There are 29,070 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MOR/03/22 |
Ce projet mené au niveau de la zone Sud du Haut Atlas Oriental (province de Ouarzazate) vise a contribuer a une gestion rationnelle des ressources en bois de la zone. Les principales activités du projet concerneront le renforcement des ( ... )
ssances des associations locales sur les problemes du bois de feu, et les solutions a mettre en place ; le test et la diffusion de technologies améliorées par les associations, au niveau de leurs zones d?intervention ; la production d?outils de communication sur les technologies améliorées et enfin la réalisation d?une campagne médiatique autour de la problématique du bois de
Cote d'ivoire
Phase 2
Project Number: IVC/04/15 |
Le Parc national des îles Ehotilé est situé en zone humide cotière au sud-est de la Côte d'Ivoire et heberge de nombreuses espèces d'oiseaux migatrices. Les populations locales ne sont pas impliquées dans la conservation de cette ( ... )
ersité avifaunique .Ce projet a pour objectif de promouvoir la protection et l'utilisation durable de la biodiversité et de son habitat dans les zones humides de la Côte d'Ivoire grâce à une meilleure implication des communautés localees dans le processus de gestion des ressources naturelles des Zones Humides. Il permettra la formation de dix volontaires appartenant à la
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/03/23 |
Le projet vise a l'accroissement de la capacité d'absorption des fonds du FEM par le Programme du Mali. Le projet va faire des ateliers a Koulikoro, Sikasso, et Gao (30 participants) permettant les participants a formuler des projets pertinents ( ... )
pport aux criteres et themes prioritaires du
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/04/06 |
The project area , Baan (village) Mae La-oop , is situated in a basin between Chiangmai and Mae Hong sorn Province, with several creeks draining into the Mae La-oop River. Each creek forms a part of intact watershed full of forest and ( ... )
ins after mountains. Target population, mostly of a cultural group Kareni, earn their living through paddy farming , rotating cultivation and husbandry. There are 120 families with 781 people. The daily energy is derived from fire-woods, oil and electricity.
Early 2003, the committee of the organization had taken a study tour to a year-3 GEF/SGP-
supported project , THA-01-12
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/03/37 |
Rescate, conservación de Beaucarnea Spp, orchidae, y la reproducción de las de flores nativas a través de una buena gestión y la formación, ya que son especies en peligro de extinción, la producción de calidad y la producción ( ... )
ialización de verduras de la zona para el consumo de la familia y la comercialización, así como el rescate de semillas
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/04/31 |
This project aims to widen the scope of work and income generation opportunities through the implementaiton and recuperation of agroforestry systems. Family subsistence will be strengthened and revitalization of the environment will be encouraged ( ... )
h training of the smallholders and commercialization of their products. A Rapid Participative Rural Diagnosis will be carried out with the goal of providing subsidies for intervention in the small-scale coffee plantations. Rescue and recovery of 15 ha of agroforestry systems in 15 different properties, and training of 30 smallholders on agroforestry system management will be carried out as well.
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/04/27 |
The cultural practices of Xavante women in the Sangradouro Indigenous Land will be rescued, with special emphasis on their diet and tradtional medicinal practices related to pregnancy and birth. It is worthy of note that for such practices, species ( ... )
bs and fruit no longer found in the area will be re-planted. Riparian woods and orchards will be replenished with specimens from the plant nursery. Seed diversity will also be insured, as in the example of the different Xavante corn varieties, important for the traditional post-partum diet. Xavante women's meetings will be promoted, exchange of information with other indigenous groups will be
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/79/04 |
The Resource Mobilization Models for the UNDP GEF-SGP Lessons from Experiences in the Philippines project is a planning activity that hopes to surface exemplary models on resource accessing as experienced by SGP in the Philippines. A handout that ( ... )
es these models will be developed and will be given out for the benefit of other National Coordinators in other countries who would want to learn from the Philippine
Phase 3
Project Number: HND/OP3/SGP/04/01 |
El siguiente proyecto plantea la restauración, reforestación y manejo de 9 fuentes abastecedoras de agua a la comunidad y el mejoramiento de la situación de vida familiar campesina general de la comunidad Santa Marta, ubicada a 25 kilómetros del ( ... )
rbano en la cordillera de El Merendón, Choloma en el departamento de Cortés.
Para la restauración se pretende interactuar en acciones inmediatas como ser: El montaje de vivero agroforestal permanente y consolidar un vivero escolar ya existente, la delimitación cercado y reforestación de 7 nacimientos de agua y en desarrollar en forma participativa de un reglamento comunal para la
Burkina faso
Phase 2
Project Number: BKF/04/01 |
Protéger, valorisation un patrimoine culturel mondial constitué de ruines précolioniales qui protégeaient les peuplades du Sud Ouest contre les agressions coloniales, par la mise en défens de la forêt qui l'abrite et la mise en place ( ... )
astructures touristiques très légères, à gérer par les populations
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/04/15 |
Le présent projet est l?une des préoccupations de la commune de Massigui qui sont les activités anthropiques, les aléas climatiques et l?absence de plans rationnels de gestion et d?exploitation qui ont entraîné une dégradation des sols, des ( ... )
, de la faune et des ressources en eau. Il vise ? restaurer et ? conserver les sols, for?ts et faune dans le bassin hyudrographique du fleuve Bagoë.
