There are 29,070 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/01/04 |
Project consist on the promotion and foment of collection and organic farming of native cultures that have been diminishing due to destructive and contaminant agricultural practices (slash and burn agriculture and herbicide uses). The training of ( ... )
ipants on organic farming methods and techniques is the main component of the project and will allow changes on previous agricultural
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/01/07-PG |
To provide access to training and applicationn of innovative methods of sustainable use of native medicinal and food plants at Cantel, Quetzaltenango. |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MAR/01/12 |
The primary objective of the project was to raise awareness among students aged 16-18 on the need to protect our fragile ecosystem during a one-week seminar. Special emphasis was laid on wetlands of Mauritius, the coastal zone, groundwater pollution ( ... )
as the protectin of biodiversity.The seminar was composed of short exposés, interactive games and site visits and 200 students participated (100 boys and 100 girls separately, 3 days per group). The NGO intends to take stock of lessons learnt and best practices in the organisation of the seminar with a view to replicate them on a yearly
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/01/09 |
Mejorar la calidad de vida de los habitantes rurales reduciendo el riesgo de contagio por Hanta virus. Mejorar el estado de conservación de aves rapaces nativas en las localidades rurales. |
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/01/09 |
Ce projet répond a un impératif de protection et de sauvegarde des especes médicinales par les populations elles memes a travers des activités de sensibilisation, d?information, de démonstration et de renforcement de capacités, en valorisant ( ... )
le des détenteurs du savoir-faire traditionnels, notamment les thérapeutes traditionnels organisés en Association.
Objectifs spécifiques - Renforcer les capacités des populations et des association de thérapeutes en matiere d?exploitation durable et de restauration des plantes a usages médicinales ;
- Identifier et sauvegarder in situ les peuplements naturels résiduels des plantes
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/01/30 |
Action de renforcement de capacités des populations de Sandaré afin de mieux gérer les ressources naturelles soumises a des rudes épreuves dans un écosysteme particulierement difficile.
Objectifs spécifiques Renforcer les capacités ( ... )
ales de Sandaré en techniques de gestion et d?utilisation durable et équitable des diversités biologiques par des session de formation
-protéger et restaurer les especes autochtones menacées
-établir une base juridique valable permettant aux populations locales de la commune
-Mettre en défends au niveau des trois secteurs de Sandaré une superficie de 150 ha de foret
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/01/02 |
Main objective of the project is the restoration of parts of degraded Mediterranean vegetation on mid stream Shkumbini River basin.
Some 12 hectares provided by local villagers will be reforested with natural bush-like trees (Lauretum purum, Laurus ( ... )
, etc.).
Field activities include planting seeds and using forestry techniques to restore forest and habitats. Other activities also include administrative measures, raising public awareness, institutional strengthening of local NGOs, and encouragement for women participation in the project. Net result would be some restored ecosystems and newly forested areas, which on their behalf might halt
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/01/01-PG-NOR |
This project seeks to conserve 6.3 hectares of natural broadleaves forest with of high commercial value species, among them Mahogany and "Madrecacao". Community has the purpose to protect the forest, leaving it as an untouchable nucleus for habitat ( ... )
od source to wild fauna and protection of nine springs.
An important component of this project, is the reforestation of 14.7 hectares, planting Cedar, Mahogany and Madrecacao, with the purpose to preserve the nine springs and prevent they dry off.
Another component of the project is the cosntruction of a commercial small tree nursery.
The basic activities of the project are: delimitation
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/00/26 |
Kazakhstan isn't rich in water respurces. In particular it concerns Southern Kazakhstan where deficiency of water resources is sharp, a number of natural reservoirs is insignificant, and all of them are exposed to the strengthened anthropogenous ( ... )
. So called small rivers are under high distress, while they play an important role in livelihood of the local communities of the rural areas.
There are sewage bowls-stores on the river Burzhar. Operating experience of the stores has shown inefficiency of clearing of the sewage. As a result, water in the river is non-drinkable and can't be used for household needs of the blocal
Sri lanka
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/01/027 |
Rehabilitation of two selected watersheds through land use planning,practice of sustainable land management techniques, agroforestry,awareness raising and training of stakeholders and strengthening community groups. Communities living on the hill ( ... )
which is abandoned tea land practice unsustainable agriculture which has over the years led to water scarcity and pollution. The project attempt to convert home gardens of these villagers to viable plots with water and high biodiversity.
Phase 2
Project Number: BOL/03/01 |
En Bolivia se cultivan más de 700 variedades de papa (solanum spp.), que han sido resguardadas y seleccionadas por las propias familias campesinas que constituyen un importante recurso genético de la diversidad biológica, así como ser el ( ... )
ente básico de seguridad alimentaria del poblador local.
