There are 29,070 projects available.
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Phase 2
Project Number: MAR/04/01 |
Fishing is one of the largest employment sectors on Rodrigues, but declining catch sizes, regular landing of immature individuals and the skewed structure of the fish population illustrate that the fisheries are not sustainable. The techniques used ( ... )
fishers create further problems as trampling and deliberate breakage of coral cause substantial damage to the lagoon habitats. This is of particular concern as Rodrigues is part of the fourth most important reef ecosystem in the world. The unique nature of the island?s reefs is further highlighted by the presence of endemic coral and fish species.
The aim of the project is to improve
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: TAN/04/06 |
Solar drying is promoted because of its importance in reducing post-harvest losses particularly for perishable products like fish, fruits and vegetables. Solar dried products can be transported to markets where demand is high. The main objective ( ... )
promote and disseminate solar drying technology and its products through awareness creation, training, developing local commercial markets and creating synergies with other stakeholders in solar drying
International Waters
Phase 3
Project Number: ZIM/SGP/OP3/Y1/CORE/2005/06 |
The proposed project area is Matiashe village of Nyanyadzi ward 8 in Chimanimani district in Manicaland province.This village has been selected in response to identify gaps in the GEF/SGP supported previous work. The area falls in natural region V ( ... )
situated in the save catchment area.The biophysical environment is heavily degraded and there is potential to demonstrate a sustainable and innovative community based environmental rehabilitation model.The group has been chosen because there are some ongoing initiatives on catchment protection, which have been supported by the GEFSGP
In Matiashe village stream bank cultivation is still
Phase 3
Project Number: BOT/05/07 |
The project intends to address environmental challenges like unsustainable community harvesting of natural resources entailing excessive removal of vegetation (ie medicinal plants, wild fruits and thatching grass), destruction of archaelogical ( ... )
cts, threatened rock rabbit species and soil mining. The above mentioned challenges have resulted in loss of envirionmental beauty in the area.
The project aims to addrees the above challenges through conservation of existing vegetation, wild animals and soil, introduction of indigenous species of vegetation types and rehabilitation of archaelogical artefacts by developing a park. In the long
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: ZIM/04/11 |
t his project group comprises of 44 households from Sabhuku Manjira and the neighboring village heads.The project commenced in 2001 and is located about 97km from chiredzi town. The project focuses on the following critical areas
-rehabilitation ( ... )
nstruction of the Ndongo ruins and associated places / sites of cultural and historical significance
-gully and donga rehabilitation
-awareness on culture and environment
-forest and woodland management
-protection of the land from accelerated degradation
The community has also set aside for conservation more than 30 ha of woodland that surrounds the Ngongo ruins and their traditional
Phase 3
Project Number: LIT/05/16 |
The ?Pilnu namu bendruomene? is an organization, providing rehabilitation services for the drug addicts. Its center is situated in Dzukija national park. The organization was looking for the environment friendly economical activities that would also ( ... )
its visitors into the labor therapy. Ecological growing of medical herbs and species was chosen as one of the options. The situation was even more favorable, as the center was situated in the former area of the old monastery with a garden. Therefore some rare old traditional species of herbs might be found there.
The main goal of the project is to establish nursery for the medical herbs and
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: BOL/21/04 |
El proyecto responde a una necesidad de intervencion puntual y especifica nueva. Se desarrollara capacidades, valoracion y utilizacion de los recursos locales, incluyendo los conocimientos, practicas y recursos naturales en la implementacion de los ( ... )
s, si bien existe demanda de colmenas en el lugar, la gente no implementa apiarios por el desconocimiento en el manejo de estas, y por los costos que acarrea montar un apiario.
Por lo anteriormente mencionado el proyecto busca promover el desarrollo de capacidades locales para la valoracion y aprovechamiento de los recursos naturales, a traves del manejo racional y sostenible de la
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: NIC/OP3/05/01 |
El proyecto trata de contribuir a prevenir y mitigar la degradación del bosque y deterioro progresivo de los recursos naturales en la zona (Agua, Bosque) a través del manejo adecuado de fincas. Se trabajará con pequeños productores y ( ... )
s en la sensibilización ambiental, manejo del bosque, generación de alternativas de energía domestica, uso intensivo de obras de conservación de suelos y aguas para evitar el avance de la frontera agrícola.
