There are 29,070 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Biodiversity Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP3/Y1/CORE/2005/13 |
The wood and bush plot are needed to be restored and the project by NGO "Econem" is devoted to preserve and rehabilitate it. The unlimited and irrational grazing has caused various ecological damages. The activities that are taken by "Econem" ( ... )
1.Conducting seminars.
2.Limitation of pasture by creation fence and organizing reserve.
3.Organizing community based patrol.
4.Introduction alternative using solar energy equipments.
Phase 3
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP3/Y1/CORE/2005/22 |
The project implementation was the collaborative initiative of the local households. After receiving the support from local authorities the NGO outlined the scope of the work that has to be done. The project is devoted to preservation of the plants ( ... )
ed in the Red book of Kyrgyzstan Lonicera paradoxa Pojark, Physochlaina alaica E.Korot, Sorbus turkestanica (Franch). To preserve them NGO is going to organize reserves and fence the territories of major concern. The NGO is also involving schools and organizing ecological clubs.
North Macedonia
Phase 3
Project Number: MKD/OP3/01/06/04 |
Protection and renewal of the local variety of purple plum with the methods of the organic agriculture, by involving 10 members and their families in planting 200 plum trees and by education them on benefits of organic production. |
North Macedonia
Phase 3
Project Number: MKD/OP3/02/06/12 |
The Canyon Matka covers an area of around 5.000 ha and is located 15 km southwest of Skopje. By its morphogenetic characteristics, it is a breakthrough gorge. Karstic forms deserve particular attention here - ten caves with their length ranging ( ... )
n 20 and 176 meters and the two vertical chasms with a depth up to 35 meters. Out of the total number of 1000 plants, 20 % are endemic or relic species. Among Tertiary relics, the most significant are the kosanini violet (Viola kosaninii) and nataly's ramonda (Ramonda nathaliae). Two new species of real spiders and 5 false scorpions have been discovered in the area of Matka. In the Canyon, 119
Phase 3
Project Number: BUL/OP3/1/06/07 |
The project activities will take place on the territory of Smilyan, Mogilitza and Arda mayoralties and the adjacent smaller living places. The general goal of the project is to create conditions for sustainable development of ecotourism and ( ... )
tation of its potential for effective and responsible use and protection of the natural resources creation of material and non-material profits for the local people. The specific objectives are: 1. Elaboration of tourist products that expose elements of globally significant biodiversity; 2. Improvement of the access to the project area, the standard of the offered tourist services and their
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: IRA/05/15 (63rd) |
Project location:Qazvin(Lat/Long:36.2829550-50.015259)
1-Empowerment of local communities to reduce land degradation due to unsustainable use of lands surrounding Owan Lake
2-To help protect the natural and cultural heritage in Owan Lake and ( ... )
nding areas
3-To involve local communities in planning, implementing and monitoring impacts of tourism at Owan Lake
4-To raise awareness of tourists and other stakeholders about importance of sustainable use of local natural and cultural resources
5-Demography for Owan Village
6-To promote income generation by establishing local Trust Funds and marketing handicrafts and other
Biodiversity International Waters
Phase 3
Project Number: SPR-05 MALI-2000 |
Description sommaire:
Données sur le projet:
Le Projet est inspiré de la réussite de« Diaban Wula Lakana, » de l?association des femmes de Guélénkoro (LAMA). La zone du projet se trouve dans le cercle de Yanfolila au sud du Mali ( ... )
lière avec la Guinée et la Côte d?Ivoire. Les activités se dérouleront dans 9 communes : Séré Moussa et Samu, Yalankoro-Soloba, Djallon-Foula, Wassoulou-Balé, Kalana, Yorobougoula, Bolo Fouta, Djiguya de Koloni et Flamana; en tenant compte de la spécificité de chaque localité.
La forêt qu?elle abrite est constituée d?espèces végétales de valeur dont les populations et
Biodiversity Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: MAU/SGP/OP3/06/09 |
Il s'agit d'un projet qui vise à la protection de la biodiversité dans la mare de Gounguel qui se situe dans la partie appelée "zones humides" du Sud-Est mauritanien. Cette mare s'étend sur une longueur d'environ 4 km et sur une largeur de 1,5 ( ... )
le joue un rôle vital dans la vie des populations vivant dans ses alentours. On y rencontre plusieurs espèces d'arbres, des acacias notamment et plusieurs espèces animales. Elle est l'une des rares mares qui abritent des crocodiles dans la zone. Elle constitue une source d'abreuvage de milliers d'animaux et un lieu de refuge pour plusieurs espèces d'oiseaux migrateurs. Les populations
Burkina faso
Biodiversity Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: BFA/06/002 |
L?occupation incontrolée des terres et leurs exploitations anarchique fait que les cultivables deviennent rares et plus pauvres. La savane est reboisée à un rythme accélérée et des espèces végétales et animales risques de disparaître si ( ... )
?est fait.
Les populations de Fakouna à travers ce projet, pensent pouvoir faire face aux conséquences néfastes de la mauvaise exploitation que subie leur savane boisée.
Pour réaliser ce objectif, elles ont prévue un certain nombre d?actvités.