El proyecto busca aportar a a conservación de la divesidad local de papas nativas, considerada vital para garantizar la seguridad alimentaria de las comunidades del Ayllu Chullpas, desde una perspectiva de género, evitando el proceso de degeneración y pérdida, a través del fortalecimiento del relacionamiento directo entre el Banco
Phase 2
Project Number: INT/98/G52/BOT/01/11 |
This projects seeks to organise the first meeting of the Biodiversity Networking Group (BNG), on the 5th - 6th November 2001, at the UNDP conference room. The objectives of the workshop are to evaluate GEF/SGP interventions in the biodiversity ( ... )
ic area, provide a forum for an exchange of experiences on biodiversity conservation, publicise GEF/SGP experiences and lessons learned in the area of biodiversity conservation, give stakeholders an opportunity to make an input in the revision of the country strategy, launch the Biodiversity Networking Group (BNG), review an develop proposals for funding by SGP and medium size
Phase 2
Project Number: PAK/01/24 |
In the past two decades due to population explosion and growth of tourism activities in the valley, River Swat faces serious problems in the form of encroachment, illegal fishing and hunting, and pollution in the form of liquid and solid waste. ( ... )
maladies start right from the source of the river and intensifies downstream spatially and temporally. Wastewater from residential and commercial buildings is directly disposed to the river affecting its water quality both chemically and bacteriologically, which in turn threaten the health of the inhabitants and also the biodiversity dependent on the river. No proper waste management is present
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: JOR/01/06 |
The Women Committee in Damia, Jordan Valley the first women group to be established in Damia is implementing this project, which will contribute to the improvement of living conditions of the local community in the town which suffered greatly after ( ... )
osure of the border facilities following the peace treaty with Israel. The activities will involve women and their families in income-generating activities that contribute to the comprehensive management of land and water resources in the Jordna Valley. Activities include herbal plant production and bee-keeping. Awareness activities will also be conducted to promote the significance of proper
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: PAK/01/33 |
Several innovative projects have been supported by UNDP's GEF Small Grants Program that have potential to be studied and replicated in other areas. Since many of these existing projects are located in areas where the Rural Support Programmes are ( ... )
g, and since the RSPs have a wide potential for outreach through community organizations, the RSPs are interested in undertaking exposure visits to some of the GEF project sites. Through these visits, key staff from each of the RSPs will be able to learn about the experiences of some of the innovative initiatives, the communities' response, best practices, and to assess the replicability of
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-01-57 |
Project objectives: 1. To reduce air pollution and gas emissions in the target area (Abu Korkas Distict-Minia Governorate) . 2. To conserve energy and time used for cooking on traditional ovens. 3. To upgrade 375 traditional ovens. 4. To train 6 ( ... )
rs manufacture upgraded oven. 5. To protect the health of the women using the traditional ovens. To raise the environmental awareness of the local communities through conducting five awareness
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/01/01 |
Saa-paper industry is a traditional paper industry in northern region of Thailand. Saa paper can be used as a raw material for handicraft such as umbrella, note-book,souvenir,etc. The utilization of Saa bark as a raw material for the pulp and paper ( ... )
ry is considered as one of the major potential of pollution source to the environment including air, surface water and ground water, since the process requires some chemical substance and detergent.
The project location is situated along the Song River, an ecological portion of the Yom River and Chao Phraya River draining into the Gulf of Thailand. There are 6 big mills and 200 houses that
Phase 2
Project Number: ECU/01/003 |
En la zona de Canandé están asentadas familias colonas desde 1977. Han realizado actividades agrícolas que cada vez son menos rentables, debido a la degradación de los suelos y otros recursos, por lo que se han visto obligados a empezar la ( ... )
ación de la madera del bosque para poder generar ingresos.
El objetivo principal del proyecto es crear conciencia en los diferentes actores locales sobre la necesidad de coordinar acciones para regular el manejo de los recursos naturales y proteger el ecosistema.
Los componentes y actividades son:
Desarrollo de propuestas: de desarrollo de actividades económicas productivas amigables
Dominican republic
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/01/04 |
Creación de conciencia en la población dominicana y haitiana de la porción norte de la frontera sobre la necesidad de proteger los recursos naturales y utilizarlos de manera sostenible, mediante la emisión de programas de radio, acompanado de ( ... )
es en pequena escala para reducir los efectos del cambio climático, conservar la biodiversidad, reducir la contaminación de las aguas internacionales y luchar contra la
Dominican republic
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/01/05 |
Concienciación ciudadana y Saneamiento del Río Jaya de la contaminación industrial y domesticas, y recuperación de los recursos de biodiversidad, a través del apadrinamiento tramos por parte de empresas, escuelas y juntas de vecinos |