There are 29,070 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Community Based Adaptation CapDev Land Degradation
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: PLW/SGP/OP6/Y5/STAR/2019/09 |
Dil-Ngebuked is a non-profit community-based women?s organization that is comprised of younger
women professionals of Ngebuked hamlet, Ngaraard State. Many of them have mesei or taro farms and share an interest in growing their own food. These ( ... )
ents are attempting to restore mesei and increase crop yields in their village farms. They have been challenged by unfavorable conditions such as water shortage and unhealthy crops. In preparation for this proposal, technical partners from Palau Community Action Agency (PCAA), Bureau of Agriculture (BOA), and Taiwan Technical Mission (TTM) conducted an initial site visit in October 2019 to assess
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: PAN/SGP/OP6/Y5/STAR/BD/19/56 |
Diseño, capacitación e implementación de un sistema de captación de agua pluvial para usos domésticos y agrícolas en la Escuela Oria Arriba, Pedasí, Los Santos. |
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: IRA/CCA-GSI/2019/22 (244) |
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: NIU/SGP/OP6/Y5/CORE/BD/2020/06 |
1. Educate Government and communities on the impacts of coral bleaching in a localized context
2. Build capacity of youth and women in Niue to document high risk environmental issues and traditional knowledge
3. Build awareness of Niue people on ( ... )
isk environmental issues and conservation measure to mitigate them.
4. Engage schools and provide tools to assist with environmental learning programs
5. To engage a wider audience through the internet via social media and You Tube
6. Project management to monitor project on a quarterly basis for timely implementation of the project
Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: NAM/SGP/OP6/Y5/ICCA-GSI/2019/02 |
The overall objective of the project is to reduce vulnerabilities to climate change and improve the capacity of these communities, who rely on agriculture for their livelihoods, to adapt to climate change. This project is underpinned by the ( ... )
tanding that climate change impacts on major sectors and livelihoods, and therefore some key themes needs to be understood and addressed. Therefore, this action seeks to improve the livelihoods of these communities through the promotion and implementation of resources which are environmentally friendly and do not contribute to climate
Congo, dem. republic
Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: DRC/SGP/OP6/Y3/STAR/CC/2020/81 |
Durabilité et résilience de l?agriculture familiale dans les savanes de localité de Kingawa |
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: EGY/SGP/OP6/Y4/POPs/2020/37 |
To manage electronic waste and reducing the harm of environmental and health impacts of electronic waste in Cairo University and Zaytoun area |
Solomon islands
Community Based Adaptation
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: SLB/SGP/OP7/Y1/CORE/CC/2020/09 |
project will help to conduct training for rural farmers and students on crops resilient against impacts of climate change.
Land Degradation
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: UKR/SGP/OP7/Y1/CORE/LD/2020/01 |
The main goal of the project is to develop capacities of SCOs on sustainable and green approaches through networking, knowledge sharing, learning and implementation of good practices. To reach this objective, the project will establish ( ... )
velopment Center as a regional hub for practical education in the fields of organic agriculture, energy efficiency, eco-friendly production and community empowerment. The Center will serve as a demonstrational and resource mobilization platform for sustainable development, allowing CSOs and communities to share innovative ideas. Moreover, the project will support wider communities? participation,
Cabo verde
CapDev Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: CPV/SGP/OP6/Y5/CORE/YCC/2019/08 |
International Waters
OP6 -Y4 (Jul 18 - Jun 19)
Project Number: MDV/SGP/OP6/Y4/CORE/IW/2019/07 |
The main objective of the project is to reduce the damage caused by anchors to reefs commonly used by fishermen to collect bait. This will be done by installing an environmentally friendly "Eco-Mooring" system on the reef eliminating the need for ( ... )
Congo, dem. republic
Climate Change Mitigation
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: DRC/SGP/OP7/Y1/CORE/CC/2020/05 |
Ce Projet veut consolider les acquis du projet « Ecoles vertes pour l?éducation environnementale et le reboisement de Kimwenza ». Il s?adresse aux élèves et leurs parents et enseignants d?écoles primaires. Afin de contribuer à la ( ... )
nisation des effets du projet écoles verte 1, ce deuxième projet :
? Installera 10 pépinières scolaires accompagnées qui seront conduites par les élèves et enseignants de chaque école. Le moment de travail sera l?occasion de sensibilisation et d?éducation environnementale dans les 10 écoles retenues ;
? Organisera des concours scolaires sur la tenue des pépinières, le reboisement,
Land Degradation
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: MAL/SGP/OP6/Y5/STAR/LD/2020/04 |
This project is located at Kampung Air Banun consisting of the Jahai tribe from 22 resettlement areas in remote Belum-Temenggor rain forest complex in Perak Sate. The focal project is in Kampung Air Banun in specific, roughly 3 kilometres away from ( ... )
in trunk road of the East-West Highway. The natives here are amongst the indigenous ethnic of the Jahai tribe who still grapple below the national level of poverty. The community lives in 14 family houses that accommodate almost 100 people including women, children and the elderly.
