There are 29,070 projects available.
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International Waters
OP7 Y3 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: CPR/DLF/IW/2022/05 |
? Baseline:
Pingtan, referred to as "Lan", commonly known as Haitan, is adjacent to the Taiwan Strait in the east and the Haitan Strait in the west and consists of 126 islands. It has a land area of 371.91 square kilometers, a tidal flat of 64.65 ( ... )
kilometers, a sea area of more than 6,000 square kilometers, and a coastline of 399.82 kilometers. It is the closest place to Taiwan Island from mainland China. Considering Pingtan's unique location, the state council approved the 'Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone Overall Development Plan' in 2011, endowed Pingtan with political responsibility, a major historical mission, and a
International Waters
OP6 Y8 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: CPR/DLF/IW/2022/01 |
Community environment status:
Community environmental problems include behaviors such as garbage entering the sea, indiscriminate fishing, and illegal fishing in the community. The villagers have a weak awareness of marine protection, ( ... )
licies such as fishing bans have an impact on the livelihood development of the villagers;
Community environmental facilities: The community waste is collected by the village cleaners, transported to the village garbage transfer station, and then uniformly transported to the garbage disposal station on Hailing Island. Pinglan Village spends more than 200,000 yuan a year on environmental
International Waters
OP6 ?Y7 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: CPR/DLF/CH/2021/05 |
Baseline information:
The estuary area of Sanjiang Bay-Yanzhou River is located at the bottom of Dongzhaigang Lagoon in Haikou City. It is a complex coastal wetland that combines lagoons, salt marshes, coastal zones, mangroves, estuaries and other ( ... )
tems. The sea areas and part of the land areas are located in the Dongzhai Port Mangrove National Nature Reserve. The Dongzhai Port Mangrove National Nature Reserve has been included in the List of Ramsar Wetlands of International Importance since 1992. The Nature Reserve has the most complete mangrove ecosystem and the most productive and biologically diverse ecosystem.
Relying on the good
International Waters
OP6 Y8 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: CPR/DLF/IW/2022/06 |
Zhenhai Bay is an estuary of shallow water where saltwater and freshwater meet in the southwest of Taishan, Guangdong. The bay is shaped like a trumpet, with a width of about 16.3km, a depth of 27km, the narrowest point of 1.6km, and an ( ... )
f about 100 km2. The annual water temperature in the bay ranges between 15-32?, the salinity of seawater is about 8?-25?, and the type of sediment is silt. There are concentrated and contiguous natural mangroves in the upper reaches of the bay, with an area of about 117.61hm2. It is the largest mangrove wetland park in the Pearl River Delta (Guangdong Zhenhai Bay Mangrove Wetland Park). The
International Waters
OP7 Y3 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: CPR/DLF/IW/2022/09 |
? Baseline:
Economic situation in Tantou Village
Tantou Village is located in the northeast of Nansha Street, Nansha District, Guangzhou City, along the coast of the Pearl River Estuary, located at 22°48'42? North latitude, 113°34'40? East ( ... )
ude, consisting of Tantou, Dashanbian, Ma'an, Caochuan four natural villages. It covers an area of about 2 square kilometers, a village of about 600 households, with a population of about 1,300 people. The main family names there are Fan, Chen, Guo, Huang, Liang, and Ma. The mobile population of about 2,500 people, the jurisdiction of the Guangzhou Pearl River Power Plant, Humen Ferry, You Rong
International Waters
OP7 Y3 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: CPR/DLF/IW/2022/04 |
Over the past two decades, Indigenous and Community Conserved Areas (ICCAs) have received increasing international attention for their important role in preserving biodiversity and cultural diversity. The International Union for ( ... )
vation of Nature (IUCN) defines ICCAs as: "natural and/or modified ecosystems, including important biodiversity, ecosystem services, and cultural values, that are voluntarily protected by indigenous peoples and local communities through customary law or other effective means." Since its establishment in 1992, the UNDP GEF SGP has been making efforts to support indigenous peoples and local
International Waters
OP7 Y3 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: CPR/DLF/CD/2022/02 |
Baseline assessment:
With the improvement of domestic social and economic level, China?s public welfare and philanthropy have flourished in recent years. However, among the many public welfare fields, marine protection still needs more attention ( ... )
