There are 29,070 projects available.
Project Title |
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Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
International Waters Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: TUR-05-05W |
The project aims to organise a workshop for the farmers and practioners on agricultural chemicals and the opportunities and threats of nature friendly agriculture. One of the main agricultural products of Giresun is hazelnuts, and in the last few ( ... )
s, hazelnut production has became dependent on excessive use of pesticides, herbicides and chemicals. Nature, particularly land and water resources as well as humans living in the area had taken their toll from this. This affect is more profound as Giresun is at the Black Sea coast, a sea that is already suffering from massive eutrophication. The workshop will be a fora where the farmers who are
Phase 3
Project Number: POL/05/08 |
2 reserves "Biala Gora" and " Kwidzynskie ostnice" need full implementation of protection plans for 2002-2021;it is necessary to stop invasion of forest and synantropic vegetation entering xerothermic grassland due to stopping extensive ( ... )
e,non-existent nowdays in this area.There is no possibility of bringing back sheep, so ground should be cleared carefully by volunteers under supervision of expert (May), liquidation of bush and trees during Winter ; enlargament of reserve.
Project was consulted by experts from Gdansk University (Professor Jacek Herbich), lessons learned from other xerothermic grass reserves were collected
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/04/22 |
The project area is the origin of two tributaries of two international waters. The Lamphraphlerng collects water in the watershed then supplies water to the Mekhong River?s Moon River. The Lamnamsaiyai plays the same ecological roles for the Gulf of ( ... )
d?s Bangpakong River.
Population growth , coupled with the implementation of the first Socio-economic Development Plan in 1961 resulted in uncontrollable deforestation by modern equipment turning a great portion of this intact watershed areas into expanses of cultivated land of cash crops. Ecosystems and natural resources has been gradually degraded .
Even though the area is situated in the
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: ZIM/04/06 |
The project seeks to reverse land degradation with focus on reclaiming Zhomba gulley. The gulley is located in Chief Nenyunga area of Gokwe North in Midlands province. The land degradation is as a result of unplanned settlements in the catchment, ( ... )
nt poor soil structure, deforestation and uncontrolled animal movements.
The overall goal is to reverse land degradation through integrated catchment protection in an effort to restore soil fertility, improve biodiversity and ultimately the livelihoods of the community. The specific objectives include:
1) To reduce land degradation in Zhomba catchment area by 75% by year 2007
2) To reduce
Phase 3
Project Number: MON/05/03 |
The Zulzaga river ecosystem is the only attractive area for local residents in Darkhan Uul province. There are a couple of resorts for local holiday-makers to come every summer to this place. As the place is under a human pressure, Zulzaga river ( ... )
tem has fast being degraded over the last 20 or so years. A local NGO has taken an initiative to support this area by cultivating different types of trees and bushes including willow trees. The grant is given to Darkhan Green Island, the local NGO to develop Zulzaga river area as a community developed place by supporting the local ecosystem and enhancing well-being and livelihoods of the local
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: ZIM/04/08 |
36 members benefit directly from the project.The project is located about 83km N.E of Chiredzi town. Zvirodzo`s activities can be summarized as follows
1. control of gullies
2. establishment of woodlots
3. establishment of a fruit tree orchard ( ... )
the banks of the Save river.
4. establishment of of a tree and vertiva nursery
5. rehabilitation using vertiva grass and other drought tolerant indigenous trees
6. conserving and protecting the cultural and ecological value of the Chiso pool
currently the community collectively manages a forest that runs along the banks of the Save International river.Like CHIEHA `s Zivembava island ,
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/03/30 |
Le projet vise á contribuer á l'amélioration des conditions de vie des populations de Sirakorola (et principalement des femmes) en luttant contre la commercialisation et la consommation abusive et anarchique du bois et du charbon. Le projet va ( ... )
ir un systeme endogene d'information/sensibilisation des communautés dans 11 villages sur les causes/effets des changements climatiques ; élaborer et mettre en ouvre une Convention locale et un plan d'aménagement et de gestion des ressources forestieres ; former 11 comités villageois et un comité central pour le suivi et l'application correcte du plan et de la convention ; restaurer et
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-04-07W |
The project includes organising a meeting and a Panel in Adana Yumurtalik Lagoon, publication of Ramsar posters in Turkish and preparation of wetlands stickers in order to raise public awareness on the uses and values of wetlands on Wetlands Day ( ... )
Phase 2
Project Number: HON/04/11 |
Siendo en los inicios del siglo XXI el principal reto la protección de los recursos del planeta y la reducción de la pobreza, los seres humanos debemos unirnos para lograr un desarrollo económico sustentable.
La implementación del Ecoturismo ( ... )
de las alternativas para combatir el deterioro ambiental y así lograr la protección y conservación de los recursos de las comunidades. Así mismo da un valor agregado a la economía de las mismas.
