There are 29,070 projects available.
Project Title |
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Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 2
Project Number: ECU/01/016 |
El objetivo del proyecto es contribuir en forma participativa al manejo sustentable del territorio de la Asociación Arajuno, potenciando los conocimientos ancestrales y científicos para regular el equilibrio del ecosistema natural que beneficie al ( ... )
local, nacional e internacional.
El proyecto propone la realización de planes de ordenamiento del uso de la biodiversidad en cada una de las comunidades de la ACIA, como principal estrategia para mitigar las presiones sobre los recursos naturales de la Asociación. El proyecto también propone la capacitación en gestión ambiental y manejo de recursos naturales a un técnico de cada una de
Phase 2
Project Number: BOL/23/01 |
Los pueblos Mosetenes y fundamentalmente los denominados colonizadores presentes en la región desde hace más de 35 anos han ingresado a un proceso de deforestación permanente producto de la ampliación de las fronteras agrícolas, lo que está ( ... )
ando una pérdida gradual de la flora y fauna regional, acciones que han motivado a adaptar experiencias de uso y manejo sostenible de bosques, los denominados "bosques modelo", este esquema consistente en el uso y manejo del bosque, de manera que cada recurso natural existente represente un ingreso económico para la población que vive dentro; dicho de otra manera, la diversidad de plantas
Sri lanka
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/02/12 |
Awareness raising,planting of mangroves, establishing of a loan fund to benefit the local area fisherfolk and to promote fuel efficient stoves in the area. Involve schoold children and general public of the area on the importance of protecting the ( ... )
ves- this will be done through lectures video films handouts and posters. Planting of mangroves for environment protection and for sustainble use for firewood requirements. Distribution of fuel efficinet stoves to community. Supply of small boats " theppan" to fishery
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/UNF/13/02 |
Biodiversity conservation component involved the planting indigenous mangrove tree species, coastal clean-up, and coral reef monitoring and management; and kitang fishing, which is a semi-deep sea fishing involving the use of nylon fishing lines ( ... )
bout 500 pieces of hooks lowered to the bottom of the sea; it also involves a big boat that stay for longer period offshore and carries supplies and materials for the operation, and a number of small boats that gather and collect the fish catch and bring them onshore. The fishing will be concentrated offshore, beyond the Ulugan Bay, Puerto Princesa City in order that this group of fishermen from
Sri lanka
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/02/14 |
Development of a co-management committee; reforestation and diversification of mangroves; raising awareness on mangroves in local schools and colleges; developing strategies through the Fisheries Coop. societies on sustainable use of resources. A ( ... )
l resource survey. training in mangrove ecology and reforestation trining in sustainable forestry, establishing nurseries and replanting mangroves, research into medicinal uses of mangrove products. The project site is in the conflict areas of the
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/02/05 |
Target population are members of the Feed Producing Group ,one of several occupation groups under the Community Enterprise for Self-reliance of Ban Hong Ha. Mostly farmers, they are , especially experienced in agriculture such as hog ( ... )
g , fish breeding and community-based research. Concurrently, the group is conducting a research on financial viability in their own community.
Under current support from the Thai government, the group has aimed to produce feed at three tons per day. The process requires heat for keeping the ingredient at 10 % moisture content. The heat is from the most ready source i.e.
Papua new guinea
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: PNG/02/35 |
The Maroot Beach Front project was a community approach to construct sea walls to prevent the rapid erosion of the beach & minimize the destruction to the marine & fresh water ecosystem mostly due to the rise in the sea level as a result of climatic ( ... )
The community's fishing & gardening activities are affected & they fear that their beach & the Tubzu river are at a risk of being destroyed.Pollution caused by the use of diesel fuels on the marine life is also a major concern to these local people. The area is identified in the PNG Conservation Needs Assessment (CAN) areas. The CAN assessment was carried out in PNG by the Department of
Phase 2
Project Number: IRA-G52-2001-008(IRA98G52) |
Project location:Miankaleh, Behshah(Lat/Long:36.6898590-53.5418700)
This is a pilot project for biodiversity conservation through community participation and management of sustainable hunting and fishing in two villages of Zaghmarz and ( ... )
The main objective of this project is to develop and implement a sustainable pilot management plan based on the awareness raising and workshops for the local community, local NGOs and local government officials. The coordination and cooperation between the governmental sectors and the local community will be enhanced for the sustainability of the project.
Burkina faso
Phase 2
Project Number: BKF/02/002 |
Le village de Moundasso est un important fournisseur de bois de chauffe pour la ville de Dédougou, Mais la recherche du gain facile, sans respect des regles d?exploitation, ni du paiement des taxes forestieres, a poussée les populations du village ( ... )
iter anarchiquement les ressources forestieres. Cette surexploitation a comme conséquence une déforestation, une forte dégradation des sols.
Le groupement qui présente cette demande de financement qui est composé d'exploitants de bois de chauffe. Il se propose de contribuer a réduire la déforestation et la perte de la diversité biologique dans le village.
Le projet a pour objectifs de
Burkina faso
Phase 2
Project Number: BKF/02/03 |
Project description. Le village de TIAKANE situé a 7 Km de PÔ, connaît les principaux problemes environnementaux suivants: les feux de brousse ; le braconnage ; la
destruction des especes végétales et le surpâturage.
Les objectifs du ( ... )
t sont:
- Appuyer les populations rurales a la protection et a la gestion rationnelle de leurs ressources en leur apprenant la conservation et la restauration de la diversité biologique naturelle (flore et faune).
