There are 29,070 projects available.
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Biodiversity International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: MAU/98/G52/04/14 |
L'objectif principal est de contribuer durablement à la préservation et l'utilisation rationnelle de la biodiversité de la localité et d'assurer une meilleure gestion intégrée des écosystèmes arides vulnérables de cette localité en ( ... )
çant l'hydraulicité des chenaux d'alimentation en eau des mares et en instaurant un système moderne de gestion de la pêche.
Spécifiquement il s'agit de revitaliser toute une zone humide comprenant plus de 9 mares et d'organiser la pêche dans trois d'entre elles (Hoto, Lodare et Grand thioye) parce que plus importantes, afin d'assurer un renouvellement de la ressource halieutique, une
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MOR/03/13 |
Le projet vise a contribuer a la sauvegarde du Site d?Intéret Biologique et Ecologique (SIBE) de la palmeraie de Marrakech a travers le renforcement des connaissances sur l?état de l?écosysteme et les solutions de conservation a mettre en place, ( ... )
idoyer et la sensibilisation des décideurs, la réalisation d?action de conservation et l?amélioration des conditions de vie des populations. Les principales activités consisteront a : réaliser un diagnostic participatif du SIBE de la palmeraie ; identifier les lacunes des textes législatifs régissant la palmeraie ; réaliser un programme de plaidoyer et de sensibilisation ; appuyer
Phase 2
Project Number: NIC/04/08 |
Con este proyecto se estarán fomentando los recursos forestales melíferos y la producción de miel orgánica que redunde en mejorar las condiciones ambientales y económicas del municipio de El Sauce.
Pertenece ala zona agroecológica del ( ... )
co seco Nicaragüense, con clima tropical seco.
Este proyecto se desarrollará con pequeños productores agrícola dedicados a la producción orgánica que dentro de las actividades de diversificación de la finca están apuntando a convertir la producción apícola como la principal actividad económica. La situación actual es de bajos rendimientos en la producción apícola por la
Phase 2
Project Number: PER/03/09 |
El boque natural "El Cañoncillo"esta situado al norte del departamento de la La Libertad, en la provincia de Pacasmayo, distrito de San José, tiene una extensión de 1310.90 hectáreas que incluye la presencia de cuatro lagunas de aguas ( ... )
entales permanentes y cuatro estaciones con un espejo de agua total de mas de 4.89 hectáreas.
El proyecto esta orientado a mejorar la condiciones de conservación,m protección y defensa del bosque El Cañoncillo, mediante la designación como Area de Conservación Privada, la reforestación, el desarrollo del ecoturismo, la capacitación y fortalecimiento de la organización de guardabosques
Phase 2
Project Number: PER/03/03 |
El proyecto se basa en los enfoques de empoderamiento comunitario generado por procesos de desarrollo de cpacidades productivas y organizativas que permiten a la comunidad malabriguena realizar una gestión social de los recursos de sus humedales. ( ... )
esarrollarán actividades principalmente de ecoturísmo, así como comercializar artesanías de la zona, actividades piscícolas mediante el manejo sostenible de los recursos de los
Sri lanka
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/04/05 |
Establish 20 demonstration biogas units and 100 cowsheds for selected farmers of the area. Form a network of 200 farmers with specific knowledge on traditional dairy farming, print a booklet on the subject for distributioon. The project will ( ... )
concentrate on the promotion of the use of renewable energies, establish a inforamtion exchange unit, promote the dairy farmers group, and do a survey on the knowledge and proctises of traditional local dairy farming methods. Promotion of traditional cattle rearing helps develop farming activities, provide additional income to the farmers and promote the use of organic fertilizer in sustainalbe
Phase 2
Project Number: NEP/03/08 |
Lumbini, the birth place of Lord Buddha, is holy site for both the Buddhists and the Hindus. The site is equally significant for ecosystem conservation. It harbors a number of permanent wetlands and numerous temporary wetlands which are the homes ( ... )
obally endangered birds like White Rumped and Slender billed Vulture and threatened bird Sarus Crane. The main objective of the project is to conserve these critical wetlands along with the endangered species through community initiated activities. The project has planned to lease three wetlands to the community focusing on poor and single women and demonstrate that wetlands are truly beneficial
Sri lanka
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/04/09 |
Promoting partnership building and celebration of Environmental Day 2004. SGP celebrated Enviroment day this year with an exhibition and cultural events in the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Anuradhapura, a city that founded its great civilization ( ... )
nciples of water management, respect for life and sustainable livelihoods. The location of the exhibition is the garden of Mahamewuna a declared wildlife park even in circa 400 B.C
This public event organized by GEF/SGP Network of NGO partners together with the State and the Private sector is an effort in building partnerships for environment conservation. Here the SGP Network of NGO displayed
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/Y6/CORE/2004/82 |
Adyr area of Osh oblast of Kyrgyzstan represents semi-desert and steppe landscapes of foothills and submountain plains of Tyan-Shan. It is an area of intensive farm production. Local population uses manure and also burns remains of vegetation on ( ... )
ltural land as a fertilizer. These methods lead to significant emission of greenhouse gases into atmosphere. Local population is aware and knows slightly about biogas installations. This superficial knowledge hampers the widespread introduction of biogas installations. The purpose of the project is initiation of widespread introduction of biogas installations by removing barriers as
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: PAK/03/56 |
To prepare a comprehensive project proposal for the promotion and demonstration of appropriate building designs for urban Multan. |
