There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-00-04 |
The Eastern Mediterranean region is Characterized by rich biodiversity and is especially important to the migrating Western-Paleartic Birds passing through the Belen passage.
The Project aims to enhance the protection of these migrating birds who ( ... )
eatened along their migration routes as well as doing required researches in accordance with International Bonn Agreement (1983) covering Protection of Migrating Wild Species. The Project aims to build the capacity of the local environmental NGOs and and raise awareness among the hunters to prevent poaching of the migrating bird
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/00/02 |
Improved income and quality of life through the use of native species in a Cerrado-Rainforest transition area is the goal of this project. Tambaqui and curimatã will be raised in alliance with buriti and açaí. A forest fire in conjunction to ( ... )
r deforestation of the Apiaú region, in Mucapi, state of Roraima, has left the soil fragile and exposed, debilitating the region?s potential. 6 tanks and 3 nurseries will be implemented during execution of this project, for commercialization within one year. 5 groups consisting of 5 families each will benefit. 15,000 kilograms of fish will be produced on average each year, after the first 18
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-00-07 |
60 % of Kastamonu is forest area, including Ilgaz Mountain National Park, Kure Mountains National Park; and is within the WWF 200 ecoregions map.
The project aims to raise the awereness of the local administrators and teachers of the region on the ( ... )
l resources and biodiversity of the region. Project includes site visits, workshops, publication of training
Phase 1
Project Number: UGA/95/G52/008 |
As a result of increased human population and extensive poaching activities of the Rhinoceros, the Rhinos turned extinct in Uganda since early 1980s. In addition to foreign exchange earnings from tourism, Rhino horns fetch high prices as raw ( ... )
als to sword handles, medicines and aphrodisiacs. The slow breeding/reproduction further diminish chances for their survival
Uganda Wildlife Education Centre(UWEC) in Entebbe manages the project so as to have an exhibit for the southern white Rhinoceros at the centre, as a foundation for re-introduction of the Rhino in
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/00/G10 |
Originated in the Phetchaboon Range and constituting the ecosystem of the Mekhong River, the Phrom River had long in the past been providing water and food for communities residing along its course of approximate 200 km.At present, the ecosystem of ( ... )
er has been degraded due to
inappropriate use of land and management of water resources. Consequently, the amount of flow becomes minimal, erosion more critical and conflict in water use more complex.These problems need to be urgently addressed by conditions and needs of all communities and with support from government agencies, private sectors and other agencies in the project area.
Dominican republic
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/00/10 |
Este proyecto pretende demostrar, a partir de su experiencia, que el uso de hidrocarburos como gases refrigerantes constituyen una alternativa menos costosa y de óptimas propiedades para refrigeradores domésticos. De este modo, se espera reducir ( ... )
uso de gases refrigerantes que contribuyen con el calentamiento global y/o danan la capa de ozono. Para esto, se entrena y suministra equipos básicos a técnicos en refrigeración en el ámbito nacional, de manera que estén en capacidad de hacer la recuperación de R-12 y reconvertir a hidrocarburos en refrigeradores
Dominican republic
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/00/03 |
Promoción de sistemas de producción sostenible en siete comunidades de la provincia de San Juan de la Maguana que sirvan como modelo para la recuperación de la cobertura forestal nativa y naturalizada de la cuenca del río Macasías. La ( ... )
entación de sistemas agroforestales, reforestaciones y la creación de una red de conservación de pequenos bosques en parcelas de beneficiarios del proyecto, contribuyen a desarrollar fuentes de generación sostenible de ingresos, mejorar las condiciones de vida de las comunidades enclavadas en el área, y la protección de áreas de cabeceras de
Phase 2
Project Number: PER/99/05 |
El suche es una especie endémica de las lagunas altoandinas, pero debido a la extracción irracional se encuentra en "estado critico", antesala de la extinción.
Mejorar la disponibilidad y diversidad de recursos alimenticios nativos ( ... )
ando, preservando y protegiendo al suche del proceso de extinciónen el que se encuentra, permitiendo además su aprovechamiento sostenible por la población local asentada en las áreas de influencia de la Laguna de Pomacanchi.
Resultados principales:
1.- Diez familias del Comité de Criadores de Peces de la Laguna de Pomacachi - CCPLP- crían en estanques 20 000 alevinos de suche.
Phase 2
Project Number: BOL/09/00 |
Este proyecto se lleva adelante en las comuniddes de ahijadera y Humaruta Baja.
Mediante las actividades desarrolladas en el proyecto, se han organizado y capacitado a 35 familias en técnicas de recuperación, conservación y manejo de semilla de ( ... )
nativas, promoviendo la recuperación de la agrobiodiversidad.
Se han sembrado 8,5 has de semilla de papa variedad "sani negra", con una producción de 10 toneladas de semilla de papa registrada y
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/00/G44 |
The area of the 2 tambols is situated in the neighbourhood of the watershed area of Mae Rim and Mae Loh River, two tributaries of the Ping River draining into the Gulf of Thailand. During the past years there has been concentrated accumulation of ( ... )
l residue in cultivated land and water courses because the majority of farmers earn their livings by growing chemical substance-requiring mono-crop such as tobacco, soya bean and cabbage. There has also been land erosion in the upper land due to mono-crop plantation on the steep slope.