ll walks of life, and the public welfare investment it receives is still lacking compared with other fields. At the same time, the decline of marine ecosystems and fishery resources, pollution of the marine environment, and other problems are increasingly threatening people?s daily lives and basic food security, but also affecting the substance of fishermen who depend on the ocean for their
International Waters
OP6 ?Y7 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: CPR/DLF/CD/2021/04 |
Baseline information:
In recent years, local environmental organizations in Hainan have developed rapidly and several active organizations, such as: China Blue, Duotan Institute of Wetland Research, Hainan Bird Watching Society, Blue Ribbon Marine ( ... )
ation Association, and the Squirrel School (a nature education organization), are paying heed to issues of sustainable development of coastal wetlands from different perspectives. The rich and unique ecosystem and social environment of the coastal zone Huiwen Town, has attracted organizations to continuously conduct various investigations and activities over the past few years. For example,
OP6 ?Y7 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: CPR/SGP/OP6/Y7/CORE/PLA/2022/01 |
problems to be solved
Relevant research shows that the industrial sector accounts for about 21% of the total global carbon dioxide emissions. The emissions from the production of plastics, cement, steel and aluminum account for about 60% of the ( ... )
industrial emissions. In fact, the vast majority of materials other than metals are often treated as waste in the form of incineration and landfill without entering the recycling system, resulting in a large amount of internal carbon emissions. Circular economy is expected to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in the global production of plastics, cement, steel and aluminum by 40% in 2050,
Land Degradation
OP7 Y3 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: GNB/SGP/OP7/Y3/STAR/LD/22/6 |
Increase the resilience of communities in the face of climate change through rice production
Biodiversity CapDev Land Degradation
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: LAO/SGP/OP7/Y1/CORE/LD/2021/93 |
Phoukatha village is in a mountainous region in Hom district, Xaysomboun province. The main occupation in this village is agriculture and animal husbandry. However, land degradation has worsened and agricultural production in the area has decreased, ( ... )
imals have died due to the widespread epidemics in the village. As a result, the number of poor families in the village is still high. The project aims to provide training on soil treatment using the BIO-CHAR principle, train villagers in agriculture and animal husbandry to improve their livelihoods, establish village product groups and build a community marketing network in Phoukatha
Biodiversity CapDev Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 ?Y7 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: LAO/SGP/OP6/Y7/STAR/BD/2022/99 |
Ban Hatyao, Sanamxay District, Attapue Province, is located on the banks of the Sekong River. There are 289 households, 70 percent of which belong to the Lao Lum ethnic group. The main occupations are farming, livestock, retail trade, and employees ( ... )
sava and banana plantations on Chinese farms. In the past, the Xekong River was rich in aquatic life, and the main water resource is fish. Unfortunately, this wealth has been diminishing day by day because people in the villages do not know how to use and protect the resources. Destruction of habitats, breeding grounds, and food sources of aquatic animals is widespread in many forms, such as the
OP7 ?Y2 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: GNB/MAVA/2022/2 |
Reducing the suffering of communities in the empada sector in terms of lack of potable water and promoting sustainable artisanal fisheries.
Sensitize beneficiary communities about the environment and its importance in the climatic and ecological ( ... )
e of our land.
Strengthen the capacities of agents on environmental education and sustainable fishing techniques.
Provide communities with appropriate equipment and infrastructure to streamline work and alleviate shortages.
Main Activities:
Sensitize the communities of Francunda and Darsalam, all in the Empada sector, about bad practices against the environment.
Strengthen the capacities of
Community Based Adaptation
OP7 Y3 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: GNB/SGP/OP7/Y3/NIM FSP/22/3 |
Contribute in a participatory manner to the ecological management of fishing activities, combating food insecurity, and alleviating the painful tasks of women.
