There are 29,070 projects available.
Project Title |
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Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: BOL/10/02 |
Uno de los problemas en la producción agroecológica es la discontinuidad de la producción consecuencia de la época de sequía, donde se presentan los problemas de falta de abastecimiento de agua tanto para consumo humano y de los animales, ( ... )
a retrasos a las siembras, incidiendo en la productividad, consecuentemente pérdidas económicas para los agricultores.
El proyecto pretende dar posibilidades de solución al problema de escacez de agua, a partir de la acumulación de agua en estanques y contribuirá al mejoramiento de la convivencia
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/03/08-PG |
This a found for planning one full grants fro SGP Guatemala. |
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/03/06 |
Mejorar la calidad de vida del sector las canteras mediante la entrega de herramientas metodológicas en el area de la sustentabilidad, agroecológicas y tecnológicas alternativas. |
Phase 2
Project Number: BZE/UNF-GEF/03/03 |
BEST was one of the three partner NGOs that developed the Baseline Assessment, Conceptual Model and COMPACT Country Strategy and has direct experience with COMPACT grantees and the necessary linkages with the communities that will be targeted in the ( ... )
Communications Strategy project.
The implementation of the COMPACT Communication Strategy will include the following activities:
o Organizing and conducting field exchange visits and focus groups to facilitate lessons learnt and enhance communication among grantees;
o Collection,
Phase 2
Project Number: TAN/03/05 |
The East Usambara Mountains are part of the Eastern Arc Mountains, which are recognized worldwide as a global biodiversity hotspot and an endemic bird area. However, of late the East Usambara have been subjected to unsustainable pressure by ( ... )
nt communities. The underlying cause of this unsustainable pressure is that communities around these biodiversity rich forests are growing and are mainly dependent on a land based-economy. The proposed Amani Butterfly project will provide a direct economic incentive for communities to preserve local buffer forests and to resist illegal resource extraction from forest reserves. Since land
Phase 2
Project Number: PER/02/14 |
El objetivo general del proyecto en la primera etapa fue apoyar al Comité de productores de plantas medicinales y aromáticas de la comunidad Viacha-anexo Tuksan Grande a mejorar y fortalecer una iniciativa para la propagación, reforestación, ( ... )
a y comercialización de especies con demanda de mercado ecológico, utilizando terrenos marginales de la comunidad y de esta manera contribuir en la reducción de la erosión genética y cultural.
Con todo lo avanzado se requiere el apoyo financiero para consolidar esta propuesta que se ha expandido en toda la Sub Cuenca de Pisac, gracias a los resultados del proyecto Viacha. Proponen una
Dominican republic
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/03/29 |
Validación de una estrategia de intervención orientada a generar un modelo sostenible de producción cafetalera bajo sombra mixta y menos vulnerable al mercado mundial de café verde y que propicie la conservación de los sistemas hidrológicos y ( ... )
los ingresos de las familias en la comunidad de La cole, del Municipio de Cambita en San
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/02/OR10 |
The objective of the project is achieving sustainable development in usage of natural resources as well as conservation and restoration of eco-system and to preserve the local biodiversity of thickly tribal populated area of Ragunathpur Gram ( ... )
yat of Sadar Block, Keonjhar District.
The project is implemented mainly through women institutions (Self Help Groups) functioning in the villages. Several Self Help Groups were formed in the villages leading to sustainability. The approach adopted by the NGO was to promote awareness generation and sustainable livelihoods as an entry point for conservation efforts. This led to acceptance of
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/02/OR11 |
The proposed objectives of the project were to strengthen and build competence of the community based organizations, Conservation of soil and water and creation of irrigation facility for Land Development, Promotion of eco-friendly farming practices ( ... )
o-compost and Vermi- compost preparation, Documentation and dissemination of indigenous knowledge and skills on natural resource management.
The above objectives have been achieved by strategizing choices with needs-based priorities of supporting rural livelihoods, building local capacity, focusing on entitlement failures and their needs, learning lessons and establishing mechanisms to feed
Trinidad and tobago
Phase 2
Project Number: TRI/03/08 |
The project will serve to strengthen the Grande Riviere Tourism Development Organisation (GRTDO) and to encourage a well-planned, integrated approach to sustainable community development in Grande Riviere that other organisations can adopt. Project ( ... )
ties include development of an organisational management plan, a business plan, an eco-tourism feasibility study, a market analysis, a conservation management strategy, a fundraising strategy and documenting the process. The SGP grant support coincided with the contribution of a visitor information center and beach facilities by the governmental Tourism and Industrial Development Company of
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/02/34 |
Con el paso del huracán, hubo una gran perdida de flores de muchas de las especies meliferas presentes en el área y árboles completos, po r lo anterior se pretende la recuperación de las colonias afectadas a través de la suplementación de ( ... )
tos. Así mismo se plantea la limpieza de los caminos de accesos y las mensuras de las áreas protegidas con la finalidad de prevenir la presencia de posibles
Phase 2
Project Number: BOL/02/02 |
El grupo étnico Jalq'a se encuentra asentado entre las provincias de Chayanta en el departamento de Potosí y Oropeza del departamento de Chuquisaca. Su identidad común se plasmaría sin embargo en su autodeterminación y diferenciación de otros ( ... )
como los llameros al oeste, los tarabucos al este, los ch'utas en los alrededores de Sucre y los katus en Tacobamba. Por otra parte comparten mitos de origen, rituales y especialmente el vestuario.
