There are 29,070 projects available.
Project Title |
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Operational Phase |
International Waters
Phase 3
Project Number: IRA/05/07(55th) |
Project Location:Qeshm(26.9777280-56.1676030)-Nikshahr Sistan(29.4083380-60.8972170)-
Yakhkesh Behshhr(36.636395-53.585815)-Fereydonkenar(36.6496170-52.4432370)
?Brief Background The catalyst for initiating the artificial reef pyramid ( ... )
ect for rehabilitating the marine resources (IRA-G52-2001-005) was the deep ??concerns of the local fishermen in Salakh Village with the problem of depleting ??fish stocks, which they believed was the result of a long drought as consequence ??of climate change, the excess fishing (e.g. industrial fishing and trawling) as well ??as the unsustainable practices that have damaged coral reefs, the
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: NEP/04/12 |
Vermiculture, initiated in a small basket by a handful of villagers from Gagalphedi VDC of Kathmandu is growing. After the Rural Community Development Society introduced the vermiculture in the village, the Gagal community Coordination Committee, a ( ... )
CBO, to propagated the vermis outside the farmyard from the basket. With the initial success of the vermiculture that also gives quick economic return, the local CBOs are committed to develop a vermiculture in a larger scale in the field and disseminate the vermiculture techniques to wider scale by developing a vermiculture resource centre with the support from READ Nepal.
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: GHA/05/083 |
Increasing land degradation in Gburumani caused by wildfires, sand wining, unsustainable farming practices, inappropriate wood fuel extraction and in appropriate charcoal production has led to loss of biodiversity, poor farm yield, out ? migration, ( ... )
inequality and household poverty.
In the past the land was very fertile and the bulk of the population relied on it for a their daily sustenance. The land could regenerate itself after damage because there were no large numbers of burrowed pits created in the name of re-graveling and reshaping of roads. Farming activities were at a smallholder level and not mechanized. Economic trees such
Multifocal Area
Phase 3
Project Number: THA/05/09 |
Target Population / Location of project:
25 locations in 17 provinces of the four regions of Thailand with implemented year-5 GEF/SGP activities
Environment Problems and Livelihood:
The 25 locations have common environmental ( ... )
ms classified by GEF focal areas. Communities are
also common in their livelihood ? rural community earning their living through agricultural practices,
depending on provisions of ecosystems and providing labour services.
1.To promote learning process amongst grantees , GEF/SGP and other stakeholders
2.To initiate environmental networking process at both local and global
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/04/21 |
Since its inception in 1994, Thailand GEF/Small Grants Programme has been providing supports to over 200 community-led environment conservation projects having accrual effects to global environment benefits. The programme contributes not only to ( ... )
ng the degradation trends, but also to developing capacity of NGOs, CBOs and academic institutes all over the country. Skill, capacity, approaches & knowledge on participatory management of natural resources and environment have continuously been being built and shared amongst various types of organizations.
The experience and lessons thus gained have creative value for forging a learning
Phase 3
Project Number: BRA/05/04 |
Women?s groups will receive support for social organization and sustainable production. Strengthening the role of women in productive activities, organization, and commercialization is sought. This project will consolidate income generation ( ... )
ties aiming at Cerrado
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: HND/OP3/SGP/05/009 |
El proyencto busca garantizar la captación de los recursos financieros necesarios para instalar el sistema hidroeléctrico mediante la gestión ante los cooperantes nacionales e internacionales; Proteger de la cuenca alta del rió Wampú por medio ( ... )
nejo racional de los recursos existentes; Crear y fortalecer una organización local capaz de ejecutar y administrar el proyecto hidroeléctrico.
El proyecto será manejado por la comunidad, en donde las principales decisiones sobre el mismo se tomarán a nivel de asamblea, esta instancia será la máxima autoridad del proyecto, los pobladores hombres y mujeres participaran en igualdad de
Phase 2
Project Number: PER/04/12 |
El proyecto tiene una duración de dos años y en su diseño considera la participación directa de la población y los gobiernos locales como parte de sus estrategias. Además involucra a las empresas comercializadoras de agroquímicos y las ( ... )
mete en la sostenibilidad de la experiencia, en base a la responsabilidad que les confiere la Ley 28217, Ley para reforzar las acciones de post-registro de plaguicidas químicos de uso agrícola, promulgada en mayo, en cuanto a la disposición final de envases de plaguicidas y a la realización de acciones de capacitación dirigidas a todo nivel de usuarios.
