There are 29,070 projects available.
Project Title |
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Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 2
Project Number: PPS-03-00-DP |
Proyecto para apoyar la elaboración de una propuesta formal para el PPD a ONGs Guatemala. |
Phase 2
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/OP2-2000-09 |
Project development goal:
Development of integrated approach in biodiveristy conservation in Buton Utara, through community participation and involvement
Project objectives:
1. To gather common perception and support of the stakeholders ( ... )
the importance of conservation efforts of the area.
2. To develop design on conservation efforts through clear identification of existing problems, local potentials, and local needs
3. To establish a recommendation toward conservation efforts in village and district level, supported by stakeholders
4. To produce a comprehensive proposal to be submitted to GEF/SGP and other potential source
Phase 2
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/OP2-2000-06 |
Project development goal:
Development of integrated approach in biodiveristy conservation in Nipa-Nipa Mountain Forest, through community participation and involvement
Project objectives:
1. To gather common perception and support of the ( ... )
communities toward the importance of conservation efforts of the area.
2. To develop design on conservation efforts through clear identification of existing problems, local potentials, and local needs
3. To produce a comprehensive proposal to be submitted to GEF/SGP and other potential source of funding necessary to support the project activities
Anticipated result of project :
1. The
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/00/21 |
This funding is provided to NGO for planting of decorative tree saplings in the degraded parts of Tirana National Park. This activity will take place on Saturday, 16 December 2000, and a large participation of people is expected to be active in it. |
Phase 2
Project Number: GEF-STL-00-G25 |
The goal of this project is too establish a monitoring programme for the Point Sable National Park. The project objectives are as follows:
To establish a viable system for monitoring resources and their use in support of the management of the ( ... )
Sable National Park;
To build the local capacity to monitor selected resources within the Park; and
To test and document community-based and participatory approaches to monitoring suited to the conditions of Small Island Developing states (SIDS).
Cote d'ivoire
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: IVC/95/G52/011 |
The wood consumption for many activities of the population of Korhogo leads to an excessive destruction of the forest around the town.
In order to stop this phenomenon, and save firewood, the project aims to popularize the improved stoves by:
- ( ... )
ng 40 animators/formatives to the techniques of construction of concrete improved stoves,
- building 400 improved stoves in 4 districts of the commune of Korhogo,
- building 2 ovens for a special bread called ?bro? (made of wheat and local
Phase 2
Project Number: PPS-05-2000 |
To provide access to the information generated through the process of developing the Guatemalan Biodiversity conservation Strategy to community based organizations, local NGOs and municipal governments in order to make the Strategy operational in ( ... )
uthwestern region of the country. This project will develop a series of workshops to transfer the information regarding the importance of biodiversity and to strength the capacity of community based groups to develop projects to attend biodiversity loss, conservation and protection. Additionally, will provide access to the target groups to a donor financing institutions database to
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: GHA/00/041 |
The Kayoro community is situated on the Ghana-Burkina Faso border, and is one of the fringe communities bordering a network of Government Forest Reserves (FRs) namely Chasi FR, Chiana Hills FR, Sissilli North FR, Sissilli Central FR and Pudo Hills ( ... )
l in Ghana and the Nazinga Game Ranch in south-central Burkina Faso. Running through Nazinga and southward through the network of FRs is the Sissilli River, which joins the Kulpawn River that runs through the Mole National Park ? Ghana?s premier Wildlife Park. This network of rivers and fragmented forest reserves form a natural corridor ? the Sissilli River Biodiversity Corridor ? for the
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MOR/00/02 |
The project targets the reduction of the handicraft sector pressure on the Thuya tree in Essaouira through the following: introducing practices and tools that safeguard the raw material during the production process, producing items based on other ( ... )
improving the "wood plating" process, and creating an ecolabel for these new
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: PAK/00/14 |
The project will demonstrate that learning through the element of environment brings about an interest in and respect for one's environment, which in turn provides motivation for its conservation.
The specific objectives of the project is to ( ... )
trate that a) environment is the basis for language development in children and environmental education for children must be linked with the development of a professionally sound educational basis, b) environment education can create awareness of and consideration for conservation of bio-diversity, and c) local teachers can be trained to teach environment and conservation of bio-diversity.
