There are 29,070 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 3
Project Number: PER/05/09 |
El proyecto se desarrollará en el extremo norte del Perú en la comunidad Walingos- el Bendito ubicada a 27 km de la ciudad de Tumbes, en la zona de amortiguamiento del Santuario Nacional Los manglares de Tumbes (SNLMT) en la Provincia de ( ... )
lla ? Región Tumbes. Ubicado en los 3o 24? L.S, frontera con Ecuador, hasta los 3o 35? L.S. Estos bosques de manglar son el lÃmite de la distribución de este ecosistema en el PacÃfico Sudamericano, ecológicamente esta unidad de conservación ha sido reconocida por la convención Ramsar, como humedal de importancia internacional, especialmente como sitio de descanso de aves
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/04/29 |
Conformar una entidad destinada a otorgar los créditos para las actividades cubiertas por lÃneas Estrategia Financiera Mexicana del "PPD-FMAM", que contribuyen a la conservación de la selva tropical y la apicultura ecológica. Adquirir ( ... )
encia en la gestión de crédito, adquiriendo modelos financieros para la correcta gestión del crédito a las actividades de las lÃneas de financiamiento del PPD en México, las reglas de operación, la investigación y recopilación de información de fuentes primarias y secundarias, y la sistematización de la información
Phase 3
Project Number: TAN/COMPACT/GEF/05/02 |
TIP has already received consolidation fund for this project. The funds were used to improve on farm work including water conservation in the farms.
This year rains have swept some portion of the canal, which has affected the water supply of ( ... )
in canal. If this portion is not reconstructed more damage will occur and there will be increased water loss. The consolidation funds will be used to line the canal for about 120m, construction of 6 super passages, construct a protection wall of 60m length and tree planting along the canal and
Multifocal Area
Phase 3
Project Number: MLI/05/06 |
Ce projet concerne le renforcement du dispositif de suivi évaluation du Programme PPS/FEM afin
- Améliorer le système de suivi/évaluation du PPS/FEM et apprécier la performance du Programme National
- accroître les capacités d?intervention ( ... )
gramme en matière de suivi/évaluation des projets
- soutenir la capitalisation par le Programme des expériences réussies et des leçons apprises au niveau des projets. A cet effet les activités ci-après seront menées :
- identification, suivi/évaluation des projets
- assurer le suivi/évaluation des nouveaux projets identifiés
- contribuer au suivi/évaluation des projets en cours
Phase 2
Project Number: SEN/04/15 |
Objectif du projet : Renforcer la conservation des écosystèmes du terroir et le suivi des pêcheries du terroir de Niodior (en s?appuyant sur le savoir local de la biodiversité et les connaissances traditionnelles en gestion ( ... )
nnementale, conservation et exploitation durable des ressources existantes).
Objectifs spécifiques du projet :
1) Renforcer les capacités de la FELOGIE et du Comité de Plage.
2) Préserver d?une façon participative et durable les écosystèmes du terroir.
3) Restaurer des sites de haute biodiversité.
4) Restaurer les capacités productives de la parcelle des
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: TAN/SGP/OP3/Y1/05/09 |
UVIKIUTA is a youth village accomodating 30 young men and women. It is a centre of excellence for demonstrating horticulture, crop farming and livestock keeping. It is also a platform that promotes cultural exchange between youths from Europe and ( ... )
. The project aims at consolidating provision of PV Solar electrification services as a strategy to promote its wider adoption to youths and agencies that will visit the centre or learn from the centre?s
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: TAN/COMPACT/GEF/05/03 |
The cost for rehabilitation of Makupa irrigation canal were estimated to be Tshs. 12,000,000/=. the objective was to rehabilitate 8km of the broken canal. With this funds the lining of the canal was not complete. there was a need for additional ( ... )
for lining of 330m long ; construction of 3 culverts; training on soil and water conservation and training in water management and crop
Phase 3
Project Number: BRA/05/03 |
Consolidation of the ecological and cultural base activities developed by the Cerrado Fruit Project in numerous indigenous villages is the purpose of this project. Itinerant workshops will be carried out, with community bees for reforestation and ( ... )
ment of productive areas. Furthermore, the project seeks to bring to the villages the discussions necessary to the achievement of
Land Degradation
Phase 3
Project Number: TAN/COMPACT/GEF/05/01 |
The rehabilitation of Nicodem irrigation canal was done in the year 2005 and the implementation was done the Sango village communities in collaboration with the Moshi district irrigation department . The rehabilitation of the canal was not complete ( ... )
increased worklosrd resulted from heavy rains while the funds remained the same. There was a need to complete those activities under this consolidation project of Nicodem irrigational canal
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: TAN/SGP/OP3/Y1/05/04 |
Its main objective is to consolidate promotion of wide use of wind energy in irrigation farming through support to a demonstration community based irrigation scheme. (See TAN/01/08)
In general primary project objective is to consolidate and ( ... )
the lake irrigation project with the view to demonstrating convincingly the feasibility of using renewable energy technologies for increased food production through irrigationfarming for hunger-prone lake Victoria adjacent
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: TAN/SGP/OP3/Y1/05/07 |
Many years of studies and trials have proved that solution to chronic problems of food shortage and hunger lies in small-scale community based irrigation schemes. Priority is given to those that use renewable energy technologies. It is in view of ( ... )
tributes of small scale solar or wind powered irrigation schemes that the GEF Small Grants Programme intends to support establishment of demonstration projects. Its main objective is to promote wide use of solar energy in irrigation farming through support to a demonstration community based irrigation
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: TAN/SGP/OP3/Y1/05/03 |
It is argued that it was inconceivable that villagers living on the shores of Lake Victoria continued to suffer form food shortages due to deficient rain pattern while there was plenty of water in Lake Victoria. Through the project therefore 8 small ( ... )
ion projects that use wind and solar power were established in Ukerewe, Magu, Bunda and Musoma rural districts to address food poverty as well as income poverty through irrigation of food crops.
