There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Land Degradation Land Degradation
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: JAM/SGP/OP7/Y1/CORE/LD/2021/03 |
This project will build on the previously funded GEF SGP projects, viewed as best practices, to benefit more farmers within Mafoota and surrounding communities. The proposed project will seek to implement sustainable farming practices through land ( ... )
dry, drip irrigation technology to include harvesting and storage of water for irrigation, solar technology aquaculture and training. Water will be harvested from rainfall both directly into the pond and from the guttered greenhouses that will piped to the pond. Also, the establishment of a social enterprise to support nearby local tourism attraction as well as creating
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: GHA/SGP/OP7/Y1/CORE/CH/2021/04 |
The main challenges facing plastic waste management in the Tano South Municipality are;
vii. Low community awareness, knowledge, and technical capacity with chemicals, heavy metals, and wastes. The impacts of chemicals and heavy metals on humans ( ... )
osystems are not always obvious to local communities, with low recognition until scientific or medical tests are done, which poor and vulnerable communities lack.
viii. Inadequate infrastructure and waste collection services. Less than 40% of urban residents are served with waste collection services.
ix. Collection system is broken down. According to the current management system in Tano South
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: AFG/SGP/OP7/Y1/ICCA-GSI-COVID/BD/2021/05 |
The project title is ?Objectives of this project are: Objective (1) strengthen the technical skills of local communities in sustainable forest management, through provision of training on Participatory Watershed Management; (2) avoid forest soil ( ... )
n through construction of check-dam and practical training of trainees; and (3) train local communities on natural resources management and income generating forests establishment, through establishment of income generating walnut
OP6 –Y7 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: INS/SGP/OP6/Y7/STAR/BD/21/088 |
Goals :
The community is independent and empowered. Not only during the pandemic, but after the pandemic has passed, the affected communities will be better prepared to turn the economy around and build a new civilization (at least at the banjar ( ... )
ighborhood levels) that is more humane, just, and environmentally conscious.
Objective 1:
Developing communities/communities to be self-sufficient in food and ritual needs
Integrated agriculture from upstream to downstream includes production, processing and distribution activities.
Building a sustainable
South africa
Land Degradation
OP7 –Y2 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: SAF/SGP/OP7/Y2/CORE/LD/2021/05 |
Land Degradation Land Degradation
OP7 –Y2 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: GHA/SGP/OP7/Y2/CORE/LD/2021/11 |
The project integrated fish?vegetable farming (Aquaponics) technology for sustainable land management seeks to promote aquaculture and food security to build a climate resilient communities in the Tain portion of the Black Volta Basin. This project ( ... )
evelop the capacities of local farmers to invest in organic agro ecological farming practices which combine fishing farming with vegetable and crop cultivation. It will be achieved through i) training of small holder farmers in integrated fish?vegetable farming (aquaponics) technology; ii) Supporting champion farmers to invest in aquaponic farming systems as alternative livelihood option and
Land Degradation Land Degradation Land Degradation
OP7 –Y2 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: LSO/SGP/OP7/Y2/CORE/LD/2021/15 |
Project Summary
Thaba T?ehla Grazing Association consists of seven villages namely, Moreneng, Nthoaneng, Lumelang, Mcucung, Mohlakala, Lifotholeng and Naledi. The Association is based in Ha Khoanyane on the way to Katse Dam. The Association was ( ... )
ished in 2021, with the purpose of promoting sustainable land and water resources management, through protection of wetlands and conserving rangelands for improved livestock production and prevention of soil erosion. Majority of people living in the rural areas depend more on agricultural activities such as livestock rearing (merino sheep and angora goats) and cattle for their livelihoods. The
Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 - Y6 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: KIR/SGP/OP6/CORE/CC/2021/09 |
International Waters
OP7 –Y2 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: KIR/SGP/OP7/CORE/IW/2021/03 |
Butaritari Island is rural living environment setting located on the outer island situated in the Northern part of Kiribati. Te Vatikano Community is located at Taubukinmeang, one of the villages in Butaritari Island, consisting of a population of ( ... )
ich is made of 99 males and 100 females. The number of households on Taubukinmeang village is 44 of which the Vatikano Community comprises 39 households.
