There are 29,070 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Multifocal Area
Phase 3
Project Number: MON/06/30 |
Supports local community's initiative to enhance their capacity by fruit tree nursing, beekeeping and fish breeding in the delta of Herlen and Chuluut Rivers. |
North Macedonia
Phase 3
Project Number: MKD/OP3/02/06/06 |
The river Babuna has numerous natural beauties that are specific for this region, as well as rich endemic flora and fauna. The project is directed towards the protection and sustainable use of the biodiversity of this eco-system. The biological ( ... )
ity is directly threatened by the visitors, uneducated local population, and irrational use of natural resources of this unique place. Due to the special beauty of this river, The Council of the Municipality of Veles declared this region to be of special value and designated it as an attraction. In the ten years since, more and more visitors are coming, which has put further pressure on the
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: NER/OP3/Y2006/12 |
Dans la Communauté Urbaine de Niamey depuis un certain de temps il se passe des pratiques non respectueuses de l?environnement. En effet, chaque année à l?occasion des fêtes de Tabaski ou « fête de Mouton », des milliers d?hectares de forêts ( ... )
plateaux environnants sont menacés. La pratique consiste à couper le bois vert pour servir de gaulette de grillade des moutons. A l?occasion de ces fêtes les commerçants transportent ces bois verts sur des camions, des charrettes et à dos d?ânes ou de chameau afin de revendre aux ménages de Niamey. Dans chaque quartier des espaces sont aménagés pour la vente de ces gaulettes et de là
Multifocal Area
Phase 3
Project Number: TAN/NBI-NTEAP/06/10 |
The project purpose is to provide strategic environmental management framework for the prevention of Lake Victoria shores for the communities residing along the lake shores. There is a vast increase in both point and non point sources pollution to ( ... )
ictoria from the surrounding villages respectively. The pollution sources are contributed by the majority of communities who have no latrines completely or who make use of unimproved pit latrines with very shallow depths and poorly located. This has resulted into an increase in the waterborne diseases like typhoid, amoeba, bilharzia, dysentery and diarrhea. Some households have pit latrines but
Phase 3
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP3/02/06/LDK 03 |
The purpose of the project is to reduce environmental and socio-economic constraints in the area and protect rangeland biodiversity through conservation of livestock breeds of Yak and Demo through community participation. The project will optimize ( ... )
ing livestock breed maintenance and rearing and emphasize the role of livestock in agriculture through promoting sustainable rangeland livestock systems, given the community management. The aim is to raise the living standards of tribal communities and empower the resource-poor herders, tribal women and farmers.
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: TUN/OP3/Y2/06/04 |
Le projet "Maintien de l?agriculture oasienne et préservation de l?agrodiversité dans le PPI d?El ferch" vise à :
1) Préserver et multiplier des semences maraîchères locales
2) Introduire la technique du SD pour l?intensification hors ( ... )
3) Renforcer les capacités du GDA
Les activités et les résultats du projet sont:
Résultat 1 : Les petites exploitations (s > 0.25 ha) introduites dans le processus de production (dans l?oasis) (multiplication des semences).
Activités :
1 Etablir des petites adductions d?eau pour ces exploitations.
2 Doter chaque exploitation d?un compteur d?eau.
3 Sensibiliser les usagers de
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: MOR/OP3/1/05/13 |
Le projet « maîtrise de la consommation de l?énergie et de l?eau dans les logements urbains par le test et la diffusion d?équipement et de comportements économes en énergie et en eau » sera mis en place au niveau de 4 à 5 quartiers pilotes ( ... )
le de Larache.
Il aura pour objectif d?informer et de sensibiliser les ménages de la ville et le grand public sur les comportements et les équipements permettant la réduction de la consommation de l?énergie et de l?eau.
