There are 29,070 projects available.
Project Title |
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Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 3
Project Number: BRA/05/12 |
Due to extensive cattle ranching, babassu groves in Maranhão state are destroyed for creation of pasture, generating conflicts among fmailies living off of these babassu groves and cattle ranchers who own the land and charge for removal of ( ... )
ts. Thus, this project seeks to strengthen the Babassu Palmnut Cracker Association in the Petrolina Village, formed by a group of women in the region , help improve babassu processing, diffuse results of the projects and introduce quantitative and qualitative babassu flesh production in the market, resulting in quality of life, reduced conflicts due to babassu removal and more comprehensive use
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: IRA-G52-2004-045(IRA98G52) |
Project Location:Isfehan- Fereydoun-Kenar (Lat: 36.878449;Long: 50.718384)
In the SGP project entitled Farmers? Empowerment to Sustainable Agro-Ecosystem Management in Mazandaran Province (IRA-G52-2002-019) the farmers were empowered with ( ... )
ated Pest Management (IPM) techniques and have been producing safe crops.
This project will assist the farmers to establish appropriate mechanisms to market the safe crops. The farmers trained in SGP project No.19 have formed a local group entitled Dorna Local Organization with a Revolving Trust Fund to support production of crops using IPM methods.
The project activities
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/04/35 |
Facilitar el acceso y la disponibilidad de semillas nativas y tradicionales de la milpa maya en 3 microrregiones de la Península de Yucatán para el ciclo agrícola 2005., la formación de equipos locales para la organización de ferias de ( ... )
as, a través de alimentos, logística, registro y actividades alternativas tales como la topografía comunidades obtener la tasa de disponibilidad y la demanda de semilla, los precios de comercialización, el transporte y la accesibilidad de los productores a las
Phase 3
Project Number: GHA/05/077 |
The project seeks to promote biodiversity conservation and sustainable utilization of semi-arid natural resources for wealth creation and improvement of the health of the people of Fian. Fian is a farming community in the Upper East region of Ghana ( ... )
s noted for utilzing traditional herbs in the health delivery system of the district especially in bone-setting.
Unfortunately the area is prone to annual bushfires which has not only destroyed the medicinal plant and animals but are also leading causes of land degradation in the area.
The project will therefore undertake the following field activities:
1. Develop local capacity for
Multifocal Area
Phase 3
Project Number: INS/SSGF/05/11 |
South-South Grant supports the community and the local Geuchik (head of the community) to start the community-owned factory to cater for 8 tons of Ice block/day production. The French supported ice factory supports fishermen across near by Banda ( ... )
nd Uleu Lhee. It was built with invenstment worth 200,000 Euro and shall operate for more than 10 years (with official warranty from Jakarta-based manufacturer). Peukan Bada Community of about 600 members are the direct beneficiaries with approximate inderect beneficiaries of 7000 people.Initial report of assessment suggests that this initiative has good potential to provide a good example of
Phase 3
Project Number: NER/OP3/Y1/2005/06 |
L?objectif global du projet est d?améliorer l?écosystème pastoral de la zone du Tadress par la protection et la restauration d?une espèce endémique (l?Adarass) à travers la réalisation des actions communautaires dans le domaine focal du FEM ( ... )
t « la conservation et utilisation durable de la Biodiversité ».Ces actions poertent essentiellement sur :
La lutte contre l'érosion éolienne (fixation des dunes sur 10ha)
L?augmentation du couvert végétal ligneux et herbacé
La création des conditions du retour de la faune sauvage dans le Tadress (Gazella dorcas
l'outarde, le lièvre, le hérisson et autres rongeurs ).