The project will provide the Vatikano community with integrated components focusing on an improved sanitation program in order to reduce pollution stress to the underground freshwater resources and allow members to access to a healthy
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: COL/ICCA-GSI-COVID/2021/03 |
Con la pandemia del Covid-19 nos enfrentamos a una realidad y es que cada año perdemos autonomía en nuestra alimentación e introducimos alimentos procesados en nuestra dieta. Cuando se restringió el ingreso de personas a la comunidad y se ( ... )
uyeron nuestros ingresos, se hizo más difícil el consumo de alimentos comprados como aceite, azúcar y procesados. Esta situación nos recordó la fortaleza de nuestro conocimiento sobre la agricultura y la fuerza de trabajo que tenemos a través de la minga. De esta forma, la estrategia de muchas familias fue hacer nuevas chagras; sin embargo, es necesario que las familias abran sus nuevas
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: KYR/ICCA-GSI-COVID/2021/05 |
Develop tourism through introducing eco-friendly tourist services, including agro-tourism and wild animals observation, by engaging local community members and increasing their interest in contributing to protection of wild animals, conservation and ( ... )
tion of biodiversity on their territories, as well as creating alternative income sources for the members of the organization and local
OP7 –Y2 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: GEO/SGP/OP7/Y2/CORE/BD/2021/05 |
The main idea of the project is to mitigate the Predator Conflict through the active involvement of the local community in Borjomi-Kharagauli National Park and the introduction of innovative insurance / compensation mechanisms. |
Sierra Leone
Climate Change Mitigation
OP7 –Y2 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: SLE/SGP/OP7/Y2/CORE/ CC/15/10/2021/15 |
Sierra Leone
Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation
OP7 –Y2 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: SLE/SGP/OP7/Y2/CORE/ CC/15/10/2021/21 |
The project aims to strengthen sustainable farming and climate change adaptation systems through specific approved climate smart agricultural practices from previous interventions, additionally, capacity development for beneficiary communities ( ... )
be a component of the implementation. The primary objective of this project is to empower communities and schools to create a safer, healthier, cleaner, and greener environment.
To alleviate poverty through strengthening and empowering the communities to produce adequate food without destroying the environment in three communities (Rogbalan, Amina and Kaindema) Sanda Loko chiefdom, Karene
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: BRA/SGP/OP7/Y1/ICCA/GSI/COVID/2021/04 |
The project ?Ipixáxovokuti: CAIANAS healing place? was born from a fundamental movement for CAIANAS, which is the appreciation, recovery and expansion of health and spirituality knowledge among the Terena. We are a people who have suffered external ( ... )
tant) religious proselytism for decades, having our traditional forms of health care and spirituality relegated and excluded to increasingly restricted spaces. We have always understood that care for nature comes along with valuing our knowledge and culture at all levels. In this sense, we always seek, in our actions, to bring shamans and connoisseurs of herbs, the body and the spiritual world.
OP7 –Y2 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: ZIM/SGP/OP7/Y2/CORE/CH/2021/06 |
Community Water Alliance (CWA) is a registered national organization formed in 2013 as a response to the growing need to address national WASH (water, sanitation & hygiene), environment and climate challenges which placed a burden on women, who are ( ... )
ed by patriarchy to fee-free household chores. CWA builds community partnerships and alliances on WASH, environment & climate issues. Majority of CWA members run water points and are engaged on waste management initiatives as water point committees and anti-litter monitors respectively. The organization has more than 30000 individual membership and 6 institutional members as well as structures
Biodiversity Biodiversity
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: JOR/SGP/OP6/Y4/STAR/BD/19/25 |
The project aimed at establishing a nursery for Juniper phoenicea production; a native tree species in Petra Reserve and the last extension in the southern part of Jordan. After Junipers were produced, the project worked on the re-planation of these ( ... )
nside Petra Reserve, a food source for native wild animals within Petra Reserve.
The project also targeted the local community in building their capacities on Juniper plantation and sustained their livelihood through upscaling the benefit raised from tourism activities.
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: BRA/SGP/OP7/Y1/ICCA/GSI/COVID/2021/09 |
The purpose of this project is to carry out collectively thought-out actions, in continuous dialogue with the community, that seek to support the mobilization and strengthening of indigenous, political and religious organizations and, in this way, ( ... )
contexts of reflection and collective construction, on land, violence, production of food, political articulations, and thus, being able to contribute so that the Kaiowá and Guarani can live closer to the ñandereko, the Guarani way of being, oriented towards joy and good living. Its objective is to promote the support and strengthening of Kaiowá and Guarani social organizations, as well as
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: INS/SGP/Y1/ ICCA-GSI-COVID/2021/11 |
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: TON/SGP/OP7/Y1/CH/CORE/2020/3 |