There are 29,070 projects available.
Project Title |
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Operational Phase |
Phase 2
Project Number: BZE/UNF-GEF/PH2/1/06/07 |
Sarteneja Wildlife, Environment and Ecotourism Team (SWEET) is a community-driven conservation organization based in Sarteneja Village, Corozal District, and has arisen from local concern for the state of the natural resources of the marine ( ... )
nment, and the future sustainable development of the community.
In particular SWEET is focused on the Corozal Bay Wildlife Sanctuary and the Belize Barrier Reef, on which a large proportion of Sarteneja residents depend. These two priority areas support a number of endangered species ? Corozal Bay Wildlife Sanctuary was established in 1998 under a transboundary agreement with Mexico
Phase 3
Project Number: BAR/OP3/YEAR 2/06/05 |
The Mauby plant (Colubrina arborescens) has been grown and harvested for its bark in St. Vincent and the Grenadines for a number of years. Its bark has been used in the preparation of a local drink and thus is sold in the local market.
The Mauby ( ... )
is notably grown in the central to north leeward area of St. Vincent. The north leeward area has been identified as an area in need of alternative livelihood projects as this area is known for its high production of illegal crops and the deforestation of hillsides in critical watersheds used for hydroelectricity power generation, domestic water use and river water recreational uses.
Phase 3
Project Number: GHA/0P3/Y2/06/112 |
Problem Definition
Mounting evidence of damage to human health and environment has focused thee attention of the international community of the category of substance referred to as POPs. Farmers in the Kasoa near Accra use some agro chemicals ( ... )
ontain the POPs in vegetable production which are harmful to the human health. Ironically farmers pay higher prices for the agrochemicals, yet several tons of waste which could be processed as organic manure, is being generated at the Kasoa market becoming environmental nuisance.
Unfortunately it is not clear if the farmers will accept the processed waste as manure. It is also not known the
Phase 3
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP3/Y2/CORE/2006/43 |
The true otter is a vanishing type that has been enlisted in the Red Book of Kyrgyzstan. But in the Chatkal region they still exist and the hunters in this area are determined to catch it. Most of them lack the awareness that this type is vanishing ( ... )
y even dissapear in the near decades. That is why the NGO "Kyzbulak" has set a goal to preserve this type of animal, which has a significance to the biodiversity of the area. First of all during the course of the project the NGO is planning to increase the awareness of local population about the general environmental impact that can be caused if the tru otter dissapears. Also to preserve the true
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: NER/SGP/OP3/Y2/2006/09 |
Le présent projet permettra le remplacement d?une vielle pompe actionnée par un moteur diesel émetteur de CO2 par une pompe éolienne à zéro émission de GES. Il y a quelques années, les groupements Beidari et Guebal ont acquis une éolienne ( ... )
page d?eau de marque Kijito de 7,3 m de diamètre. La station expérimentale d?élevage de Toukounous met à la disposition des femmes un puits et un terrain de 1 hectare pour la mise en ?uvre du projet. La durée de vie minimale de l?éolienne est de vingt ans. La quantité d?eau journalière que fournit l?éolienne sera la même que celle pomper le diesel, soit 60 000 litres par jour. La
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: TUN/OP3/Y2/06/08 |
Le pojet de la maison du composte oasien vise à contribuer à la préservation des écosystèmes oasiens par la fertilisation des sols, la valorisation de leurs déchets et l?amélioration des rendements et des revenus des agriculteurs.
Objectifs ( ... )
iques du projet
1) Sensibiliser toutes les structures actives de la région à la valorisation des déchets organiques des oasis, à l?importance du compostage et la lutte contre la dégradation des sols,
2) Amener le public, les collectivités locales, les acteurs locaux et les agriculteurs à développer des programmes de production de compost des déchets organiques
Les résultats
Biodiversity Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: JAM/OP3/2/06/15 |
The complex geologic and evolutionary history of the Dolphin Head Mountains has generated a landscape rich in biodiversity, endemism, and unique ecosystems. The continued pressure on natural resources as a consequence of development and increased ( ... )
tion represents a conservation challenge for this unique area.
The Global Significance of the Dolphin Head Mountains
If Jamaica is ranked 5th in the world in terms of plant biodiversity, with a 28% rate of endemism, then the mesic limestone forest ecosystem of Dolphin Head ? a clearly defined, 3,000-acre area located within Hanover-- is proudly deserving of both national and global
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: BLR/OP3/2/06/04 |
Project aims:
Installing of heat-and-power suppliers by the 150 and 400 kilowatt on the base of Scientific station ?Volma? of Saharov University;
Installing the line for production of fuel from biomass;
Arrange raw delivery plan for producing ( ... )
Developing of training package for project realization experience
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: JAM/OP3/2/06/14 |
Historically speaking Jamaica has moved from a paradigm of organic farming to a chemical based agricultural system including the use of insecticides, herbicides and fertilizers.
While this has increased production in most instances, it has ( ... )
buted to Land Degradation, has been a detriment to Coastal, Marine and Freshwater ecosystems and has undermined Conservation and the Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity.
As with most countries around the world, agriculture in Jamaica was organic in the early 1900?s and shifted to chemical use by the mid 1900?s. Today the majority of developing countries have built their agricultural
Phase 3
Project Number: BOL/OP3/1/05/16 |
El proyecto representa un aporte novedoso y complementario a la oferta turística actual y se acloparia dentro de un proceso en marcha que se puede sintetizar como el desarrollo del circuito turistico del municipio de Porongo.
