There are 29,070 projects available.
Project Title |
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Operational Phase |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/04/16 |
Le présent projet se propose d?entreprendre des actions d?éveil et de renforcement de la conscience environnementale des populations de la commune VI et d?une mani?re générale, celle de l?ensemble de la population du district de Bamako et ( ... )
t des autres régions du Mali. Ce projet, par les résultats qu?il se propose d?atteindre, répond aux préoccupations des populations riveraines du site en particulier et de la commune VI et du FEM, a savoir : lutter contre les changements climatiques, préserver la biodiversité et promouvoir la protection de l?environnement. A travers les activités ? réaliser, le projet sera cofinancé
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/04/08 |
After the 90?s significant deforestation and illegal logging occurred in large forest areas in Albania. In the recent years efforts are being made to put these forest areas under sustainable management and nature protection. In addition to the ( ... )
ties aiming at environmental restoration within Albanian, it is thought that the establishment of ecological corridors interlinking areas of high biodiversity would help in speeding up the recovery of damaged areas and ultimately would benefit the regional biodiversity.
The project focuses on the creation of a wildlife corridor between Mavrovo National Park in FYROM, with Lura National Park in
Burkina faso
Phase 2
Project Number: BKF/04/06 |
délilitation,aménagement d'un jardin botanique collectif. sauvegarde des espèces médécinales in situ, transplantation des espèces médicinales en voie de disparition.Formation des membres de l'association à la collecte et au traitement des ( ... )
s médécinales.Education environnementale des jeunes scolarisés de la commune de Boromo. Renforcement de la collaboration entre tradipraticiens et pratiquants de la médicine moderne pour le traitement des malades. Organisation d'une visite d'échanges d'expérience avec d'autres
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/04/07 |
This project is about the cultivation of 140 cuerdas of organic products by 45 women and 25 men, and the establishment of a forestall nursery with organic production of alders, white pine, reddish pine and fir tree, amounting 5,000 trees each ( ... )
inus tecunumani and pinus caribea).
The project sustainability is intended to be obtained through the distribution of crops in parcels, the improvement of food and sale of their products to enhance family incomes (Solanum tuberosum L. and phaseolus). As for the trees, it is planned to reforest and sale them.
Reforestation intends to improve their water sources and soils, as the main focus
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/04/09 |
The collection of medicinal plants has been intensified lately in Albania mostly due to the need of rural population for the returns from selling such plants. Due to this activity there is an overexploitation of the medicinal plants leading in ( ... )
ion of the wild populations. One solution to this problem would be the cooperative cultivation of such plants in rural communities. This would improve the environmental quality by decreasing the collection pressure in natural populations of medicinal plants, and would contribute in creating a culture of cooperation among rural communities that collect these plants.
The project aims to decrease
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-03-109 |
The project objectives are:
1.increasing awareness about the problem of climate change due to increased emissions.
2.introducing the concept of using non-motorized transport for 350 citizens
3.developing the social attitudes of the ( ... )
strative personnel to encourage the use of environment friendly
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/03/24 |
Kazakhstan, that is a party to the international treaties concerning prevention of the climate change, is the largest source of the greenhouse gases discharge in the Central Asia. The latter circumstance is stipulated by the fact that because of ( ... )
imatic conditions Kazakhstan consumes the immense volume of heat energy (hereinafter abbreviated as HE). The cities and towns account for more than 60% of heat energy and therein a portion of the residential sector in terms of the heat consumption amounts approximately to 80%. Almost 50% of the heat demand of Kazakhstani cities and towns is satisfied at the account of the SHS, which,
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/04/GUJ11 |
The purpose of the project is:-
? To create a conducive atmosphere to implement the energy saving changes in the existing system.
? To demonstrate that substantial savings in energy bills by implementing the recommendations made in the energy ( ... )
this has been conducted by the VMC in order to create a synergy effect in other facilities.
? To develop an energy cell in the Vadodara Municipal Coorporation to facilitate a single window clearance for implemention of energy saving techniques.
? To initiate policy reforms for energy saving and reduction of Green house gases.
The proposed project has four major components:-
1. Implementation
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/Y6/CORE/2004/85 |
Cattle breeding and plant cultivation are the main sources of income in the villages of Jargylchak Aiyl Okmet. Manure is the main way of fertilizing plough land and local people store them on the fields under open sky. The other way of fertilizing ( ... )
ning of vegetation remains on the agricultural fields and leaves in the gardens. Both ways are sources of emission of methane, carbonic acid and other products of low-temperature burning.
The main goal of the project is demonstration of economic and ecological benefits of applying of biogas technologies and composting.
In the course of project implementation it is intended obtaining of the
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/04/02 |
Lamphoon Province?s Thunghuachang District is a watershed area of the Li River, one of the four major rivers of the province. A mountainous area with limited cultivated land, the district is a residence of the local Thai and of the ethnic minority ( ... )
. Majority of these population earn their living through agricultural practice and husbandry. The traditional crops range from paddy (both transplantation and direct plantation) for consumption and longan. As to cash crop, corn is ranked number one tailing by potatoes and Japanese bean respectively.
