médicinales pour un rendement supérieur
-Élaborer un système d?approvisionnement fiable en médicaments traditionnels efficaces et à la portée de tous ;
-Promouvoir la culture des espèces en voie de disparition et protéger les plantes
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: BLR/OP3/2/06/03 |
Goal: Creation of the conditions for the development of alternative power engineering (renewable energy sources) by working model creation of micro hydroelectric power station and mini wind power station.
1. Design and process plan ( ... )
pment for micro hydroelectric power station and mini wind power station;
2. Installation of the pilot micro hydroelectric power station at the ?Komarovo? farmstead-park complex;
3. Installation of the pilot mini wind power station at the Komarovo village;
4. Publication of methodic manual on development of small power engineering and use of renewable energy sources in rural areas;
Phase 3
Project Number: CHI/05/07 |
La Cordillera de la VII región ha sido una de los ecosistemas más vulnerables a la intervención antrópica en el caso del bosque de canelillosexiste aún un numero importante de especies endémicas como el keule y el Pitao. De hecho la WWF ha ( ... )
cado esta zona costera como uno de los centros de biodiversidad más importantes del país, dicha área tien la calificación de sitio raro y único y por ello ha sido considerado entre los "hotspots# El proyecto pretende contribuirconservar y restaurar especies en peligro, aumentar la conciencia de la comunidad aledaña. Se contempla el trabajo en espceila con los colegios en un centro de
Phase 3
Project Number: CHI/05/09 |
EN las regiones VIII y IX Regiones la gallina de los huevos azules han sido caracteristicas y endémicas. Estas gallinas han disminuido notabolemente en numero y en distribución. Este proyecto trabajrá especialmente con campesinos indígenas y no ( ... )
enas en la recuperación de la especie. Para ello va a trabjar con planteles de gallinas y el intercambio y posicionameinto del producto. El valor y los componentes nutritivos del huevo
Phase 3
Project Number: CHI/05/03 |
Las localidades de los maquis y cerro blanco se encuentran insertas dentro de una microcuenca del valle del Qilimarí allí se encuentra aún bosque nativo el caul nos escapa a los procesos de desertificación que afectan a ecosisitemas frágiles ( ... )
s y semiáridos. Este proyecto propone abordar el tema de la sustentabilidad del sistemam a partir de la incorporación de los actores locales a la acción comunitaria disminuyendo la presión de los asentamiento urbanos sobre el ecosistema. Disminuir consumo de leña, proveer recursos vegetacionales a sectores estrat´gicos para la conservación de los bosques y el agua.fortalecer las
Multifocal Area
Phase 3
Project Number: CHI/05/04 |
Alhué es un pueblo alejado de los procesos de desarrollo aún estando en la Región Metropolitana, Alhué posee importantes recusros natuirales no alterados significativamente, observandose aves, importantes asociaciones vegtacionales del tipo ( ... )
esclerófilo Alhué es una de las Comunas integradas al sector de Alto de
Phase 3
Project Number: CHI/05/05 |
En la sexta región la única area silvetre protegida es la Reserva Nacional Río de los Cipreses, están ubicados en ecosistema de montaña y aledaña a ella existen grupo de personas en prequeños poblados. Uno de ellos es la Comunidad de Chacayes ( ... )
ha propouesto trabajar en el tema de l loro triocahue y su vulnerabilidad como una forma de reverti el proceso de disminución de la especie. Se promoverá la necesidad de proteger la especie pero por parte de la comunidad , el loro tricahue es una especie catalogada como en peligro de extinción. La comunidad esta convencida que el loro tricahue puede generar interés por parte de turistas
El salvador
Multifocal Area
Phase 3
Project Number: 001/05/ELS/OP3/SGP |
El proyecto tiene como objetivo general el fortalecimiento, explotación y manejo de un apiario orgánico de 60 colmenas, así como la construcción de infraestructura que permita tener un área de usos múltiples para atender a los(as) visitantes ( ... )
zona (en actividades relacionadas al ecoturismo).
Para fortalecer el apiario de 60 colmenas, se identificarán enjambres en el área para después capturarlos, por tanto, se espera que el número de colmenas incremente; posteriormente se manejará adecuadamente las nuevas colmenas para que logren adaptarse al nuevo lugar y puedan producir.
El otro componente del proyecto, es la
El salvador
Multifocal Area
Phase 3
Project Number: 002/05/ELS/OP3/SGP |
El proyecto busca en primer lugar (1), incrementar la eficiencia en la manejo del área natural, acondicionando un centro de operaciones para el equipo de protección, monitoreo de fauna y divulgación de la ley de ANP. Para lograr acondicionar el ( ... )
de operaciones se remodelará la caseta de control de ingreso, se adquirirá equipo destinado al monitoreo de fauna silvestre de la zona (mamíferos y reptiles).
En segundo lugar (2) se construirá una nave de usos múltiples, un mirador para el avistamiento de caimanes; asimismo se capacitará al "Comité para la administración y manejo de la nave de usos múltiples" en el manejo y
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/04/25 |
In 1612 Gizycko received status of town with in the nearest vicinity Forest, called Oak Forest, in 1858 the Town Forest. 7 monuments of nature including 640 years oak "Wojciech" (Adalbert) of 640cm periphery) and historical linden avenue;it is ( ... )
ect is aiming in protection of this unique forest and inland water ecosystems, organisation of ecological path through the Park (323ha); building capacity of local stakeholders in active protection of biodiversity through improvement of educational facilities "Near Wojciech" Educational Forest Center (adjacent to old oak Wojciech) providing services to 200 schools in Warmia and Mazury Lake