The promary project objective threfore is to consolidate and expand the lake irrigation project with the view to demonstrating convicingly th efeasibility of using renewable enrgy technologies for
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: TAN/SGP/OP3/Y1/05/05 |
The primary project objective is to consolidate and expand the lake irrigation projet with the view to demonstrating convicingly the feasibility of using renewable energy technologies for increased food production through irrigation farming for ( ... )
-prone lake Victoria adjacent villages, whose dependence on rainfed agriculture contribute to low food crop harvests.
The monies will be used to finalice outstanding works that could not be finished due to changes in the price level and procurement and delivery problems. The project when finished will also provide domestic water supply lines to the community so that the project caters for both
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: TAN/SGP/OP3/Y1/05/06 |
The project area is affected by drought and hence farmers get poor harvests due to the type of farming which is usually rainfed. With the project, irrigation will reduce these effects apart from other benefits it will have.
The primary project ( ... )
ive is to consolidate and expand lake irrigation project with the view to demonstrating convicingly the feasibility of using renewable energy technologies for increase food production through irrigation farming for hunger prone lake Victoria adjacent villages.
Project also aims at reducing pollution of Lake Victoria waters, which is an international water body. The project will use the wind
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: TAN/SGP/OP3/Y1/05/08 |
Magu District is among the Districts experiencing food insecurity due to unreliable rains, since agriculture solely depends on rainfall. Lack of rainfall leads to lack of food. Further due to agriculture and other activities Lake Victoria water has ( ... )
olluted, so need a better way to conduct these activites to reduce pollution . Use of these wind powered irrigation technologies will reduce pollution unlike petrol powered technologies.
The project aims at reducing pollution of Lake Victoria Waters, which is an international water body by providing drawing points for local communities and cattle drinking troughs away from the Lake. Wind
Phase 3
Project Number: BRA/05/30 |
23 families inhabit the Colônia I agrarian reform settlement, created in 1996. Its sustainability has been sought by means of several productive system initiatives proposed by mediators. Most of these initiatives failed due to a lack of collective ( ... )
kills, technical assistance and problems with sales of production, causing families to enter a situation of debt.
Thirteen families currently produce garden vegetables and organic fruit through use of the aspersion system, which has been found unsustainable sue to the lack of water in the Settlement during droughts. Food production by women has been an important source of complementary income,
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: Nam-04-13 |
This project seeks to build capacity among the socially vulnerable groups of the community, especially women and youth, through empowerment with essential skills and technologies needed for sustainable and responsible utilization of marine and ( ... )
l resources. The proponents will also construct biogas digesters and promote biogas technology as a cheap renewable source of energy and method for waste water treatment
The project will be located at Henties Bay town in Erongo Region, 70 kilometers north of Swakopmund.
Cote d'ivoire
Phase 3
Project Number: IVC/05/13 |
Le parc national de la Marahoué est une aire de protection de la biodiversité, située dans le centre ouest de la Côte d'Ivoire. On y trouve des espèces forestières telles que le chimpanzé et des espèces de transition comme le buffle, ( ... )
Ce riche patrimoine est gravement menacé par l'action des riverains ( defrichages anarchiques, braconnage...etc.).
Les populations de Danangoro, à la péripherie du parc, préoccupées par la préservation de ce site, se sont regroupées au sein d'une association denomée Djidoh et ont motivé ce projet.
L'objectif est la protection du parc à travers la promotion
Cote d'ivoire
Phase 3
Project Number: IVC/05/14 |
Le parc national de la Marahoué est une aire de protection de la biodiversité, située dans le centre ouest de la Côte d'Ivoire. On y trouve des espèces forestières telles que le chimpanzé et des espèces de transition comme le buffle, ( ... )
Ce riche patrimoine est gravement menacé par l'action des riverains ( defrichages anarchiques, braconnage...etc.).
Les populations de Gobazra, à la péripherie du parc, préoccupées par la préservation de ce site, se sont regroupées au sein d'une association et ont motivé ce projet.
L'objectif est la protection du parc à travers la promotion d'activités
Cote d'ivoire
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 3
Project Number: IVC/05/24 |
Dans la commune d'attécoubé, dans le District d'abidjan, l'activité de fumage de poisson est concentrée dans une zone de forte production de poisson. Elle est essentielle car secteur principal de revenus des femmes. Le bois-énergie demeure la ( ... )
source d'énergie pour cette activité. La consommation excessive de bois de chauffe par des methodes traditionnelles de fumage de poisson est l'un des principaux facteurs de pollution de l'air et de disparition de la biodiversité.
L'objectif du projet est de réduire les emissions des GES, par l'utilisation d'une technologie econome en bois de chauffe. En outre elle vise à lutter contre