Principales activités préconisées
*Sensibilisation / Information sur les effets de l?exploitation irrationnelle des terres et de la
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: MAU/SGP/OP3/06/19/Y1 |
Le projet consiste en la protection de trois oasis dans la ville de Chinguetti située au Nord la Mauritanie dans la région de l'Adrar. D'année en année on observe un rétrécissement de ces oasis dû au phénomène d'ensablement, lui-même une ( ... )
nséquences de la désertification. Il s'agira de mettre en place un dispositif de fixation des dunes avec des espèces locales notamment le sbat (aristida pungens), l'une des rares espèces à pouvoir vivre dans les conditions de ces zones. Il sera mis en place une pépinière de cette espèce qui sera transférée autour des oasis. A titre expérimental, il sera procédé à une fixation d'une
International Waters
Phase 3
Project Number: RWA/OP3/2/06/09 |
The project aims at promoting sustainable agriculture to protect Mukungwa river basin, an important river streaming into the Nile river basin, provide incomes to local communities and improve food access. These incomes will also be used to ensure ( ... )
ial maintenance of a microhydro electric plant funded by UNIDO for communities benefit.
Phase 3
Project Number: SEN/OP3/1/05/09 |
La réserve de la Forêt de Ngazobil est située dans la Commune de Joal-Fadiouth, la population est de 35000 habitants qui vivent essentiellement de l'agriculture, de l'élevag et de la pêche. Les pratiques agricoles extensives, associées aux ( ... )
resses consécutives des années 80, ont entraîné la disparition totale de toute la forêt dans cette zone. Ce projet à pour objectif de consolider les acquis issu du 1er financement du FEM et de continuer à préserver et renforcer lal diversité biologique de ce sites en collaboration avec les populations riveraines. Le projet contribuera à l'éducation environnementale des populations
International Waters
Phase 3
Project Number: MAU/SGP/OP3/CORE/06/10/Y2 |
Réhabilitation de la mare de Soumang :
a. Sensibilisation de la population sur l'importance de toutes les espèces végétales et animales dans le fonctionnement de l'écosystème de la mare et le rôle qu'elle joue dans l'équilibre écologique ( ... )
io-économique de la région.
b. Former les populations sur les différentes techniques de pisciculture.
c. Procéder à des démonstrations
d. Pérennisation de
Phase 3
Project Number: MLI/05/19 |
Ce projet vise la protection et la restauration de la for?t de Bara Sira Kinda dans les villages de Karamani/commune rurale de Sio, Cercle de Mopti et des for?ts de Pignan et de Hororo/ commune rurale de Goundaga/Cercle de Badiangara. Le projet ( ... )
2 ans et ambitionne d?atteindre les résultats suivants :
Une amélioration des attitudes et comportement des populations par rapport ? la préservation de la biodiversité et l?utilisation optimale des sols ;
Une meilleure implication des populations dans la gestion des ressources biologiques ;
Les conditions favorables ? la reconstitution du couvet végétal et des habitats naturels sont
Phase 3
Project Number: ALB/SGP/OP3/Y2/06/05 |
Prespa Region is located in the intersection of the borders of Albania, Greece and FYROM. Micro Prespa and Macro Prespa are the main important water bodies of the area. Both lakes are located at an altitude of aprox.850 m above the sea level amidst ( ... )
ins rising to 2,288 meters.
Treni cave situated at the entrance of the Small Prespa Lake and it is an important site of biological and historic values. The territory pertaining to the Micro Prespa has been populated since the prehistoric ages and there is archeological evidence at the Treni Cave (weapons, working instruments, beauty accessories, etc.).
The cave itself is of great importance
Phase 3
Project Number: POL/06/OP3/18 |
North Macedonia
Phase 3
Project Number: MKD/OP3/02/06/11 |
The project aims to help preserve native sheep species, variety ?Pramenka? (the most autochthonous sheep variety in the Balkan) by establishing Center for reproduction and by initiating organic dairy production as an important income source. The ( ... )
ing project activities were organized:
Creating ?parent? herd of authentic sheep breed Pramenka,
Adaptation/ reconstruction of facilities (for summer and winter condition) to keep the herd,
Introducing standards for organic dairy production (cheese, milk) and initiating conversion to the organic dairy product,
Planting of eroded land with plants and grass for future grazing.
Creation of
Phase 3
Project Number: LIT/OP3/01/06/21 |
An ongoing decline of European Pond Turtle Emys Orbicularis and Fire-belied toad Bombina Bombina is now documented throughout the South Lithuania. Decline of the Great crested newt Triturus Cristatus is suspected to happen in Lithuania ASWELL. Based ( ... )
lation genetic theories each of mentioned species population must reach a size of at least 500 individuals. However, today the populations of pond turtle are between 10 and 30 individuals. Restoring existing and creating new suitable habitats will significantly influence increase of the population. Improvement of habitats for Pond turtles also brings benefit for other threatened and rear
International Waters
Phase 3
Project Number: PAK/OP3/05/09 |
Environmental Protection Society (EPS) was founded in 1991 and registered in 1994 under the Societies Act, 1860. It has a General Body and a Council of nine members represented by the Chairman. The Management Committee provides support to the EPS ( ... )
ment. A total of fourty-nine staff runs the day-to-day affaires of the Society and its projects. The mission of EPS is to address issues of poverty and environmental degradation in Malakand Division through research, advocacy, awareness raising, social mobilization, human and institutional development and services delivery by adopting a conflict-free and culturally viable approach with a blend of
Phase 3
Project Number: POL/06/OP3/11 |
The main project goal is active protection of 4 NATURA 2000 Refuges. Project activities aim at:
1.Maintenance and improvement of water ? logged meadows condition (combat of meadows overgrowing, over drying, improper use), which are place of ( ... )
for rare species of butterflies: Maculinea teleius, Maculinea nausithous, Lycaena helle, Lycaena dispar, Coenonympha oedippus and Euphydryas aurinia;
2.Active protection and implementation (on NATURA 2000 area) of agro ? environmental programmes, supported by EU;
3.Raising local community awareness and implementation of good practices in natural resources management on NATURA 2000