There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Papua new guinea
Phase 2
Project Number: PNG/03/44 |
The PNG Herbal Society is located in the Eastern Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea (PNG). It's objective is grounded in the conservation of indigenous herbal plants species, hence its objective activities included identifying the herbal plant ( ... )
s of traditional medicinal use and research into the composition and chemical and physical components of the plants. The economical potential bioprospecting will be through the Department of Environment & Conservation. However, at this stage the planning grant was awarded to the Research and Conservation Foundation, a credible NGO that is currently involved in the conservation and awareness
Phase 2
Project Number: DMA/UNF/PLN/02/07 |
Project aims to improve pig raising and processing in order to provide income-generating alternatives to wild game hunting in the WHS. |
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/03/15 |
This planning grant 1)enhances the degree and the quality of community and stakeholder participation in the project design and development, 2) provides the grantee with access to relevant scientific and technical expertise to ensure that the project ( ... )
ound scientific and technical foundation, 3) provides access to technical assistance in sound project design and
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/03/13 |
This planning grant 1)enhances the degree and the quality of community and stakeholder participation in the project design and development, 2) provides the grantee with access to relevant scientific and technical expertise to ensure that the project ( ... )
ound scientific and technical foundation, 3) provides access to technical assistance in sound project design and
Papua new guinea
Phase 2
Project Number: PNG/03/49 |
The project is located in the Yonki Dam area, Eastern Highlands province. The project was submitted by the NGO to reforestate the land area around the dam, upon witnessing the rise in the deposits/sedimentation due to the continuous erosion from the ( ... )
ding hills as a result of gardening and other subsistence farming. The Yonki Dam is the life line in providing electricity to the 5 highlands provinces, as well as water to the township of Goroka. The famous highlands highway, one and only road networking the highlands and momase regions is at risk if the sedimentation continues to build up. The palnning garnt was awarded to assist the proponent
Phase 2
Project Number: SUR/03/12 |
The aim of this project was to support the community of Ricanaumoffo by providing technical assistance to the community to write a project proposal and organize an exchange visit to a similar SGP projectand to cover and administration and overhead ( ... )
of the foundation of
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/03/08 |
This project consists on the training of 75 stakeholders on organic agriculture, in order to improve their livelihoods, their diets and diversify their traditional crops, diminish agrochemical use and pollution and improve their household income. ( ... )
nability for project activities will be attained through the distribution of resulting crops in the following manner, one third will be destined as seeds, one third to improve families? diet and one third for local commercialization. A total area of approximately 9.375 hectares will be managed organically at the communities of Chasiguán and Aldea
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/03/02 |
This minigrant aims to organize the planting of decorative trees by the Tirana Artificial Lake during the period of forestation.
Several environmental youth groups from Tirana schools will be involved in these activities and the activity in itself ( ... )
rve to raise public awareness on the protection of
Land Degradation Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/Y5/CORE/2003/52 |
Main idea of the project is creation of community-based plantations of poplar and willow at riverside of Sutuu-Bulak river in the vicinity of Svetlaya Polyana village for prevention of wood cuttings nearby coniferous forest ecosystem.
The basic ( ... )
ents of the project are:
1. Conducting seminars and trainings for the local population to grow and take care for saplings.
2. Creation of fence around the plantation.
3. Purchase and planting saplings in 10 hectares land.
4. Care for saplings and distribute the plots among the local people and members of Public Association ?Ysik-Kol
Papua new guinea
Phase 2
Project Number: PNG/03/41 |
The project is located in Ialibu District, Southern Highlands Province. It basically involves the establishment of an orchid farm. This innovation was initiated by the local youths who were unsuccessful in securing positions into the secondary and ( ... )
ry institutions. The orchid farm would be a facility to preserve and conserve as well as promote eco-tourism activities that can encourage local people as well as the youths to earn some form of income as the project developed. An initial award of US$1518.99 planning grant was given Niugini Wildlife Society to assist Ponowi to fully develop their project proposal. Niugini Wildlife Society was
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/03/07 |
Promover un movimiento social entorno al manejo sustentable y recuperación de bosques por medio de la articulación de redes sociales vinculada al bosque en la Araucanía fortaleciendo sus capacidades y medios de gestión en acciones concretas de ( ... )
entación y gestión
Dominican republic
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/03/14 |
El proyecto responde a preocupaciones múltiples: masificar la información a través de la radio para concienciar y sensibilizar a las poblaciones de ambos lados de la frontera norte sobre la problemática ambiental y los recursos naturales que ( ... )
n a la frontera, a nivel de las dos naciones así como a nivel global, desarrollando acciones de solución, involucrando a jóvenes y ninos de las escuelas e ambos
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/17p |
project preparation |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/32 |
Two contests for NGOs from villages and small towns (up to 6000 inhabitants) to fight the poverty and protect the environment |
Phase 2
Project Number: TAN/COMPACT/CO/03/08 |
The preparation of General Management Plan for Kilimanjaro National Park sets forth the management objectives and actions that would ensure the long-term viability of the mountain ecosystem. This exercise will involve different stakeholders of Mt. ( ... )
njaro and also the communities in planning for the future of the mountain, its natural resources and ways in which the communities will benefit from the mountain resources.
The Project intends to help management authority of Mt. Kilimanjaro National Park develop a General Management Plan that takes into consideration strategies that would contribute in mitigating human impact on the park, ensure
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: PAK/02/42 |
The main objective in launching this project is to ensure that the Green and Olive Ridley Turtles, who visit our shores for nesting, have a safe haven in which to lay their eggs. Specially during the nesting period, starting from August on to ( ... )
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MOR/02/09 |
Ce projet contribuera a la sauvegarde et a la protection de l?écosysteme des cascades d?Ouzoud (classée comme site d?intéret biologique et écologique). Pour atteindre cet objectif, le projet initiera des actions visant a réduire les ( ... )
gements humains qui ont un impact sur la préservation du singe magot et de la foret de genévrier, chene vert et thuya. Les activités qui seront entreprises consisteront a : mettre en place un comité local de gestion des ressources naturelles, réaliser un diagnostic et un plan d?action participatif de gestion des ressources naturelles, réaliser des petits aménagements écotouristiques,
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MAU/98/G52/03/05 |
Il s'agit d'un projet de préservation d'une forêt avec grande mare. Cette forêt, l'unique de la zone, est principalement constituée de l'espèce zuzuphus mauritiana communément appelé jujubier. Cette espèce revêt une importance capitale dans ( ... )
des population dans la mesure ou les fruits de cet arbre sont une importante source de revenu. En effet ces populations procèdent à la cueillette de ces fruits pendant les mois de décembre et janvier de chaque année. Aujourd'hui à cause de la désertification mais surtout à cause d'une pression de plus en plus croissante des nomades transhumants et des charbonniers, elle perd de plus en
Phase 2
Project Number: IRA-G52-2002-PG006(IRA98G52) |
The concept aims to protect and preserve Bustards through community participation in the region of Darab, Fars Province. These birds are caught for the elite to be hunted for sport. A planning grant is awarded to collect the baseline studies of ( ... )
gion and select the significant habitats and communities to preserve the endangered
Phase 2
Project Number: LIT/03/03 |
Dukstai oakery is situated 30 km north-west from Vilnius, in Neris Regional Park. The oakery is close to small town Dukstai with 270 dwellers. The total area of the oakery is 302 ha. The part of the oakery that purely consists of old relict oaks ( ... )
us robur) is 170 ha. Trees are hyper matured, they rot and there is no natural renewal of ecosystem. The oakery is under the threat of extinction if no preservation and renewal measures are taken. There are very few such oakeries left in Lithuania. It is also a habitat of 7 bats species. These are bats species of particular importance for the conservation of biological diversity within the