There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Pilot Phase
Project Number: MLI/94/15 |
Agroforesterie axée sur la production et la protection d'especes sylvicoles d'importance économique : Acacia Sénégal (Gommier) et le Tannier. |
Pilot Phase
Project Number: THA/95/G05 |
A programme by a CBO to build capacity of villagers to be able to address , survey and solve the problem of degrading forest ecosystems by themselves. Especially, the establishement of community forests is a prime target aterwhich other ( ... )
ties such as formulating of regulation, undertaking afforestation , and training on income generating
Land Degradation
Pilot Phase
Project Number: ECU/95/005 |
Improve living conditions of families through sustainable agriculture practices with native species.
Pilot phase
GEF contribution |
Pilot Phase
Project Number: ECU/95/004 |
Improve family income based on agroforestry systems that reduce pressure on the jungle, diversify production and promote integrated use of renewable natural resources.
Pilot phase
GEF contribution |
Multifocal Area
Pilot Phase
Project Number: CHI/95/04 |
En la V Región existen vasta áreas que han sido mu deterioradas en terminos ambientales ya sea por un uso intensivo, exceso de capacidad de carga entre otros así como la deforestacoión. A partir del proyecto se pretende demostrar, a través de ( ... )
tervención piloto, técnicas y metodologías cuya réplica masiva por las comunidades permitirá luchar contra la desertificación y deterioro de las tierras, la reducción de emisiones productoras del efecto invernadero y la pérdida de la diversidad biológica. Especial interés tienen la mujeres del sector en poder incorporar nuevas ttécnicas para relacionarse mejor con el
Pilot Phase
Project Number: GEF-INS-95-G17 |
Project goals or objective (including GEF problem area addressed by project) :
Short term objectives :
1. Improving the local environmental awareness and rehabilitating the degraded coral reefs focuses its activities in Teluk Dalam. ( ... )
mproving the villager?s skills as an effort to broaden their perspective on affording their life.
3. Improving the local management capacity for their cooperatives.
Long term objectives :
1. To improve villagers? welfare since they have only coral reefs to earn their living due to lack of skills.
2. To rehabilitate the damaged coral reefs area in Teluk Dalam since it is urgently needed
Pilot Phase
Project Number: MLI/94/17 |
Gestion de bois villageois a Thio. L?agro- sylviculture, initié par l?ONG AMAPROS en collaboration avec l?association villageoise de Thio, est une contribution a l?effort collectif de préserver le village de la désertification. L'association ( ... )
eoise avec l'appui d'AMAPROS a déja menée des activités de sensibilisation de motivation des femmes, de plantation et de maraîchage dans le village.
Description : Conservation ou protection d?environnement a travers le reboisement appuyé par le maraîchage et le petit crédit.
Objectifs spécifiques - augmentation du capital ligneux
- formation en lutte contre l?érosion du sol, en
Burkina faso
Pilot Phase
Project Number: BKF/95/07 |
Le Projet avait pour objectifs de :
?Sauvegarder et conserver les plantes médicinales, notamment celles en voie de disparition par la mise en place d?un jardin botanique de 2 ha ;
?Créer et gérer 2 mini pépinières (une dans l?Aspirât ( ... )
dans les villages) ;
?Contribuer à l?approvisionnement de l?Aspirât en bois (de feu et de service) par la création et la gestion d?un bosquet d?1 ha ;
? Lutter contre l?ensablement de la rivière de Kou par la plantation de 10.000 plants par an sur les berges ;
?Accroître les compétences/ capacités du public cible dans les domaines de la production/ plantation des plants,
International Waters
Pilot Phase
Project Number: SEN/95/03 |
Le Projet est localisé au niveau des villages de Kounghani et de Manael, Département de Bakel, Région de Tambacounda. Sa zone d?intervention appartient au domaine soudanien. Elle est caractérisée par 8 mois de saison sèche et 4 mois de ( ... )
pluvieuse avec un déficit pluviométrique persistant. Cette zone est traversée par le fleuve Sénégal. La rive gauche de ce cours d?eau est jalonnée de mares temporaires qui étaient le lieu de reproduction des poissons du fleuve et où s?organisaient la pêche. Depuis trois décennies, la plupart de ces mares ne se remplissaient plus d?eau à cause de la sécheresse persistante
Pilot Phase
Project Number: MLI/94/16 |
Développement de l'agroforesterie afin de diminuer la pression sur les ressources halieutiques pour une communauté de pecheurs de Kirango Markala.