This practice of production aiming to increase the yield for ever-increasing market has prompted the
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: ECU/00/006 |
Situación inicial:
- fuerte deterioro del ecosistema natural
- fuerte conflictividad interna
Este proyecto busca establecer prácticas y sistemas permaculturales con el ánimo de incrementar la cobertura vegetal del volcán Llaló. Trabaja ( ... )
omunidades: la Tola Central, Chica y y leopoldo Napoleón Chávez.
El objetivo general es regenerar el ecosistema natural y cultivado del llaló, recuperar las costumbres ancestrales y aplicar un manejo sustenyable. Los objetivos específicos son :
- promover la necesidad de conocer y conservar el medio ambiente del llaló.
- Entrenar personal comunitario en permacultura para incentivar
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/00/G26 |
Originated in the Banthad Range, Klong(canal) Nang Noi flows through Nayong District, Munag District of Trang Province and the Trang River which constitutes the ecology of the Indian Ocean. Throughout the past, the canal has been supplying ( ... )
for household as well as agriculture. At present due to the population growth in conjunction with human activities, the canal has become degraded. The water quality is affected by chemical substance from agriculture. The soil erosion is increasing due to deforestation in the watershed area and along both sides of the canal. Water species is dwindling. All these have both direct and indirect
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/00/G42 |
Of about 770 km. long and with 40 small tributaries, the Nan River supplies a fairly uniform flow throughout the year, compared to the other 3 tributaries of the Chaophaya River draining into the Gulf of Thailand. Stretching about 40 km. along the ( ... )
the project location is rated the most polluted spot in the Pisanuloke Province. The communities residing along both sides of the river depend upon the river for household consumption and agricultural practices.
With fairly uniform water supply, the main occupation is rice farming which is normally practiced 3-4 crops a year. Consumption of water and chemical application are being managed in
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/00/19 |
Réhabilitation d'une espece menacée : le bois débene, par la responsabilisation et la participation des populations des villages environnant, les peuplements naturels
Objectifs spécifiques - Sensibiliser durant 2 ans les 20 communautés ( ... )
eoises des 3 zones écologiques du bois d?ébene du Sénégal a prendre conscience de leurs responsabilités, a s?organiser et a adopter des comportements favorables a leur gestion ;
- Regenerer durant 2 ans les peuplements naturels des 3 zones écologiques du bois d?ébene par le renforcement des capacités techniques, matérielles du S.C.N. local et les 20 communautés villageoises concernées
Burkina faso
Phase 2
Project Number: BKF/00/006 |
le projet vise à la préservation des ressources naturelles du terroir de Piengou par :
la mise en défens de la formation naturelle du village
l'enrichissement de cette forêt avec des espèces mellifères
La gestion d'une unité moderne ( ... )
ulture pour la valorisation de la forêt et la lutte contre la pauvreté
le renforcement des capacités des membres du groupement des apiculteurs de Piengou parrainé par le centre apicole de Fada, l'un des premiers centres apicoles du Burkina
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-00-10 |
The Aliaga Lake is a 15 hectare salt lake situated in the most industrialised part of Izmir. The project aims to compensate the negative effects of the industrial activities by rehabilitating a natural wetland, which is not rich in bio-diversity in ( ... )
tual state, and make it an attraction Centre for the people Izmir whose aim would be nature
Phase 2
Project Number: GEF-JOR-98-G52-07 |
The project aims to enhance and disseminate sound approaches to biodiversity, soil and water conservation through rehabilitation of sloppy lands and protection of soil through re-introducing indigenous plant species and traditional water harvesting ( ... )
ques. The project is located in Senfeha/ Tafileh, an area of special topographical features overlooking the Jordan Valley in the arid to semi-arid east Mediterranean
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: INT/98/G52/BOT/00/03 |
There is an ongoing debate on the degree of land degradation in communal areas. Many rural Batswana attribute range degradation to inadequate rainfall. Molalatau is a drought prone and excessively overgrazed area in eastern Botswana.
This project ( ... )
cus on developing simple assessment techniques that will allow farmers in the affected areas to understand and plan appropriate intervention measures to address land degradation with little external intervention. The project will combine modern techniques with indigenous knowledge.The primary goal of this project is to demonstrate community driven land management practises that could reduce or
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/00/G18 |
A portion of ecological system of the Mekhong River, the project location is one of the riches forest in Nongkhai Province. With its area of 300 the forest is the origin of many tributaries of the Mekhong. It used to provide natural resources ( ... )
dance to surrounding communities. Due mainly to the inefficient protection system, the forest has become degraded by slash-and-burn & non-environmentally-friendly agricultural practice, commercial logging ,illegal charcoal burning and ,as a consequence of deforestation, uncontrollable wild-fire.
All these have led to the degradation of the ecology of the Mekhong River as a whole. There have
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/00/08 |
fish stocking of a selected Dunajec river courses, poaching prevention, spawning site protection, results estimation |