- Améliorer les conditions de vie des populations.
- Renforcer leur capacité organisationnelle et opérationnelle
Les principales activités a mener incluent: la mise en
Burkina faso
Phase 2
Project Number: BKF/02/01 |
Project description. Dans la région de Gaoua, le effets conjugués de la dégradation des conditions climatiques et la mauvaise gestion des ressources naturelles (agriculture extensive, surpâturage, feux de brousse et coupe abusive du bois vert ( ... )
ont causé des problemes tres graves de destruction de la diversité biologique entraînant la raréfaction des plantes médicinales les plus utilisées en pharmacopée. L?importance de la pharmacopée dans la région a guidé l?Association DELWENDE a concevoir le présent projet de pour sauvegarder la diversité biologique par la promotion des especes utilitaires en pharmacopée.
Le projet a
Phase 2
Project Number: MOR/01/10 |
Le présent projet contribuera a la réhabilitation de l?abeille saharienne apis mellifica sahariensis dans son aire de répartition naturelle la plaine du Souss et la vallée de Drâa situées dans le sud du Maroc. La stratégie retenue consiste a: ( ... )
en place un fond d?appui a la réhabilitation de l?abeille jaune dans son aire de répartition naturelle. Ce fonds sera chaque année autofinancé par les revenus de la vente du miel produit par 280 ruches (le nombre de ruches sera augmenté progressivement). Il appuiera des actions de recherche appliquée, de sensibilisation/formation/appui a des groupement d?apiculteurs pour l?achat de
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MOR/01/09 |
L?objectif global de ce projet est de contribuer a la préservation de la biodiversité et a la réduction des émissions de gaz a effet de serre dans la zone de Tiznit située dans la Réserve de Biosphere de l?Arganeraie. Ce projet permettra de ( ... )
re l?émission des GES et de protéger l?écosysteme de l?arganier a travers : l?installation d?un four a pain collectif et d?un hammam rural solaire pilote qui combinera l?énergie solaire avec le gaz ou le bois ; la mise en place d?actions complémentaires de réhabilitation de l?arganier ; le renforcement de capacité des associations locales par la formation et l?appui a la réalisation
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/02/04 |
Iniciativa comunitaria para eliminar las causas de las fuentes de contaminación marina, en particular los contaminantes orgánicos persistentes y nutrientes. También pretende prevenir y controlar la degradación ambiental de los hábitats ( ... )
cos: los humedales, aguas poco profundas y arrecifes que apoyan la biodiversidad. La comunidad tendrá un diagnóstico de la calidad del agua, como un medio confiable para la correcta gestión de su ecosistema, garantizando la salud de la misma y fomentar así la actividad
Phase 2
Project Number: BZE/UNF-GEF/02/07 |
Watersheds play an important role in the formation of biological corridors, survival of endangered species, and help determine the health of the barrier reef. Everything that flows out of the watersheds in Belize affects the reef in some way or ( ... )
r. The North Stann Creek River (NSCR) watershed is one that is being threatened by both agricultural effluent and sedimentation due to agricultural land developments. It is not only being threatened, but because of the activities occurring within its watershed region, the watershed itself threatens the barrier reef. This threat results from the run-off of agrochemicals and heavy flow of
Phase 2
Project Number: BOT/98/G52/02/02 |
The Wattled Crane is a globally threatened bird distributed across 11 range countries. The principle threat facing the species is the loss, transformation, and degradation of wetland habitat.This proposal requests funds for Capacity development and ( ... )
ng of BirdLife Botswana Crane Working Group members for; Monitoring the numbers and distribution of the Wattled Crane in the Okavango Delta; Monitoring the breeding success of the Wattled Crane in the Okavango Delta; Exploring and implement effective means to ensure community participation in conserving and monitoring the Wattled Crane; and Networking with and disseminate information to existing
Papua new guinea
Phase 2
Project Number: PNG/02/31 |
This proposal is to address land management and Environmental Change that treat biodiversity and to promote the best practices. |
Papua new guinea
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: PNG/02/29 |
Planning grant of US$1143 awarded to the proponent to complete the full planning and development of the project. |
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: ECU/02/006 |
El proyecto es una propuesta impulsada por tres organizaciones de mujeres pertenecientes a las comunidades de Lupaxi-Convalecencia, Cintaguzo y Pulucate Alto, quienes trabajan en la recuperación de variedades agrícolas nativas para diversificar la ( ... )
ión agrícola y garantizar la seguridad alimentaria de sus familias, con un manejo agroecológico. Otro componente del proyecto es el rescate y producción de plantas forestales nativas que se emplean como cortinas rompevientos y cercas vivas. Esta actividades se cumplen a la par que se busca fortalecer las recién creadas organizaciones de mujeres, impulsando el liderazgo de las mujeres, su
Phase 2
Project Number: BOL/22/01 |
Este proyecto surge de una etapa inicial denominada "Capacitación de la mujer para el manejo sostenible, transformación y comercialización de plantas medicinales", del Convenio PPD/PNUD - CEDEINKU, ejecutado en la gestión pasada en la comunidad ( ... )
Agustín, altiplano sur del país y cuyas beneficiarias directas fueron mujeres de la comunidad de San Agustín, quienes a partir de la valoración de sus conocimientos culturales, capacidades organizativas y potencial de recursos naturales en plantas medicinales nativas, deciden constituir una organización económica denominada "PRONASA" (Productos Naturales San Agustín) una estrategia