There are 29,070 projects available.
Project Title |
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Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
International Waters
Phase 3
Project Number: KEN/NTEAP/06/005 |
The project will involve raising of various Bamboo seedlings in community established tree nurseries, planting of bamboo and other indigenous trees along the river bank and beaches of Lake Victoria and training of community groups on economic use of ( ... )
especially as a substitute for boat making and construction of
Phase 3
Project Number: MON/06/09 |
The grant intended to support community initiatives to recycle plastic bags and other used plastic products to reduce wood consumption, prevent environmental pollution and damages that are caused by these waste products, and to create an ( ... )
-generating workplace by producinga number of recycled products. A community group named ?Plastic bags Nuhurlul?, comprising 18 members in Darkhan town was formed to implement a GEF SGP grant project ?Plastic wastes to save/replace wood? in 2006.
During the second half of 2006 which is the project implementation period, the project has achieved tremendous results. The project started with
Multifocal Area
Phase 3
Project Number: INS/SSGF/06/11 |
Phase 3
Project Number: URY/06/10 |
El proyecto consiste en la mejora de las condiciones ambientales de la margen uruguaya del arroyo Chuy, a través de la limpieza, la plantación de especies forestales autóctonas y la colocación de cartelería alusiva, todo esto acompañado de un ( ... )
o de capacitación y de educación ambiental.
Objetivos generales:
- Contribuir a la educación ambiental de la población para el conocimiento y respeto por la biodiversidad.
- Recuperar una extensión de la zona afectada por la contaminación, erosión y deforestación como parte del proceso hacia el logro de una mejor calidad de vida.
Objetivos específicos:
- Reunir datos concretos
Sri lanka
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: SRL/05/26 |
Due to the Tsunami which occured in the recent past, the occupants of the Weerakatiya do not have a stable mentality as they have suffered from terrible losses (from relations to property etc). Even now, after years have elapsed, the occupants are ( ... )
living amidst the rubble in a contaminated environment. Thus, this project will be initiated to change the atmosphere in this area and in order to do so, activities such as educating the residents about creating an eco-friendly environment, upgrading their kitchens into better-equiped and hygenic ones, build rain water tanks for the needed, and focusing mainly on coastal conservation since the
Phase 3
Project Number: HND/OP3/SGP/13/06 |
Este proyecto consiste en fortalezer las capacidades de organizacion, tecnicas y gerenciales para alcanzar estos objetivos se requiere el cambio de actitud de los participantes para logra mayor niveles de participacion de los afiliados y afiliadas a ( ... )
iativa y las actividades compuesta porla empresa.
La primera fase que se constituye de los procesos de organizacion, capacitacion, apropiacion de la empresa por los afiliados la cual se desarrolla hacia la proteccion de los recursos naturales y la sensibilizacion de la poblacion hacia los derechos, problematica y roles de la mujer garifuna, la cual todos estos componenetes llegan a la
Phase 3
Project Number: BRA/06/08 |
Elaboration of studies about SGP Brazil; identification of new potential partners and sponsors and recommendation of strategies to complement the financing before and after the programme´s graduation in 2010; and contribution for the production of ( ... )
about the programme.
Phase 3
Project Number: NIC/OP3/2/06/06 |
La comunidad indígena miskita de Lamlaya elaborará un proyecto para el PPD, con lo que pretenden planificar el área de humedales y rescatar y reproducir recursos acuáticos en especial cuajipales y tortugas de agua dulce. |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: BOL/OP3/1/05/09 |
El Municipio de Poroma es la segunda sección municipal de la provincia Oropeza, que al igual que el resto del departamento esta considerado entre los mas deprimidos del país, ademas que el acecho de los fenómenos naturales como "El niño", ( ... )
s, incendios, riadas, etc. han afectado en especial y en mayor proporción a la población indígena rural que vive principalmente de la agricultura, que cuando hay una gran sequia no se produce ni siquiera para asegurar el consumo propio y tampoco se recupera la semilla para la siguiente siembra.
La caracteristica orográfica accidentada de la zona, presenta la suceptibilidad de los suelos a
Phase 3
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP3/Y2/CORE/2006/55 |
The major problem of this area is the economic situation. Population of this area utilizes the woods for energy supply for the rural area. Also people are picking berries and fruits from the forest very intensively to make living, which has destoyed ( ... )
system of the area. The great decrease in the biodiversity is the outcome of the economic situation of people. The river Karaunkur flood-lands are greatly impacted by the grazing of the livestock and also the fires and tree cutting has effected the area along the river. The coast of the river is going to be destroyed if the plants are not going to be planted to avoid the floods. The NGO has had
Phase 3
Project Number: BRA/06/31 |
Expanding large scale agriculture (soy, cotton and sugarcane) presents immediate threats to the area of São Félix do Araguaia, in Mato Grosso. Sustainability of the settlement is compromised by this type of agricultural production which is ( ... )
read in the region. The population in the Dom Pedro settlement practices family farming.