El objetivo principal es contribuir de forma consensuada al mejoramiento ambiental de la población rural de 4 comunidades del cerro el jilguero al sureste de la parte alta de la micro
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: BOL/16/04 |
El inaduecuado aprovechamiento de los recursos naturales en los minicipios de Buena Vista, San Carlos y Portachuelo, la permanente presion de las poblaciones campesinas para desmontar y cultivar arroz, la provision insuficiente de asistencia tecnica ( ... )
rvicios, y el uso excesivo de agroquimicos han provocado que el sistema actual agropecuario y de aprovechamiento de la biodiversidad local no sea sostenible, ocasionando perdida de la biodiversidad, bajos ingresos economicos y pobreza de las familias campesinas de la zona. Por ello, el proyecto tiene el objetivo de mejorar la produccion de cafe bajo sistemas agroforestales para incrementar la
Phase 3
Project Number: WSM/OP3/01/05/08 |
Gliricidia sepium is a nitrogen-fixing tree, which has been introduced in the Pacific countries as an adjunct in alley cropping and as part of agro-forestry development schemes. The Gliricidia contains substances that can be used as rodenticides is ( ... )
nown. Its latin name in fact means 'rat-killer'. What is not clear now is how Gliricidia should be used to allow a most potent rodenticide to be developed. Some reports claim the leaves should be dried and crushed and then integrated in feed that the rat will eat. Others claim that the leaves should first be steeped in water for two weeks before the rat-killing substance develops to sufficient
Dominican republic
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: DOM/05/28 |
Aprovechamiento de la energía límpia para la electrificiación rural de 100 viviendas de la comunidad, mediante la instalación de una micro central hidroeléctrica comunitaria en Angostura, Manabao. |
Dominican republic
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: DOM/05/26 |
Aprovechamiento de la una fuente acuífera para la puesta en funcionamiento de una micro central hidroeléctrica que supla de energía a una 200 viviendas y otras infraestructuras productivas y sociales de tres comunidades en la parta la de la ( ... )
alta de río Yaque del Norte (Hoya de Ramón, Paso de la Perra, La Peñita y La Ciénega)
Dominican republic
Phase 3
Project Number: DOM/05/09 |
Aumento y conservación en la flora melífera de la cuenca, lo que genera un aumento de la diversidad biológica aumentando la polinización y fertilización en las plantas generando mayor productividad y por ende mayores ingresos que mejoran el ( ... )
de vida de los habitantes de la cuenca Alta del Río Jamao en las comunidades de Monte Llano, Canada Clara, Palma Herrada, Rancho de los Plátanos, La Yautía, Los Rincones, Corte Nuevo en Moca Provincia Espaillat a través de la implementación de apiarios con prácticas organicas en el contel de plagas y enfermedades que repercurtira en mayores ingresos que mejoran el nivel de vida de los
Burkina faso
Phase 3
Project Number: BFA/05/006 |
Mise en défens et exploitation durable de la forêt villageoise dans le terroir de Kourougouera, plantation, formation des membres, valorisation des produits forestiers. |
Burkina faso
Phase 3
Project Number: BFA/05/003 |
Délimitation, surveillance de la formation naturelle, renforcement des capacités et lutte contre la pauvreté dans le village de Magnimasso. |
Burkina faso
Phase 3
Project Number: BFA/05/002 |
Délimitation, enrichissement surveillance de la forêt, plantation, renforcement des capacités des membres du GPC, promotion de l'utilisation de la fumure organique. |
Burkina faso
Phase 3
Project Number: BFA/05/001 |
Délimitation, protection de la forêt villageoise, production plantation d'arbres et lutte contre la pauvreté dans le village de Bana, promotion de l'utilisation de la fumure organique. |
Burkina faso
Phase 3
Project Number: BFA/05/007 |
Délimitation, protection, enrichissement de la forêt sdans le terroir de Ouangolodougou, exploitation des amendes de karité, renforcement des capacités du groupement. |
Phase 3
Project Number: PHI/108/05 |
The project is designed to protect, conserve, and restore biodiversity in the Liguasan Marsh to ensure a continuous yield of useful plants and animals by way of Introducing the Establishment of Madrasah Schools and to mobilize it as the sources of ( ... )
ation, knowledge, authority, and development plan for the balance cycle of harvest and renewal. It is a kind of school where its structural management will be based on the teaching of Islam. Its vision is to teach an on-site biodiversity conservation through the process of facilitating the communities in the marsh to have a strong and viable organization, education, and training for Peace and
Phase 3
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP3/1/05/AP06 |
Tirupathi is a temple town in the state of Andhra Pradesh. On an average, it has a floating population of 60,000 pilgrims from all parts of India and the world. The present scenario in Tirupathi town is to get rid of wastes from sight by introducing ( ... )
tific practices. This is leading to degradation of land and contamination of ground water in the whole district and adjoining areas. This project envisages the involvement of local community in managing local environment in a sustainable manner. The rationale of the project is to make the temple city and its environment clean, to make use of biodegradable wastes for organic manure facilitating