There are 29,070 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/11 |
Modernization of local coal fired boiler plants, replacing coal boilers with biomass fired boilers; solar heating system installation- continuation of POL/02/14 in 5/2003-07/2007 |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA-CWI/GAP-03-01 |
This project will allow a constant and affordable supply of potable water for 180 families from the Coyolate community, that are using a diesel powered generator to pump water from its source to the collection tank which distributes it to the ( ... )
es? houses. This will avoid the use of polluting and expensive energy source. The project will allow to the community to carry out a feasibility study in order to recommend the most affordable and cleanest technology to operate the water pump and will also enable the community to build the recommended clean energy technology (eolic or solar) system to operate the pump. A system of fixed payments
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/31 |
Susz district is willing to impose a new policy in financing operational cost of schools by gradual modernisation based on renewable energy resources, local resources.
Small school in Piotrkow (monument of architecture what modernisation makes ( ... )
omplicated and careful) is a pilot project where financial engeenering will be tested as well as renewable technologies,
Savings from school in Piotrkow will be a starting point in collection of funds for next renovation in this district (over 10 schools are on the potential list).
Main aim in Piotrkow is to modernise heating system , replacement of old coal fired boiler for wood modern
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MOR/02/06 |
Ce projet vise le renforcement de capacité des ONGs et des journalistes de la zone Nord en matiere de sauvegarde de la biodiversité marine et terrestre et de résolution des problemes de changements climatiques. Les principales activités qui ( ... )
réalisées consisteront en la réalisation de formations complétées par des sorties d?observation sur le terrain, l?appui au montage de projets associatifs, la production d?outils de communication pour le grand public et d?articles dans les médias. Trente associations de la zone Nord seront en mesure d?identifier et de mettre en oeuvre des idées de projet qui pourront etre soumises au
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/02/22 |
Projet de capitalisation des résultats du programme afin de les partager avec les partenaires.
Ce projet concernant un reportage télévisée sur les acquis du Programme et les diffuser a large échelle.
Description : Les documents de base du ( ... )
M (seconde phase opérationnelle) et le document de la stratégie nationale mettent l?accent sur la communication parmi les résultats a atteindre. Ce résultat attendu s?intitule « Elaboration et mise en ?uvre des stratégies globales et de pays en matiere de communication et d?incitation pour les expériences du PPS/FEM et la démonstration des avantages globaux ».
Phase 2
Project Number: MOR/03/02 |
Ce planning grant s'inscrit dans le cadre des actions de montage du projet "Renforcement des capacités des Associations de la Réserve de Biosphere Arganeraie". Il permettra d'une part aux associations d'élaborer le projet, en concertation avec ( ... )
pulations et les collectivités decentralisées, a travers l'organisation d'ateliers de planification participative. D'autre part, il permettra d'élaborer et de diffuser des fiches du projet a grande
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: BHU/03/05 |
The project aimed to improve the lighting system in houses of Mendrelgang Geog under Tsirang Dzongkhag to reduce the carbon-dioxide emission and therefore, to reduce the emission of green house gases into the atmosphere. With this project, fuel ( ... )
ed, carbon emission reduced and the intensity of solar light is higher than the naked kerosene lamps making the house look brighter improving the living standard of the rural households.
The 190 households have been installed with solar lanterns and the farmers have been trained on how to use the lanterns. The panels are fixed on the roof toops or on the sides ofthe houses enabling the
Phase 1
Project Number: MEX/97/26 |
El paso del huracán dejó grandes daños, afectando en su totalidad los espacios del Jardín Botánico, mayormente en la parte de la infraestructura y sobre todo en las plantas que se encontraban ya en su etapa propagación afectando hasta la ( ... )
ersidad y la imagen que generaba para la comunidad y sobre todo para el grupo, ya que en ella se encontraba un modelo de SOLAR TRADICIONAL, se pretende la restauración de los
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/02/52 |
Este proyecto busca recuperar los daños del huracán Isidoro, a través de la limpieza de los restos de materia orgánica muerta, que fomenta los incendios forestales, ya que es combustible, la rehabilitación de las infraestructuras, la ( ... )
tación de la madera en la región, la implantación y el rescate de la milpa tradicional maya semilla de la recuperación de la producción para abastecer a la familia y la demanda local, la evaluación, sistematización y difusión a través de un manual de conservación.
