There are 29,070 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Climate Change Mitigation
Pilot Phase
Project Number: EG-PP-04 |
28 solar heaters units were installed in 9 communities. Raising the community awareness towards issues of protecting the environment. The community Committees of the communities played an important role as they were responsible for planning, ( ... )
entation and assessing the project.
Mobilizing the community to used the new technology of solar heater Energy
To reduce the level of air pollution which is causing serious health problems for members of the community and affecting the global environment.
To conserve energy and time used for cooking on traditional ovens.
To protect the health of the women using the traditional
Dominican republic
Pilot Phase
Project Number: DOM/94/11 |
Integrar a las comunidades de la cuenca del río Bajabonico en la recuperación de la misma a través de a la reforestación de las áreas críticas utilizando especies nativas de la zona y la concienciación a los pobladores sobre los problemas ( ... )
tales, deforestacón de la cuenca y su importancia para la
Dominican republic
Pilot Phase
Project Number: DOM/94/13 |
Reforestar las cuencas de los ríos Yabacao y Capita, utilizando árboles maderables y frutales. Capacitar a los comunitarios de la zona sobre recolección de semillas, técnicas de marcado, construcción de germinadores y producción de plantas en ( ... )
en la comunidad de
Pilot Phase
Project Number: EG-PP-06 |
A forest was established on a 10 acres area in El Rayan protectorate, which was planted with suitable trees for the area and an appropriate irrigation system was established. The project included other components of monitoring , classifying and ( ... )
fying present wild life species and has helped increase their growth in a natural habitat.
Project goals and objectives:
- To convert biomass into a solid fuel (Briquettes) to be used as an energy source that is equivalent to millions of Ton Oil Equivalent/ year.
- To convert the agriculture waste into uniform shaped briquettes that is easy to transport and store. The briquettes have
Sri lanka
Pilot Phase
Project Number: SRL/92/G51/004 |
Reforestation and protection of Gallena Kanda, restore watershed and develop model herbal garden. The project aimed to reforest 15 acres of degraded hill slope which was planted with rubber at one time. At an earlier date this was part of a lush ( ... )
which provided water for the communities living at the bottom of the hill range. As the jungle disappeared and rubber trees were uprooted, the streams dried out and the animals were left with no living habitat. The NGO headed by a Buddhist monk proposes the reforestation of this land to reactivate the streams and provide a haven to the animals of the area.
Pilot Phase
Project Number: GEF-BVI-94-G02 |
Planting of 2,000 trees as part of an ongoing reforestation programme of the National Parks Trust Reforestation Programme, in order to provide a natural environment for education, research and monitoring, maintain ecological diversity and natural ( ... )
ses, conserve watersheds, control erosion and sedimentation and, protect green spaces.
The specific objectives of the project are:
-To educate the public on natural resources and preservation through the development of two brochures, specifically for Mount Sage and Gorda Peak National Parks;
-To distribute these brochures to all stakeholders (residents, students and visitors to the
Papua new guinea
Pilot Phase
Project Number: PNG/94/12 |
US$31874.75 was provided to start a marine resources rehabilitation and management programme for four island communities in the Carttret attols of the North Solomons Province. Objective is to ensure responsible harvesting and consumption of marine ( ... )
ces which the pepole depend on. Project is now
Pilot Phase
Project Number: POL/94/11 |
Project aims in restoration of fishery stock recorded in various historical documents 200 hundred years ago and what dissaperared due to many factors (worsening guality of water, overfishing and poaching). Fishery Station in GawrychRuda on Wigry ( ... )
s a breeding station of the Polish Angling Society, producing young fish stock to be then used for enriching lakes in Suwalki region. Normally it has commercial reasons and also station produce stock for commercial purposes (income). Project aims in creation of the fground for breeding of forgotten species, historivcally noted in this area, by strenghtening the capacity of the Station to
Pilot Phase
Project Number: CHI/94/01 |
Lograr la reproducción y manejo de cultivos tradicionales y especies endémicas con Centros de Rehabilitación de jóvenes adictos y con desajustes conductuales.
1.- Contribuir a la protección y preservación de la diversidad biológica en ( ... )
nos de número y frecuencia de cultivos nativos , además de espcies nativas par usos ornamentales, especialmente aquellas de ecosistemas frágiles.
2.- Se pretende rescatar el uso terapeutico de la concepción andina del trabajo y el cultivo de las especiess recolectadas en zonas andinas para ser incorporadas en el tratamiento de jovenes adictos.
