There are 29,070 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Dominican republic
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: DOM/07/04 |
Intalación de una Micro Central Hidroeléctrica comunitaria para la producción de energía limía que facilite el acceso a la electricidad a más de 130 familias de la de la comunidad de El Recodo, municipio Guayaba, Provincia Azua |
Dominican republic
Phase 3
Project Number: DOM/07/01 |
Establecimiento de una micro empresa rural para facilitar el mejoramiento del ingreso, a través de las comercialización de la producción en sistemas de agroforestales instalados para el manejo sostenible de la cuenca del río Liceo, unido a la ( ... )
ación de nuevas areas a la instalación de sistemas agroforestales y mantenimiento a las establecidas en las comunidades aledañas a Licey al
Phase 4
Project Number: CMR/SGP/OP4/Y1/RAF/07/02 |
Le Micro-projet de la protection de la biodiversité et d?appui/accompagnement à l?agriculture durable chez les pygmées Bakola (Ngomanguele, Ngongo et Kaba-malansi) de Lolodorf, part d?un constat alarmant selon lequel, les populations pygmées ( ... )
de l?Arrondissement de Lolodorf, vivent dans un environnement ou la biodiversité est de plus en plus menacé de destruction. Des influences multiples s?exercent à tous les niveaux mettant en péril le milieu de vie des populations pygmées incapable de réagir. Une pauvreté qui ne dit plus son nom s?accapare de cette population et inquiète pour les générations avenir. Habitat désuet les
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: BOL/OP3/2/06/23 |
El proyecto se ubica en la zona subtropical de los Yungas del Departamento de La Paz en los contrafuertes de la cordillera de Los Andes. La región cuenta con temperaturas que sobrepasan los 30°C y precipitaciones medias anuales cercanas a los 800 ( ... )
altitudes cercanas a los 1000 msnm. La comunidad basa su economia en la producción agricola, principalmente el cultivo del café, la coca, cítricos, plátano y otras frutas.
La Asociación de Productores Ecológicos Nogalani APEN, es una organización legalmente establecida, cuyo objetivo general es llegar a mejorar los ingresos y el nivel de autoabastecimiento de los productoes a través de
Biodiversity International Waters Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: MAR/SGP/OP3/15 |
Apexhom is a non-profit organisation which regroups producers and exporters of horticultural products as well as importers and distributors of phytosanitary products. The objective of this project is to enable farmers to take an active part in the ( ... )
sation of the negative impacts of pesticide use on the land, rivers and marine environment by providing them with a framework and necessary techniques and facilities to minimise and safely dispose of pesticide-related wastes. The expected results are a decrease in the pollution of land and rivers in farming areas, a safe and sustainable operational system of collection of empty pesticide
Sri lanka
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: SRL/06/01 |
The project focuses on two locations: Murutoluwa and Wathtawa in the Naula division of the Matale District, which is a steep hilly area. These areas suffer from land degradation due to inappropriate land use and high intensity rainfalls which ( ... )
e the soil of its nutrients. The target beneficiaries are 150 families from the area and the sustainability of their home gardens and other cultivated lands are to be improved by the project.
The project will use both socio-cultural and ecological methods. Training has been provided in soil conservation techniques and sustainable farming methods. In order to minimize land degradation, the
Sri lanka
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: SRL/06/02 |
The Nikmawatte, Haragama and Pubudugama Mountain Range is situated in the steep hill slopes facing the Victoria Reservoir. The area here is affected by land degradation which may adversely affected the reservoir as well as cause landslides. ( ... )
e goals and objectives of Sri Dheeranandha Savings and Credit Society is to reduce land degradation using sloping agricultural land technology (SALT) which entails the planting of live fences using Gliricidia trees. By involving the 200 community members in awareness programmes and taking the ecological steps needed to slow the degradation, the organization hopes to improve the state of the land
Phase 3
Project Number: Nam-OP3-1-07-04 |
This project aims to assist communal and commercial farmers minimize the human-elephant conflict. This is to be done through the production of chillies as a deterrent and a non-lethal alternative. The community members will be trained on how to ( ... )
r elephant movement thus ensuring sustainable elephant management.
The project activities take place within the farming community of the Kamanjab and Kalkfeldt
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: NEP/OP3/2/07/14 |
In urban areas especially in Kathmandu, waste management is a serious environmental issue. Nearly 70% of municipal waste is biodegradable. But since Kathmandu municipality do not practice waste segregation and all the waste is dumped in the dumping ( ... )
the municipality has to pay for additional cost for waste transportation and time and again search for new dumping sites.
Thus the project tries to demonstrate that vegetable waste and kitchen waste can be used to produce bio gas (Mithane) for cooking purpose. If this initiatives at the small scale would be successful, this could be done in larger scale and can minimise the municiple
International Waters
Phase 4
Project Number: MAU/20-07/04 |
Un château d'eau et trois bornes fontaines
Sensibilisation |
Phase 3
Project Number: JOR/OP3/Y2/07/08 |
In Wadi Rum area, known for its unique natural, aesthetic and demographic characteristics, the GEF SGP will be supporting a cluster of projects aiming at building the capacities of local CBOs, supporting models for alternative livelihood strategies, ( ... )
cing new technologies that would contribute to the conservation of the special ecosystem of the area, and enhancing the impacts of previous GEF SGP supported interventions there. Developing these projects was achieved through a strategic partnership with the USAID-funded SIYAHA Project, currently operating in Wadi Rum, and the IUCN Regional Office/ Amman.