El proyecto responde a una intervención dentro de un proceso en marcha. En el ano 2002 se dio inicio a la etapa de preinversión destinada a identificar oportunidades y potencialidades para el
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: ECU/02/009 |
El proyecto trabaja en dos comunidades del cantón Biblián, Cebada Loma y Esmeralda Chica, filiales a la organización UNORCAB. Su trabajo busca manejar sustentablemente el páramo de Tushin-Burgay, por medio de su conservación, de la ( ... )
oducción de especies de la zona (alpacas) y de la reforestación con especies nativas. Adicionalmente, se busca desarrollar en la organización capacidades para el manejo y gestión de proyectos, así como destrezas en el área administrativa y contable.Para alcanzar estas metas, a más de la capacitación, información y asistencia técnica permanente, se han establecido alianzas con una serie
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/03/11 |
Apple gardening on the buffer zone of the Aksu-Dzhabagly Natural Reserve has fallen into decay for the last decade. It has caused increasing unemployment and worsening of social problems in rural areas. The apple gardens are intensively cut down by ( ... )
people. The relic wild species of apple are under on the verge of disappearance. Therefore preservation of the wild kind of apple is a question of the global agrobiodiversity conservation, as the wild apple woods are unique genofund for creation of new species of apples.
During realization of the project the problem and project acticvities will be highlighted in mass media; local community
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/03/04 |
This project will introduce standard methods of organic agriculture and promote sustainable agriculture in the area of Ishmi Commune. Traditional strains of tomato and corn will be cultivated in rotating pattern. This project will try to establish a ( ... )
certification process for the ?organic? produce in collaboration with the Albanian Ministry of Food and Agriculture. Two workshops will be organized to familiarize the community with practices of organic agriculture and to ensure community participation. TV spot, leaflets, posters and a brochure will be published. Dissemination materials, together with free promotional packages of products, will
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/02/034 |
Project development Goal :
To conserve butterfly population in Bantimurung National Park and its vicinity through a semi natural butterfly farming among butterfly traders.
Project Objectives :
1. To encourage change of attitude and paradigm of ( ... )
rs from traditional hunter to become breeders/grower and applying sustainable harvest concept,
2. To improve villagers knowledge and skill on butterfly habitat management in sustainable manner through a semi natural butterfly farming (captive breeding),
3. To increase income among local butterfly farmers and traders through a model of semi natural butterfly farming
4. To develop management
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/02/37 |
Project development Goal:
Utilization of renewable energy technology to increase land productivity in agriculture and development of democratic natural resources management model.
Project Objectives :
1. To develop and establish windmill ( ... )
er pumping in attempt to address water scarcity problems during drought.
2. To develop a life style among farmers through the use of renewable energy
3. To increase land productivity and to address challenges of food security at household level
4. To strengthen institutional capacity among farmers.
Expected output:
1. Two functional units of windmill-water pumping: installed,
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MOR/02/05 |
Ce projet vise a contribuer a la sauvegarde de l?oasis Ferkla, qui fait partie de la réserve de biosphere des Oasis du Sud Marocain. Les principales activités qui seront réalisées dans le cadre de ce projet seront orientées vers ( ... )
tification de technologies adaptées pour le chauffage de l?eau et la cuisson du pain et des aliments, la mise en place d?un hammam communautaire utilisant des plaques solaires produites localement, l?identification de mécanisme financiers permettant de financer des actions de réhabilitation du systeme d?irrigation de la palmeraie et des actions de formations et d?information sur
Phase 2
Project Number: MOR/03/01 |
Ce planning grant s'inscrit dans le cadre des actions du montage du projet "Conservation et valorisation de la biodiversité des zones humides du SIBE de l'Assif Ait Mizane". Il permettra de réunir et d'exploiter les données sur le site ( ... )
rvention, de tenir des réunions avec les associations villageoises, d'organiser des visites d'échange pour le volet pisciculture, mobiliser les responsables de la province du Haouz, et enfin de finaliser le volet éducatif du
Burkina faso
Phase 2
Project Number: BKF/03/03 |
Justification du projet
La culture du coton, consommatrice de terre, destructrice du couvert végétal ,encouragée par la SOFITEX menace sérieusement les quelques rares forêts de savane existantes. De nombreuses espèces végétales et ( ... )
ues ont pratiquement disparues. C?est le cas, entre autres de Daniellia oliveri, du Bombax costatum pourtant très utilitaires. Diofoloma ravitaille la ville de Bobo en bois et en charbon de bois. Les exploitants individuels de bois, non organisés dévastent de vastes superficies. Le village de Diofoloma dispose d'un plan de gestion de son terroir depuis janvier 2000. Ce plan qui s'inspire