Specifically, the project contributes:
Create conditions so that the practice of ( ... )
nable artisanal perch is assumed by the population of the Catão community.
Strengthening community capacities would benefit from using new equipment.
Equip professionals with modern equipment adapted to carry out their
Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 - Y6 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: DJI/SGP/OP6/Y6/CORE/CC/2022/01 |
L?Association de coopérative des paysans agriculteurs est une organisation communautaire qui a pour objet l?activité et l?initiation à l?agriculture de la communauté. Elle est née comme alternative à la sècheresse récurrente et à ( ... )
ignement, voire difficulté d?accès du village d?Allaili-dada pour l?approvisionnement en fruits et légumes. La mission principale de notre association est d?apprendre et de pérenniser l?activité dans la communauté du village
Biodiversity Land Degradation
OP7 Y3 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: SEN/SGP/OP7/Y3/STAR/BD/2022/09 |
Le Parc National du Niokolo koba, situé à cheval entre trois région (Kédougou, Tambacounda et Kolda) est une aire protégée d?importance internationale qui existe depuis 1954. Ce Parc National qui couvre 913,000 hectares a été créé pour ( ... )
rver les grands mammifères comme le lion, l?éléphant, l?élan de Derby (Taurautragusderbianusderbianus), la panthère et l?hippopotame. Ce parc abrite 80 espèces de mammifères, 330 espèces d?oiseaux, 60 espèces de poissons d?eau douce, 36 espèces de reptiles, 2 espèces d'amphibiens ainsi que de nombreux invertébrés. La présence du chimpanzé (Pan troglodyte verus) et de l?éléphant
Land Degradation
OP7 Y3 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: SEN/SGP/OP7/Y3/STAR/LD/2022/25 |
Le G.I.E Yambala est une organisation de producteurs agricoles vivant dans la commune rurale de Fimela, précisément dans le village de Simal à 4 km du village de Fimela. Les activités agricoles constituent la principale préoccupation des ( ... )
tions avec une diversité exemplaire pour les femmes. Dans les temps passés les membres du GIE Yambala ont eu à exploiter le périmètre malgré les insuffisances dans la maitrise des pratiques culturales ainsi, qu?aux défauts criard sur les facteurs de production au niveau du périmètre. Ainsi, les rendements sont très en deçà des objectifs de production malgré les opportunités d?accès
Land Degradation
OP7 Y3 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: SEN/SGP/OP7/Y3/STAR/LD/2022/03 |
ce projet contribuera au renforcement de la résilience des communautés locales et la conservation de la biodiversité dans la zone d?intervention.
Objectifs spécifiques :
Objectif spécifique 1: Installer un périmètre ( ... )
Ce périmètre permettra de réduire les pressions sur les ressources de la forêt classée de Paniates.
Résultat 1 : le périmètre maraicher est sécurisé.
Résultat 2 : l?accès à l?eau est facilité aux producteurs du périmètre.
Résultat 3 : une pépinière agroforestière est mise en place.
? Objectif spécifique 2: améliorer l?éclairage public et l?accès aux
Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 ?Y7 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: MLI/SGP/OP7/Y2/CORE/CC/2022/05 |
Land Degradation
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: MAU/SGP/OP7/CORE/Y1/LD/2021/08 |
Ce présent projet consiste à renforcer pour une meilleure gestion des ressources naturelles telles que la terre et l?eau afin d?assurer durablement leur développement économique. Il s?agira de: Mise en défens de 30ha pour la gestion durable des ( ... )
; Protéger l?environnement par une gestion rationnelle de la terre et l?eau ; Augmenter le revenu des femmes bénéficiaires et renforcer leur leadership local ; Renforcer le fonctionnement par une gouvernance efficace de la coopérative mixte ; Promouvoir la mixité et l?égal accès aux ressources entre l?homme et la femme ; et Assurer la formation et la professionnalisation de tous les