There are 29,070 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
OP6 ?Y7 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: DMA/SGP/OP7/Y2/CORE/BD/2022/03 |
OP6 Y8 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: BZE/SGP/OP6/Y8/CORE/CD/2022/01 |
This project focuses on women empowerment and creation of economic opportunities for the women of Barranco Village by preserving the traditional art of cassava bread baking and incorporating new technology to increase production for the local, ( ... )
al, and international market. Cassava, or Ereba in Garifuna, is one of the staple foods of the Garifuna people. Traditionally, the making of Ereba is labor intensive, and is typically a 2-day process. Commencing with the harvesting the tuber, to washing, peeling, grating, straining (usually an overnight process), sieving, and then baking. Devices have been created to simplify the grating and
OP7 ?Y2 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: JAM/SGP/OP7/Y2/CORE/BD/2022/04 |
The primary objective of the project is to conserve the biodiversity of Mason River Protected Area through environmentally friendly, cost-effective, and low maintenance infrastructural development, installation of a boardwalk, and the implementation ( ... )
blic awareness-building campaign. This project will help the surrounding communities and assist the country in realising goal four (4) of Vision 2030, which speaks to Jamaica as a healthy natural environment. The vision talks about sustainable management and use of environmental and natural resources, hazard risk reduction and adaptation to climate change and sustainable urban and rural
Land Degradation
OP7 ?Y2 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: JAM/SGP/OP7/Y2/CORE/LD/2022/03 |
The project seeks to positively impact vulnerable groups in different ways. Employment will be created for persons in financial need, women, youth, and the disabled. Youth with little or no interest in agriculture, environmental preservation, and ( ... )
vation will have opportunities to gain first-hand knowledge through their direct involvement. The elderly and persons with low health will have improved overall nutrition and nutrient availability as the influx of affordable fresh fruits and vegetables will extend their life span. It is also in our intention to develop an apiary of twenty-five (25) colonies with special emphasis on the youth for
OP7 - Y1 (Jul 20-Jun 21)
Project Number: PAN/SGP/OP7/Y1/STAR/CD/21/25 |
El proyecto ?Proceso de fortalecimiento de las iniciativas ambientales en los paisajes de Darién,
Azuero y Bocas del Toro? busca dar respuesta a la necesidad del Programa de Pequeñas
Donaciones en dar fortalecimiento e impulsar la sostenibilidad ( ... )
acciones realizadas por las
organizaciones beneficiadas en cada uno de los paisajes, a fin de fortalecer el tejido social en las
comunidades involucradas.
Con el objetivo general:
Fortalecer a través del acompañamiento, las capacidades técnicas y administrativas de las
organizaciones solicitantes y ejecutoras de proyectos PPD en todo el ciclo del proyecto, con
especial énfasis en
Biodiversity Climate Change Mitigation Land Degradation
OP7 ?Y2 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: VEN/SGP/OP7/Y2/CORE/LD/2022/06 |
La producción de alimentos en los últimos sesenta (60) años se ha basado en procesos que
utilizan fertilizantes y agroquímicos sintetizados. Los fertilizantes popularmente utilizados
proporcionan al cultivo tres elementos: NPK; la ausencia ( ... )
sto de nutrientes, produce en la
planta un desbalance nutricional; ésta condición es detectada por insectos y hongos,
produciéndose un ataque al cultivo. El agricultor responde utilizando plaguicidas que esterilizan
los suelos, generan costos, intoxican la familia y producen severos daños al ambiente; estos
procedimientos hacen cada día menos sostenible económica y ambientalmente el
Biodiversity Climate Change Mitigation Land Degradation
OP7 ?Y2 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: VEN/SGP/OP7/Y2/CORE/CC/2022/09 |
Este proyecto pretende impulsar la producción y procesamiento del café como materia prima en la extracción de montañero café gourmet, a través de prácticas sostenibles, reduciendo el impacto ambiental generado en la búsqueda de sustentos ( ... )
a ocasionando caos ambientales en la zo-na mediante la tala y quema para siembras de rubros alternativos, así como la comercialización y distribución de montañero café como marca reconocida de forma local, regional y nacional gene-rando actividad agroecológica primaria de la parroquia José de la Montaña, municipio Guanare, ofreciendo beneficios directos a las familias caficultoras de la
Climate Change Mitigation
OP7 Y3 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: PRY/SGP/OP7/Y3/CORE/CC/2022/02 |
Cote d'ivoire
Land Degradation
OP7 ?Y2 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: CIV/SGP/OP7/Y2/STAR/DT/22/15 |
Cote d'ivoire
OP7 ?Y2 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: CIV/SGP/OP7/Y2/CORE/CW/22/28 |
Climate Change Mitigation
OP7 ?Y2 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: COM/SGP/OP7/ Y2/CORE/CC/21/04 |
La production d?électricité et de biogaz pour la cuisson, aussi de l?engrais naturel par la valorisation des déchets biodégradables est le premier pilier de SHAWIRI-scoops. L?équipe prévoit comme activités la sensibilisation, la formation des ( ... )
des femmes et des handicapés sur le tri et la valorisation de ce type de déchets. Ainsi, Elle projette assurer la collecte afin de diminuer des déchets organiques dans les dépôts sauvages et dans les poubelles.