The project aims to enhance marketing
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: POL/06/OP3/37 |
Phase 3
Project Number: MEX/OP3/Y2/06/25 |
Se pretende elaborar una caracterización de las comunidades coralinas de Yum Balam, con esta información se establecerá una línea de base para diseñar un programa de monitoreo a largo plazo. El objetivo es desarrollar una caracterización de ( ... )
munidades de corales, muestras de planificación, recopilación de información, toma de muestras, la preparación de la caracterización, el desarrollo de la línea de base, el seguimiento del desarrollo del programa, la evaluación de los indicadores. Esto le permitirá identificar los cambios que pueden ocurrir con el tiempo debido a factores naturales y
Phase 3
Project Number: MEX/OP3/Y2/06/47 |
Se tendrá una estimación de la abundancia de jaguares en los ecosistemas deYum Balam (APFFYB), el uso del hábitat y la interacción de estos con la población humana, lo que permitirá la toma de decisiones de manejo más eficaz por parte de las ( ... )
dades de la (CONANP), para la conservación de los mismos. Se difundirá entre las comunidades de la Reserva y del Área de influencia la importancia de su conservación y se capacitará a personal de la reserva para el uso de las cámaras trampa mediante el seguimiento de la población de jaguares, supervisión de las muestras, la formación, las estrategias de conservación y difusión de la
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: IRA-G52-2007-051(83rd) |
Project Location: Yakhkesh-Behshahr(: Lat 36.66167, Long 53.76)
The project aims to:
- Follow up with locals on operationalizing the biogas units
- Conducting workshops for locals on how to maintain the biogas units
( ... )
Summarizing the present situation, obstacles and resolutions between the expert team and the locals
Developing an action plan
Publishing the book on how to built a biogas unit developed in SGP project IRA-G52-2002-022 in Caspian Forest
Multifocal Area Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: WSM/OP3/03/07/58 |
This project has three main activities;
a) Provide on the field technical assistance to GEF SGP agricultural projects in the area of crops/vegetable/fruit tree diversification of plants that are grown in gardens,
b) Assess the potential ( ... )
ty and capability of Community-based Organization involved in agricultural gardening projects funded by GEF SGP, to move forward with their crop production as regular suppliers for WIBDIDI markets,
c) Provide regular monitoring of GEF SGP agricultural projects and produce publications on lessons learnt and success stories from these projects.
The WIBDIDI sees the opportunity for GEF SGP
Phase 3
Project Number: UGA/06/82 |
Mpenja Conserving Wetlands for Fish is aimed at promoting conservation and sustainable utilization of wetlands and wetland resources in Mpenja sub-county by inculcating in the community members the value of conservation and sustainable utilization ( ... )
land resources through participatory aquaculture practices for increased productivity and household nutrition and
Biodiversity Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: INS/OP3/I/06/17 |
Masyarakat lebih banyak memakai energi dari minyak tanah, solar dan bensin atau kayu bakar. Hal ini berpengaruh pada penurunan kualitas lingkungan, seperti peningkatan emisi karbon (efek rumah kaca) dan degradasi hutan.
Project Goals:
Main ( ... )
mendorong pengelolaan sumber daya alam dg cara cara berkelanjutan melalui penerapan pembangkit listrik tenaga air (mikrohidro),
Specific goals:
[1] menyediakan listrik milik masyarakat, [2] meningkatkan taraf kehidupan sosial dan ekonomi di komunitas terpencil dengan penyediaan pasokan listrik, [3] memperkuat kapasitas dan kelembagaan dalam pengelolaan sumberdaya, termasuk pengelolaan
Phase 4
Project Number: TUR/SGP/OP4/RAF/07/01/01 |
Turkey's agricultural biodiversity, to which many cultures have contributed over thousands of year, is today being rapidly depleted by agricultural policies, globalisation, population growth and other socio-economic factors. This depletion is ( ... )
ening the food resources of future generations and eroding cultural diversity. It is estimated that three quarters of agricultural genetic diversity have been lost over the past century, and that reducing the number of food crops cultivated commercially worldwide to around a hundred. Hundreds of fruit varieties that are adapted to soil and climatic conditions, resistant to pests and diseases, and
Phase 3
Project Number: CHI/06/28 |
Huiro es una comunidad indígena que está con sus terrenos inmediatamente al lado de la Reserva Costera Valdiviana, esta comunidda cuenta con una agrupación de mujeres artesanas que trabajan con tejidos, la situación de falta de emepleo y ( ... )
nidades para las mujeres les ha motivado a intentar conocer nuevas formas de relacionarse con el bosque en especial con los productos forestales no madereros como la murtilla, el follaje, los hongos entre otros, para ello se capacitarán y trabajarn nuevos productos que esperan comercializar en la ruka de la comunidad y en