There are 29,070 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 3
Project Number: JOR/05/11 |
In Tafileh governorate, south of the country, Bseira Charity Society will implement the ?Agro-biodiversity Protection and Soil Conservation in Bseira/ Tafileh Governorate? which will contribute to the protection of the special ecosystem of Bseira ( ... )
is part of the fragile arid and semi-arid ecosystem of the Mediterranean, with special focus on agro-biodiversity and sustainable land management. The project will support rehabilitation of abandoned orchards and protection of springs as well as support a program for rangeland alternative resources through planting forage plants, and enhance public awareness of the importance of natural
Phase 3
Project Number: MLI/05/05 |
Le présent projet sera réalisé dans 9 villages de la commune de Souboundou , cercle de Niafunké. Il cherche a préserver/restaurer la diversité biologique et améliorer les conditions de vie des populations rurales par la sauvegarde/ ( ... )
titution des écosystemes, des habitats naturels et des terres dégradées. Pour atteindre ce but différentes activités seront organisées avec la participation active des populations : la création de comité de gestion villageoise, la formation/information des différents acteurs en GRN, en pépiniere et en agroforesterie, des visites d?échanges et la création d?activités
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: NAM-05-02 |
There are many adverse environmental impacts resulting from traditional agriculture practices, connected either to the loss of natural habitat that occurs when land is converted into agricultural land. Soil degradation is observed as one factor and ( ... )
h implications for food production as well. Degradation comes in several forms; the most prominent one in Kunene region, particularly at project areas is soil erosion. Most erosion in the region is caused by water washing away the topsoil and develops into gully erosion and reducing/taking-over the arable agricultural land. At the same time soil erosion continues to degrade the global land
Phase 3
Project Number: POL/05/18 |
Project aims in poverty eradication in small communities (below 6000 inhabitants) in rural areas using as an instrument rejected by industrial agriculture old primitive breeds and plants (genetic resources of animals and plants from the red list of ( ... )
red species and varieties); project should fight over passiveness of people, bring them together in active use of local human,organisational, material resources influencing biodiversity of agricultural ecosystems (preservation);
All GEF/SGP projects in agro-biodiversity portfolio proved that support to those areas can bring extra income (local products) to people involved.
Grants of value
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/04/24 |
El paso del huracán Isidoro "trajo una serie de efectos, principalmente debido a un exceso de agua, donde fueron arrastradas miles de colmenas, las cosechas agrícola se perdieron en su totalidad, la actividad ganadera sufrió igua,l una gran ( ... )
da de los proyectos de agroforesteria, se observa a corto tiempo social el problema de las personas de emigrar a otras partes del estado o del país en busca de trabajo, a fin de satisfacer sus necesidades emergentes. una de las alternativas son proyectos agroforestales que permita la producción a corto plazo para el consumo familiar, lo que resulta en un flujo de recursos económicos para la
South africa
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: SAF/05/04 |
The overall goal of the project is to find a sustainable mechanism for the effective delivery of improved and environmentally sound local energy services to poor communities in South Africa, thereby offering a route towards poverty alleviation while ( ... )
uting to sustainable development. The project applies and refines the strategy adopted by the Department of Minerals and Energy for Integrated Energy Centres aiming to provide rural unserviced communities with access to energy services. The principle is to understand the energy needs and energy priorities of communities to determine and demonstrate the best practices for energy
Sri lanka
Phase 3
Project Number: SRL/05/15 |
Introducing nationally and interantionally marketable technologies to provide higher value for labour, organize self help community groups, improving technical skills tp produce marketable goods |
Phase 3
Project Number: BZE/05/04 |
In keeping with its mission Tumul Kin has partnered with Agua Caliente Management Team and Rio Blanco Maya Association in developing strategies and undertaking actions: ?to create livelihood opportunities for stakeholders of the Moho River Watershed ( ... )
skills training and environmental education,? the very goal of the three projects presented by these organizations. The purpose of Tumul Kin?s project is, ?to improve Tumul Kin?s income generating capacity through honey production?. It will be fulfilled by accomplishing the following objectives: to increase honey production, to improve the processing and packaging unit for honey processing, to
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: BAR/05/02 |
The purpose of the planning grant is to design a projet which will set up a demonstration site where alternative energy sources are being used and where sustianable living practices are used. The CBO wishes to demonstrate to people the viability ( ... )
vironmentally frendly nature of alterantive energy sources.
The planning grant components will include research into alternative forms of energy; meetings and consultations to develop community awareness and to engage communities in project design; and the drafting of the proposal.
Phase 2
Project Number: NEP/04/18 |
Milke Danda (hill top) is a meeting point of Tehrathum, Samkhuwasabha and Taplejung. This represents a mountain biological supermarket and is probably the last remains of the pure strand of Rhododendron - Nepali national flower. This area houses ( ... )
shrubs to different species of trees. However, grazing, fuelwood fetching, indiscriminate tree felling, encroachment in the jungle area have tremendously depleted the existing resource. The planning grant has been awarded to include local indigenous people and share their indigenous knowledge in the management of whole ecosystem. Together they would also identify the possible economic
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: MOR/OP3/1/05/06 |
Ce projet consistera à améliorer l?efficacité énergétique des 17 fours à gaz installés dans le site des potiers de Marrakech, dans le cadre du projet MOR/02/03, et à renforcer leur système de sécurité conformément aux normes du ( ... )
ère de l?Artisanat. Les 16 brûleurs atmosphériques manuels des fours à gaz actuels seront remplacés par 2 brûleurs à jet avec un système de sécurité intégré. Outre le renforcement de la sécurité, ce nouveau système permettra une réduction de 46% de la consommation du gaz par rapport à l?ancien système. L?ancien modèle utilisait 75 Kg de gaz par cuisson. Le nouveau modèle
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: MAU/98/G52/04/15 |
L'objectif global du projet est la lutte contre la dégradation des terres à travers la lutte contre l'érosion hydrique et éolienne. Les objectifs spécifiques du projet sont :
- la sensibilisation de la population locale sur les causes de la ( ... )
dation des terres dans leur terroirs.