Objectifs :
- renforcer les capacités d?action et d?organisation des populations locales ;
- améliorer et préserver le potentiel productif des ressources biologiques dans le bassin hydrographique du Bagoë ;
- promouvoir les syst?mes locaux
Cote d'ivoire
Phase 2
Project Number: IVC/04/04 |
Le projet est situé à Soungassou dans le département de Dimbokro, au centre de la Côte d'Ivoire. il vise la restauration d'une relique de forêt primaire "kohoulibo" en vue d'améliorer l'environnement immédiat et de préserver la ( ... )
ersité. Cette restauration se fera par la pratique de l'apiculture au sein de la forêt. A cet effet,10 ha de forêt seront protégés, 200 ruches seront installées sur 50 hectares de savane, au profit de 25 personnes.
Activités à mener:
- formation des bénéficiaires aux techniques de l'apiculture;
- installation de 200 ruches;
- Recolte et vente du
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/04/KAR09 |
The long term Goal of this project is to evolve strategies for the conservation of the degraded tropical rainforests of the western Ghats by ecological restoration involving more areas and private landowners in restoring degraded rainforest ( ... )
nts in tandem with rigorous scientific research and monitoring of plants regeneration and bird population recovery and thereby impacts of local people on rain forests and incorporate this in future conservation planning. It will also carry out conservation education programme for the local communities particularly for school children.
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: ZIM/04/05 |
The purpose of this planning grant was to assist the group in documenting their proposal for funding. on the The overall goal of the project is to reverse land degradation in the six selected farms in Bindura and Shamva districts. This will be ( ... )
ed by mobilizing and training community members in establishing sustainable systems that influence conservation of soil and water ecosystems.
The specific objectives include the following:
1) To select and preserve the degraded areas in each of the selected farms
2) To reduce deforestation through tree planting
3) To harvest water and reduce overland flow and erosion
4) To document
Dominican republic
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/04/15 |
Contribucion a la conservacion del medio ambiente mediante la consolidacion del proceso de produccion de la revista Atajo, con temas enfocados al medio ambiente, recursos naturales y la facilitacion del intercambio de experiencias y conocimientos ( ... )
Phase 2
Project Number: BHU/04/04 |
The Ringphu village is one of the remotest areas in Jurmey geog (block of a district) under Mongar Dzongkhag. It has limited infrastructure facilities. It is three days walk to the nearest motor road. It has a community primary school namely ( ... )
Community Primary School (CPS). Jurmey CPS provides primary education to 200 numbers of students and they have to travel three hours each day to the school and back home on the same duration. WFP day-meals are provided to the students and the Jurmey CPS uses traditional open stoves which consumes large quantity of firewood and this is compounded by the use of open stoves by the local people
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/04/GUJ12 |
The project emphasis is to make people ready to face the challenge of changing ecological situation and bring out new solutions / or approaches by demonstrating different rain water harvesting structures and systems having potential to improve ( ... )
economical and environmental situation of the community, ecology and area.
Through this project the NGO aims to conserve local biodiversity and at the same time reduce the drudgery to the local people when it is a question of their livelihood.
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/69/03 GEF-RNE |
The project will simultaneously address the complex problem on resource management particularly in agriculture, coastal and domestic waste management. The project aims to alleviate poverty and to provide sustainable income to the Sagay populace ( ... )
h an integrated resource restoration system.
The tremendous depletion of coastal resources due to overfishing, illegal fishing and indiscriminate dumping of domestic and agricultural wastes. These results to very low fish catch, hence increasing the problem of poverty.
The project aims to restore and conserve the coastal resource ecosystem which is one of the main source of livelihood of
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: ZIM/04/01 |
The project seeks to introduce an integrated agricultural and ecosystem management programme in order to save the Honde Valley catchment area from further degradation. The overall project goal is to implement an integrated programme that focusses on ( ... )
ng land degradation, conservation of biodiversity together with the protection of the catchment of Pungwe for the betterment of the natural ecosystem and livelihoods of Sahumani people.The project is after addressing the problems of uncontrolled grazing which has resulted in soil erosion and siltation , cutting down of trees for firewood and stream bank cultivation.The project will benefit a
Phase 2
Project Number: PAK/03/54 |
With the support and involvement of NWFP Wildlife Department WD the proposed project area will be declared a CGR. The WD, to protect bird and animal species from poachers will invest the game wardens and watchers with law enforcement powers. A ( ... )
entative of WD will be on supervisory staff for guidance and assistance.
Baseline surveys of wild life will be undertaken with the involvement of FWD and WWF. Monitoring will be undertaken on a periodic basis, primarily through surveys every six months.
Habitat improvement will be undertaken over the life of the project and will become a continuous activity once markhor and other