There are 29,070 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: MSP05/014 |
This project is proposing to pilot several demonstration plots/areas in several communities adjacent to the round-island road which is currently under construction but causing much soil erosion problems for the communities. The Grantee will assist ( ... )
mmunities to demonstrate methods to addess the erosion issue through use of local plants. Awareness activities through video and other media will be used to highlight these demonstrations. Furthermore, the Grantee is working with the Office of the President to designate Arbor (tree planting) day for the whole nation. Direct suppoort will be provided to the existing nurseries that are also
Phase 3
Project Number: FJI/01/06 |
International Waters
Phase 3
Project Number: GUA/CWI/OP3/02/06/15 |
The project consists of building a gravity fed drinking water system, by tapping water from four springs, building two storage tanks and installing distribution pipes, that will provide for 27 households or a total of 165 inhabitants. Each family ( ... )
ave its own water tap.
Project beneficiaries will be trained in the installment and maintenance of the water distribution system. They have set management rules and will form different administration and maintenance committees.
The project also includes reforestation around the water sources, with 1,200 trees on a total area of 1ha.
Protecting the water sources will help conserve the
International Waters
Phase 3
Project Number: GUA/CWI/OP3/02/06/14 |
The project consists of building a safe drinking water system, consisting of a concrete storage tank, distribution pipelines, as well as taps and consumption meters for 68 households. The water will come from a natural spring, which is owned by the ( ... )
community group and has been tested for safe drinking.
500 Calycophyllum multiflorum trees will be planted on 0.16 ha surrounding the natural spring to protect it. 140 m of live barriers, using Yucca elephantipes, will be planted on areas prone to landslides. A disaster prevention committee will be formed. The project includes a health component, with a diagnosis of local health, water samples
International Waters
Phase 3
Project Number: EGY-05-136 |
Improving the Quality of Housing, to provide the community with toilets and clean potable water
?Girls Health Education
?Housing Loans
?Rational Use of Pesticides
?Scholarships for Girls Education
?Girls Anti Circumcision Campaign
?Covering ( ... )
e Irrigation Canals
?Solar Energy Heater
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: ALB/SGP/OP3/Y1/06/03 |
Demand for a wide variety of wild species is increasing with growth in human needs, numbers and commercial trade. With the increased realization that some wild species are being over-exploited, a number of agencies are recommending that wild species ( ... )
ght into cultivation systems (BAH, 2002; Lambert et al., 1997; WHO, IUCN and WWF, 1993).
As previously noted in our reasoning, due to the lack of diversification of the income generating sources by the Albanian farmers, the collection pressure on the wild population of these plants is beyond the limit that these ecosystems can support.
The GEF/SGP Albania does see the cultivation of wild
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: BHU/OP3/Y2/06/01 |
The expected outcome of the three years sustainable land management project was defined into two categories as outline in the project proposal. Those two categories were hardware system development and the software system of ( ... )
pment. These two systems in long run would lead to the secondary impact of enhancing the livelihood sources of the community leading to the improvement in the living standard of the rural community and their sustainability. Some of the immediate outcomes from hard system as well as from soft system development had been achieved within this project term.
The project has accomplished most of the
Phase 3
Project Number: PAK/OP3/06/17 |
1. Profile of Implementing Organization
BDRO is a non Governmental, non-political, non-sectarian and non-profit organization. BDRO has 24 CBOs in 24 villages of Taluka Badin. BDRO usually works at grass root level in the villages of Taluka Badin ( ... )
g the participatory approach.
BDRO is working for the socio economic empowerment of the rural peoples and striving for the poverty alleviation through implication of different development program in the rural areas. It was established in 2000 & registered in 2002, under Social welfare Department, by a group of energetic youngsters representing both sexes. Organization has a general Body
Papua new guinea
Multifocal Area
Phase 3
Project Number: PNG/06/08 |
This project was for strategic planning workshop to develop operational stratgy documents for Sangamanga as an Intermediary NGO in Simbu to coordinate NGOs & CBOs work in Simbu. The wider stakeholder workshop was completed and awating report and ( ... )
f the strategic documents to also posted on the
Phase 3
Project Number: MON/06/07 |
Will establish a tree and tree plantation in Orkhontuul soum of Selenge province for forest rehabilitation. |
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: URY/06/12 |
Se propone fortalecer y apoyar a productores familiares convencionales y jóvenes de Sauce para conocer, apropiarse, implementar y monitorear un programa de gestión ambiental predial orientado a mejorar la calidad de los recursos naturales y la ( ... )
d alimenticia a través de la práctica de una Agricultura Sustentable.
