There are 29,070 projects available.
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Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: UGA/04/44 |
Iganga Garbage Management for Improved Environment Health is a project being implemented by Rural Development Foundation, a local community based organisation operating in Iganga district. The project area experiences garbage management problems due ( ... )
of proper waste disposal facilities and equipment.
This makes the area unsightly and poses serious pollution, hygiene and general environmental problems that encourage the occurrence of communicable diseases which negatively affect the local micro climate of the area and the livelihoods of local community.
The project is involved in the promotion of appropriate waste management
Phase 2
Project Number: ecu/03/011 |
Implementar dos centros experimentales (Toacatzubio - Toacazo y Tunibamba - Cotacachi) de reproducción e investigación de semillas tradicionales y parientes silvestres de plantas cultivadas en las Provincias de Cotopaxi e Imababura.Selección y ( ... )
eda de variedades tradicionales y parientes silvestres de plantas cultivadas. Producción controlada de semillas. Validación del producto final con consumidores en mercados locales. Intercambio de semillas y experiencias para iniciar un proceso de autoabastecimiento en semillas de los grupos productores y productoras de PROBIO y
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/CWI/04/01/-PG |
This is a project for give support of the communities for make the proposal for the project. |
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/04/MN07 |
The project goal is conservation of bio-diversity, flora-fauna and regeneration of the orchids especially those which are fast getting extinct and have commercial value.
The project objectives are:-
1. The natural orchid habitats protected by the ( ... )
2. Collection and ex-situ conservation of orchids from the fallen down trees for Jhum cultivation.
3. Cultivation of shade-loving commercial plants below the orchid habitats for income
Phase 2
Project Number: NEP/03/13 |
Terai is home for both poisonous and non-poisonous snakes. Poisonous snakes like krait and cobras are common sites during the summer whereas the king cobra is a rare site. In Terai region of Nepal, especially during summer, snakebite is common and ( ... )
ften people dies without any antidotes. Likewise, more than 5000 snakes are killed every year.
The migratory Newtuwa tribes in Nepal are expert in snake catching and snake charming. The concept is to employ these poor tribal people in catching troubled snake and farming them for venom. The venom thus produced would be used in research, antivenin production and sale. The snake-park would also
Phase 2
Project Number: MAL/04/FP-08/43 |
Sustainable livelihoods based on indigenous plants and its potential as sources of medicine and essential oils may decline under the pressures of globalisation, modernisation, industrialisation, urbanisation, monoculture, hybridisation, genetic ( ... )
lation, tissue culture and widespread use of agrochemicals. This proposed project aims to revive and to keep alive such traditions by building the capaciity and involving the rural single mothers in Kelantan, in the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity by producing essential oils fron indigenous plants , commercialising downstream products such as handicrafts and raising awareness on
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/04/15 |
FrutaSã is a fruit pulp factory owned by indigenous associations and operated by the local smallholders. Fruit is bought from a wide variety of suppliers and transformed into pulp for juice at the factory. This helps generate income for the ( ... )
ional populations living in the area, which provides an alternative to giving in to the pressure of the expanding agricultural frontier and subsequent deforestation. The current project seeks to help FrutaSã increase its volume of production and fruit processing. The municipality of Carolina, state of Maranhão, has many Timbira Indians and various smallholders inhabiting its surroundings, and
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/04/53 |
Project development Goal:
To facilitate community toward the changes of livelihood sources and increasing awareness of mercury impact on health and environment.
Project Objectives:
1. To encourage community initiatives to utilize and manage ( ... )
l resources by planting local varieties.
2. To increase community welfare
3. To increase community critical awareness on mercury impact to community health and reproduction
4. To encourage community initiatives to minimize mercury absorbing into human body by cutting the consumption of biota and water from Sekayam River.