Phase 2
Project Number: BOL/20/00 |
Este proyecto se realiza en el deprtamento de La Paz, Comunidades de Huaraco y Villa Estban Arce, con una duración de 12 meses y está dentro del área focal de Conservación de la Biodiversidad.
La degradación permanente del suelo de cultivo por ( ... )
cticas agrícola y el uso irracional de abonos químicos en los diversos ecosistemas así como el empleo desmesurado de agrotóxicos de categorías alta y extremadamente tóxicos, en la mayoría de os casos prohibidos en muchos países para combatir plagas como el gusano blanco y la polilla de la papa, conducen a buscar alternativas sanas que vayan a solucionar estos problemas y así conservar
Dominican republic
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/00/13 |
Aprovechamiento de la energía solar para la dotación de iluminación de los hogares en comunidades localizadas en la zona de amortiguamiento del Parque Nacional Los Haitises (municipio Bayaguana, provincia de Monte Plata), como fuente de energía ( ... )
y duradera; reduciendo la contaminación por combustibles fósiles provocado por el uso de keroseno en el ambiente, lo cual afecta al calentamiento
Phase 2
Project Number: MX/98/026 |
Contribuir a la diversificación productiva de la región, de los socios participantes y establecer las condiciones para que ésta continúe después del proyecto |
Phase 2
Project Number: MX/98/018 |
Publicar artículos, manuales y otros materiales de divulgación de investigaciones relevantes para la conservación de la biodiversidad, dirigidos a las organizaciones financiadas por el PPD del FMAM.
Dominican republic
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/00/04 |
Concientización a la población y organizaciones del suroeste del país, para la defensa del medio ambiente y conservación de la biodiversidad, a través de un programa radial y fortalecimiento de las organizaciones de las zonas y conformación de ( ... )
cológicas en el
Dominican republic
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/00/06 |
Procura crear conciencia a través de la radio de los problemas ambientales que afectan al país y que están vinculados con las áreas temáticas del FMAM, mediante la participación de la comunidad en técnicas individuales y de grupos para ( ... )
izar experiencias que mejoren el manejo y uso de los recursos naturales y el
Phase 2
Project Number: SEN/00/14 |
Le village de Médinakouta est enserré entre le Parc National du Niokolo Koba ( Patrimoine Mondial et Réserve de Biosphère) et la forêt classée de Diambour.Il y a une très forte pression sur les ressources du Parc ( gibier, bambou, ( ... )
palmier à huile, rônier, miel, paille ...).A cela s'ajoute la dégradation de l'environnement liée à la sécheresse, à l'érosion hydrique et aux feux de brousse.Ce projet de gestion communautaire de la biodiversité présenté par l'association villageoise "Wula Kanta" ( ou "gestionnaires des ressources naturelles") vise le développement d'une gestion concertée communautaire
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/00/12 |
Objectifs spécifiques:
- Faire une mise en valeur des potentialités piscicoles de la mare ;
- Améliorer les conditoions de vie de la population des pêcheurs de Kazangou ;
- Augmenter les ressources piscicoles du site ;
- Diminuer la pression ( ... )
ressources piscicoles ;
- Assurer la protection de la biodiversité par la multiplication des espèces de poissons en voie de disparition ;
- Approfondir la sensibilisation de la population sur la nécessité d?une bonne gestion des ressources naturelles.
- Aménagement de la mare : un étang sera spécialement réservé pour la croissance des poissons
Résultats attendus:
- La
Cote d'ivoire
Phase 2
Project Number: IVC/98/G52/008 |
le projet est situé à Fresco dans le sud de la Côte d'Ivoire. la mangrove est en voie de disparition dans cette zones à cause du fait que cette espèce est utilisée par les ménages pour la cuissons des aliments ou pour d'autres ( ... )
tés. vue cet état de fait,il convient de mettre en place une politique visant à préserver la mangrove. il s'agit de restaurer 10ha de mangroves par la sylviculture dans la région de Fresco et créer des fermes aquacoles et des micro-fermes d'élevage afin de contribuer à la protection des zones de
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: SEN/00/13 |
Concourir a baisser la pression énergétique excercée sur les écosystemes de la réserve de la biosphère du delta du Saloum par la mise a la disposition des populations riveraines d'énergie renouvelable et alternative qui puisse satisfaire ( ... )
leur besoin en énergie domestique et en électrification rurale * mise en place d'une unité d'assemblage des turbines