There are 29,070 projects available.
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Climate Change Mitigation
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: AFG/SGP/OP7/Y1/CORE/CC/2021/10 |
the main objectives are: Objective 1. To reduce deforestation by introducing new energy & to decrease the effect of carbon -Dye oxide and to improve public health. Objective 2. Support vulnerable communities, increase environmental awareness and ( ... )
ty building in the targeted area to use new and clear energy.
Climate Change Mitigation
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: YEM/SGP/OP7/Y1/CORE/CC/2021/04 |
Al-Fayoush is an agriculture area located south of Al-Hootah, Lahj governorate. The location is an agrarian setup that producing vegetables, fodders and cereals that are sold in neighboring town of Aden and Lahj. Farming communities recently faced ( ... )
ic crises resulted from high inflation and fuel prices sharp rise. Agriculture system dep[ends on tube well irrigation well seasonal floods.
Project aims are to equip 14 tube-well with solar system for pumping irrigation water. The project will benefit 120 families with 646 inhabitants (including 323 males and 323 females) who are wells? owners (28) and 92 landowners or tenants. The later
Climate Change Mitigation
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: YEM/SGP/OP7/Y1/CORE/CC/2021/01 |
Delta Tuban is the main agriculture zone of Lahj Governorate. It has a fertile agricultural land that is built over centueirs from Wadi Tuban flood sedimentation through its two branches being Wadi ?Kabeer? (major) and Wadi ?Sagheer? (minor). ( ... )
lturew communities faced a great challenges in recen years due to high cost of irrigation due ti fuel prices? raise. Communities are starting gradually to use solar powered pumping systems for irrigation. In the area there exist several water canals diverting flood water into the agriculture land. Each canal has got a water user society that managing flood irrigation through each canal locally
Climate Change Mitigation
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: YEM/SGP/OP7/Y1/CORE/CC/2021/06 |
The Middle Zone of Wadi ?Saghier? Tuban where Ubr Al-Hadharem; Ubr Al-Thalab and Ubr Sallam are located between lahj and Aden. Farming system is similar to the rest of Tuban district. Farming depend on flood and tube well irrigation. Farmers ( ... )
ed a great deal of losses due to fuel prices rise coincide with poor Market prices for their products and ceased farming accordingly.
Farmers are straggling to shift their irrigation system towards solar driven pump in their attempt to reduce farming expenses. All farms around the areas uses intensive labour force mostly comes from displaced community due to civil war. Crops produces are
Climate Change Mitigation
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: YEM/SGP/OP7/Y1/CORE/CC/2021/02 |
Al-Madharebah and Ra?s Al-Areh district is located some 100 Km on the Gulf of Aden coast north-west of Aden close to Bab El-Mandeb. There are fewer villages that are distributed evenly a long the cost and interior territories. The area has limited ( ... )
esources for agriculture and herding livestock is major activities followed by fishing.
The project aimed at assisting grantee organization to equip 231 families with solar systems for lighting. The project will benefit 1200 inhabitants in several villages of Al-Madharebah district. The project would save community a monetary cost of traditional lighting of US$ 44.4 /family/year. Further the
Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 - Y6 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: YEM/SGP/OP6/Y6/CORE/CC/2020/01 |
Mayhah region, Qalancia District is located in the western part of Socotra. It?s known to be the driest part of Socotra Island. Whit its inner landscape, it receives the lowest rainfall in Socotra. The vegetation cover is moderate and consisted of ( ... )
and pen grassland. Livestock herding is the main economic activities of the population in general, hence water is very important to support herding system and grazing management. The communities in Mayhah villages are settling due to the availability of schools in the areas. Hence there are a year round settlement in all villages. Only herders might move when grazing resources scares and their
Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 - Y6 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: YEM/SGP/OP6/Y6/CORE/CC/2020/03 |
Mahferhen village is located in the south of the Nujid plain of Socotra. It?s located at the mouth of Wadi Difa?raho on the narrow Nujid coastal between the hills lopes to the north and the Sea to the south. The community is a mixed of shepherds ( ... )
anaging livestock in hill slopes and fishermen permanently live in the cost. Project will help improving local community livelihood through provision of solar systems for lighting. The total beneficiaries are 228 inhabitants (112 males and 116 females in 35 families. The project will have a direct impact on community livelihood and secure an annual saving of US$ 413 per family and CO2 36 tons
Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 - Y6 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: YEM/SGP/OP6/Y6/CORE/CC/2020/02 |
Qa?rah villages are a group of neighboring villages in the extreme western end of the Nujid plain in of Socotra. The villages are located on the narrow coastal strip between the hill slopes to the north and the Sea to the south. The community is a ( ... )
of shepherds that managing livestock in hill slopes and fishermen permanently live in the cost. This project will help improving local community livelihood through provision of solar system for lighting. The total beneficiaries of 1310 inhabitants (662 males and 658 females in 151 families. The project will have a direct impact on community livelihood and secure an annual saving of US$ 62 per
Climate Change Mitigation
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: YEM/SGP/OP7/Y1/CORE/CC/2021/03 |
Wadi Sahaab is located to the South East of Toor Baha city (district center) and extend through a narrow canyon for ca. 15 km (N 13.216917 E44.352056 altitude 840m above Sea level). All villages are distributed evenly along the wadi sides influenced ( ... )
nd topography. The largest part of the wadi do not exceed 500-800 meters in width.
