There are 29,070 projects available.
Project Title |
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Operational Phase |
Phase 3
Project Number: POL/06/OP3/03 |
The aim of the project is to procect one of the most endangered bats in Europe - lesser horsehoe bat (Rhinolophus hipposideros).
One of the big problems in protection of lesser horsehoe bat in Poland is insufficient identification of its ( ... )
nce. It is estimated that lesser horsehoe bat lives on the area of 32 000 square likometre, its number is around few thousand. All habitats are located in the south of the country (mostly in the mountain or highlan area). Lesser horsehoe bat winters mostly in warm caves, in the summer it lives in attics of large buildings (usually in old churches and manors). In many cases intakes to such places
Phase 3
Project Number: POL/06/OP3/04p |
Phase 3
Project Number: LIT/OP3/02/06/10 |
Project site: Kamanos State Strict Nature Reserve, covering an area of 3,961 hectares, has enjoyed the strict protection status since 1979. The site contains Kamanos bog of 2,434 hectares which constitutes the largest bog complex in northern ( ... )
nia. The site is also recognised internationally: since 1993 it has been on the list of Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar site) and is designated as Natura 2000 site. The visitor centre located in the Kamanos Reserve Administration building will offer opportunity for getting closer to nature for both recreation and education.
The overall objective of the project was to promote the
Phase 3
Project Number: LIT/OP3/02/06/07 |
Projects aims to protect a breed of birds that has a global importance ? white storks ? in the territory of Rambynas Regional Park, by developing consciousness of environment protection and massing the community, doing concrete regulative ( ... )
The project will better the white storks? colony which is settled in the riverside of Nemunas, in the village of Bitënai and Optainiai. Project will conveyance the local people, enlightenment, rises of capability and building up the lettered and enterprising people. The village of storks will be created, with two homesteads in Bitënai where local people will provide services for tourists or
Phase 3
Project Number: LIT/OP3/02/06/11 |
The objective of the Project is to preserve the species of white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) under global protection and increase its population in Lithuania through the increase of community involvement in the preservation of rare ( ... )
The tasks of work are the raise of number of breeding pairs of white-tailed eagle; creation an observation network to monitor the population; the awareness raise of the local public and the promotion of the management of nature
Phase 3
Project Number: POL/06/OP3/21 |
Phase 3
Project Number: MLI/05/20 |
Le projet a été initié par les communautés de Siby sur la demande des femmes productrices en vue d?améliorer leurs revenus à partir de l?exploitation de la ressources Karité. Les ateliers de diagnostics tenus ont abouti à un plan qui ( ... )
cule autour de cinq volets d?intervention qui sont les suivants :
Axe 1 : Appui à l?organisation des acteurs primaires de la filtre à karité
Axe 2 : Appui à l?amélioration de la production des noix et des amandes de karité
Axe 3 : Appui à l?amélioration des procédés de transformation des noix et des amandes
Axe 4 : Appui au renforcement des capacités de commercialisation des
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: Nam-OP3-1-06-03 |
The project goal is to raise awareness on the benefits of deserts to livelihoods in Namibia, and their comparative advantage in terms of Vision 2030. The second goal is to maintain productivity of natural resources, as elaborated in Vision 2030 and ( ... )
ional Development Plan through recognition of the implications of desertification.
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: GUA/OP3/02/06/13 |
The project consists of installing 26 photovoltaic systems (which include a 45W solar panel, a battery of 90 - 105 A-h, a control panel and a 20W light bulb), to provide light to 25 rural households, a street light and a sound system. The ( ... )
olds are at a great distance from one another and the sound sytem is essential for calling the community together in emergency situations and for other communal meetings.
Three local committees will be formed and trained to manage the following areas: management of funds, including a monthly user fee, to cover maintenance and repair; installation, management and maintenance of the photovoltaic
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: Nam-OP3-1-06-05 |
In recent years non-renewable energy sources has become expensive due to rising demand. This project aims to gather and disseminate information on the advantages of wind energy and to promote the adoption of renewable energy in the form of wind ( ... )
. The project team made up of individuals from various backgrounds from within the Luderitz community will gather this information through visits to libraries and relevant institutions.