Soil, farming and cattle raising management techniques will be developed and applied without the use of fire. Techniques will be designed in accordance with the local settlement reality, albeit based on similar experiences by other
Biodiversity Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP3/Y2/CORE/2006/27 |
The rare type of tulip (Tulip androma) grows in the gorge Sarybulak, this type is dissappearing due to the fact that the pastures do not let the tulip grow and leave the seeds for next year. The measures that the NGO is taking include the ( ... )
zation of the sewing factory which will produce the items with tulip symbols to promote the protection of the tulip. Also organize a nursery of tulips. The green patrols and cllubs at school will be devoted to the protecion of the tulip. Festivals will be organized to help to promote the dissappearing type. The inventory and board establishment will take place. The NGO activities will be
Phase 3
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP3/Y2/CORE/2006/56 |
The woods near the Koy-Tash village have been cut for energy supply. People even started intervening into the protected ecological zone of Aksy forest. The local citizens are not aware about the alternative ways of energy supply that is why the ( ... )
g process are increasing and causing floods in the mountainous area. To preserve the forest and its buffer zone the project staff in the course of the project is planning to increase the awareness of people about negative effects of land degradation and deforestation by organizing round tables and seminars. Also for better protection project staff is going to fence the territory of the forest and
Biodiversity Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP3/Y2/CORE/2006/54 |
Most of Batken region's territory is considered to be dry and does not have sufficient water supply. There are few rainfalls and the river's water is taken by people from two republics. All of these factors are causing land degradation and worsening ( ... )
rall environmental situation. The envronment of this area is effected also by the irrational household and agricultural activities of people. Local population has significantly impacted the flora and fauna of the region. Animals that have a great importance have been in not one of the best situations. The degradation is also caused by overgrazing on the pastures, by irrational and irresponsible
Phase 3
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP3/Y2/CORE/2005/26 |
Due to the intensive utilization of this area the local environment has been significantly damaged. The local population has cut the bushes of sea-buckthorn for energy supply. The local fish and birds are being destroyed. The ecological balance of ( ... )
arest area is damaged. The NGO by involving local authorities and community decided to preserve this area because if the irrational use of ecology continues it might cause subtancial damage. The NGO is planning to make an inventory of the local flora and fauna to systematicaly preserve it. The nurseries are going to be organized and saplings are going to be planted with the help of local
Biodiversity Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: LIT/OP3/02/06/06 |
Phase 3
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP3/Y2/CORE/2006/39 |
The sea-buckthorn is under danger in this area because it is under great antropogenic preassure. The main reasons are vast cutting down the bushes, pastures, the irrational harvest collection. These all does not just put the sea-buckthorn under ( ... )
but also may lead to the land degradation and other serious global environmental problems. The NGO started its work from the seminar that they have attended that is where they have learned about the desrtification and other major environmental problems. Project staff has outlined several reasons why there is a danger of the type's dissapearance: first of all the lack of awareness of the local
Phase 3
Project Number: KYR/SGPOP3/Y2/CORE/2006/28 |
One of the unique types of pear Uchkurganskaya (Kadi) is under danger of dissappearance due to its unusual features and due to the economic profit. Local population is rather sell other types of fruits and berries due to that it brings more money. ( ... )
are taking up the places where the pear used to grow and growing cherries and other fruits. The pear might dissappear which is a great ecological loss for environment. That is why the NGO "Kaymeroleco" has outlined its goal as a preservation of this type of pear. They have outlined several activities, which are organization of a pear "Kadi" nurseries and plantation of saplings on 17 hectares.
Phase 3
Project Number: MEX/OP3/UNF/06/09 |
Las capacidades de las comunidades rurales y organizaciones de base en la reserva y la zona de amortiguamiento de Sian Ka?an se habrán incrementado para mitigar los riesgos climáticos mediante la educación y la formación en la prevención de los ( ... )
del cambio climático, viajes de aventura, cultural y de aventura.
Community Based Adaptation Biodiversity Chemicals
Phase 3
Project Number: MEX/OP3/06/08 |
Incrementar las capacidades de las organizaciones y comunidades financiadas por el Programa y reducir la vulnerabilidad de los futuros proyectos e inversiones que en ellas se realicen mediante el análisis de riesgos, planes de contingencia, ( ... )
toría y capacitación en gestión de riesgos de contingencias ambientales de los ecosistemas forestales y la apicultura ecológica.