Ses défis majeurs sont de limiter la quantité d?émission de gaz à effet de serre dans les régions bénéficiaires de trois installations en leur offrant de l?énergie propre et
Cote d'ivoire
Land Degradation
OP7 ?Y2 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: CIV/SGP/OP7/Y2/STAR/DT/22/17 |
Climate Change Mitigation
OP7 ?Y2 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: COM/SGP/OP7/ Y2/CORE/CC/21/05 |
L?Association A2DJL a pour objectif de Promouvoir le développement durable en défendant non seulement le développement économique viable à l?échelle du territoire, qui tient compte du respect de l?environnement et de la qualité de vie des ( ... )
nts mais aussi en agissant pour la préservation et la restauration de la biodiversité et des habitats naturels.
Ce projet vise à éradiquer l?utilisation des sachets et sacs plastiques pour adopter l?utilisation des sacs en papiers biodégradable dans tout l?étendu du pays. Il a comme objectif, de stimuler les changements des modes de consommations des comoriens en démocratisant les
OP7 ?Y2 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: COM/SGP/OP7/Y2/CORE/BD/21/01 |
AJD est une association disposant d?une ferme pilote d?élevage bovin qui opte pour l?agriculture durable. L?association a bénéficié également d?une installation d?un bio digesteur de 12m3 pour des fins électriques, produisant ainsi de ( ... )
ais naturel pour renforcer les activités agricoles. AJD prévoit dans le cadre de ce projet, l?installation d?une chambre froide pour la conservation de ses produits agricoles et laitiers grâce à un Co générateur qui sera mis en place.
AJD par ce projet tend à autonomiser le site en énergie propre et renouvelable pour l?électrification et la conservation des produits laitiers et
OP7 ?Y2 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: JOR/SGP/OP7/Y2/CORE/BD/22/01 |
The project will be carried out in close cooperation with the Protected Area management to engage the local community women in producing honey and processing it, in addition to providing an attractive packaging design by local producers and ( ... )
OP7 ?Y2 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: TJK/SGP/OP7/Y2/CORE/CD/2022/03 |
About 70% of the forestry workers of the Republic of Tajikistan are not majoring on Forestry, but mostly local personnel who do not have a special education, do not know basic knowledge of assessing the state of forests and forest ( ... )
Nowadays, none of any forestry has a management plan. Moreover, no forest inventory has been carried out for more than 28 years. Therefore, there is no reliable data on the state of forest biodiversity in forestry.
For about twenty years, middle-level employees - these foresters, forest foremen and forest rangers have not taken advanced training courses in the section ?Forestry?,
Community Based Adaptation
OP7 Y3 (July 22-June 23)
Project Number: GNB/SGP/OP7/Y3/NIM FSP/22/5 |
contribute to the improvement of socio-economic-environmental conditions to fight against poverty in Djufunco and Mato de uco.
Specifically, the project contributes:
Strengthen the community's technical-environmental capacities to improve its ( ... )
y to manage the project.
Improve the horticultural production system to combat food insecurity and contribute to the reduction of global poverty.
Technically train women and some men so that the production and sale of vegetables is a profitable activity in the Mato de Uco and Djufunco community and improve the economic situation.
Create the conditions for fair monitoring and objective
International Waters
OP6 ?Y7 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: CPR/DLF/IW/2021/02 |
Baseline information:
Description of current status?
Since the 1970s, excessive human interference such as polder and deforestation to build aquaculture facilities have led to a decrease in the area of mangrove forests in Tielu Harbor and a ( ... )
ing or even breaking of the coastal mangrove zones, resulting in degradation of the ecosystem, reduction of biodiversity and many social problems. Although several pond demolition and planting activities have been carried out in recent years, the relevant reforestation has not been carried out for all plots of land due to financial reasons, leaving the coastal shelterbelt broken. The construction
OP7 ?Y2 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: CPR/VF/CD/2022/02 |
The project does not focus on a specific location.
Main Problems:
1. Although "zero-waste community" practices by NGOs or from communities or schools are prosperous, the overall development of those organizations varies greatly and they are ( ... )
shing and still in the ascendant in terms of quantity. Although the prospects are promising, the volume remains relatively small and not sufficient to form an industry-wide ecological effect;
2. Different organizational forms and different types of "zero-waste community" practices are still working separately, lacking effective sharing and co-learning of experiences;
3. At the moment, certain
International Waters
OP6 ?Y7 (Jul 21-Jun 22)
Project Number: CPR/DLF/CH/2021/06 |
Baseline information:
Zhongjieshan Island is located at the eastern edge of the mouth of the Yangtze River, and is one of the core locations of the Zhoushan Fishing Ground. It was once the largest offshore fishing ground in China, rich in aquatic ( ... )
ces, with 365 species of fish, and a suitable habitat for breeding, growth, baiting and overwintering of many kinds of fish, producing the "four major fish products" such as yellowtail, small yellowtail, scallop and squid. However, due to the anthropogenic impact of prolonged and over-intensive fishing in the past 40 years, coupled with the increased damage caused by land-based pollution and