The group was established through the effort of the Lamphoon Province to build capacity of
Phase 2
Project Number: HON/04/12 |
Siendo en los inicios del siglo XXI el principal reto la protección de los recursos del planeta y la reducción de la pobreza, los seres humanos debemos unirnos para lograr un desarrollo económico sustentable. La implementación del Ecoturismo es ( ... )
las alternativas para combatir el deterioro ambiental y así lograr la protección y conservación de los recursos de las comunidades. Así mismo da un valor agregado a la economía de las mismas.
El Ecoturismo identifica a las comunidades como los principales actores y beneficiarios de la actividad eco turística, contrario a las otras modalidades de Turismo que muchas veces no involucran a
Phase 2
Project Number: HON/04/04 |
La comunidad de la Rosita se encuentra en los humedales de Sambuco y el Río San Juan, donde los Garífunas se radicaron alrededor de 1850. Las tierras de la comunidad fueron paulatinamente usurpadas por la Standar Fruti Company, la cual a través ( ... )
hermanos Vaccaro lograron que las familias asentadas prestaran partes de sus tierras a la transnacional, la que se apropió de la zona. Es para el año 2000 la comunidad recibió un título de propiedad en polígonos y es para el 2002 que recuperan los terrenos colindantes con el Refugio Silvestre de Cuero y Salado.
Los humedales cuentan con una enorme biodiversidad, la cual ha sido protegida
Phase 2
Project Number: HON/04/16 |
Este proyecto responde y es compatible con las estrategias nacionales de Ecoturismo y de reducción de la pobreza, promovido por el gobierno de la republica, en base al uso y aprovechamiento sostenido en la riqueza natural del entorno de la ( ... )
El plan de trabajo del proyecto propone la instalación y construcción de alojamiento de bajo impacto; mejorar e incrementar los servicios de atención a los visitantes y turistas en/y alrededor del balneario Las Tecas, aprovechando la riqueza biológica y el conocimiento local de los aspectos producidos agroforestales del trópico húmedo.
Finalmente esta previsto un apoyo en los
Phase 2
Project Number: ecu/03/014 |
Aplicar métodos y técnicas demostrativas en pro de la gestión y conservación de los recursos naturales con lo que se logrará mejorar las condiciones de vida de familias; logrando generar actividades productivas y de capacitación que permitan ( ... )
entar la producción de la biomasa del bosque mediante su uso racional, organizando a la población proponiendo un espíritu empresarial a través del establecimiento de la acuacultura de consumo, el establecimiento de un zoocriadero y centro de rescate, referentes que encausarán el ecoturismo y la producción de artesanías y el rescate de la cultura
Viet nam
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: VN/03/002 |
Desertification is the result of several natural processes accompanied by man-made activities. In agricultural production, overgrazing is the cause of vegetation depletion, increased of soil erosion, and deterioration of soil fertility and soil ( ... )
ure. The impact that overgrazing (in terms of number of cattle herds and of grazing times) is beyond the carrying and restoring capacity of pastures and natural vegetation in grazing areas.
Livestock production on large and small scale has become a traditional economic activity of the people in Ninh Thuan, especially for the Cham people. It accounts for a significant share in the whole economic
Viet nam
Phase 2
Project Number: VN/03/005 |
Today, using pesticide in agricultural production in rural areas in Vietnam has become a common practice. The incautious disposal of pesticide containers (being thrown out to the fields or gardens, or being mixed with domestic garbage, etc,) is ( ... )
ening community's health, and facilitating the spread of pesticides over fields, contaminating water, land, and air environments.
In addition to a considerable amount of pesticides used in agricultural production, a substantial amount of pesticides have been remained in the pesticide producers' stocks, at pesticide agents' stores, or even in rural households. The result of a national inventory
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/04/60 |
Project development Goal:
To develop strategic plan and action plan to encourage sustainable management in surounded areas of Berbak National Park using just and community based policy.
Project Objectives:
1. To prepare verified and accurate ( ... )
se and information of local natural resources.
2. To identify perception and needs to support economic and ecosystem development plant in the two villages.
3. To build the understanding among related stakeholders using natural resources in two target villages
4. To prepare implementation strategic in managing surounded areas of Berbak National Park. .
Expected Output:
1. Overview of the
Viet nam
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: VN/04/001/P |
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/81/04 |
The project seeks to strengthen and build adequate capability of local stakeholders to make informed decisions in reviewing development related interventions in their locality. To carry this out, a Resource Manual on environmental and social ( ... )
ion for use by local stakeholders in decision making will be prepared. The manual will be subjected to two levels of review (1) Local Stakeholders; and (2) Technical Peer
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/04/52 |
Project development Goal:
To build cooperation among stakeholders and develop good documentation to develop model framework of Bukit Daun protected area management.
Project Objectives:
1. To identify problems within villages around Bukit Daun ( ... )
ted areas.
2. To analyse traditional paterns have developed by community to conserve the nature.
3. To build local agreement among the community to reject conversion plan in Bukit Daut protected forest.
4. To raise the awareness of technical implementors of protected forest management.
5. To develop participatory plan between community and other related stakeholders heading to build a