5. To build community movement to the use of mercury that will be
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/03/03 |
This project seeks to create a means for industrialization and commercialization through the construction of an agor-industry in the Carlos Lamarca Agrarian Reform Settlement. Capacity-building is also planned for the community members on ( ... )
vation and sustainable use of the biodiversity, with purposes of economic and ecological use of Cerrado fruits such as Pequi, Baru, etc. Another activity planned is incentives for production and commercialization of handcrafts by community men, women and children. Harmonic coexistence with the environment is thus
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/04/MS17 |
Sangamner taluka is located in the rainshadow of Sahyadri ranges. The average rainfall is 450 to 500 mm. Almost 80% of the villages in Sangamner block do not have irrigation facility. Changing agricultural practices has made agriculture as ( ... )
ically unviable. The purpose of the project is to organize small farmers from 10 villages of Sangamner block into village based ?Krishak Panchayats? to facilitate the start of economically and ecologically sustainable agricultural practices with special emphasis on agro-biodiversity, and participate in the process of conservation of indigenous seeds as a part of biodiversity movement. Bajara is
Phase 2
Project Number: MAU/98/G52/03/09 |
La zone est connue par la richesse de ses pâturages surtout en cette année de très bonne pluviométrie en Mauritanie. La zone se caractérise également par la platitude de son relief ce qui l'expose aux risques de feux d brousse très fréquents ( ... )
tte zone. Le projet consistera en la mise place (ou la réhabilitation) de tranchées en guise de pare feux pour réduire les risques de feux de
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/03/P07 |
Desarrollar un proyecto peninsular, para fortalecer los equipos técnicos y grupos de agricultores de varias microrregiones, para impulsar los sistemas de producción agrícola y agroforestal sustentable, con base para la generación y / o la ( ... )
ón de tecnologías apropiadas y estrategias de producción más rentables para los agricultores. A través de dos talleres de planificación con todos los equipos que intervienen en las distintas
Dominican republic
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/04/23 |
Poner en funcionamiento un sistema de bombeo de agua, impulsado por energia fotovoltaica para solucionar la escasez de agua potable y abastecer a varias comunidadess y el establecimiento de 40 huertos caseros. |
Dominican republic
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/04/21 |
Aprovechamiento de la energia solar para electrificacion de hogares, junto a un plan de capacitacion que genere conciencia entre los comunitarios para promover la conservacion de los recursos naturales |
Dominican republic
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/04/05 |
Instalacion de una infraestructura ecoturistica para la conservacion de la biodiversidad y la ecologia en la cuenca alta del rio Mao |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/04/14 |
Le projet intitulé ??projet pilote d?installation de biogaz ? partir de la bouse de vache pour la satisfaction des besoins énergétiques dans 4 communes (Ségala, Séro, Maréna-Dioumbougou et Koniakary) de la région de Kayes ?? a été ( ... )
fié suite ? un diagnostic villageois. Il bénéficie de l?appui des autorités villageoises, communales, administratives et des services déconcentrés de l?Etat. Initié par les populations, il est considéré comme une alternative ? la crise de bois de chauffe que connaît la zone. Le projet s?inscrit dans la Stratégie Nationale en mati?re des énergies nouvelles et renouvelables et répond
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: LIT/03/10 |
That is an active environmental project that will demonstrate the technology of using wasted biomass and producing heat for the premises of Anyksciai Community Centre. The premises are also going to be renovated to increase energy effectiveness. The ( ... )
will demonstrate the partnership model ensuring supply of waste biomass fuel to the Center. The society is also going to be educated on environmental issues. The centre will continue its activities in the sphere of social services according to the society needs as well.
The activities the project: 1) Installation of the efficient boiler, which uses waste biomass. The boiler will be heated with
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/78/04 |
The mountain range of Kayapa is watershed of five Dams namely: Ambuklao Dam, Pantabangan Dam, Magat Dam, San Roque Dam and Binga Dam. Almost all mountains are covered by pine tree and some endangered Forest Trees like almaciga, narra, etc. Flowering ( ... )
are also growing well in the forest. However, because of lack of awareness, residents are gathering some flowering plants esp. wild orchids. Other forest products like almaciga, narra are being cut down and sold to furniture. This is the result of weak enforcement of environmental laws and lack of environmental
Phase 2
Project Number: LIT/03/12 |
The project aims to actively protect agro-biodiversity and to promote ecological farming activities on the local scale. The activities of the project will involve establishment of Ecological Apiary (Bee-Farm), ecological protection of the agro ( ... )
ersity, planting of rare Lithuanian species of apple-trees, and improvement of ecosystem of the lake. The Centre is going to start processing of the ecological honey as well. For this purpose special workshops will be installed and equipped. Selling of the production will be organized as well. Hosts (families) of the bees (rare old native species) that will appear later will be donated to local
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/03/14 |
An expanse of paddy field between the Banthad Range to the west and the Songkhla Lagoon/Gulf of Thailand to the east is the location where the majority of target communities earn their living by paddy plantation, with two crops a years. The current ( ... )
ce of plantation,however, stresses on production for cash prompting the intensive use of chemical substance to unnaturally boost the production. Nevertheless, the target population remains one of low-income groups in the Thai society with per capita income of Baht: 20,000: As the area is the circulation path of natural water from the Banthad Range down to the Lagoon/Gulf of Thailand,