There are 29,070 projects available.
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Community Based Adaptation Biodiversity Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: KYR/OP3/Y2/06/62 |
The land degradation, the reducation of biodiversity of river Karadarya, the floods and the increase of the subsoil level have been considered as a serious problem for this area. The urgent actions were demanded. The NGO outlined the main problems ( ... )
nclude degradation, the floods and the large rice plantations after which the soil won't be able to produce anything else. The actions that the project outlined listed following items, to restore the fertility of the land where the rice plantations used to be. To introduce pasture rotation and systematize the patures. Also plant the flood-lands to fight the floods. The project management is
Climate Change Mitigation Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: BUL/OP3/1/06/13 |
Soil degradation, water and intensive wind erosion are highly accentuated in the suburbs of the town of Sungurlare. These phenomenons are probably due to improper agricultural management, uncontrolled pasture, and wood devastation. The authors of ( ... )
project face the challenge to prevent soil degradation through cultivation of special log-wood plantations as an alternative of the natural trees.
The energy biomass plantations should simultaneously be used as protection zones due to their construction (various species, levels, specific cultivation regimes), punctual management, and proper use. The protection zones would provide beneficial
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: JAM/OP3/2/06/16 |
Planning Grant in support of future Land Degradation Project.
1. PURPOSE OF GRANT ? to develop a more sound, detailed proposal focussing on prevention of land degradation in the designated area. The proposal will seek to address: Prevention of ( ... )
egradation, Participatory involvement of the communities whose actions have caused the degradation problem, and address the immediate problems of the blocked ravine.
2. based on recommendations from the UNDP GEF/SGP office, the funds will be used to engage Mrs Lise Walter, Civil Engineer (Beckford & Dixon) to streamline. The original proposal and estimates as supplied by Ivan Herron ? Muir
Phase 3
Project Number: Nam-OP3-1-06-11 |
The proponents of this project seek to address the prevalent human ? animal conflicts that exist between the African Wild dogs and the human populace in around the Okongo Emerging Conservancy. Awareness will be raised on how best the communities can ( ... )
th the problem at hand.
The project is situated in the north- central region in the Ohangwena
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: URY/06/11 |
Consiste en la instalación de 8 biodigestores plásticos de flujo continuo, de tamaño industrial, que pueden potencialmente generar aproximadamente unos 12 m3 de biogas / día, de bajo costo y de fácil instalación e incorporación por parte de ( ... )
oductores. Se realizarán una serie de jornadas de presentación, difusión y capacitación dirigidas a productores, técnicos y alumnos de escuelas agrarias de los departamentos de Rocha y San José.
Esta tecnología permitirá utilizar el estiércol producido en los tambos en forma diaria, disminuyendo los problemas producidos por su acumulación en torno a las salas de ordeñe,
Dominican republic
Phase 3
Project Number: DOM/06/05 |
Reahabilitación de 1500 tareas de café con baja productividad, con deterioro progresivo por el abandono y atacadas por la broca del café. Se transformará la producción tradicional de café en una producción orgánica amigable con el medio ( ... )
te y comercialmente mas favorable en la Comunidad de Solimán, Provincia
Dominican republic
Phase 3
Project Number: DOM/06/09 |
El proyecto pretende transformar la caficultora tradicional de las comunidades Rancho La Vaca y El Añil de Jarabacoa, Provincia La Vega en caficultora orgánica, estableciendo alianzas de comercialización, diversificando la producción a través ( ... )
capacitación y el apoyo
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: EGY-05-242 |
The submitted project of Compost production aims at environment Conservation and supporting environmental friendly projects such as organic agriculture and carry out training courses in that field of activity which is compatible with good ( ... )
nment. The target group of this activity is the new graduates in agriculture .We believe that this project will help in reduction of climate change, limiting gases diffusion causing heat retention, raising the environmental awareness For farmers and improving health conditions for both producer and
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: EGY-06-272 |
Improving the economic and environmental security of local communities through effective recycling of agricultural waste from harvested land. The program promotes better recycling practices, recycling without burning, reducing insect levels around ( ... )
by removing agricultural waste, the purchasing of necessary recycling technology, and a reduction of fertilizer and insecticide use. This will lead to a cleaner atmosphere, and economic and health benefits in the
International Waters
Phase 3
Project Number: KEN/NTEAP/06/014 |
The proposed project is to improve the lifestyles of the rural communities in Lower Nyakach of Nyando district by enabling a reasonable number of families to use low cost rice husk ash and stabilized blocks in building dwelling houses and to grow ( ... )
at soil harvesting sites in land management and reduction on trees felled for timber. The project will also facilitate the commercialization of rice husk ash, stabilized soil blocks and fuel saving Uhai charcoal stove made using rice husk residue as the
Biodiversity Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: GUA/OP3/02/06/05 |
The project consists of using organic pesticides and fertilisers to produce 0.2 ha, by each of the 50 project beneficiaries, of vegetables including faba beans, potatoes, tomatoes and amaranth. Soil conservation methods will be used in 0.1 ha each. ( ... )
ill also make their own tree nursery and reforest 0.1 ha each with alder, cypress and pine trees.
