There are 29,070 projects available.
Project Title |
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Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-03-08 |
One of Turkey?s most important natural sites, the Küre Mountains is declared a National Park in 2000. It is the first natural protection area in Turkey, whose boundaries determined by the input and participation of stakeholders.
Landscape is ( ... )
ionally rich in relief and biodiversity. Few parts of Turkey are similar to Küre Mountains. This is due to a specific geology, with its huge karstic formation and to climate, offering a unique forest and meadows coverage. Probably due to traditional forestry, few visible tracks of terrace agriculture came to modify the original shape of slopes. Villages are usually settled in valley, with
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/40 |
Creation and development of the willow plantation for energy purposes to protect the biodiversity of local species and promote use of renewable energy at rural areas |
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/38 |
Follow-up to the previous project on ?Protection of the biodiversity of old fruit tree varieties? by introducing traditional fruit processing.
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/UNF/03/33 |
El diplomado pretende ser un espacio para la creación de capacidad, formación, intercambio de experiencias con los productores. En él se incluirán aspectos jurídicos y técnicos y la comercialización de los productos. La duración de la ( ... )
ión será de 90 horas, teoría y
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/39 |
Creation of the ecological walkway to protect the ecological and cultural values of Kruklanki Gmina |
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-03-09 |
There are 47 rural settlement areas on the buffer zone of the Küre Mountains National Park, which is the first natural protection area, the boundaries of which have been determined by the input and participation of stakeholders in Turkey. The ( ... )
t covers the villages of Harmangeris, Celalli, Gürpelit, Asikl, Dagli, which are attached to the ?enpazar district of the city of Kastamonu. 70 % of the population in these villages are occupied with spoon carving from boxwood, the cutting of which is prohibited in Turkey. The most important problem with the spoon production is that, the raw material is being obtained from the forests of the
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: IRA-G52-2004-037(IRA98G52) |
The project is a producCaspian Forests-Mazandaran(Lat/Long36.703072-53.539124)
tion of two awareness raising/promotion of good practices films on successful global and national SGP ?demonstrated cases in integrated management of natural resources ( ... )
est ecosystem to depict the success of public ?participation for conserving natural resources. One film will be for awareness raising purposes with duration of 45 minutes ?and the other will be for promotion and extension of best practices in integrated management with duration of 30 minutes. A ?third film of 3 to 5 minutes will also be produced as a demo. The film scenario will be based on
Phase 2
Project Number: NEP/03/06 |
Platanista Gangetica, the gangetic river water dolphin, is found in the Karnali river system of Nepal. But this endangered species is disappearing fast from the river system due to various anthropogenic activities such as high dams construction, ( ... )
pollution and killing of the fish for food. During summer season, the highly intelligent mammal is seen roaming around the Bardahawa Ghat, and fishermen catch this aquatic species just as any other fish for the supply of protein and also to sell in the market. Thus the Dolphin Conservation Project would help aware the local community especially the local fishermen about the importance of dolphin
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-03-13 |
The goal of the project is to create replicable-sustainable examples of supporting nature conservation and save agrobiodiversity through awareness building and generating-supporting sustainable economical cycles such as organic farming and ( ... )
TA-TU-TA, is the Turkish abbreviation for Tar?m (Agriculture) ? Turizm (Tourism) ? Takas (Exchange) project.
The abbreviation ?TaTuTa? has been very much accepted in Turkey and widely used describing the project. In English the name of the project and the programme was evolved to ?Organic Farm stays in Turkey? avoiding using the word ?tourism?.
This program aims, raising
Phase 2
Project Number: JOR/03/10 |
In north Azraq, right in the heart of north eastern Jordanian Badia, the North Azraq Women Society for Social Development will implement the ?Eco-Packaging and Printing Pilot Project?. The project aims at creating more support for conservation ( ... )
s of the Azraq Wetland through the development of a pilot eco-packaging and printing project within Azraq area which would help to minimize poverty among the area?s inhabitants.
The project will develop a local industry of eco-packaging and printing, promote its products and create job opportunities in the area, especially for the women sector. The project will also strengthen relationship
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/04/ASM08 |
The aims of the projects are:-
1) To create environmental awareness among the villages surrounding the beel for biodiversity conservation and eco-friendly development.