Los resultados materiales y concretos del
Climate Change Mitigation
Pilot Phase
Project Number: KEN-GEF-94-011 |
Study to document impact of maendeleo improved cookstoves on users & the environment. Findings will gie directions to future dissemination strategies and be used as fund raising tool. |
Pilot Phase
Project Number: SEN/94/02 |
La réserve naturelle de Popenguine est située dans le département de Mbour.C'est la relique d'une ancienne forêt classée de 1009 ha clôturés. Elle est menacée par plusieurs facteurs dont l'érosion hydrique , les feux de brousse et la ( ... )
tion des animaux .Elle relève de la Direction des Parcs Nationaux qui , dans sa nouvelle poltique, veut impliquer les populations dans la gestion des aires protégées.C' est ainsi que ce projet est une innovation en ce sens que c'est la premiere expérience de cogestion d'une Réserve Naturelle par un regroupement de femmes de 6 villages limitrophes. Les principaux objectifs de ce projet sont
Multifocal Area
Pilot Phase
Project Number: MEX/94/08 |
Se pretende que los sectores ofíciales y privados relacionados con el bordado, productoras, productores, funcionarios, artistas- , tomen conciencia del enorme potencial que tiene el bordado si se adapta a las exigencias de calidad y diseño que ( ... )
los actuales mercados urbanos nacionales e internacionales para que, desde múltiples lugares de la sociedad se genere un movimiento que sea capaz de producir un renacimiento del bordado
Multifocal Area
Pilot Phase
Project Number: GHA/93/009 |
Lagoons are vital ecosystems for the development of the juvenile stages of many marine biodiversity since they contain brackish water.Brackish water is less saline than sea water. The Sango lagoon, located in the densely populated peri-urban ( ... )
ip of Teshie near Accra, the capital, had become almost completely silted and choked with solid waste because of improper disposal of gabbage, which finally enters the sea. The lagoon also received heavy loads of liquid waste because of improper disposal of such waste. The project dredged the silt out of the lagoon and main drains that open into the lagoon and created mudflats in the middle of
Pilot Phase
Project Number: KEN-GEF-94-008 |
Documenting the role of indigenous crops in minimizing land degradation and deforestation and their contribution to food security and of the economy of the rural people |
Climate Change Mitigation
Pilot Phase
Project Number: PAK/94/04 |
The project concentration was on the village of Muhammad Sahrif Sahto and its surrounding fourteen villages. It commenced in January 1994 and continued for the duration of the year.
The main aims of the project were to provide education ( ... )
ing the environment, increase the plantation of trees and remove waterlogging and provide sanitation. The means of spreading awareness would mainly be educational motivation, seminars and workshops. The beneficiaries were estimated at six thousand and the results were to eradicate environment pollution, water logging and salinity.
Papua new guinea
Pilot Phase
Project Number: PNG/94/01 |
US$13, 157.90 was provided to the Simaun Association of the East Sepik province to undertake conservation and development activity in their area. This funds included funds for environment awareness work. Project yet to be completed. |
International Waters
Pilot Phase
Project Number: ZIM/92/G31/07 |
Recognising the worsening environmental degradation resulting in the siltation of the save river , the buhera district council pushed for action to be taken so as to rehabilitate the river.this project seeks to provide training to community ( ... )
entatives on resource conservation and these will spearhead environment management and sustainable resource utilisation effectively.
-To promote sustainable development in the region by mobilizing grassroots organizations in the design and implementation of resource conservation strategies
- To establish, co-ordinate and upgrade activities towards the protection of the
Pilot Phase
Project Number: MLI/94/13 |
Sédentarisation d'une population déplacée qui projette le développement de l'élevage et la gestion durable de leurs ressources. Le projet prévoit un important volet de formation en agroforesterie.
Le projet de sédentarisation pour ( ... )
nagement du terroir et la reconstitution du cheptel est entrepris dans le cadre de la protection de l?environnement du village et la préservation de l?écosysteme et du cheptel. L?agro-sylvo-pastoral, initié par les 206 habitants constitués en association villageoise de wourro andoumbo est une contribution a l?effort de préserver le village de ma désertification,. L?association a déja
Climate Change Mitigation
Pilot Phase
Project Number: PAK/94/14 |
The society is a community organization. It is a cooperative society of women. SEWA Ladies Cooperative Society Ltd intends to establish a5000 plants nursery at first step that will also act as demonstration and on-job training workshop.
The ( ... )
y objectives of this project are: i) demonstrate through successful implementation of afforestation that unproductive land can be turned productive. ii) Eucalyptus trees are known for absorption of subsoil water to the tune of 18 kg, per day per tree. Large scale afforestation of such trees are expected to reduce the severely of water logging in the area. iii) Because of the lands having turned
Climate Change Mitigation
Pilot Phase
Project Number: PAK/94/01 |
The project aims to provide training in social forestry at community level to NGOs and CBOs, to demonstrate successful strategies for mobilizing community to conserve their environment and to expand the ongoing project of social forestry. ( ... )
rgets set for the project were: i) to train gardeners and school teachers of six schools each year in nursery raising and tree plantation. ii) to train members of CBOs, NGOs and community to set up nurseries, parks and plantations in public places. iii) to establish nurseries in six schools each year. iv) to create awareness among studetns about importance of forestation by introducing social