There are 29,070 projects available.
Project Title |
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Operational Phase |
Phase 2
Project Number: ECU/01/010 |
El objetivo es evaluar, manejar y conservar los recursos florísticos de la Microcuenca Susuco.
El presente proyecto tiene como finalidad conservar y manejar adecuadamente los recursos naturales existentes en la microcuenca Susuco perteneciente ( ... )
tón Sozoranga, ya que en la actualidad debido a técnicas inadecuadas de uso y aprovechamiento de los recursos naturales, se puede observar que existe pérdida de la vegetación natural, bajo rendimiento de la productividad agrícola, perdida de la fertilidad del suelo, presencia de plagas y enfermedades, contaminación ambiental y disminución del caudal de agua. Por tal razón la presente
Trinidad and tobago
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: TRI/02/07 |
The conference aims to promote an understanding of the issues and the necessity for government and civil society to partner together in achieving sustainable development. Multi-sector collaboration is essential and this conference aims to emphasize ( ... )
d investigate how the partners can work together to find solutions to the issues.
Themes addressed in the conference include:
a) Climate Change- informing government and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) on the status of the regional response;
b) Partnerships in Protected Area Management- building awareness and partnerships to work together to create sustainable livelihoods;
c) Involvement
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/02/16 |
Projet de renforcement de capacité des femmes dans le domaine des energies nouvelles et renouvelables. Ce projet envisage l?initiation des femmes de la commune de Mopti a utiliser les cuiseurs solaires.
Toutes les sources de bois de chauffe a ( ... )
et Fatoma ont été consommé dans le passé ; aujourd'hui les populations sont contraintes d'acheter du bois importé des forets de Youwarou, Boré et Bandiagara par des pirogues et des camions, ou d'utiliser des bouses de vache pour cuire les aliments. Le projet visait a faire la promotion des cuiseurs solaires parmi les femmes dans la zone.
Stratégies de mise en oeuvre
Avec le premier
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/UNF/06/02 |
The Project aims at contributing to the upliftment of the economic status of the residents of the community, especially the members of the cooperative through the following: 1. the provision of the best quality of transportation services to foreign ( ... )
mestic tourists going to Port Barton, San Vicente, and El Nido, Palawan from Sitio Sabang, Barangay Cabayugan, Puerto Princesa City and vice versa; 2. putting up of a trading business on spare parts for motorboats and other vehicles; and 3. helping in the conservation, preservation and protection of the environment within the Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park (PPSRNP). Total grant
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/02/06 |
Fauna and flora protection in Grzybów Gmina, creation of Education Center for local community and school children |
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-01-45 |
To identify the major problems associated with the over-collection of plants and animals by Egyptian scientists. To create a procedure for obtaining permission for collecting in Egyptian National Parks, and a mechanism by which such collecting can ( ... )
ulated. To set up training programme for Egyptian field ecologists. To establish a demonstration monitoring programme at St.Katherine Protectorate. To train scientiston the best way of gathering information from the
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/02/20 |
Environment in South is a three-monthly newsletter, published in three languages (ALB, GR, ENG), consisting of 60-70 pages and 150 copies. A variety of issues have been presented in the previous numbers, such as Nature Monuments in Southern Albania, ( ... )
ion of marine life, pollution by chemical residues, and activities of environmental NGOs from the region.
A working group has been established, consisting of representatives from journalists, specialists and university teachers, in order to ensure a highly professional
Phase 2
Project Number: MAL/02/24 |
Development of a full project proposal through: (i) in-depth consultations, surveys, workshops and other communications activities with key project stakeholders such as the local indigenous communities of Orang Asli around Krau Wildlife Reserve, ( ... )
ment of Wildlife and National Parks, Department of Education, Pahang State Economic Planning Unit, and the Rotary Club of Utara Subang Jaya (USJ); and (ii) workshops, surveys and discussions with selected urban and rural schools who will be involved in the project in order to formulate appropropriate sustainable development and sustainable livelihood strategies (e.g. artificial limb programme,
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/02/30 |
Fortalecer las capacidades de gestión de la A.G. del Limarí para contribuir a detener y revertir el proceso de desertificación que afecta a la IV región, apoyando a las comunidades que representa a acceder con igualdad de oportunidad a los ( ... )
os instrumentos de fomento con que cuenta el sector público e iniciar un proceso de recuperación
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/02/06 |
Capacitar al personal de la sociedad, en Inglés inicial, así como en la redacción y elaboración de informes técnicos y propuestas de proyectos, participar en al menos dos conferencias, foros y / o reuniones durante el año 2002, una mejor ( ... )
ón de la obra de pedir que la sociedad de Q. Roo, aumentar la capacidad de recaudación de fondos sin marcar, ampliar y reorganizar las bibliotecas de las tres oficinas de ASK para dar un mejor servicio al público y doméstico; instalar una red informática interna, el desarrollo de un sitio web, comprar nuevos equipos informáticos y un camión para hacer un mejor trabajo de campo y de
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/02/01 |
Apoyo a la conservación de la biodiversidad de importancia mundial y el desarrollo local en la región de Calakmul. Implementar y promover estrategias y GEF-SGP entre las organizaciones civiles y de base, se establece el Centro de Formación de ( ... )
ltores para el Ecodesarrollo y la conservación de la biodiversidad, aumentar la capacidad de la comunidad para la acción en las áreas. Al final del proyecto, la organización contará con un plan bien detallado para asegurar la sostenibilidad de la
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/UNF/02/13 |
Este proyecto fue con 20 mujeres de una comunidad cerca de la Sian Ka'an B R. Fue a trabajar en el patio de las casas, donde las mujeres tienen la tradición de la producción de algunos vegetales y especies. De esta tradición los principales ( ... )
vos del proyecto eran de producir un excedente para la comercializacion y hacerlo en la producción orgánica.