Les principales activités qui seront mises en place dans le cadre du projet sont :
? La production et la diffusion d?outils d?informations et de sensibilisation sur
Phase 3
Project Number: ZIM/SGP/OP3/Y2/CORE/2006/02 |
Mambemba village is situated in Chitsanza ward 19 of Nyanga District. the village has a total number o 150 households. Household livelihoods are centered on farming. Development challenges that the community have identified are as ( ... )
* drought that has contributed to water shortages
* loss of water through seepage in the furrows
*poverty that is being exacerbated by widespread unemployment
*stream bank cultivation
*lack of adequate water supply
*an increase in child headed families.
*this project is to manage woodlands and water resources in a sustainable manner in order to improve the livelihoods
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: Nam-OP3-1-06-12 |
The project seeks to manage the invader Prosopis trees in the Daures Constituency, Erongo Region. These invader trees have largely populated the area along the Omaruru River and are increasingly reducing the grazing area on which the rural ( ... )
ities depend for farming to sustain their livelihood.
This project will benefit about 100 households along the Omaruru river and subsequently impact about 12000
International Waters
Phase 3
Project Number: UGA/NTEAP/05/008 |
The main purpose of the project is to reduce siltation of River Sio by the farming community in Buhehe and Bulwenge parishes in Buhehe sub-county, Busia district. Improved management of the river banks will include planting trees and grass along ( ... )
nks to reduce soil erosion and subsequent siltation of the river. The communities will be involved in income-generating activities which should keep them from cutting the planted trees for income. In addition, the project will improve access to clean water for domestic use by constructing 4 shallow wells in the 2 target parishes. The women have been walking long distances to collect dirty
Biodiversity International Waters
Phase 3
Project Number: LIT/OP3/02/06/02 |
The project will take place in Nemunas delta regional park, Kniaupas ? Purvalankis ? Kroku Lanka shallow water and/or regularly flooded floodplains in Silute district (Western Lithuania). This project corresponds to GEF SGP priorities in protection ( ... )
shwater ecosystem diversities and sustainable use of its resources.
The project will aim to solve the problems of loss of valuable spawning and valuable habitats for waders due to their overgrowth with reed and cattail. Also the project aims to solve the problem of poaching and illegal fishing in the Curonian Lagoon and Nemunas delta by local community
Biodiversity Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: LEB/OP3/1/05/01 |
The Shouf Biosphere Reserve was declared a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in 2005. Within the Biosphere Reserve is the Al-Shouf Cedar Reserve (the largest in Lebanon) which was declared a protected area by law in 1996 by the ( ... )
ent of Lebanon. Al-Shouf Cedar Nature Reserve is managed by the Al-Shouf Cedar Society, which is a non governmental organization that conceived the idea of the reserve, created it, and currently manages it in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment.
The largest of Lebanon?s nature reserves, the Al-Shouf Cedar Nature Reserve stretches from Dahr Al Baidar in the north to Niha Mountain in
Phase 3
Project Number: TAN/COMPACT/GEF/06/07 |
The objective of this project objectives is to conserve the half mile strip of Mt. Kilimanjaro in Kibosho East. the project also has the objective of enhancing tree planting as a continuous process to the local communities in Sungu,Mweka and Singa ( ... )
e. Tree planting will contibute in conservation of water sources in these villages which are located near the forest reserve of Mt. Kilimanjaro and the halfmile strip area.
The project will involve production of tree seedlings which will be planted in the open areas of the half mile strip areas and on community
Phase 3
Project Number: KHM/06/11 |
The project is aiming at protection, conservation of biodiversity resources and contribution to increase nutrition and food security of communities around ROMPE Lake through the establishment and protection of community conservation area. This ( ... )
t has proposed to establish a community natural conservation lake of 5.5 ha, aiming at increasing fish stock, and protection of 15 ha of existing flooded forest, reforestation 15 ha of flooded forest around this conservation lake which help to improve sanctuary for fish, biodiversity and water birds in community Fisheries areas.