- fixation de la population locale dans son terroir par l'amélioration de la productivité des terres arables dégradées par l'érosion hydrique et
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: BHU/04/09 |
The main objective of the project was to develop the institute as a model of environmental friendly, self sufficient and sustainable religious institute. The Buddhist Institute was established in year 2001 to provide religious education to monks ( ... )
astern Dzongkhags. It has an influential position as an extremely religious society.
Kidhekhar Buddhist Institute was established in the year 2001 to serve as the religious educational centre for monks of Eastern Bhutan consisting of Pema Gatshel, Samdrup Jongkhar, Mongar, Lhuentse Trashigang and Trashi Yangtse. The institute is located 4 kilometres from the main Mongar town and above the
Phase 2
Project Number: ROM/05/08 |
Activities include meetings with representatives of local authorities and community members to establish the baseline, establishment of a Business Plan for a roseberry processing small business; revision of the project proposal. |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP3/1/05/PNDR01 |
The project was initiated just after Tsunami to take up mitigation measures in the affected areas of southern region of India. The objective of the project is to re-build livelihoods of 192 fishermen affected by the tsunami through facilitating ( ... )
benefit coverage. The project will organize training and capacity building among fishermen communities on organization and management of fish-drier unit, sonar system and traditional medicines, helping fishermen communities with an access to sonar equipment for fish tracking, waste management initiatives and scaling up through waste recycling and vermin ?composting, developing village green cover
Phase 3
Project Number: MAR/SGP/OP3/01 |
Octopuses belong to the order, Octopoda and are salt-water invertebrate animals with eight arms or tentacles. Octopus is related to squid or cattle fish and is grouped with them in the same class as Cephalopoda of the Phylum ( ... )
They are found throughout the world, but are rare in the polar-regions. They may live in shallow water or at great depths, often in rock crevices or sand burrows. Octopuses have no shell or no fins but possess well-developed heads with complex eyes that are similar to those of vertebrates and these provide them with an excellent vision.
The octopuses swim by water propulsion, ejecting
Multifocal Area Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: ecu/04/010 |
El proyecto plantea una implementación didáctica de energías alternativas con fines sociales. Tiene dos componentes, alicación de energía solar para calenatmiento de agua y promoción del ciclotransporte para actividades de turismo. plantea, ( ... )
te un sistema desarrollado por ALTERVIA basado en la autoconstrucción, esto es que el usuario beneficiado y capacitado, realiza el montaje de partes a fin de completar el sistema.
El proyecto aspira a realizar la primera y más grande instalación para el aprovechamiento solar con fines de dotar a vivienda popular de calentamiento de agua en el país. Una dotación de 20 sistemas que calientan
Multifocal Area
Phase 3
Project Number: ECU/05/010 |
Este proyecto nace como consecuencia de la realización del congreso feria "Respuestas Locales para el Desarrollo Sostenible" que fue organizado por el PPD y aglutinó a todos los proyectos financiados por el PPD durante sus 10 años de existencia ( ... )
pais (2003). Este proyecto se propne impulsar una corriente de articulación de los procesos de desarrollo , con un fuerte componente de conservaicón, en busca del fortalecimiento organizacional de las estraucturas vigentes en la sociedad civil de la costa, la implementación de estrategias que viabilicen y consoliden las iniciativas ambientalistas, la reducción de la duplicidad y dispersión
Phase 3
Project Number: CUB/OP3/1/05/006 |
El proyecto se llevará a cabo en la Comunidad de Peralejo, ubica dentro del Consejo Popular William Soler, en el Municipio Bayamo, Provincia de Granma. Posee una extensión territorial de 48.88 km2 y 3 556 habitantes. De ellos, alrededor del ( ... )
n niños y ancianos. Un 52% del total son mujeres. Existe otro segmento de pobladores transitorios, los cuales están compuestos por varios cientos de estudiantes de la enseñanza técnica, que conviven en los politécnicos William Soler y Carmelo Noa.
La tenencia de la tierra está a cargo del sector estatal, campesino y cooperativo; donde básicamente se explotan para la
Phase 3
Project Number: CUB/OP3/1/05/005 |
El área protegida "Parque La Bayamesa"posee una superficie de 28 000 ha, ubicada en la Sierra Maestra, zona montañosa de la parte sur oriental de Cuba, con alturas de 1900 m sobre el nivel medio del mar. Esta área protegida tiene gran ( ... )
ancia por constituir una zona con alto grado de conservación y endemismo, así como una gran diversidad de especies de la flora y la fauna. La Comunidad de Victorino, se encuentra en el Consejo Popular Victorino, el cual se localiza en el extremo sureste del municipio de Guisa de la provincia de Granma. Este limita al norte con los consejos populares de Bombón y Palma del Perro, al sur con el