Phase 3
Project Number: CUB/OP3/2/06/04 |
El Proyecto ?Guaní? se desarrollará en la Comunidad de Santa María de Tacobay, formada por 204 familias campesinas y ubicada en el sector Baracoa del Parque Nacional ?Alejandro de Humbolt? (PANH), área protegida estricta (Cat II VICN) y Sitio de ( ... )
nio Mundial, que atesora la mayor riqueza y endemismo de Cuba. Santa María de Tacobay es una de las 12 comunidades ubicadas en el interior del Parque, de gran importancia socioeconómica por su actividad productiva y en la que se han identificado problemáticas ambientales relacionadas fundamentalmente con la erosión hídrica, la existencia de fajas hidroreguladoras y áreas desprovistas de
Dominican republic
Multifocal Area
Phase 3
Project Number: DOM/06/24 |
El proyecto contribuirá a reducir los impactos negativos en las cuencas que forman parte del sistema hidrográfico de la montaña Diego Ocampo, mediante el establecimiento de sistemas sostenibles, reduciendo la presión humana sobre la zona ( ... )
ida y la biodiversidad de este ecosistema en la comunidade de Las Manaclas provincia
Dominican republic
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: DOM/06/19 |
Electrificación rural con energía limpia mediante el establecimiento de una hidroeléctrica para darle energía a 40 hogares en la Comunidad de La Lomita de Jarabacoa, Provincia La Vega |
El salvador
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: 006/06/ELS/OP3/SGP |
Asociación Mangle, es una organización local de las comunidades de la margen oriental del bajo Lempa, en el departamento de Usulután, que nació para dar respuesta a las condiciones de vulnerabilidad económica, social y ambiental de la ( ... )
ión rural, mediante la construcción de alternativas desarrollo productivo, mejoramiento del entorno ambiental y gestión social organizativa de las comunidades. Uno de sus principales programas lo constituye el impulso de una estrategia de producción agrícola diversificada bajo riego, mediante el diseño, establecimiento y manejo de pequeñas fincas familiares, destinadas a la
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: BOL/OP3/1/05/17 |
La comunidad Pacollo está organizada en la estructura originaria, mantienen su cultura, pero forman parte de la organización sindical a nivel departamental y nacional, pero a nivel provincial existen dos matrices, autoridades originarias y ( ... )
ión sindical.
Frente a los problemas climáticos, y la inseguridad productiva en el altiplano, está siendo descartado por algunas instituciones y autoridades gubernamentales por ser improductivo, pero no debemos olvidar que por miles de años se han desarrollado muchas culturas, solo falta utilizar adecuadamente los recursos que se tiene y, un apoyo inicial para incorporar materiales
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: BOT/OP3/2/06/13 |
The Mogojwegojwe Development Association (MDA) comprising of the villages of Mogojwegojwe, Lolwana, Gamajaalela, Motsentshe, Mathethe, Diabo and Dipotsana have realised there are environmental issues of concern that need to be addressed. The area is ( ... )
ly being degraded and the scenario is not desirable hence the need for environmental information dissemination geared towards curbing/halting such and putting in place mechanisms to ensure sustainable environmental management.
The project aims at raising awareness and appreciation on environmental management among members of the Mogojwegojwe Youth Development Association through a workshop.
Biodiversity Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: TUR-05-09Pu |
The objective of the project was to prepare a publication in order to continue the dissemination of the information gathered about the Ulus Area of Kastamonu ? Bartin Kure Mountains National Park, through SGP project TUR-03-10.
The publication is ( ... )
ed with the title ?Knowledge of Kure Mountains: Ulus? and it contains the following sections:
The Importance of Traditional Knowledge - Information about Ulus Area ? A 5,000 Year of Settlement- Agriculture and Animal Husbandry - The Open Market - The Forest and Forestry - Local Cuisine ? Local Tastes - Traditional Gadgets ? Kitchen Utensils - Traditional Architecture ? Shelter - Handcrafts -
Phase 3
Project Number: TUR/OP3/2/06/06Pu |
The project entails the publication of Turkey's Key Biodiversity Areas Book (KBA), which identifies 305 key biodiversity areas in Turkey, most of which are not protected under any legal status.
This is the first national KBA book in the world. ( ... )
ok aims to create both a general public awareness on this issue, but more importantly it aims to inform and urge the government to take action for those areas that are not protected to be covered within the Protected Area Network, and to improve to conservation status for the protected but still threatened areas.
The KBA approach has been developed by an expert team representing the leading
International Waters
Phase 3
Project Number: GUA/CWI/OP3/02/06/16 |
The project will build 24 rain harvesting systems, that will use the roof of the family houses to collect rain during the rainy season and fog during the dry season, roof channels to collect the water to plastic collection tanks of 2,500 liters ( ... )
to benefit 24 local families that will be trained in the rational use of water, maintenance of the rain water collecting systems, health issues related to the wise and rational use of water and traditional and non-traditional methods for water purification. All project beneficiaries are indigenous Quiché women, who will be empowered to run their own project. They will be given additional
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: TAN/COMPACT/GEF/06/19 |
Monduli district is located on the windward side of Mt Kilimanjaro , thus it is very dry and water shortage is their major problem. The inhabitants of Monduli are pastoralists and they move from one place to onothr looking for water and pasture ( ... )
ier animals. The proponets of this project is an NGO working to help communities members in Longido which is part of Monduli district to participate in prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS and Environmental Conservation. The NGO has witnessed the problems which is faced by people who are helping HIV/AIDS patients without water. The project is requesting funds to establish rainwater harvesting project