Depuis un certain temps le village de kirango, Markala est frappé par un certain nombre de ( ... )
mes tels que :
- la diminution du poisson dans les lits du fleuve Niger
- la baisse continue des revenus des populations
- le faible rendement des terres cultivables
- l?érosion des sols en général et des berges en particulier
- la disparition progressive de la couverture végétale due a la sécheresse et a la coupe abusive des populations . face a cette situation de déséquilibre
Sri lanka
Pilot Phase
Project Number: SRL/92/G51/013 |
As a result of denudation of the catchment, water streams have dried up. Due to this, acute water shortages close to desertification levels result.
Protect Bambaragama watershed which is the source of 42 tributaries that ( ... )
irindi oya and the natural habitat of many varieties of endemic species.
Protect the watershed, the mainspring of 42 water sources, reforest the area and have public awareness campaigns
Demarcate boundaries of the watershed reservation which has been approved as a protected area.
Establish 7 plant nurseries with local plant species.
Reforest the watershed area.
Climate Change Mitigation
Pilot Phase
Project Number: PHI/30/92 (Pilot Phase 130-L) |
Installation of solar-powered systems for: battery-charging; mini-cold storage for fish; to support community-based resource management activities and livelihood. Awareness building on the use of clean and renewable energy sources was also another ( ... )
Pilot Phase
Project Number: PHI/32/92 (Pilot Phase 132-L) |
Rehabilitation of forest ecosystem and conserving the remaining biodiversity through the Aytas' community-based efforts toward self-sufficiency and self-reliance. |
Dominican republic
Pilot Phase
Project Number: DOM/95/07 |
Support community participation in preparation of a sustainable development plan and identification of potential projects for the Monte Cristi National Park. |
Pilot Phase
Project Number: ZIM/92/G31/01 |
The project is situated in Chesa 40km east of mount Darwin in natural region 3b with erratic rainfall not reliable for cropping, and was initiated by a group of 6 farmers .The project was proposed as an alternative land use option that will reduce ( ... )
ation and protect the natural resources against soil erosion, siltation and deforestration.By adopting the ostrich land use option , farmers will reforest and revegetate overgrazed and formerely cultivated , degraded lands and give the farmer a better land use return per unit area through ostrich production diversification.This project will reintroduce the ostrich species within the indegenous
Sri lanka
Pilot Phase
Project Number: SRL/92/G51/005 |
Binkohomba ( Munronia pumila) is an endemic medicinal herb found in limited geographical locations in Sri Lanka.
Due to high demand for the dried plant, which fetches more than 2000 rupees a kilogram, owing to its medicinal properties, ( ... )
ant is rapidly becoming extinct
Objectives, activities, groups involved
Conservation of Munronia Pumila an endemic medicinal herb found in rain forests in Sri Lanka.Prevent destruction to bio diversity by promoting the ex-situ propagation and home garden planting of munronia pumila an endangered and valuable medicinal species
Within the broad framework of conserving bio diversity, protect
Climate Change Mitigation
Pilot Phase
Project Number: POL/95/10 |
Planting the willow (salix viminalis) plantation, as a heat source replacement for the kindergarten as pioneering in the region. The plantation planned to be placed very close to the local sewage treatment plant and residues from the plant were used ( ... )
the willow trees.
The overall objective is to demonstrate, that in Poland?s Silesia region, which is dominated by brown coal sourced heat production, also renewable sources of energy could be used.
The project was planned as a demonstration of possibilities of planting the willow (salix viminalis), as a future heat source for the kindergarten. The plantation was placed very close to the
Pilot Phase
Project Number: POL/94/15 |
Preservation of beech forest complex in Bory Dolnoslaskie, protection of Glis glis L., mobilisation of local communities and authorities (Forest Management Office) |
Papua new guinea
Pilot Phase
Project Number: PNG/95/02 |
US$8771.93 was provided to the Foundation of the Peoples of the South Pacific (NGO), to undertake a community Reforestation Pilot Project. The primary objectives of the pilot project were to establish training on siviculture and basic nursery ( ... )
ment. To establish a village size tree nursery and to rehabilitate logged over forest as well as grassland areas. The demonstration site was Merani Village, Cape Rodney, Central Province. Subject to the experiences of this pilot phase it is hoped that similar projects can be replicated elsewhere.
Project is
Climate Change Mitigation
Pilot Phase
Project Number: POL/95/03 |
Coal to gas conversion and complex modernisation of heating system in the center of Nidzica, small town in Northern Poland, in the center for mentally handicapped people. Preliminary energy audit proved thet in nearby areas it is not possible to ( ... )
secure access to long-term delivery of renewable energy (biomass, what was suggested and condtitioned by GEF/SGP); Old fashioned heating system based on coal could bring any time catasrtophe, so NSC decided to support this project based on social background (assistance to vulnerable group ) and environmental benefits (liquidation of source of pollution in the center of small town