There are 29,070 projects available.
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Operational Phase |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: BEN/ OP3/ 02/ 07/ 01 |
En République du Bénin, 75% de l?énergie domestique sont assurés par le bois et 14% par le charbon de bois (DOSSOU, 1992). Cette satisfaction en bois énergie menace dangereusement l?équilibre des écosystèmes forestiers dans ce contexte où ( ... )
¨s à d?autres sources d?énergies comme le butane, l?énergie solaire, le biogaz, etc, n?est pas aisé.
Dans les localités où les revenus des populations sont tirés de l?exercice d?activités utilisant la biomasse- énergie, la pression sur les ressources forestières est encore plus forte entraînant une diminution progressive de l?offre en bois énergie, la déforestation, le faible
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: MOZ/OP3/Y2/2006/03 |
The project will be implemented within the Maputaland Center of Endemism, in Manguiza and Mahubo villages, which are part of Boane district, with an estimated population of 3,088 inhabitants. Livelihoods rely mostly on overexploitation of forest ( ... )
ces leading to biodiversity loss of wildlife, and increasing land degradation due to deforestation and impoverishment of soils. To address these threats the project will focus on reforestation and promotion of technologies that improve soil fertility, combined with environmental consciousness at community. The primarily goal is to mitigate deforestation, land degradation, and biodiversity loss,
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: ALB/SGP/OP3/Y2/07/04 |
In the recent decade Albanian has been passing several energy crisis mainly due to an ever-increasing demand for electricity from domestic consumers. The only response so far has been that of increasing the amount of electricity imported and ( ... )
ly concrete steps are being taken for the construction of power generating facilities operated on fossil fuels such as oil and gas.
Since the residential housing industry is still the most dynamic one and at the same time the greatest electricity consumer one should be expecting great efforts spent in the direction of improving the energy efficiency in this direction. This is not happening.
Sri lanka
Phase 3
Project Number: SRL/06/27 |
This project by the Participatory Development Centre (PDC) will encourage banana production. To this end, ten women will be trained in using banana leaves to wrap food at the agricultural research and training centre at Thelijjawila. Additionally, ( ... )
ject will construct a banana pulp manufacturing center. Four nursery sites have been cleared for establishing banana nurseries. The banana species that will be propagated are Suwandal, Kolikuttu, Nethrapalam and Ambul. Successful banana nursery programme. Target of the project is to raise 4000 plants in 4 nurseries. Another 1000 plants are to be taken from existing mother plants, belonging to
Phase 3
Project Number: ALB/SGP/OP3/Y2/07/11 |
Most Mediterranean countries regard themselves as ruined landscapes, "degraded" through thousands of years of misuse of the land, which might be "restored" to the forests supposed to have existed in an idealized past. The forestry dogma of the last ( ... )
rs has been: ?prevent fires and restrict access of goats into the forests and pastures?. In many cases forbidding fire and banning goats antagonizes shepherds and others for whom goat keeping and occupational burning has been part of their livelihood. At the same time preventing controlled burning and banning goats from grazing the lower forest creates with time the premises of bigger and
Phase 3
Project Number: THA/06/19 |
Target Population/Location of project:
202 families (1,212 people) living in two villages in a lowland area of Northeast Thailand, an integrated ecosystem of the Mekhong River Basin. Most project members are farmers. Major stakeholders ( ... )
? Suwannaphum District Office of Agriculture
? Suwannaphum District Office of Agricultural Cooperatives
? Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives, Suwannaphum District
Planned activities:
1. Conduct capacity-building activities
2. Construct an organic compost facility
3. Demonstrate organic rice farming
4. Monitor and evaluate project; disseminate results
Phase 3
Project Number: POL/06/OP3/32 |
International Waters
Phase 3
Project Number: TAN/CWI/07/01 |
The project aims at demonstrating on how rainwater harvesting technology can be used to improve water supply and sanitation in schools, which are located in areas where conventional water supply systems such as gravity and shallow wells are not ( ... )
There will be construction of a one rainwater harvesting tank of 50,000 litres and the project will develop two wing ventilated improved pit latrines(VIP) connected with the rainwater harvesting tanks of 10,000 litres capacity each. Each wing will be for one gender for the students hygiene. There will also be some seminars on hygiene education and environmental
International Waters
Phase 3
Project Number: TAN/CWI/07/02 |
Kwimba District in Mwanza region is one of the very dry area, whose water table is not suitable for shallow wells, the area has a recurring water borne diseases outbreaks and this highly affects school children. The reliable solution for this area ( ... )
nwater harvesting tanks.
The project aims at demonstrating on how rainwater harvesting technology can be used to improve water supply and sanitation in schools, which are located in areas where conventional water supply systems such as gravity and shallow wells are not feasible.
There will be construction of a one rainwater harvesting tank of 50,000 litres and the project will develop two
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: TAN/CWI/07/04 |
Nella Secondary School is in Kwimba District. The district is affected with water shortage and has thus been affected with recurring outbreaks of water borne diseases. Schools being a public place is much more affected by the situation.
The ( ... )
t aims at demonstrating on how rainwater harvesting technology can be used to improve water supply and sanitation in schools, whcih are located in areas where conventional water supply systems such as gravity and shallow wellas are not feasible.
