There are 29,070 projects available.
Project Title |
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Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: ECU/SGP/OP7/Y1/STAR/BD/2020/28 |
Este proyecto busca la conservación de (3000 hectáreas de los ecosistemas identificados, entre bosque seco y bosque de garúa, trabajará con 12 comunidades y unas 2500 familias participantes. el proyecto es innovador en cuanto busca agrupar en ( ... )
d de producción y comercialización al menos 7 bioemprendimientos, con la oportunidad de hacer negocios y generar ocupación e ingresos con la puesta en marcha de una feria semanal de exhibición y ventas amparadas por una sola marca: bioemprendimientos Chongón
OP6 - Y6 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: COL/SGP/OP6/Y6/STAR/BD/2020/11 |
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: ECU/SGP/OP7/Y1/STAR/BD/2020/20 |
El presente proyecto de biocorredor tiene como objetivo general ?Recuperación de los conocimientos ancestrales y cultura Puruha para rescatar experiencias y vivencias que favorezcan el cuidado de los recursos naturales y de paramo de las ( ... )
zaciones?, que se logrará a través de los objetivos específicos que son: recuperación de la identidad cultural y aplicar en nuevos modelos de conservación, mantener en buen estado de conservación los páramos y bosques protectores, recuperar las tradiciones y el manejo de plantas y medicina ancestral, el proyecto se operativizará con la participación de las siguientes organizaciones que
Biodiversity Climate Change Mitigation Land Degradation
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: VEN/SGP/OP6/Y5/CORE/BD/2019/01 |
La Cordillera de la Costa es un ?hotspot? de biodiversidad. La deforestación es su principal amenaza; una de las causas es la poca productividad del café bajo sombra. Los caficultores cambian el uso de la tierra, pasando de antiguos bosques de ( ... )
a monocultivos de plena exposición solar, aumentando también el uso de agroquímicos. Por ende, fomentar el uso de agroforestería pasa por mejorar su productividad, mejorando así los ingresos de los productores y por ende la conservación del bosque. Para lograr lo anterior proporcionaremos herramientas cognitivas, asistencia técnica y dotación de tecnologías climáticamente inteligentes
Dominican republic
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: DOM/SGP/OP6Y5/CORE/BD/2019/06 |
Fortalecimiento de la gestión y mejorar el estado de conservación del mismo santuario a través del incremento de las capacidades locales y la promoción del ecoturismo en el santuario como medio de vida sostenible. |
OP6 - Y6 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: COL/SGP/OP6/Y6/STAR/BD/2020/25 |
Biodiversity CapDev International Waters
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: LAO/SGP/OP6/Y5/STAR/BD/2020/64 |
Nam Ou River is rich of natural resources and it's also a habitat of diverse aquatic species. In addition, local people of Nam Ou River have long been involved with fishery, the main occupation of villager in past was agriculture, trade, and ( ... )
y. Since the construction of Hydropower Dam, the local people in many villages has been affected on housing and livelihoods although they get compensated by the investor of development project, but it still can't replace the losing one. There are three affected villages in the area of Nam Ou River namely: Khone Kham, Houaylo and Lat Tha Hae, which include 3 major ethnic groups, totaling 453
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: IRA/CCA-GSI/2019/06 (228) |
Biodiversity CapDev International Waters
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: IRA/CCA-GSI/2019/35 (257) |
Congo, dem. republic
Climate Change Mitigation
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: DRC/SGP/OP7/Y1/CORE/CC/2020/10 |
Ce projet a comme objectif la restauration de 150 ha des forêts par la régénération naturelle assistée par la mise en défens des espaces à conserver, l?établissement des coupe-feux et l?apiculture comme moyen de subsistance des ( ... )
ficiaires. 100 ménages identifiés vont pratiquer l?agroforesterie dans les parties dégradées.
Congo, dem. republic
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: DRC/SGP/OP7/Y1/CORE/BD/2020/01 |
Au niveau du littoral de Moanda environ 750 femelles des tortues marines viennent y nidifier chaque année si les patrouilles nocturnes sont bien menées et si la saison de ponte est prolifique.
La saison de ponte s?étend de Septembre-Octobre ( ... )
en Février-Mars de l?année suivante. Cependant, la survie des femelles qui viennent nidifier dans ces aires de ponte est sujette à caution.