The project also provides education to communities to love,
Phase 3
Project Number: NIC/OP3/1/05/17 |
El proyecto se enmarca en contribuir a la implementación de las alternativas propuestas por los comunitari@s tales como: el rescate del sistema de pesca tradicional, el fortalecimiento de las experiencias adquiridas sobre el trabajo artesanía al ( ... )
de mujeres organizadas, el desarrollo del sistema agroforestal de autoconsumo en las parcelas propicias a la degradación del suelo y al establecimiento del centro de adquisición en la comunidad indígena de Karata, con el propósito de facilitar y mejorar las acciones de las alternativas sobre el uso y manejo sostenible de los recursos naturales. Realizando todo el proceso metodológico de
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: ECU/OP3/2/06/005 |
Este proyecto se ejecuta en los cantones de Marcabelí y Balsas de la Provincia de El Oro. Contempla tres componentes:
El primer componente es el Fortalecimiento Socio organizativo de la APECAM por medio de la formación del Comité de Control ( ... )
, la implementación de un sistema de comunicación interna y externa y la formulación de un plan de negocios en torno a la producción orgánica del café.
En el segundo componente se aplicarán dos técnicas de conservación de suelos: zanjas de aguas lluvias y barreras vivas con tres especies comerciales, con el fin de dar nuevas alternativas económicas a los pequeños productores de
El salvador
Multifocal Area
Phase 3
Project Number: 008/06/ELS/OP3/SGP |
El Proyecto se enmarca en la estrategia de Rehabilitación Territorial Ambiental del Programa de Promoción del Desarrollo Económico Local del departamento de Sonsonate con Fondos de Cooperación Italiana en etapa de implementación y en la ( ... )
ica nacional de conservación de Áreas Naturales Protegidas
Objetivo General:
Contribuir a la Conservación, Rescate y Manejo Sostenible de los recursos costero marino del Área Natural Protegida del Arrecife del Los Cóbanos ( Acajuta)
Objetivos específicos:
OE1 : Construcción , ubicación y monitoreo de Módulos de arrecife artificial de la tipología Reef Ball para seguir incrementando
Multifocal Area
Phase 3
Project Number: NIC/OP3/2/06/05 |
Contribuir a la preservación y manejo sostenible de los recursos naturales en el área de recarga de la fuente de agua de la comunidad las Nubes 2, Para garantizarles a las familias el servicio de energía eléctrica, a través de la ( ... )
entación de capacitaciones y practicas conservacionistas. Se instalará una nano turbina para la generación de energía de por lo menos 17 familias, pero habrá más beneficiaros con la instalación de energía en la
Phase 3
Project Number: BOL/OP3/1/05/11 |
En el marco de la cultura Ayoreóde, las especies más afectadas por la ampliación de la frontera agrícola fueron aquellas de la familia de las bromeliaceas: Pseudonanas sagenarius (garabatá ordinario) y Bromelia hiernymii (garabatá fino) cuyas ( ... )
iones mermaron drásticamente, quedando en pequeñas manchas dentro de las propiedades privadas. Actualmente la mayoría de las comunidades ayoreas no cuentan con el gabaratá fino y existe poco de garabatá ordinario, situación que lleva a las mujeres a incursionar en propiedades ajenas, que en el mejor de los casos se encuentran de 7 a 30 Km, sin embargo, en las comunidades de Porvenir y
El salvador
Multifocal Area
Phase 3
Project Number: 010/06/ELS/OP3/SGP |
El presente proyecto se centran en la protección y conservación de la Diversidad Biológica Mediante el Mantenimiento de tres huertos de especies nativas medicinales y aromáticas; la elaboración de subproductos, su legalización y ( ... )
ialización y la atención médica natural, biológica y manual a enfermos hasta lograr su recuperación, en tres bungalows especialmente diseñados para clínicas.
2) Las actividades y resultados se concentran en: a) el mantenimiento y ampliación de tres huertos; b) la capacitación ambientalista a fin de propiciar la protección y conservación de la diversidad y el cultivo de 35 especies