There will be construction of a one rainwater harvesting tank of 50,000 litres and the project will develop two wing improved pit latrines(VIP)
International Waters
Phase 3
Project Number: TAN/CWI/07/05 |
The project aims at demonstrating on how rainwater harvesting technology can be used to improve water supply and sanitation in schools, which are located in areas where conventional water supply sysytems such as gravity and shallow well as are not ( ... )
There will be construction of a one rainwater harvesting tank of 50,000 litres and the project will develop two wing improved pit latrines(VIP) connected with the rainwater havesting tank of 10,000 litres capacity. Each wing will be for one gender for the students hygiene. There will also be some seminars on hygiene education and environmental sanitation. It is expected that the project
International Waters
Phase 3
Project Number: TAN/CWI/07/03 |
Nella Secondary School is in Kwimba District. The district is affected with water shortage and has thus been affected with recurring outbreaks of water borne diseases. Schools being a public place is much more affected by the situation.
The ( ... )
t aims at demonstrating on how rainwater harvesting technology can be used to improve water supply and sanitation in schools, whcih are located in areas where conventional water supply systems such as gravity and shallow wellas are not feasible.
There will be construction of a one rainwater harvesting tank of 50,000 litres and the project will develop two wing improved pit latrines(VIP)
Phase 3
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP3/03/07/ASM 09 |
The objectives of the project are to document available traditional knowledge on crop protection against erosion and disappearance and Sensitize the stakeholders through awareness and training for practice of traditional knowledge in agriculture and ( ... )
r promotion of innovation and creativity based upon traditional knowledge. Demonstration of appropriate use of traditional knowledge will be done to avoid misappropriation, distortion and other prejudicial action to protect and conserve biological cultural diversity. people friendly IEC materials will be developed and disseminated and commercially valuable traditional knowledge will be explored
Phase 4
Project Number: ALB/SGP/OP4/Y1/CORE/07/01 |
Based on the Albanian National Implementation Plan under the Stockholm Convention on POPs year 2006, the most significant contributors for dioxin and furan emissions in Albania are landfill/dumpsite fires and open burning of domestic wastes. The ( ... )
on to this problem involves changes to many sectors but undeniably the promotion of recycling is one that holds the highest expectations. In this context, educating children about the importance of recycling and the environment provides a path to a greener future.
This project will consist in the installation of waste recycling bins in 20 public schools in Tirana. Both teachers and pupils will
Phase 3
Project Number: PER/06/04 |
El proyecto está orientado a sensibilizar y organizar equipos de trabajo de docentes, alumnos y madres de familia, con el objeto de fortalecer una conciencia ambientalista, en especial para la conservación de los recursos naturales, esto será ( ... )
e, utilizando de manera adecuada, los espacios libres del instituto educativo, para ello, proponemos la creación de un vivero y huertos productivos escolares, y la crianza de animales menores (cuyes) que hará sostenible este proyecto.
Asà mismo, se organizarán talleres de capacitación para alumnos, docentes y madres de familias, con el objetivo de capacitarlos en el proceso de cultivo,
Phase 4
Project Number: HND/SGP/OP4/RAF/07/03 |
El CaserÃo El Venado, ubicado en el Municipio de Marcovia, Departamento de Choluteca, cuenta con un potencial enorme en materia de turismo, debido a que se encuentra dentro de la Ruta TurÃstica de la Zona Sur y también por encontrarse ubicada ( ... )
a al área protegida de Las Iguanas y Punta Condega, convirtiéndose en un sitio estratégico para el Desarrollo de actividades turÃsticas que generen a estas poblaciones opciones económicas que les permitan mejorar sus ingresos y por ende su nivel de vida.
Existe en esta comunidad una enorme preocupación para poder crear fuentes de trabajo dirigidas a los jóvenes y demás miembros de la
Phase 3
Project Number: CHI/06/22 |
pretende implementar un sendero y camping manejado directamente pr las comunidades existe la interconección de manera de poder guiar a los visitantes entre los distintos lugares |
Phase 4
Project Number: HND/SGP/OP4/CORE/07/05 |
La comunidad de la Rosita se encuentra ubicada en el Municipio de Esparta en la Costa norte del paÃs, especÃficamente en los humedales de Sambuco y el RÃo San Juan, en la zona de amortiguamiento de la Reserva de Cuero y Salado y Punta Hisopo en ( ... )
to de Atlántida; donde los GarÃfunas se radicaron alrededor de año 1850 y enfrentaron los problemas de usurpación de sus tierras de manera paulatina por la Standard Fruti Company, sin embargo producto de las gestiones realizadas por residentes garifunas de la comunidad es para el año 2000 que se recibió un tÃtulo de dominio Comunitario y es para el 2002 que se recuperan los terrenos
Phase 3
Project Number: BOL/OP3/2/06/12 |
El sub trópico de Colomi, se constituye en un hábitat natural que almacena genes potencialmente útiles para la agricultura, la medicina y la industria. Se ha evidenciado una riqueza especifica de especies cultivadas que es extraordinaria ya que ( ... )
a a 30 especies y al interior de dichas especies se puede encontrar un acervo genético amplio que incluye en muchos casos especies silvestres afines.
De acuerdo al Diagnóstico y Estrategia del Municipio de Colomi (2004), entre las prioridades de conservación identificadas en el subtrópico esta el fortalecer el cultivo de los frutales andinos existentes en la zona tales como: el tomate de
Dominican republic
Phase 3
Project Number: DOM/07/03 |
impulsar el ecoturismo el desarrollo local a través de la concienciación y promoción de la visitación al municipio de Miches, aprovechando los atractivos de los ecosistemas naturales y costera de la zona del municipio DE Miches, Provincia El ( ... )