El proyecto contiene cuatro
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: BOL/17/04 |
El proyecto buscar atar el problema del deterioro paulatino de las fuentes de agua, demostrados por la perdida de la cantidad, calidad y continuidad en el abastecimiento de agua a sistemas de distribucion que satusfacen el consumo humano y de los ( ... )
es. Esta situacion ha sido causada por la sobre carga animal de la produccion bovina en cabeceras de cuencas producto de la falta de control y regulacion de la cantidad de animales por unidad de superficie; la constante tala indiscriminada y chaqueos en areas cercanas a las vertientes de agua, provocadas por asentamientos humanos que desarrollan actividades agricolas; bajo nivel de educacion
El salvador
Multifocal Area
Phase 3
Project Number: 012/05/ELS/OP3/SGP |
El proyecto busca crear las condiciones en el área para que la comunidad pueda brindar servicios turísticos; tiene como objetivo general, Conservar y Proteger los Recursos Flora y Fauna en un Ambiente Sostenible; y como Objetivos Específicos, a) ( ... )
ar Acciones de Conservación de los Recursos, b) Establecer Condiciones Mínimas para el Desarrollo Ecoturístico, y c) Contribuir a la recuperación de las tortugas marinas. El proyecto desarrollará una serie de acciones tales como, reforestación de mangle, limpieza de playa, implementación de viveros de casco de burro y curil, construcción de cocinas ahorradoras de leña, construcción
Phase 2
Project Number: MAU/98/G52/04/11 |
Ce projet concerne 1 commune urbaine et 7 communes rurales : Maghama, Dao, Dolol, Wali, Sangué, Toulel, Litama, El Vrah.
Les actions à mener dans ce projet viseront la conservation des espèces végétales, forestières et animales menacées de ( ... )
ition par l'anthropisation que connaît la vallée du fleuve Sénégal à travers la promotion de l'agriculture irriguée et les prélèvements en bois pour satisfaire les besoins en énergie domestique des grandes agglomérations du pays (Nouakchott principalement).
L'accent sera mis sur la promotion de la production et de l'utilisation rationnelle des produits forestiers non ligneux en
International Waters
Phase 3
Project Number: MAU/CWI/04/05 |
Il s'agit d'un projet de gestion et maîtrise des eaux de surfaces pour améliorer l'accès à l'eau aussi bien
des populations que des animaux.
Le projet consiste à la mise en place de quelques diguettes pour favoriser une infiltration des ( ... )
e pluies en vue de réalimenter les nappes.
En plus des diguettes le projet comporte la mise en place de nouveaux puits et la réhabilitation de deux autres.
Le projet comportait également un volet de mise en place de petits bassins de rétention d'eau ou de curage de quelques canaux pour améliorer l'accès à l'eau des animaux car le projet se situe en zone pastorale. Le dernier volet a
Cote d'ivoire
International Waters
Phase 3
Project Number: IVC/05/28 |
Le bassin versant du système fluvio-lagunaire international Aby-Bia-Tanoé, dans le sud -est de la Côte d'ivoire, est le lieu d'intenses activités 1) agricoles (plantations villageoises et industrielles de palmier à huile, de banane, de cacao, ( ... )
as...etc), 2) de pêche illégale et 3) minières. Toutes ces activités induisent une pollution chimique et microbiologique qui drainée par les eaux de pluies dans les cours d'eau et lagune. Ainsi, l'objectif du présent projet est de définir et de mettre en oeuvre une stratégie globale et communautaire 1) de lutte contre la pollution, 2) de gestion des ressources naturelles et 3) de
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: MON/05/06 |
Some more support is given to extend well-going activities of the Centre said in the project name to encourage and support those who are involved in the successful MON/03/12 project. A small hand briquette making plant was set up by the grant. 20 ( ... )
s trained. About 10 % of the province centre is now supplied with briquettes from the plant. Contributed to GHG reduction by some amount. Some families have already showed interest in briquette making.
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: MON/05/10 |
Desertification is one of the most pressing environmental issues in Mongolia. Desertification is being intensified over most of Mongolia by many factors like sand shifts, negative effects of climate change and pastureland degradation. ( ... )
rtification intensified by soil erosion, land degradation and climate change effects is a problem everywhere in Mongolia, even in forest steppe areas. This grant is given to a local community group to take some protection measures to rehabilitate a local ecosystem, combat soil erosion and to control sand shifts. For the first year, some 2 ha area of degraded land near Tseel village centre has
Phase 3
Project Number: BRA/05/07 |
This project will enable acquisition of a facility in the town of montes Claros, state of Minas Gerais, for installation of offices for the Northern Minsa Gerais Alternative Agriculture Center and a sales point for grande Sertão Cooperative ( ... )
ts, named Grande Sertão Emporium. Expansion of marketing acitivities as well as visibility for the brand are sought. The cooperative is currently inserted in the market, with legal status achieved and consumer awareness. Marketing of its products has taken place mainly for institutional market niches (school lunches, popular restaurants, etc.) snack bars, bakeries and
Phase 3
Project Number: GUA/05/08-PG |
Donation for planning the project to SGP, this amount will be for meetings, local travel, pictures, photocopies and sundries in Aldea El Rosario, Tacaná, San Marcos |
Phase 3
Project Number: GUA/05/12-PG |
Donation for planning the project to SGP, this amount will be for meetings, local travel, pictures, photocopies and sundries in Aldea Sajquim |
Phase 3
Project Number: GUA/05/14-PG |
Donation for planning the project to SGP, this amount will be for meetings, local travel, pictures, photocopies and sundries in Aldea San Antonio Las Barrancas, Sibinal, San Marcos |
Phase 3
Project Number: GUA/05/13-PG |
Donation for planning the project to SGP, this amount will be for meetings, local travel, pictures, photocopies and sundries in Aldea Tocuto, Tajumulco, San Marcos |