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/03/05 |
La reducción del impacto y / o acortar el tiempo de recuperación de la gran diversidad genética de las variedades locales de maíz a través de los sistemas de intercambio similares a los que han sido históricamente la administración eficaz de ( ... )
emilla, pero que son amenazados cada vez con mayor intensidad por los cambios socio-económicos y tecnológicos en los últimos tiempos. Su objetivo es fomentar la siembra de materiales nativos y / o adaptadas a las condiciones locales lo menos posible para reducir la superficie sembrada en los futuros ciclos de producción y evitar el deterioro de la diversidad cultural. También tiene la
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/03/05 |
The project will provide training to women associates on organic production of native vegetables and palms, improving participating families diet, strengthening community organization and domestic income. The crops to be established are tepejilote ( ... )
caya (palm species that bear edible flowers) and gushnay and malanga (plants that bear edible tubers), in total they will be working on approximately 17.5 hectares, at the buffer zone of the Tajumulco volcano protected area in San
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: BOL/09/02 |
El Municipio de Mairana cuenta con 7.747 habitantes, la población tiene su origen en la colonia, cerca del 90% de sus habitantes habla solo espanol. Las acciones del proyecto se concentran en la búsqueda de soluciones a la problemática de los ( ... )
os naturales como uno de los causantes de los niveles de pobreza de la región. El problema principal es el manejo inadecuado de la tierra, al no aplicarse las normas básicas de gestión de recursos naturales.
En consecuencia, la protección de las fuentes de agua para garantizar su mejoramiento en cantidad y calidad, es necesaria en la región por considerarla de emergencia y se perfila en
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/03/12 |
In the south of Kazakhstan a unique object, the National Aksu-Dzhabagly Reserve, is located. It has a significant value for conservation of the Kazakhstan nature, and also takes important place in the international system of protected natural ( ... )
ories, it's widely known to the world community. However the local population living in a buffer zone of the reserve, doesn't realize the necessity to preserve its unique nature. The project will draw attention of the local community to the issues of conservation of the biodiversity of the Western Tien-Shan mountain range.
A series of activities will be realised to share information among
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/03/19 |
Restauración de los manglares mediante la reforestación de 13 mil plantas de 3 especies de mangle, la capacitación y la asistencia técnica, el desarrollo de una estrategia basada en la restauración y conservación, permitiendo el uso sostenible ( ... )
manglares, la transferencia de las plantas de mangle producidos en el vivero y reforestación, la difusión de la obra
Burkina faso
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: BKF/03/04 |
Sauvegarde d'especes végétales en voie de disparition dans la foret villageoise de Gognon; Renforcement des capacités(formations, concertation,voyage d'étude) |
Burkina faso
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: BKF/03/02 |
renforcement du potentiel floristique de la foret villageoise, formation des membres de la CVGT,voyage d'étude, concertations inter-villageoises |
Burkina faso
Phase 2
Project Number: BKF/03/01 |
aménagement en vue d'accroître le cheptel faunique, formation des membres des Comités Villageois de chasse des villages de Boala,de Kounou et de Tassian pour une meilleure organisation des activités de valorisation des ressources de leurs zones ( ... )
se(acceuil touristes,apiculture,échange d'expérience, gestion des conflits,renforcement des compétences par des formations et l'organisation de voyages
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/03/19 |
Zhambyl Oblast refers to Kazakhstan south region where there is a whole bunch of ecological, social and economic problems. Diversity of the natural landscapes (from mountains to deserts) rich species composition of flora and fauna and at the same ( ... )
oaching, irrational use of the animal and plant resources, destruction of the wildlife habitat areas, desertification, pasture degradation and poverty of the locals are the most characteristic phenomena for this region. The Oblast is characterized by abundance of water reservoirs and rivers; however, most of them have been regulated and used for economic needs. Introduction of payment for water
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/03/RJ10 |
The proposed objectives of the project were to strengthen and build competence of the community based organizations, Conservation of soil and water and creation of irrigation facility for Land Development; Promotion of eco-friendly farming practices ( ... )
o-compost and Vermi- compost preparation, Documentation and dissemination of indigenous knowledge and skills on natural resource management. The above objectives have been achieved by strategizing choices with needs-based priorities of supporting rural livelihoods, building local capacity, focusing on entitlement failures and their needs, learning lessons and establishing mechanisms to feed back
Phase 2
Project Number: MAL/03/FP-07/34 |
The project aims to involve local communities on the islands of Johore in the development of sustainable livelihood through the conservation of giant clams. Capacity building activities like training and workshops will be held with local ( ... )
ipation from various islands and marine park wardens. The local communities will be trained as eco rangers to monitor the conservation and pollution issues and as well as the sustainable use of the natural resources in the islands. These capacity building activities will have added value when carried out in Johor islands, which have been gazetted as marine parks in 1984. Innovative conservation