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Syrian arab republic
Climate Change Mitigation
International Waters
Project Number:   SYR/SGP/OP5/Y2/CORE/CC/13/05
This project ultimately aims at: 1-protecting the environment and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, especially CO2, through promoting the use of new & renewable sustainable energy instead of traditional energy to minimize its negative impact. This ( ... )
Syrian arab republic
Climate Change Mitigation
Project Number:   SYR/SGP/OP5/Y1/CORE/CC/12/04
This project ultimately aims at protecting the environment and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, especially CO2, through promoting the use of new & renewable sustainable energy instead of traditional energy to minimize its negative impact.This is ( ... )
Syrian arab republic
Project Number:   SYR/SGP/OP5/CORE/BD/11/02
The suggested project aims to protect local biodiversity of mulberry trees by encouraging natural silk industry which will require expansion in plantation of mulberry trees. Rural families will be encouraged and trained on raising silk worms, ( ... )
Syrian arab republic
Project Number:   SYR/SGP/OP5/Y1/CORE/CD/12/03
The last five years proved that there is a limited impact in the role of the Syrian NGOs & CBOs due to different reasons i.e: lack of resources, disorganisation and lack of planning, inharmoniousness of competences and the weak support of the ( ... )
Syrian arab republic
International Waters
Project Number:   SYR/SGP/OP5/CORE/IW/11/01
This project ultimately aims at protecting ground water supplies and supporting the local communities in the access of the water resources through the process of rehabilitating ancient Roman Wells in the north eastern region in one of the poorest ( ... )
Syrian arab republic
Climate Change Mitigation
Land Degradation
Project Number:   SYR/SGP/OP4/Y3/RAF/2010/17
Syrian arab republic
Climate Change Mitigation
Land Degradation
Project Number:   SYR/SGP/OP4/Y3/RAF/2010/18
Syrian arab republic
Project Number:   SYR/SGP/OP4/Y3/CORE/2010/15
Syrian arab republic
Community Based Adaptation
International Waters
Project Number:   SYR/SGP/OP4/Y3/CORE/2010/16
Syrian arab republic
Climate Change Mitigation
Project Number:   SYR/SGP/OP4/Y3/RAF/2009/13
The reduction of carbon emissions from deforestation and forest degradation programme started in 2008 helping developing countries to overcome local challenges related to forest management & conservation. Forest as a major carbon sink should be ( ... )
Syrian arab republic
Climate Change Mitigation
International Waters
Project Number:   SYR/SGP/OP4/Y3/CORE/2010/14
Syrian arab republic
Land Degradation
Project Number:   SYR/SGP/OP4/Y3/CORE/2009/11
The project aims to make a center for developing biodiversity products in the region of Kadmous (Tartous). The role of this center is: -To list and to identify edible, aromatic and medicinal plants in the region and to assess the human pressure on ( ... )
Syrian arab republic
Project Number:   SYR/SGP/OP4/Y2/CORE/2009/10
Following the successful launch of a similar project in Tunisia, SPANA wishes to provide a second mobile education unit in Syria to inspire and motivate children to learn about Syria's rich and varied natural woodlands and forages, environmental ( ... )
Syrian arab republic
Community Based Adaptation
Climate Change Mitigation
International Waters
Land Degradation
Project Number:   SYR/SGP/OP4/Y2/CORE/2009/08
Most of the applied scientific researches in the under developing countries including our country has financial difficulties what prevents researchers to go deeper into their researches and makes their results without any applied value. This issue ( ... )
Syrian arab republic
Multifocal Area
Project Number:   SYR/SGP/OP4/Y2/CORE/2009/06
As part of BIDAYA's mandate to assist disadvantaged entrepreneurs start their businesses by providing seed funding and technical assistance, and in partnership with the GEF Small Grants Programme Syria, a specific revolving fund will be created for ( ... )
Syrian arab republic
Climate Change Mitigation
Project Number:   SYR/SGP/OP4/Y3/RAF/2009/12
Climate change mitigation and adaptation has become a noble aim for societies and organization. The air pollution in the university of Kalamoon site as well as the city of Deratiah mostly comes from motorized vehicles. Kalanmoon non motorized ( ... )
Syrian arab republic
Climate Change Mitigation
Land Degradation
Project Number:   SYR/SGP/OP4/Y2/RAF/2009/07
The project will focus on: 1- the commercialization and the feasibility of the biogas technology in the market; 2- awareness, capacity building and training to spread the technology; 3- Marketability of the biogas byproduct (organic fertilizer) ( ... )
Syrian arab republic
Community Based Adaptation
Land Degradation
Project Number:   SYR/SGP/OP4/Y2/CORE/2009/09
The project aims to empower the local inhabitants of Marah Village, build their capacities and improve their livelihoods through the revival of Rosa Damascena and protecting the local variety grown there while using agricultural practices that ( ... )
Syrian arab republic
International Waters
Project Number:   SYR/SGP/OP4/Y1/CORE/2008/03
the project aims at improving the conservation status of the avifaunal diversity of Jaboul Ramsar site by strengthening the enforcement of hunting laws and regulations and enhance more responsible and wise birds hunting practices in Al Jaboul Ramsar ( ... )
Syrian arab republic
Community Based Adaptation
Climate Change Mitigation
Land Degradation
Project Number:   SYR/SGP/OP4/Y1/RAF/2008/04
The project aims to promote sustainable and productive use of land and water resources in degraded mountain watersheds, and to create more stable livelihoods, by developing land and water management technologies, introducing agricultural-based ( ... )
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