There are 29,070 projects available.
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Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: MAU/SGP/OP3/06/07 |
Il s'agit d'un projet de traitement et d'aménagement de la cuvette de Samouga qui se situe entre la montagne de l'Assaba du côté nord ouest et une chaîne de dunes de sables se situant à la partie sud est de la localité. Comme dans beaucoup de ( ... )
de la Mauritanie, cette cuvette est confrontée à une érosion hydrique très sévère car d'importantes quantités d'eau de pluies s'y abattent en une période de temps très courte. Ceci a engendré un ravinement sans précédent des zones de cultures ainsi que les zones pastorales. Depuis quelques années on assiste à une baisse progressive de la production agricole du fait de la
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: MON/06/20 |
The projet willrehabilitate a 5 hectare area of abandoned arable land in order to combat land degradation and desertification. The project proponent also intends to establish a deciduous tree nursery to support local communities livelihood ( ... )
Sri lanka
Multifocal Area
Phase 3
Project Number: CWI/SRL/05/05 |
The project has addressed two major components, one is the restoration and preservation of two natural springs at Delgaskanda and the second component is to provide families in Delgaskanda village with water through pipeline system from two main ( ... )
Two tanks had been constructed surrounding the main natural springs located at the Delgaskanda. The water from the springs goes to two main store tanks built in the Temple land from there the piped water is distributed to around six hundred families in the area.
The major principal behind the project is the water pumping using the gravitational force. The two selected springs are on
Multifocal Area
Phase 3
Project Number: GHA/CWI/06/005 |
Kukpehi is classified as one of the guinea worm infested communities in the Tolon Kumbugu District. The only source of water for the community is a dugout dam. The people fetch water directly from the pond. Animals as well also drink from the same ( ... )
thus polluting the water
Clinical analysis of these water sources indicated that all the water sources are full of bacteria and the water has an odour and traces of iron. The distance to and from the village to the pond is about 2 km. The community members fetch the water in bowls and cover them with leaves to travel the distance. This pollutes the water places burden on women and children
Syrian arab republic
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: SYR/OP3/2/06/09 |
This project falls under the Land degradation focal area and addresses two major problems that cause a serious decrease in farmers' income: 1) Reduction of land productivity due to absence of sustainable land management, and over- or random usage of ( ... )
zers. 2) Reduction of ground water level due to surface irrigation. These issues are addressed through rehabilitation of land, and encouraging women to plant medicinal herbs in order to improve the family
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: MON/06/22 |
This project is supporting local community?s activities on rehabilitation and conservation of Orog Lake and Tuin River basin eco-system, which is currently under severe distruction. Within the project framework will be planted saxaul, caragana, ( ... )
some fruit trees and Glycyrrhiza (sweet grass) in order to mitigate sand shift.
Phase 3
Project Number: JOR/OP3/Y2/06/03 |
The project is implemented in As Salhiyeh village in Wadi Rum area, which is a special natural and touristic area of significant importance. The proejct aims at controlling the dust and sand dune formation over village dwellings, affecting the ( ... )
, social and economic life of the community. This problem was caused by negative human practices including over-grazing, tree cutting and use of 4-wheel drive vehicles, in addition to climatic conditions. To address the problem, the Cooperative, in cooperation with the Wadi Rum Nature Area, will rehabilitate the area around the village by planting it with indigenous plants and establishing a
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: KAZ/06/09 |
Sergeevka settlement is located in a steppe zone near to Ishym river. Some parts of the lands round the village are presented by brackish soils. Due to the meadows have been ploughed up in 80th, the ecosystem of the soils has got broken, the grasses ( ... )
for the soils have disappeared. Here and there salt has appeared on the surface of the ground, the vegetative cover is presented mainly by a wormwood. When the winds blow erosion of the soil fertile layer occurs.