The populace has been struggling to survive, away from being common hunters and gatherers, but with little
Dominican republic
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: DOM/SGP/OP6Y5/CORE/BD/2019/05 |
Fortalecimiento el desarrollo de acciones de ecoturismo comunitario en tres municipios de la provincia Independencia, ubicados alrededor del Lago Enriquillo: Jimaní, y sus distritos municipales de Boca de Cachón y El Limón; La Descubierta, y sus ( ... )
ntes secciones; y Postrer Río, con el distrito municipal de El Guayabal y sus diferentes secciones; para la generación de empleo verde decente, enfocado a contribuir a preservar y restaurar el medio
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: PLW/SGP/OP6/Y5/STAR/2019/04 |
The Northern Peleliu Lkes (sand flats) are an Important Bird Area (IBA) and IUCN Key Biodiversity Area (KBA) recognized by Birdlife International as an internationally iBA and IUCN in 2016. The goal of this project is that there is local (Peleliu) ( ... )
tional Support for the protection of the Northern Peleliu Lkes, thus increasing awareness about Palau?s migratory species, development of educational materials and increase the level of protection for Lkes and similar habitats for migratory birds throughout Palau. The five project objectives that will involve a series of activities are: (1) At least 90% of the residents (including school
Burkina faso
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: BFA/SGP/OP6/Y4/CORE/CD/19/06 |
Objectif global du projet est de promouvoir l?éducation environnementale dans le système scolaire grâce au renforcement des compétences des enseignants et des chargés de l?éducation.
Il poursuit les objectifs spécifiques suivants
1-Créer ( ... )
llule technique pour l?Education Environnementale du système éducatif local.
2-Mettre en place des clubs d?écocitoyenneté dans les lycées et collèges.
3-Renforcer les capacités de fonctionnement de la cellule et des clib écocitoyens sur les principes de l?éducation environnementale.
Principaux résultats attendus
1-Une cellule technique composée de cinq (5) membres dont deux
Central african republic
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: CAF/SGP/OP6/Y6/CORE/CPS/2019/01 |
Le projet de APECA (Association pour la Protection de l?Environnement en Centrafrique) a pour objectif de formuler la Stratégie Nationale Pays (SNP) de Centrafrique pour la phase opérationnelle 7 du FEM. La proposition de projet est conforme aux ( ... )
uisque le bénéficiaire s?engage à fournir tous les livrables dans un délai de moins de 4 mois. Ces livrables sont : i) un état des lieux de la mise en oeuvre de la SNP6 dont la SNP7 n?est qu?une continuité. Le document fera ressortir les aspects socio-économiques des nouveaux paysages identifiés, ii) prioriser les stratégies pour la SNP7 tout en impliquant les parties-prenantes et, iii)
Climate Change Mitigation
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: TGO/SGP/OP6/Y5/CORE/CC/2019/03 |
L?énergie est un moteur de développement. Au Togo, la consommation finale d?énergie est dominée à 73% par la biomasse. Les hydrocarbures représentent 70% du coût des importations totales et 15% des recettes sont consacrées à la facture ( ... )
lière. La réalisation du programme d?électrification du pays devrait permettre de répondre aux besoins en consommation d?énergie électrique et améliorer l?accès des populations aux services publics d?électricité.
Selon l?Agence Togolaise d?Electrification Rurale et des Energies Renouvelables (AT2ER), en 2018, 45% des togolais ont accès à l?électricité dont seulement 8 % en zone
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: GEO/SGP/OP6/Y5/CORE/PWD/2020/01 |
to create inclusive environment for PWD and to increase their livelihood through supporting their employment and a greenhouse. |
OP6 - Y5 (Jul 19-Jun 20)
Project Number: PAN/SGP/OP6/Y5/CORE/BD/20/04 |
Promover la conservación del ambiente a través del empoderamiento comunitario, la protección de servidumbres ecológicas y el desarrollo de actividades ecoturísticas en el corregimiento de Santo Domingo de Las Tablas. |