Wadi Sha?ab sub district is divided into three centers (Upper, Middle and lower). Due to topographical phenomenon the population live on wadi sides and farm the few terraces built alongside the Wadi hence it?s heavily populated area with 15 villages and 5,000.families and 25,000 inhabitants. Agriculture and
Solomon islands
OP7 ?Y2 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: SLB/SGP/OP7/Y2/CORE/BD/2021/04 |
This project is managed by a group of Kiribati women who are of Micronesian race and are a minority group in the Solomon Islands.
The project aims to assist members to run their own project in their villages making traditional hand made Kiribati ( ... )
and products so that the traditional skill is passed on to their younger generation, and as a way of preserving their culture and identity.
1. A place for marketing of Kiribati locally hand made products.
2. A hall for show casing Kiribati?s skills on traditional medicine
3. Traditional skills kept alive and passed on to next generation.
Project Components include;
International Waters
Phase 5
Project Number: VUT/SGP/OP5/CORE/IW/21/02 |
The Project to Strengthen the Provincial Government in reducing pollution to urban community water supply through local community awareness and provincial stakeholders workshop on watershed management and development of national policy to reduce ( ... )
ion into water bodies.
OP7 ?Y2 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: ECU/ICCA-GSI-COVID/2021/20 |
Cómo Colectivo VozTerra queremos cerrar la campaña ?Sonidos desde tu Ventana?, desarrollando una
jornada de siembra en la Reserva Forestal Thomas Van der Hammen en Bogotá. Este proyecto servirá
para dar a conocer a toda nuestra comunidad ( ... )
al e internacional, a los usuarios de nuestros
aliados y a los ciudadanos de Bogotá y Latinoamerica el proceso de restauración de la Reserva Van der
Hammen, la cuál puede llegar a ser el parque urbano más grande de latinoamérica.
Igualmente sirve para concretar en un acto puntual de conservación, la campaña Sonidos desde tu
Ventana la cuál invitó a músicos y ciudadanos a cuidar la
Marshall islands
Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 ?Y7 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: RMI/SGP/OP7/Y1/CORE/CC/2021/03 |
Biodiversity Land Degradation
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: NER/SGP/ICCA-GSI-COVID/2021/05 |
Le projet contribue à la sécurisation de l?APAC et à la prévention du COVID-19, par la récupération des terres et la création d?opportunités d'emploi, afin de minimiser l?impact du COVID19 sur les activités socio-économiques de la ( ... )
Les Objectifs spécifiques
- Promotion des mesures barrières covid-19 à travers l?accompagner des groupements des femmes et des jeunes dans la promotion des activités génératrices de revenus à travers la production locale des masques et dispositif de lavage des mains du types Tippy tap ;
- Restaurer l?APAC à travers la récupération et mise en valeur des terres dégradées ainsi que
OP6 - Y6 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: NIU/SGP/OP6/Y6/CORE/CD/2021/02 |
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: ALG/SGP/OP7/CORE/POP/21/03 |
Améliorer les capacités des jeunes porteurs des initiatives vertes et d?autres acteurs associatifs afin de Réduire l?impact des déchets plastiques, dans les milieux urbains dans les communes de Mila-Mila et d?EL-MOURADIA-ALGER |
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: VUT/ICCA-GSI/2021/07 |
The project is to build local capacity in management of National Protected are of Mount Tabwemasana to cope with closure to COVID 19 impact local farmer?s income and to apply some techniques to control bush fire and improved food security through ( ... )
actice of syntrophic agriculture in grassland with planting food, timber, fuel tree trees in a water catchment area in a 200 meters buffer zone. This will be done by the community in order to do land management and to regenerate flora in an open grassland area as buffer to bush fire and keep wild beast out from human dwelling, conserve biodiversity and maintain community water supply source and
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: KHM/ICCA-GSI-COVID/2021/06 |
This project is aiming at providing support to two Community Forestry who are home of Kouy IPs in sustainable manage and use of 638 ha of forestry Areas by building 3 Km of forest fire road for both CFs, place 400 cement poles as boundary ( ... )
ation, prepare tree nursery and tree planting and having regular patrolling of Community Forestry areas. In order to support IP communities to have more food security during COVID-19 pandemic, project will provide technical training on vegetable growing and fish/frog raise to 80 IPs families and provide small frogs and vegetable seeds to those family to practice after received training. In
Solomon islands
Phase 5
Project Number: Choiseul- SLB/SGP/OP5/Y7/CORE/BD/2019/10 (2) |
The primary objective of this project is to raise awareness to the three Arnavon
communities, including the schools (Primary/Secondary) of the impacts of unsustainable
developments such as mining, logging, and improve understanding of crosscutting ( ... )
including the potential impacts of climate change to coastal
Sri lanka
Land Degradation
OP6 - Y6 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: SRL/SGP/OP6/STAR/LD/2021/36 |
Poonakary area is well known for its paddy cultivation and livestock but unfortunately without a proper salt water exclusion bund the sea water entering to certain paddy lands negatively changes the fertility and makes the paddy lands and water ( ... )
According to the information collected from farmers and government officials out of 1500acres (625 hectares), 600 acres (250 hectares) are being affected when the sea level goes up it enters in to close by paddy lands. The poor farmers having notified this matter to relevant authorities are unable to rectify the pollution without any financial support as a war affected community.