El Ecoturismo identifica a las comunidades como los principales actores y beneficiarios de la actividad eco turística, contrario a las otras modalidades de Turismo que muchas veces no involucran
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MAL/04/FP-09/44 |
The proposed pilot micro hydro electric dam projectis a multifocal project aimed at addressing
- a community based water shed management system
- conservation and sustainable use of the BD
- the promotion of alternative income generation and ( ... )
nable livelihood through environmentaly sound socio economic activities that will mitigate the contribution towards the impact on climatic changes
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/04/UP14 |
The project aims to establish a Bio-diversity Conservation and Resource center to develop and run a community led conservation programme for Conserving agro bio-diversity of rice, (especially upland rice), legumes millets and other underutilized ( ... )
by training and building capacity of the community and conducting a right awareness programme on community rights in law and to create a partnership with scientific institutions to provide training and skills to identify plants with insecticidal and pesticidal properties in conservation and use of biodiversity for sustainable for sustainable livelihood.
El salvador
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: ELS04/98/G52/008 |
Contribuir a la conservasción, rescate y manejo sostenible de los recursos costero marino del área natural protegida del arrecife de Los Cobanos (Acajutla) a través de acciones que permitan disminuir la presión sobre los recursos naturales y ( ... )
r la vulnerabilidad de los mismos, para ello se incrementará la capacidad de reproducción del ecosistema a través de la introducción de nuevas colonias de construcción de módulos de arrecife artificial (de la tipología Reef Ball), se impulsará el turismo responsable y sostenible estimulando la creación de microempresas de operadores turístico ecológicos para la correcta implementación
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/04/13 |
Ce projet est partie intégrante des préoccupations et actions proposées par les populations, les services techniques et les autorités locales de la Préfecture de Kita, lors de l?élaboration des programmes locaux du Plan National d?Action ( ... )
nnemental et du Plan d?Action Régional de la Stratégie de Conservation de la Biodiversité de la région de Kayes. C?est dire qu?il s?inscrit parfaitement dans la stratégie nationale de conservation de la Biodiversité.
Objectifs :
- renforcer les capacités des populations, du service de la conservation de la nature, des ONG et des partenaires locaux pour la réhabilitation et la gestion
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/03/28 |
Le projet vise la restauration des terres dégradées en vue de la conservation de la biodiversité et l'application des techniques appropriées pour éviter le comblement du fleuve Bani. Le projet va entreprendre des activités de sensibilisation a ( ... )
échelle sur les liens entre la dégradation des terres, des pâturages et des berges avec la perte de la biodiversité et le comblement du fleuve; mettre en place des comités villageois chargés de la planification des activités a entreprendre; renforcer les capacités techniques et organisationnelles des 60 membres des comités sur la défense et restauration des sols; former et équiper deux
Phase 2
Project Number: LIT/03/09 |
Project objective is to improve living conditions for globally endangered bats species, propagate ideas of their protection for society by developing eco-tourism, disseminating acquired experience, strengthen cooperation with different interest ( ... )
: local authority, managers of protected areas, scientists, non-governmental institutions of national level, youth and other stakeholders. There was a military base in the middle of Plokstine forest (now there is the territory of Zemaitija national park), Plunge district in Soviet times. The base occupied 12 ha and 20 premises are left in this territory. Some of premises are arranged for
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/04/14 |
Sustainable development is the goal of the project, collaborating with the preservation of the Araguaia River and its riparian woods. More income will be generated, thus contributing to an improvement in the quality of life for the community. The ( ... )
ion of the project will be in Pau d'Arco, state of Tocantins and will have exporting of fish and derivatives as an
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: GHA/04/070 |
To improve on the capacities of environmental journalists and media practitioners to understand and appreciate issues in the GEF focal themes to enable them communicate better to educate and create awareness in communities, among public ( ... )
zations, policy makers, parliamentarians non-governmental organizations and community based organizations and the general populace on the need to protect and conserve biodiversity, reduce risks to climate change, protect ozone layers, combat land degradation and phase out toxic organic pollutants as a way protecting natural resources to create wealth and to reduce poverty in
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: ZIM/03/07 |
the upstream of Save river is affected by environmental degradation which has resulted in less sustained river flows and high flooding potential which has increased the vulnerability of the agro-ecological system in the entire basin.extensive ( ... )
station and environmental degradation resulting fro population pressure and over grazing has also meant diminished biodiversity and increasingly pressurized soil and land resources.the communities in this arid and semi arid region depend on agriculture and environmental products for livelihood.pressure fro population increase , HIVAIDS and environmental degradation ha had impact on poverty, food
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN-GEF/04/03 |
300 farmers on Rusinga Island will purchase 120,000 indigenous tree seedlings from the central nurseries that the Rusinga initiative is raising to introduce agro-forestry on farms (couple diversification into indigenous vegetables and tree ( ... )
ng). The activities consist of:
1. using farmer groups, each farmer to plant 100 bananas
2. 300 indigenous trees.
3. planting of indigenous vegetables
4. fencing of woodlots to prevent destruction by livestock
5. identifying markets for vegetables and
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/23p |
Evaluation meeting- workshop with participation of all grantees involved in agro-biodiversity project implementation;presentation of all proejcts;presentation of agrobio-diversity position of IUCN, Ecofund, Ministry for agriculture; |