Los mariposarios ( ... )
ractivos en diversas partes del mundo, atraen a los visitantes quienes admiran la diversidad de mariposas por sus colores llamativos y vuelo elegante. La zona de Espejillos (Tacuarembó, Agua Dulce y Patriota Surutú), cuenta con un potencial para exhibir su diversidad de mariposas. Se reportan aproximadamente 300 especies para el Parque Nacional Amboró, es estudios realizados por Galarza 2005,
Phase 3
Project Number: MEX/OP3/05/42 |
Favorece en un grupo de mujeres jóvenes la cultura de adquirir y rescatar formas de producción orgánica, sin contaminantes ni pesticidas, generando un impacto en su microregión. Este proyecto beneficia a 47 familias de la comunidad de X´ocen, ( ... )
olid, y es dirigido por mujeres mayas. El grupo pretende que este proyecto cree fuentes de empleo para otros jóvenes y detenga los avances de la migración y descomposición social que actualmente enfrenta la
Phase 3
Project Number: NEP/OP3/1/06/15 |
The project is proposed for conservation of crocodile and Turtle in the Narayani rivers flowing throgh the bufferzone of Chitwan National Park. The species mainly Magar crocodile (Crocodylus palustris), Ghariyal (Gavialis gangeticus) and the black ( ... )
turtle are found in the fresh water bodies of the Narayani river. Ghariyal was once cosidered to be one of the most cirticlally threthen ed in 1970s, whereas these crocodiles are still considered as endangerd in CITES Appendix I.
The indigenous and underprevileged communites (such as Majhi, Bote, Tharu and Mushaher) resideing along the bank of Narayani river are traditional fishermen.
Community Based Adaptation Biodiversity
Phase 3
Project Number: TAN/COMPACT/GEF/06/14 |
Every tribe has traditional food crops as the Chagga do, but due to increase modernization many tribes tend to move away from their traditional foods, for Kiilimanjaro the disappearing of traditonal food crops is increasing to a level that needs ( ... )
ion. Most of these crops required a well conserved land and agro-forestry practice, which is disappearing due to increased population and other economic factors. It has been noted that these crops have high health value.
Together with COMPACT, Lyamkara Environmental and Cultural Heritage Promotion Association (LECHPA) will work to propagate these crops for cultivation by communities around Mt
Phase 3
Project Number: CHI/05/20 |
crear un circuito turistico comunitario que una tanto fisica como comunitariamente las localidades de Malalcahuello, El Manzanar, Rio Blanco La Tepa y Curacautin.
capaciatando y implementado un paquete turistico asociado al sendero de Chile |
Biodiversity Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: ECU/OP3/2/06/001 |
Dotar a Penipe de un modelo de gestión y aprovechamiento sostenible y sustentable de sus recursos naturales
-Aportar a la creación de estrategias para generar recursos económicos propiciando el desarrollo comunitario integral y el manejo ( ... )
table de los recursos
-Promover la conservación de los recursos naturales y el cuidado del medio ambiente, a través de la participación directa de la comunidad en el desarrollo de las
Papua new guinea
Phase 3
Project Number: PNG/06/1 |
The NGO & CBO will design and develop the DAL orchid farming project proposal. The NGO will collate baseline data on the CITIES and NON- CITIES orchid species, regulatory processes by the government and conduct training sessions as the capacity ( ... )
ng components the project. The proponents and the government department responsible for the conservation, preservation and sustainable developmen of the natural environmental resources will work in collaboration to design and develop the proposal.
The current threat is the depletion of the native orchids from the clearing of forested areas for gardening and the pressure of the growing
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: LIT/OP3/02/06/16 |
All activities are orientated to raise people awareness about climate changes. The strong belief that today most of the people knows about climate changes, but are not well informed how serious these changes are and what they should do in order to ( ... )
its behaviour towards environment. This project is dedicated to raise society?s awareness and knowledge on the issue of climate change and solutions to this problem.
Phase 3
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP3/Y1/CORE/2005/16 |
The NGO "Take care mother and children" is implementing this project due to the danger of dissapearance of the narrowly endemic types of plants such as endemic plant (Acantholimon compactum Korov.) and others they are enlisted in the red book. There ( ... )
eral reasons why it is dissapearing, which are the irrational not systematic grazing of livestock and the disstruction of the places of growth. To preserve this plants and reduce the antropogenic pressure on the environment the NGO is going to guard the territories, make an inventory, organize nurseries. Pasture rotation will be introduced in this area. There are going to be numerous activities
Biodiversity Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP3/Y1/CORE/2005/14 |
The local population uses traditional energy supply and is not aware of alternative methods. They have damaged the local environment and this tendency is still continuing. During the course of the project the NGO is going to make a comparisson ( ... )
es of utilization of traditional energy resource and the alternative renewable. In other word the hybrid: solar and electric to heat the local secondary school. To educate local population about the use of this type of energy it is going to publish a manual on solar plants.
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: NAM-05-10 |
This project seeks to address deforestation in the //Gamaseb Conservancy, which is primarily driven by commercial exploitation of indigenous forests. The southern parts of Namibia are characterized by wide-spread poverty. The settlement of large ( ... )
s of people in certain localities and the often nonexistent work opportunities has led to the establishment of informal activities, one of which is the provision of firewood to settlement s and nearby urban areas. Thus logging has become a commercial activity in the region. In order to stop the current commercial exploitation, education and alternatives have to be offered to the affected