There are 29,070 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 3
Project Number: ECU/03/008 |
Poner en práctica 2 de las polÃticas contenidas en el Plan de Manejo del Humedal de la Segua (1. Establecer lineamientos y regulaciones para manejar la pesquerÃa; 2. Promoveer el cultivo de especies nativas y evitar la crÃa y engorde de especies ( ... )
¡ticas introducidas, se planea emplear métodos de crÃa alternativos y la aplicación de polÃticas de veda, regulación del ojo de trasmallos y parámetros de talla mÃnima de captura, decididas en forma participativa). Se propone también crear medios de vida alternativos adicionales a través del cultivo de cana guadúa, y apoyar en la rehabilitación del hábitat de aves migratorias
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/03/08 |
This project aims to add the participation of women in the Ecodevelopment Plan in the surroundings of the Bodoquena Mountain Range National Park. More qualified labor for these women is sought, with a return to planting and managing fruit for the ( ... )
older Fair, in which the products would improve in quality, taste and
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-03-95 |
POPs are understood to be one of the most dangerous threats to human health and the environment as well. Reliable evidence has been gathered associating human exposure to POPs to many kinds of cancer and tumors at multiple sites, learning disorders, ( ... )
system changes, increased incidence of diabetes, they are also concentrated in human tissues and breast milk.
The project aimed at providing the local community and stakeholders with information about dangers of POPs and involve them in a participatory approach with governmental agencies and policy makers to achieve the following goals:
?Reducing or elimination of production of
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN-GEF/03/006 |
The biodiversity in the 46 sq km Rusinga island at Lake Victoria has been severely affected by unsustainable use. 200 women from 8 women groups on the Rusinga Island are raising 1,000,000 tree seedlings of at least 7 indigenous species and 3 useful ( ... )
ised exotics (Neem, grevillea robusta and schinus molle or pepper tree). Each woman to raise 5000 seedlings. The seedlings will be purchased by local schools, farmer groups and groups working on reafforestation of beach and road surroundings, hills and an arboretum plot. The activities consist of establishing 6 nurseries near lakeshores but situated around the island, fencing off the nurseries
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/04/07 |
The project will promote consolidation of current experiences in the community in agroforestry systems, targeting rational and sustainable use of natural resources in the Imperatriz municipality in the state of Maranhão. Biodiversity and its ( ... )
ical processes will be taken into consideration as an alternative to deforestation. The agroextractivist farmers will have the opportunity to show their productive capacity, while conserving and preserving the Cerrado biome, which will bring an improvement in quality of life for the
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MON/04/05 |
This is the first planning grant issued by the SGP NSC. A Buriad community group in Northern Hentii had asked to assist them in formulating a project proposal to develop an environmentally sound and economically viable area. Buriad is an ethnic ( ... )
ty group in Mongolia. The community leader was asked to approach an appropriate video-maker and submit a proposal for planning grant that will develop a video proposal for the community in Dadal sum to support local ecosystem and livelihoods of this ethnic community members. Environment Studio of the Mongolian National TV was approached by the group leader and this grant was given to it. A group
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/04/05p |
preparation of feaisibility study comparing various available in Poland technologies for production of bio-diesel, site visits to already implemented projects in Krosniewice and Chudopczyce by Pniewy (GEF/SGP project for Barka Foundation), ( ... )
ance in full project preparation for Stowarzyszenie Kolejowych Przewozow Lokalnych in Kalisz (see project
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/03/15 |
The water supply for the municipality of Maurilândia, state of Goiás, has been suffering environmental aggressions, and is thus contaminatedby agrotoxins and biological residue. This project aims to build awareness in the population and the ( ... )
ry and protection of the water
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/03/14 |
The main objective of this project is the recovery of the riparian woods on the edge of the Riacho Fundo stream, through the use of ecological planting and agroforestry systems. Environmental education for the Riacho Fundo Agricultural Smallholder ( ... )
ation Colony will build technical capacity, strengthen the social capital of the urban and rural populations and build awareness in politics for the adoption of environmental conservation policies in the Riacho Fundo basin. Training courses will be offered for management of conflicts in the social-environmental scope. Agroforestry systems in the smallholders' backyards will help raise the sprouts
Phase 2
Project Number: PER/03/05 |
El deterioro y la paulatina desaparición de especies nativas, por efecto de la deforestación del hombre ha destruido importantes zonas de especies nativas, en tal sentido el proyecto plantea la sensibilización de la población, el establcimiento ( ... )
jardÃn botánico y reforestación con especies nativas, además implementar áreas de producción de plantas medicinales y aromáticas, para luego se transformados y promocionados por las mujeres organizadas, todo ello conforma un atractivo turistico incomparable porque combinará el patrimonio histórico cultural con el ecoturismo, lo cual generará ingreso a las familias y pobladores de la
Phase 2
Project Number: PER/03/07 |
A través del presente proyecto se pretende: integrar a los miembros del APACPIT como piezas fundamentales del equilibrio del ecosistema marino costero, contribuir a la recuperación, optimización y explotación racional del recurso ?Chanque?, ( ... )
r la calidad de vida de los asociados y sus familias, asà como establecer un modelo replicable de conservación y aprovechamiento sostenido; con el propósito de recuperar y aprovechar sosteniblemente el recurso ?Chanque? o ?Tolina? Concholepas concholepas en la caleta Punta Picata, Ite ?