Le projet veut appuyer les activités de protection des tortues marines et plages de ponte au Parc marin des mangroves au littoral de Moanda, en assurant la collecte systématique des ?ufs et leur transplantation en écloseries protégées et
Congo brazzaville
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: COG/SGP/OP6/Y4/CORE/BD/19/10 |
The Simombondo and Mavounoungou Village Development Project (PDSM), is located in the Zanaga sub-prefecture on the outskirts of the Ogooé Lékéti National Park. It is a hotspot for elephant poaching for ivory and bushmeat trafficking. The local ( ... )
tion is made up only of Bantu. This project is part of the reduction of poverty and pressure on biodiversity through the following activities: * Ensure continuous community surveillance of two elephant clearings adjacent to the village land of Mavounoungou; * Develop the IGA sector for the reduction of poverty and pressure on biodiversity, including pig production and sharecropping; * Facilitate
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: KYR/ICCA-GSI/2020/03 |
The main objective of the project is to conserve the lake and wetlands of Aidyn-Kol through establishment and development of the community micro-reserve. |
OP6 - Y3 (Jul17 - Jun 18)
Project Number: KEN/SGP/OP6/Y3/STAR/BD/2020/64 |
This project aims to address increasing poverty levels amongst members of the local community, particularly youth and women, by providing alternative income generating options and reducing the community overdependence on natural resources. The ( ... )
t being proposed will address alternative livelihood sources through promotion of ecotourism, integration of tourism products within shimoni caves and the lowland coastal forests as well as the diversification of ecotourism activities within the historical caves and adjoining forest vegetation. This project will promote the conservation of historical heritage at shimoni slave caves, cultural
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: WSM/SGP/OP7/Y1/CORE/BD/2020/05 |
Fatausi's CONSERVATION OF MARINE project aims to restore the marine life habitats that is degraded from man-made activities and changes in environmental status due to changes in climate. The objectives of the project are to;
1. Survey of marine ( ... )
e area and projection for extension of protected area
2. Management plan activities implemented
3. Raise awareness of village residents and neighbouring villages
4. Knowledge sharing and project
Land Degradation
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: KYR/ICCA-GSI/2020/05 |
The main objective of the project is to engage local communities, pasture users, and local self-governments in 3 local self-governments into sustainable management and conservation of pasture resources by integrating the traditional in innovative ( ... )
dge and
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: KYR/ICCA-GSI/2020/02 |
Project objective is to develop mechanisms on protecting the caves in the state reserve through awareness raising and building links between local communities, local self-governments, and regional department of SAEPF |
Biodiversity Climate Change Mitigation Land Degradation
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: MDV/ICCA-GSI/2019/05 |
Conserving Cultaral Heritage Site in N. Manadhoo, The main objective of the project is to preserve cultural heritage site, Maamiskithu Vevu (a government protected heritage site) for future generations by applying sustainable conservation measures. ( ... )
oject aims at collecting and displaying information about the site to educate and attract students, tourists and visitors so that the project site becomes a livelihood avenue for the local
Biodiversity Land Degradation
Phase 5
Project Number: JAM/SGP/OP5/STAR/BD/2020/01 - recoded |
The Negril Environmental Protection Area (EPA) is a unique protected area which is composed of the Negril Hills, Fish River Hills, Negril Great Morass and the Negril Marine Park. It has an estimated population of 215,893 individuals with and ( ... )
ted fishing and farming population of 3,000. The Negril EPA supports several ecosystems functions and provides habitat to both endemic and endangered species in Jamaica. Environmental issues like the denudation of forests, soil erosion, draining of the Negril Great Morass, nutrient overload and forest fires has been having negative impacts on the natural resources and communities? livelihoods.
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: KAZ/SGP/OP6/Y3/STAR/CD/19/43 |
The project aims to promote the results through the dissemination and implementation of best practices by creating groups in 7 regions (Akmola, Karaganda, Kostanai, Almaty, East Kazakhstan region, Kyzylorda and Turkestan) - dialogue platforms, ( ... )
which trips to project territories and to regional centers would be held and organized round tables to familiarize and promote the results of GEF SGP projects. The implementation of the proposed project will allow to replicate the results of SGP OP6 projects and take measures to study the experience and implementation of similar projects in other regions of Kazakhstan. At the same time, the