Project Title |
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Area Of Work
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Amount (US$) |
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Phase 2
Project Number: KEN/UNF-GEF/03/02 |
The introduction and repatriation of the Bongo Antelope around Mt. Kenya will be accompanied by a comprehensive education program carried out by WHWF to create awareness of Mt. Kenya as a Protected Area. Activities include: compilation of ( ... )
ture, booklets and posters on the Bongo, setting up of an Education Centre which offers nature walks, game drives and animal orphanage visits, outreach sessions within the community and in
Viet nam
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: VN/03/003/P |
The primary aims of the planning grant are to promote the participation of key stakeholders of the proposed project, including local authorities and relevant agencies and communities, and provide scientific assistance for the project development. ( ... )
activities of the project include conducting surveys on socio-economic conditions of the proposed project site, identifying proposed project objectives and activities and assessing their feasibility, and providing needed technical assistance in project design and writing project proposal which will be submitted to GEF/SGP for review and appraisal; and identifying possibilities for project
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/03/18 |
The State National Park ?Aksu-Zhabagly? is the last exclave of the wild country in the mountains of South Kazakhstan Oblast. Large territory of the National Park, its forests of Central Asia juniper, high-mountain lakes and rivers, gletchers and ( ... )
r reservoirs and well-preserved flora play an important role in formation of the clear atmosphere, clean water and favorable climate of South Kazakhstan and Zhambyl Oblasts. At the same time during the last years the situation in the National Park and its protective zone has aggravated and great many ecological, economic and social problems have appeared. In accordance with the preliminary
Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/03/GOA01 |
The Goa Foundation a premier environment monitoring NGO in Goa was established in 1987 by a group of environmentalists. The primary objective of the Foundation is to function as a strong pressure group that will resist projects, schemes and ( ... )
pment plans that require irreversible destruction of the environment, will act on behalf of nature and the rights of wildlife and will not hesitate to recommend alternative solutions to pressing problems.
The project seeks to provide and initiate the implementation of long term, institutional solutions to the persistent problem of management and segregation of the solid wastes generated from
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/03/08 |
Effort of civil organization to reverse degradation of a tributary of Mekhong River through preparation and revelation of concerned data and information of environmental degradation paving a way to a sound systematic protection of the tributary ( ... )
emonstration of managing waste water at household
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-02-20PU |
The SGP grant will be used to re-publish the educational materials produced in the course of the SGP TUR-00-04 project. The material published will be used in the continuation of the public awareness activities in the region. SGP also requested a ( ... )
n number of the said publication in order to distribute them to other SGP
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/03/09 |
East Kazakhstan is a unique ecological area of Kazakhstan. 400 rare and endemic species, 900 medicinal, food and technical plants (that makes 35 % and 23 % of the overall flora in Kazakhstan) grow here. Altay-Sayan region covers transboundary ( ... )
ories of Kazakhstan, Russia, Mongolia, and China, and it is a unique place where Central Asia biological and landscape biodiversity is concentrated. Here wild relatives of cultural species and rare and endemic flora and fauna are kept. At the same time economic crisis of the region, pauperization of the local population and increase of commercial demand for natural resources may cause destruction
Phase 2
Project Number: JOR/02/17 |
As in other communities living on the fringes of a nature reserve, the community of Dana village is affected by the conservation programs implemented by the Nature Reserve management. Despite the Reserve?s management attempts to enhance the ( ... )
ve aspects of nature conservation, the local community in Dana still suffer from occasional wild animal damage to its terrace farms causing a decrease in fruit and vegetable production. The Dana Charity Society will work closely with the Reserve management to counteract those negative impacts. Using a revolving fund system, the project will support measures at the individual farm level,
Phase 2
Project Number: NAM - 03 - 03 |
The Kunene Region in Namibia is home to the world?s only black rhino population to have survived on communal lands without formal conservation status. These rhinos are also the only desert ecotype population of black rhinos. Unfortunately, the ( ... )
rate of this black rhino population (3.27%) is well below the IUCN/SSC African Rhino Specialist Group?s healthy growth rate (5% or more).
The Kunene black rhino population represents a valuable opportunity to conserve biodiversity as well as improve local livelihoods. Save the Rhino Trust (SRT) wants to help local communities develop and expand rhino conservancies on communal lands. These
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/02/18 |
Social and ecological sustainability of communities re-settled by the construction of a dam in the Jequitinhonha Valley, state of Minas Gerais, is the main objective of this project. The proposed strategy for this end aims to reconstitute the ( ... )
ional livelihoods of the traditional smallholder communities, as well as conserve/maintain/recover local natural resources in the ecosystem that these communities have been moved into. The activities the project proposes include the selection of fertile land within the new territory, with superficial water for both human use and irrigation; reconstitution of environmental conservation practices;
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/23 |
A hundred years ago a narrow-gauge railway with a steam locomotive was a main transportation mean between Pisaeczno, Grojec, Gora Kalwaria , Konstancin , Warsaw suburb towns, and Warsaw, capital city.
The Grojec Narrow Gauge Railway Society from ( ... )
zno now works to restore the historical railway, with financial support from SGP/GEF.