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/48 |
Small family farms, from economic point of view nonproductive,backwarded consititutes one of the biggest problem of agricultural space in Poland, being on the other hand - warden of biodiversity in agriculture, thanks for rotation of crops on small ( ... )
mosaic of small plots of various cereals,vegetables, green belts, remains of old orchads.Project aims in restoriation of old primitive breeds of poultry, existent 30 years ago and reduced by industrial farms, rostoration of old orchads.These activities can create local product, generating extra income to poor farmers and preserving biodiversity, creating active gene bank of endangered
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: NEP/03/10 |
The annual cardamom production of Nepal is 6128.24 MT, which is second highest position in Cardamom in the world after India. Nepal cultivates 11242.56 ha of land for Cardamom with the average yield of 0.51 MT/ Ha. Cardamom is one of the main cash ( ... )
among Nepalese farmers in Eastern part of Nepal. Cardamom is non labour intensive but energy intensive produce in Nepal. In 1997, according to WECS, in Nepal, a total of 834,673 GJ of energy was consumed to cure (to dry) the cardamom and the main fuel source is the fuelwood. Hence to replace this fuelwood consumption, the project has proposed to introduce solar hybrid dryer system amongst the
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/03/25 |
For the last 15 years, as a result of the man-caused pressure, the population of saiga in Kazakhstan that presently amounts to 70% of the total world population has faced the danger of extinction. As of today this species of ancient steppe antelope ( ... )
esented by 5 dissociated groupings of 5-15 thousand of animal units each: Mongolian (in Mongo-lia), Kalmyk (in the Russian Federation), Urals (Kazakhstan), Usturt (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan) and Turgai-Betpakdala (Kazakhstan), which keep decreasing by 20-40% per year. If this population decline rate is preserved, then taking into account the biological peculiarities of this species (a
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/41 |
Follow-up to project POL/02/13 (see-project results) Continuation of the previous activities run by the Regional Center for Ecological Education in Plock to promote use of the renewable energy on the rural areas of the North Mazovia - replacement of ( ... )
ioned and over-used coal based boilers and 1 planned for oil for 2 biomass boilers and construction of one centralized boiler house for previously separated 5 public buildings based on coal and 1 planned for oil. Expected big ecological and economic effects based on local sources of energy instead of imported from other regions coal and oil.Project promote self-reliance in energy
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN/UNF-GEF/03/06 |
Short description of Sericulture: Sericulture is the cultivation of silkworms and the production of cocoons and silk. Moriculture is the cultivation of mulberry bushes, the leaves of which provide the food for the silkworm.
The project, which is ( ... )
d in the eastern and western part of Mount Kenya is initially targeting 4 groups to expand on existing and establish new mulberry plantations, construct silkworm rearing sheds, train groups in sericulture activities and establish a silk marketing association.
This project seeks to diversify production systems, income and employment opportunities among communities living adjacent to Mount Kenya
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/04/OR16 |
The majority population of the area was the Sabar and Munda communities, which are completely dependent on forest resources. Although the people had small areas of cultivable land but the huge community land remains unutilized.
The objective of ( ... )
oject was to promote sustainable agriculture, both crop and vegetables, among tribal women in order to ensure food security and reduce their dependency on forest. This allowed natural regeneration of depleting forest resources. Along with promoting sustainable agricultural practices the project undertook capacity building and awareness generation of the community in alternate income generation
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/UNF/03/29 |
Estudio de mercado con consumidores finales, con los intermediarios, un estudio de costos y un estudio de la capacidad de las empresas sociales y el potencial de los nuevos servicios turísticos
Phase 2
Project Number: HON/04/03 |
El proyecto plantea la reforestación y manejo de 11 fuentes de agua comunitarias y el fortalecimiento de los medios de vida de nuestras familias campesinas de la comunidad El Tamarindo, ubicada en la cordillera de El Merendón, en el departamento ( ... )
Para la reforestación, trabajaremos en fortalecer un vivero comunitario ya existente, en delimitar 11 nacimientos de agua y en desarrollar en forma participativa un reglamento comunitario para la conservación de los mismos.
Con el fin de fortalecer los medios de vida de nuestras familias y a la vez reducir el impacto negativo sobre el medio ambiente, proyectamos construir 30
Dominican republic
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/04/01 |
Iniciación de un proceso de transformación de las parcelas de productores de café beneficiados bajo el sistema de producción orgánica (certificando su producción), con miras de proteger el medio ambiente y de conseguir a su vez mejores precios ( ... )
producto mejor valorado en los mercados, a través de la instalación de un beneficiado ecológico que permitirá liberar de la contaminación que se produce al despulpar el café bajo el régimen
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-03-114 |
Protecting the Nile river water from municipal waste water pollution by treating the municipal waste water,
Reducing environmental pollution resuted from throwing out used water
improving social, economical and health standards in the project?s ( ... )
ity also creating awareness about the environmental problems specially water pollution.
keeping and preservating clean water sources and making use of used water in irrigation after being treated through simple technology.
Raise beneficiaries' environmental awareness by conducting meetings and implementing