2) To protect the beel from situation problem, illegal fishing and encroachment ( ... )
ies in the beel with the help of active participation of local people.
3) To save and protect the habitats of migratory aquatic and endangered species of birds as well as aquatic plants and animal of the beel.
4) To develop the economic conditions of the villagers by taking some sustainable development training programme and formation of SHGs in the line of agriculture, livestock, farm
Dominican republic
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/04/14 |
Facilitacion de procesos de capacitacion al nivel local para fomentar proyectos de desarrollo ambiental y crear opinion publica sobre las diversas problematicas ambientales que afectan el Cibao Central a traves de espacios radiales, algunos de ellos ( ... )
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/04/07 |
Today the problem of the Irtysh river pollution is investigated by many state environmental departments and NGOs. This work is basically has a scientific orientation. But environmental education of the local population stays apart, and this factor ( ... )
es local community participation in decision of environmental problems.
The project raises awareness of young people about environmental situation with the Irtysh river as the bigest transboundary reservoir of the country. During the project a 10-day's ecological camp in the form of an alloy will be arranged to draw attention of youth to the issues of Irtysh protection. Experts of other NGOs
Phase 2
Project Number: HON/04/05 |
La comunidad de Triunfo de la Cruz se encuentra localizada en la Bahía de Tela, y en ella habitan aproximadamente 10.000 habitantes, siendo una de las comunidades Garífunas más grandes de Honduras. La Bahía de Tela se encuentran enmarcada ( ... )
Punta Sal y Punta Izopo, áreas protegidas las cuales forman parte del Corredor Biológico Mesoamericano. La zona es rica en Biodiversidad, y posee un enorme potencial ecoturístico.
La Bahía de Tela ha sufrido el embate del amarillamiento letal del coco, enfermedad que ha causado estragos en la economía de subsistencia Garífuna, erosionada al mismo tiempo por la depredación de la riqueza
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MAU/98/G52/04/04 |
Contribution à la protection de l'environnement par réduction de la consommation de vois et charbon pour usage domestique et de gaz à effet de serre
Reboisement de l'ancienne forêt de Pempediel |
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/03/24 |
Projet vise a contribuer a développer une conscience environnementale au sein de la population a travers une piece de théâtre. L'objectif est de rappeler les anciennes pratiques traditionnelles en matiere de (1) restauration des especes herbacés ( ... )
s pâturages, et (2) de la conservation des arbres et animaux sauvages utiles qui sont en voie de disparition.
Le Troupe theatrale elaborera une piece de theatre pour diffusion a la télévision.
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: PER/03/06 |
En el proyecto plantea: Conservar y proteger los ecosistemas forestales; que están en proceso de deterioro por el creciente proceso de deforestación mediante prácticas extractivas de consumo de lena y desconocimiento del manejo eficiente de los ( ... )
os naturales.
Específicamente propone:
1.Implementar técnicas que inviertan la degradación forestal existente en la microcuenca del Río Yucay (margen Derecha Distrito de Acos Vinchos), comunidad de Huaychao.
2.Promover la participación activa de los involucrados y la difusión a comunidades locales y
Dominican republic
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/04/25 |
Aprovechamiento de energia solar para electrificacion de hogares, junto a un plan de capacitacion que genere conciencia entre los comunitarios para promover la conservacion de los recursos naturales. |
Dominican republic
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/04/27 |
Electrificacion del Centro Ecologico mediante la utilizacion de sistemas solares como alternativa no contaminante que reduzca los costos y no deteriore el medio ambiente. |
Cote d'ivoire
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: IVC/04/08 |
Ce projet d'électrification d'infrastructures communautaires et de ménages villageois dans la région de San-Pedro, au sud ouest de la Côte d'Ivoire,s'inscrit dans le cadre de l'électrification solaire de confort minimum. il a pour but de ( ... )
re les émisions de Gaz à Effet de Serre (GES) par la fourniture d'électricité solaire photovoltaïque.
A la fin du projet, les résultats suivant seront atteints:
- 60 ménages,
- 6 salles de classe
- 11 logements d'instituteurs
- 3 bureaux de directeurs
- 1 logement d'infirmier
-1 centre de santé
seront munis d'électricité