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/03/31 |
Le projet vise a lutter contre les pollutions de l'environnement par les déchets plastiques en mettant en place un systeme de recyclage. Le projet va promouvoir la collecte et le triage des plastiques; doter Bamako d'un centre de recyclage des ( ... )
ques; développer les capacités humaines dans la gestion des déchets; sensibiliser les populations dans la lutte contre les déchets; mettre en place un cadre de concertation entre les acteurs impliquées; renforcer l'application des textes sur les déchets
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-04-145 |
Purpose of the project:
*To prevent direct burning of crop residues like rice straw which causes atomspheric pollution that affects the metropolitioin Cairo area.
* To maximize benefits from agriculture wastes.
* To introduce the organic farm ( ... )
in rural communities.
* To create new job opportunities for young people.
*To reduce poverty rate in rural areas .
Activities of this project:
* Training the farmers and rural women on know-how of bioconversion of crop residues and animal wastes.
*Technology transfer of compost methodology from agriculture residues and utlilization of compost for crop fertilization.
* Meetings,
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-04-146 |
Purpose of the project:
*To prevent direct burning of crop residues like rice straw which causes atomspheric pollution that affects the metropolitioin Cairo area.
* To maximize benefits from agriculture wastes.
* To introduce the organic farm ( ... )
in rural communities.
* To create new job opportunities for young people.
*To reduce poverty rate in rural areas .
Activities of this project:
* Training the farmers and rural women on know-how of bioconversion of crop residues and animal wastes.
*Technology transfer of compost methodology from agriculture residues and utlilization of compost for crop fertilization.
* Meetings,
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-04-149 |
Purpose of the project:
*To prevent direct burning of crop residues like rice straw which causes atomspheric pollution that affects the metropolitioin Cairo area.
* To maximize benefits from agriculture wastes.
* To introduce the organic farm ( ... )
in rural communities.
* To create new job opportunities for young people.
*To reduce poverty rate in rural areas .
Activities of this project:
* Training the farmers and rural women on know-how of bioconversion of crop residues and animal wastes.
*Technology transfer of compost methodology from agriculture residues and utlilization of compost for crop fertilization.
* Meetings,
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-04-151 |
Purpose of the project:
*To prevent direct burning of crop residues like rice straw which causes atomspheric pollution that affects the metropolitioin Cairo area.
* To maximize benefits from agriculture wastes.
* To introduce the organic farm ( ... )
in rural communities.
* To create new job opportunities for young people.
*To reduce poverty rate in rural areas .
Activities of this project:
* Training the farmers and rural women on know-how of bioconversion of crop residues and animal wastes.
*Technology transfer of compost methodology from agriculture residues and utlilization of compost for crop fertilization.
* Meetings,
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-04-152 |
Purpose of the project:
*To prevent direct burning of crop residues like rice straw which causes atomspheric pollution that affects the metropolitioin Cairo area.
* To maximize benefits from agriculture wastes.
* To introduce the organic farm ( ... )
in rural communities.
* To create new job opportunities for young people.
*To reduce poverty rate in rural areas .
Activities of this project:
* Training the farmers and rural women on know-how of bioconversion of crop residues and animal wastes.
*Technology transfer of compost methodology from agriculture residues and utlilization of compost for crop fertilization.
* Meetings,
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-04-153 |
Purpose of the project:
*To prevent direct burning of crop residues like rice straw which causes atomspheric pollution that affects the metropolitioin Cairo area.
* To maximize benefits from agriculture wastes.
* To introduce the organic farm ( ... )
in rural communities.
* To create new job opportunities for young people.
*To reduce poverty rate in rural areas .
Activities of this project:
* Training the farmers and rural women on know-how of bioconversion of crop residues and animal wastes.
*Technology transfer of compost methodology from agriculture residues and utlilization of compost for crop fertilization.
* Meetings,
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-04-154 |
Purpose of the project:
*To prevent direct burning of crop residues like rice straw which causes atomspheric pollution that affects the metropolitioin Cairo area.
* To maximize benefits from agriculture wastes.
* To introduce the organic farm ( ... )
in rural communities.
* To create new job opportunities for young people.
*To reduce poverty rate in rural areas .
Activities of this project:
* Training the farmers and rural women on know-how of bioconversion of crop residues and animal wastes.
*Technology transfer of compost methodology from agriculture residues and utlilization of compost for crop fertilization.
* Meetings,
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-04-155 |
Purpose of the project:
*To prevent direct burning of crop residues like rice straw which causes atomspheric pollution that affects the metropolitioin Cairo area.
* To maximize benefits from agriculture wastes.
* To introduce the organic farm ( ... )
in rural communities.
* To create new job opportunities for young people.
*To reduce poverty rate in rural areas .
Activities of this project:
* Training the farmers and rural women on know-how of bioconversion of crop residues and animal wastes.
*Technology transfer of compost methodology from agriculture residues and utlilization of compost for crop fertilization.
* Meetings,