Training workshops will be given in tree nursery, organic pesticides and fertilisers, soil conservation, gender issues and project admnistration.
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: MON/05/24 |
Mongolia is a country with one of the highest per capita emissions of greenhouse gases among Asian countries due to its small population and big territory. The country is dominated by vast dry steppes and rocky mountain ranges. Mongolia is ( ... )
able to climate change. On the other hand, the country possesses a considerable amount of renewable energy from the sun, wind, water and biogas. Communities can contribute to greenhouse gas reduction not only by using renewable energy appliances, but they are also able to produce renewable energy appliances like solar cookers, solar panels etc. Initially, the Project Proponent had manufactured
Phase 3
Project Number: POL/06/OP3/17 |
Community Based Adaptation
Phase 3
Project Number: BOL/OP3/2/06/03 |
El proyecto es una intervención puntual dentro de un programa nacional de capacitación en el manejo de incendios forestales orientados a servidores públicos del gobierno central, gobiernos departamentales, municipales y superintendencia forestal. ( ... )
profesionales involucrados a nivel nacional alcanzarán a 20 servidores públicos, directamente involucrados en el proceso de formación y toma de decisiones a nivel de gobierno nacional, gobiernos departamentales y municipales.
Se pretende llegar de manera puntual a las organizaciones y poblaciones locales con procesos de capacitación en manejo de fuego como una forma de prevención de los
Trinidad and tobago
Multifocal Area
Phase 3
Project Number: TRI/bpTT/06/02 |
The objective of the training course is to develop a greater capability in the Council of Presidents of the Environment (COPE) membership to make informed inputs into the legally-provided for Certificate of Environmental Clearance (CEC) process as ( ... )
s to comment meaningfully on other environmental issues. Key activities include (1) a training course for participants from COPE member NGOs/CBOs in the review and feedback process on EIAs and to develop the necessary skills in use of environmental measurement indices; (2) equiping the COPE secretariat to manage the above training course; (3) procurement of the additional equipment required by
Phase 3
Project Number: LEB/OP3/1/05/07 |
In the South of Lebanon, burning waste is a common practice. Any person standing on the heights of Jarjou?a and Jibai villages during sunset will notice the smoke rising from waste burning especially rubber wheels which ( ... )
tes toxic products (dioxin and fornite). The last 20 years have witnessed an alarming increase in the prevalence of cancer and hypertension cases in the region.
The Project aims at raising awareness, networking, reviewing policies and disseminating information in the area of POPs. It also aims at stopping the burning of waste especially rubber tires and stopping the
International Waters
Phase 3
Project Number: ROM/OP3/2/06/07 |
The project proposal ?PRO ? APE? aims to contribute to the reduction of water pollution especially to the reduction of the difuse organic pollution in the Prut Basin throught promotion of the Best Agricultural practices, implementation of concrete ( ... )
trative measures and thus empowering the community to take concrete measures. The project activities consist in awareness raising campaigns (exhibition and meetings), training on Best Agricultural Practices (BAP), implementation of the BAP in a demonstrative garden and building a model composting platform.
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: NER/OP3/Y1/2006/07 |
Le présent projet vise les objectifs suivants :
?De substituer le pétrole lampant, utilisé jusqu?à maintenant, par l?énergie solaire photovoltaïque.
?L?éclairage, la ventilation des salles de soin et d?accouchement.
?Le chauffage par ( ... )
rgie solaire thermodynamique de l?eau pour la femme qui a accouché.
?Réduire la consommation de bois pour le chauffage.
?La création d?un carde de culture adéquat avec l?installation de lampadaires solaires au lieu de causerie, de retrouvaille des enfants la nuit et la sécurité.
?L?éclairage de 2 salles de classes pour les études la
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: NER/OP3/Y2/2006/05 |
L?objectif global du projet est de renverser la tendance de la dégradation des terres par la lutte contre les feux de brousse dans la zone de pâturage de la commune rurale de Chétimari.
Le projet poursuit trois objectifs spécifiques qui sont ( ... )
nforcer les capacités des communautés bénéficiaires à l?acquisition de nouvelles techniques en matière de prévention et gestion des feux de brousse.
-Protéger 6000ha de terres, correspondant à 9200 tonnes de pâturage et 6000 ha de gommerais par la réalisation des bandes pare feux mécaniques. ;
-Implanter des boutures d?Euphorbia balsamifera en bordure des bandes pare feux en vue
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: SEN/OP3/1/05/10 |
Ce projet à pour objectif la restauration de la biodiversité des écosystèmes de la mangrove et la réhabilitation de couvert végétal par le reboisement intensif de Rhizophora et d'Avicennia dans des sites localisés dans la zone de ( ... )
-Ndimsiro et la réhabilitation du couvert végétal dans la réserve de Biosphère du Delta du Saloum. L'un de ses objectifs est aussi de favoriser une capitalisation et une meilleure vulgarisation des résultats du