La protection
Phase 3
Project Number: MEX/UNF/05/09 |
Disminución del índice de emigración y mortandad de la población de abejas en las colmenas de cada apiario y prevención de incendios en la cubierta vegetal del entorno de los apiarios, de la cooperativa la flor de tajonal |
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/04/12 |
Este proyecto busca contribuir a generar un sistema de administración y gestión para el manejo sustentable de especies nativas del bosque Siempreverde que son utilizados por la Asociación Indígena Mujeres Follaje de San Juan. En este sentido, se ( ... )
inido dos líneas de acción , la primera de ellas se refiere al manejo de las especies nativas, lo cual considera realizar propagación in situ de las especies, determinar una zona de extracción intensiva, habilitar en cada predio un pequeño invernadero para producir plantas que se utilicen posteriormente en su restauración en la zona de manejo intensivo. La otra línea de acción comprende
Dominican republic
Phase 3
Project Number: DOM/05/30 |
Instauración de un fondo de inversión comunitarias con la finalidad de generar recursos financieros que le permita el establecimiento de un sistema sostenible de vigilancia de los recursos de la Reserva Científica Loma Guaconejo |
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/UNF/04/19 |
Fortalecer las capacidades de mercadeo de turismo comunitario Sian Ka?an mediante la creación de un fondo de mercadeo, un fondo de operaciones, un fondo de promoción e inversión en equipo y capacitación |
Phase 3
Project Number: MEX/UNF/05/11 |
Formación para las actividades de desarrollo, para llevar a cabo un programa de seguimiento, y reducir al mínimo los riesgos potenciales para los buceadores. Proporcionar datos científicos sobre la conservación de los arrecifes de coral |
Phase 3
Project Number: WSM/OP3/01/05/14 |
The village of Satuiatua on Savaii Island, has never been involved in depleting its existing forest resources, but is very concern about the ways of sustaining the village forestland, because of the increase in number of neighboring villages selling ( ... )
orestland to loggers. The community would like to assess the current situation with their resources. They would like to pursue the following objectives;
Conduct a professional assessment of the forest area of Satuiatua village, which can provide accurate knowledge and information on areas where the forest is still intact and should be under conservation programme, while other areas are map out
Phase 3
Project Number: POL/04/29' |
see POL/04/29 |
Phase 2
Project Number: NEP/04/10 |
Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MAPs) are the important commodities in the biological supermarket of Nepal. However, unscientific harvesting of such herbs resulted in the depletion in its natural habitat. On the other hand initial success in forest ( ... )
tion via community forestry initiatives has opened various livelihood opportunities. One such opportunity is conservation and cultivation of indigenous MAPs in the community forests and also mobilise local people to domesticate such plants in their private land.
Dhanbang VDC of Salyan is one of trading centers of the zone and consists of 21 Community Forest occupying 1657 ha of land. Thus the
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: NEP/04/02 |
In a typical Himalayan houses, fuelwood is used not only for cooking but the fire is seldom putout as it serve the duel purpose of cloth to keep the body warm and blanket to sleep with. Firewood usage in the rural communities of Nepal is the highest ( ... )
, with approximately 95% of the fuel being used for cooking, heating and lighting. This has raised both environment and health imperatives. A recent study from ITDG claims that 1.6 million deaths worldwide every year accredited to solid fuel smoke in homes. A death toll greater than that of malaria.
Thus in order to curb the deforestation and improve health quality, one of the best alternative
Phase 2
Project Number: PER/04/05 |
El Centro de desarrollo urbano y Rural-CEDESUR, es una organización sin fines de lucro perteneciente a la sociedad civil organizada, que viene laborando de acuerdo a su visión y misión de contribuir al desarrollo de los pueblos andinos de nuestro ( ... )
especialmente de zonas en extrema pobreza y pobreza, como el departamento de Ayacucho y al interior de esta, la priorización de áreas cuyos indicadores sugiere urgentes acciones de desarrollo y de soluciones medioambientales, para revertir la correlación de pobreza y problemas medioambientales.
Phase 3
Project Number: KAZ/05/03 |
The Astrakhan area is located in the central part of Akmola area where a lot of farms are existed. Most of them still use pesticides in their farming activities. In different settlements of the area uncontrollable dumps of household dust are placed, ( ... )
enerally are burnt by inhabitants. Uncontrolled export of slag and manure is carried out. The majority of the population do not suspect about danger of POPs.
The project tasks are informing population of the area about POPs; involving of the youth in realization of the project; organization of effective information interchange about POPs at the local level between the population and the local
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: MAU/SGP/OP3/05/09 |
Il s'agit d'un projet qui vise à lever les barrières par rapport à l'utilisation et la vulgarisation des foyers améliorés dans les zones de Boghé et Maghama. Il s'agira de former des artisans locaux sur ce type de foyers et de mettre en place ( ... )
lières de commercialisation afin de généraliser l'utilisation des foyers dans le but de réduire la pression sur les ressources ligneuses et réduire les émissions de CO2 au niveau des ménages .
Phase 3
Project Number: NIC/OP3/05/16 |
El proyecto consiste en facilitar y conducir un proceso de Planificación Ambiental Participativa con la participación de los actores locales a diferentes niveles (comunitario, institucional y gobierno municipal) que conllevará a la formulación ( ... )
an de Ordenamiento y Manejo Integrado de la subcuenca del Río Sahsa-Tingni, la cual forma parte de la cuenca del Río Kukalaya (Cuenca Hidrográfica No. 51). En la parte alta del territorio de la subcuenca se encuentra ubicado el Cerro Miramar, declarado Parque Ecológico Municipal (Resolución Municipal No. 24-2001), del cual nace la fuente que abaste de agua a la comunidad de Sahsa. En este
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/04/P06 |
La integración de las observaciones formuladas por el Comité Directivo Nacional del programa, es necesario para la conversión de convencional a la apicultura orgánica, con los principales elementos de la formación y el equipamiento básico del ( ... )
también puede proponer diferentes fuentes de financiamiento para continuar y fortalecer el desarrollo de la organización de acuerdo a su planificación. A través de la planificación de cuatro talleres.