Los productores de Sauce en su mayoría identifican problemas ambientales prediales a resolver, valorados económicamente (encharcamiento, dificultad de uso de maquinaria liviana, dificultad de manejo de plagas y enfermedades, etc), y sus consecuencias sociales (menores ingresos prediales, migración juvenil del campo a la
Multifocal Area
Phase 3
Project Number: MLI/05/17 |
Le projet de sauvegarde de la biodiversité dans les mares de Bandiougou et Dio dans la région de Mopti, vise le maintien des fonctions écologiques des ces mares afin de sauvegarder les esp?ces de faune aquatique qui y vivent. Ces esp?ces se ( ... )
nt menacées dans les deux mares par l?exploitation non soutenue des populations conjuguée avec les aléas climatiques. La mare de Bandiougou est située dans la commune rurale de Pignari-Bana, cercle de Bandiagara, celle de Dio est située dans la commune rurale de Sio, cercle de Mopti.
Le Projet d?Appui aux Communes Rurales de Mopti (PACRM) ? travers le Fonds d?Appui ? la Gouvernance
International Waters
Phase 3
Project Number: TAN/NBI-NTEAP/06/04 |
The project purpose is to strengthen the capacities of two primary schools along the lake to overcome environmental threats with negative impacts to Lake Victoria through addressing effects of deforestation and use of industrial agro-chemicals. The ( ... )
t will operate in two schools of Mwajombo and Buganda in Misungwi district. The project will enhance environmental education and community health education to the two schools, support schools to establish tree woodlots at their respective compounds to minimize soil erosion and act as wind breakers during wind period and will promote organic farming activities in schools to minimize the non point
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: TAN/NBI-NTEAP/06/03 |
The project purpose is to strengthen the capacities of two primary schools along the lake to overcome environmental threats with negative impacts to Lake Victoria through addressing effects of deforestation and use of industrial agro-chemicals. The ( ... )
t will operate in two schools of Kigongo and Bulemeji in Misungwi district. The project will enhance environmental education and community health education to the two schools, support schools to establish tree woodlots at their respective compounds to minimize soil erosion and act as wind breakers during windy period and will promote organic farming activities in schools to minimize the non point
Phase 3
Project Number: MON/06/37 |
Rehabilitate willows along Eruu river and establish a small fruit tree plantation in order to support local community's sustainable livelihood. |
Phase 3
Project Number: MON/05/26 |
This project will rehabilitate and expand the sea-buckthorn plantation by new technology and maintain nature conservation by seabuckthorn grove in the Kherlen river valley furthermore establish an energetic and progressive tree plantation garden. |
Phase 3
Project Number: ZIM/SGP/OP3/Y2/CORE/2006/04 |
The project area is Sedze vilage situated in chitsanza ward 19 of Nyanga district.the goal of the project is sustainable management of biodiversity and water resources in order to improve the livelihoods of households in Sedze village.
project ( ... )
ives are
-increase wood biomass production t the household and community levels
-improve efficiency in the use of wood biomass energy resources for coking
-improve access to water resources and management of wetlands areas in the foothills of Nyangani mountain range.
project activities
-awareness raising on the use and importance of chingwa stoves and on the need to conserve vegetation
Multifocal Area
Phase 3
Project Number: ECU/OP3/1/06/011 |
El objetivo del proyecto es monitorear y evaluar la ejecución de los proyectos PPD en campo (proyectos de modalidad II) con el fin de apoyarles técnicamente y asegurar su favorable ejecución en el tiempo establecido. |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: TUN/OP3/Y2/06/06 |
L'objectif principal du projet" sensibilisation à la maîtrise de l'énergie dans les établissements scolaires" est de sensibiliser à l?utilisation des énergies renouvelables et à la maîtrise des énergies :
? Fournir aux responsables du ( ... )
ère de l?éducation nationale, aux directeurs des établissements, aux enseignants et aux élèves l'information nécessaire et pratique sur la maîtrise de l?énergie.
? Les responsables du Ministère de l?éducation nationale, les directeurs des établissements, les enseignants et les élèves seront sensibilisés sur les possibilités des utilisations des énergies renouvelables.
? Un
Phase 3
Project Number: TUN/OP3/Y1/05/015 |
Le projet de sensibilisation aux Polluants Organiques Persistants a pour but principal de mener des actions de sensibilisation auprès des divers acteurs concernés par les dioxines, les furannes et HCB, en tant que commerçants, agriculteurs, ( ... )
strations publiques, ménages, afin de circonscrire les dangers réels des POPs et de prescrire quelques actions en vue de faire connaître encore plus les méfaits et de protéger la santé et l?environnement humaine.
Les activités du projet sont
Le projet consiste à mener trois activités principales.
1. L?organisation d?une journée d?étude sur les POPs destinée aux agents