The purpose of the project is to restore the degraded soils and improve socio-ecological situation in Sergeevka settlement through development of beekeeping as the way to raise
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: KAZ/06/12 |
The population of Sarykol settlement is 8 thousand people. Near to the project territory pastures are located, and cattle is surpassed through the territory. As a result, the vegetation is trodden from year to year; the specific composition of the ( ... )
tion is broken. The fauna degrades. Besides, a motorway of republican value passes by the project territory. Intensity of passing is high. Besides, the western part of Sarykol village is a little bit higher than the eastern one, therefore in spring-time the thawed snow flow down to the lake and bog up the territory. After the water dries up, solonetzic layer appears, and it leads to the soils
Biodiversity Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP3/Y1/CORE/2005/21 |
Majority of the families in the Kashka Suu village make their living by cutting and selling woods. This has already significantly damages the local environment of Padyshata reserve. If this tendency continues it may cause irreversible situations. ( ... )
O staff understands this danger and that is why implementing this project with the help pf local population and local authorities. To solve the problem in the early stages project staff decided to orgnize a massive plantation of dissapearing types of plants and trees. And also organize a process shop of wild fruits. The territory is going to be fenced and guarded. The project is going to be
Multifocal Area
Phase 3
Project Number: INS/SSGF/06/03 |
This project will conduct several activities to recover Kowen II Village community's livelihood in bamboo handicraft, emping melinjo (deep fried crackers made of Melinjo nut), and sompya (crackers made of fried shrimp) production after earthquake ( ... )
er in Yogyakarta and Central
Phase 3
Project Number: POL/06/OP3/19 |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: NEP/OP3/1/06/08 |
Bandipur VDC of Tanahu district, Central Nepal is a leading VDC in the field of sericulture practice in the district. Due to agro climatic suitability, majority of farmers have been practicing the technology for sustaining their livelihoods and ( ... )
ng economic development opportunities. Total 20 sericulture groups with involvement of total 376 HHs have adopted the practice. The average production of the cocoon is about 108 Kgs per household making the total production per year is 40.61 tones of raw cocoon, which fetch USD96,087. On the other hand dried cocoon can be sold 2.5 time higher than the raw cocoon. But the drying process consumed
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: kaz/06/14 |
Use of renewable energy sources is economically expedient in many regions of Kazakhstan. Nevertheless, the potential of renewable energy is not enough use in the country. One of the principal reasons is lack of trustworthy information about how ( ... )
ble energy can be used, what opportunities and perspective for its further development are.
As a result
?equipment producers, potential consumers of renewable energy, investors, banks and other business representatives don?t see the way to get profit out of alternative energy sources use and production
?the state bodies do not consider introduction of renewed energy sources as the real
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: RWA/OP3/2/06/05 |
Project aims at restoring fertility of 60 ha of local communities land installed terraces by associating sustainable livestock management and biological agriculture in the North of Rwanda charectarised by heavy erosion and high population density. |
Phase 3
Project Number: MLI/05/26 |
La construction du barrage de Manantali en 1998, le déboisement de 20.000 ha ont eu pour conséquences des perturbations écologiques au niveau de la faune qui était déj? soumise ? rude épreuve par les diverses actions de braconnage perpétré ( ... )
s chasseurs locaux, les étrangers et les employés des chantiers.
La politique ancestrale de conservation des ressources naturelles qui était jalousement gardée de génération en génération s?est vue vite dégradée sinon abandonnée dans certaines parties du Bafing. Partout les hommes ont commencé ? pratiquer de mauvaises habitudes et comportements sur les populations floristiques et
Phase 3
Project Number: MLI/06/07 |
Le SEPOD se propose d?intervenir à court terme dans le Bloc II de la réserve du Baoulé appelé Bloc de Fina et à moyen terme dans le Bloc I et III appelé respectivement Bloc de Badingo et de Kongossambougou. Les ressources de la Boucle ( ... )
lé font l?objet de pressions de la part des populations autochtones, des personnes accompagnant les troupeaux transhumants et enfin des troupeaux eux-mêmes. Ces pressions sont caractérisées par la disparition de certaines espèces animales, la déforestation anarchique et le recul progressif des limites de la réserve de la biosphère. Conformément au souci du Ministre de
Multifocal Area
Phase 3
Project Number: TUN/OP3/Y1/05/016 |
Le PMF/FEM en Tunisie a été doté d?une stratégie de pays définissant les lignes directrices des actions à l?avenir et les priorités retenues pour la poursuite du programme dans de bonnes conditions. La préparation de la stratégie du ( ... )
mme du pays, basée sur le processus participatif et ayant impliqué la majorité des ONGs actives en environnement et en développement, a permis d?identifier les principaux défis des années à venir pour faire des ONGs tunisiennes des partenaires à part entière des structures gouvernementales dans l?œuvre du développement
Le partage des leçons apprises de la mise en
Biodiversity Climate Change Mitigation Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: MAU/SGP/OP3/06/05 |
Il s'agit d'un projet de renforcement des capacités des ONG membre du groupe thématique "environnement" de la société civile. Le but est de les doter d'outils pédagogiques qui leurs permettront de bien jouer leur rôle dans les efforts aussi ( ... )
ationaux que mondiaux en matière de l'environnement. Le projet comportait une formation de trois jours au cours desquels les ONG ont bénéficié de modules sur le cadre logique des projets et programmes, la communication environnementale, le genre et le développement. Il était également question d'exercices sur la formulation de projets répondant au critères GEF/SGP mis en oeuvre par les
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: NER/SGP/CORE/OP3/Y2/LD/2006/01 |
Le Projet vise globalement à protéger et augmenter la diversité biologique en consolidant les actions entreprises dans le cadre de la lutte contre l?ensablement et l?amélioration de la biodiversité de la cuvette de Guidimouni en vue de ( ... )
tuer les activités socio-économiques qui s?y déroulent. Spécifiquement le projet envisage d?atteindre les objectifs suivants:
?Protéger la cuvette et augmenter la productivité de l?écosystème;
?Augmenter et préserver la diversité biologique ;
?Augmenter les revenus des populations riveraines;
-Améliorer le bien être des populations dépendantes de la