The railway leads through the forests of Chojnowski landscape Park and serves so far as an eco-tourist attraction, with average of 8 rides per month. It is rented by companies, foreign embassies, also rides for individuals for single tickets. The Society organizes theme rides (first day of Spring, ride with
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/02/38 |
Aportar un valor añadido a la actividad de la abeja, haciendo reconversión productiva, conservación del manto florístico que posee en la región, la gran mayoría son selvas bajas (acahuales). Este proyecto también se centra en la ( ... )
ración de las colmenas que se perdieron por la devastación causada por el huracán Isidoro en la región de los Chenes, evitar que los productores que se dedican a actividades agrícolas dañar el medio ambiente por la gran cantidad de agroquímicos que usan.
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/02/14 |
El proyecto se ubica en la costa de la V región zona donde el sindicato de pescadores tiene a su cargo un área de manejo. El sindicato a través del proyecto se ha propuesto aumentar el stock de juveniles de recursos bentónicos vulnerables (lapa, ( ... )
loco y machas) en el área de manejo de la Caleta Maitencillo mejorando su diversidad biológica, a través del repoblamiento, cultivo y manejo sustentable en la zona inter y submareal, logrando con ello mejorar el desarrollo productivo y las expectativas de mejorar la calidad de vida de los pesacdores, sus familias y la Comunidad de Caleta
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/02/19 |
En la IX región se encuentra la mayor población indígena de Chile y en especial existen comunidades aledañas a centros turísticos donde hay una gran cantidad de turistas. A través de esta iniciativa se promoverá la participación de la ( ... )
dad Gregorio Alcapan en especial de los jóvenes en la conservación del medioambiente a partir de la producción de aceites esenciales extraídos de especies nativas con fines de medicina natural
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/02/49 |
El paso del huracán dejó serias afectaciones al inundar el área donde se hallaban 300 especies de Cedro (Cederla odorata) y Jobo (Spondis mombin) que se hallaban en propagación sexual ocasionando que este proceso se tarde o no se lleve a cabo ( ... )
inundación, se pretende propagar estas 300 plantas de las especies para así puedan estar disponibles para su plantación en el campo a finales de primavera del siguiente ciclo. El objetivo es restaurar y rehabilitar los daños que recibieron, sistematizar la producción y el uso sostenible de las plantas ornamentales, frutales y bosque nativo, el establecimiento de una cama de siembra y la
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/02/51 |
El huracán dañó 550 plantas medicinales, 750 plantas ornamentales que fueron plantadas en semilleros, causando la pérdida de semillas. Este proyecto está destinado a restaurar los daños y la pérdida, así como la recuperación de semillas ( ... )
s para la producción y la conservación vegetal, para alimentar a la familia local y la demanda, la producción de varias flores nativas, el seguimiento sobre el terreno de las obras y asistencia técnica, difusión de los medios de comunicación y la educación.
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/03/02 |
Debido a que el huracán, se sufrió una pérdida de 80% por las inundaciones, que afectan a 112 familias, 855 hectáreas que se consideran totalmente perdido. Reunió a su vez, los perdedores criollos verduras y legumbres, y el resultado es la ( ... )
da de semillas, la prioridad es el rescate de estas semillas. Eso requiere esfuerzo, que van desde la búsqueda de las semillas que todavía existe en las comunidades, a la reproducción y distribución de la misma, esto llevará varios años, por lo que se dispone a comenzar la producción de vehículos y de sus semillas de manera orgánica, el aprendizaje de nuevas técnicas y recuperar otra
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/02/16 |
Its name bestowed by King Rama VI, the Tapi River is one of the major river in Thailand. With its life-supporting function and international significance,the River, 232 km. in length,drains in to International Water no.54-the Gulf Of Thailand/South ( ... )
ea. Throughout history the river and its ecosystem have been providing water for agriculture and fishes for consumption for communities residing in the vicinity.
Especially owing to the modern mode of consumption and the advanced production technology, the quantity of household waste is ever-increasing but environmentally-friendly disposition becomes more difficult. So far, there has been no
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/03/09 |
This project will update and extend the existing information of Albanian endangered species of flora and fauna commonly known as ?Red Book/List of Flora and Fauna?. For the first time, this project will built and make available free of charge to the ( ... )
ademic institutions and selected others an electronic database containing all the existing and updated information on the
Phase 2
Project Number: HON/98/G52/023 |
El proyecto se desarrolla en la zona de amortiguamiento de la Parque Nacional Jeannette Kawas en la comunidad garífuna de Tornabe, aprovechando los recursos de forma sostenible. La iniciativa surge de la pérdida de los cocoteros por ( ... )
lamiento. Ante la pérdida del cocotero conocido por ser la fuente de vida y riqueza para el pueblo garífuna, se necesitaba de alternitivas de subsistencia, lo que ha producido una mayor presión sobre los recursos pesqueros, de allí surge la necesidad del proyecto
La Cooperativa Unión Tornabeña formada por pescadores y vendedoras del producto, esta integrada por 10 mujeres y 23 hombres,