Para ello se organizó un entrenamiento en el compostaje, la diversificación, el uso de productos naturales contra los insectos o
Phase 2
Project Number: UGA/01/07 |
The project is implemented in West Bugwe forest reserve in eastern Uganda by Tororo Youth Development Association in partnership with East African Energy Technology Development Network in eastern part of Uganda. The forest has lots of flora and ( ... )
and is threatened with degradation from unsustainable human activities. The GEF focal area addressed is biodiversity conservation and land degradation. Activities promoted include woodlot establishment, tree nursery management, conservation education and efficient fuel saving technologies. The project was specifically designed to ensure the sustainable fuelwood utilisation to conserve energy and
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/02/01 |
Since January 2000, Thailand GEF/Small Grants Programme?s Operational Phase Year 2 has been providing grants to 46 projects throughout the country. Mostly as demonstration projects, they are of community-based, initiated, planned and managed by ( ... )
Apart from the monitoring by visits to projects of the National Coordinator and the National Steering Committee during mid-implementation, reports from the grantees and facilitating mechanism like mid-course evaluation workshops , the intensive monitoring ,analysis and documentation of best practices by a third party is necessary to ensure systematically gathering of information
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN-GEF-02-001 |
A team from the National Steering Committee has reviewed the entire GEF Small Grants Programme during Phase II. The review includes aspects like the Secretariat, the National Steering Committee relationships with the government and performance of ( ... )
ts in the field. The team has visited all on-going projects and compiled a report regarding performance, impact and lessons
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/02/04-PG |
This is a found for make a project for full grant. |
Phase 2
Project Number: BOL/19/01 |
El presente proyecto esta destinado a la conservación de la biodiversidad, afectación de poblaciones de peces y plantas riberenas,además busca contribuir con la gestión ambiental del municipio elaborando participativamente el diagnóstico y las ( ... )
stas del Plan de Desarrollo. En resúmen este proyecto está destinado a mejorar la calidad de vida de los habitantes de la Localidad de Copacabana, a través de una gestión ambiental integral y eficiente que permita la existencia de adecuadas condiciones de uso de los ecosistemas lacustres, terrestres y como centro de atracción turística así como el valor
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/01/29 |
Reintroduction of the animals to the areas where they have extinct due to human actions. Creating stabile local populations. Restoration of characteristic beech wood species |
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-01-41 |
Project?s objectives are: 1. To build the capacity of local NGOs, community leaders, and women concerning: the role of NGOs in protecting the environment, the importance of biodiversity conservation. 2. To raise the awareness of 800 hunters through ( ... )
ting 40 awareness seminars. 3. To help the rangers in monitoring the protected area especially during the hunting period. 4.To encourage the implementing agencies (local authorities, police) to participate in monitoring the birds hunting. To conduct 3 conferences on importance of biodiversity
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-01-03 |
The Great Bustard (Otis tarda) is known as a "vulnerable" species in Europe and in Turkey. It is estimated that a total of 800-3000 individuals still live in the wild in various parts of Anatolia.
The Great Bustard is a protected species by virtue ( ... )
ernational instruments such as the 1950 Paris and 1979 Bern Conventions. The species is under protection also in Turkey since 1977 through the decisions of the Central Hunting Commission and the Land Hunting Law .
The Great Bustard has as its habitat the meadows and fields which are used also by the peasants for animal husbandry and agriculture. This in turn brings at least from time to time the