Project Title |
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Area Of Work
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Operational Phase |
Papua new guinea
Phase 2
Project Number: PNG/03/39 |
WEMDAP was initially given a planning grant that resulted in the implementation of project # PNG28/02 which then provided the ground works for the current project # PNG42/03. Program activities include community awareness, education, documentation ( ... )
porting assessment of the ecological niche of the project site focusing on methods of conserving these Echidnas species found in the Jimi area of the Western Highlands Province
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: PAK/03/49 |
The project aims to reduce stress on the Indus delta water body through successful demonstration of sustainable water use and improved sanitation practices in the coastal communities of Thatta district.
Wastewater disposal has been a major major ( ... )
f Keti Bundar Town. The town is surrounded by the Arabian Sea from three sides. The natural ground level in parts of the town is below the normal sea level and during high tides the difference in level rises upto 5? high. The town is protected by a bund against the seawater constructed by the Government. Four outlets have been provided in the western side of the town for the disposal of communal
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/03/14 |
The Aral Region is the area of environmental disaster induced by human beings and haphazard action plans thereof. The post-soviet policy of irrational and inconsistent utilization of Amudarya and Syrdarya River flows as well as the general water use ( ... )
es pursued by the governments of the neighboring Central Asian countries in the watersheds have irreparably damaged not only the environment but adversely impacted the life of 3.5 million people living in the area. Degradation of environment has a great impact on human life and activities leading to the loss of livelihoods, ill health of local communities, loss of jobs, lack of drinking water in
Land Degradation Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/Y5/CORE/2003/56 |
Main idea of the project is rehabilitation of biodiversity and prevention of land degradation in mountain and forest ecosystems by planting wall nut trees on mountain slopes around the Turpakkorgo village and creation of industrial unit for ( ... )
tion of seedlings with closed root (briquettes).
Actions to be undertaken by Public Ecological Foundation «New Eco-Forest»
1. Mobilization of local people
2. Procurement and planting saplings of walnut, wild apple, almond, currants, sage.
3. Raising local people awareness about environment and sustainable nature management.
4. Launch mini plant for producing briquettes with seedlings
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/Y5/CORE/2003/55 |
The main idea of the project is conservation and protection of the rare kind of flower Aygul (Pentelium Eduardi), which is included in the Red Book, around the Aygul-Tash and Baul villages through the local authorities regulation to protect its ( ... )
t, pasture regulation, organize flower nursery, develop places for ecotourism and public awareness about environment issue
Actions to be undertaken by Public Association Center of Youth Initiatives ?Tortgul?:
1. Initiate Local authority to pass local regulation about conservation of flower habitat.
2. Set up 4 nurseries for Aygul flower.
3. Develop 2 places for coming tourists during the
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/Y5/CORE/2003/43 |
The project solves a problem of protection natural walnut forests in buffer zone of Sary-Chelek national biosphere reserve. The walnut forests are under strong anthropogenous influence (gathering of fruits, cutting for fire wood, grazing, ( ... )
ing). Outplanting of young growths of a wild pear, apple is added to mentioned kinds of influence in stows of Batkak, Semiz Bel, Takyr Dobo. Young growths are used for inoculations to cultivars. Thus, the young growths of the trees included in the Red Book of Kyrgyzstan or being endemics of the Central Asia are being destroyed (Central Asian pear, pear of Korjinskogo, mountain ash of
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN-GEF-PLN-99-001 |
Biomas based electric power generation model for sustainable development |
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/03/07 |
Protection of endangered amphibian species by increasing the natural breeding places and habitats |
Climate Change Mitigation
OP4 - Y3 (Jul 09 - Jun 10)
Project Number: KEN-GEF-03-001 |
Tsagwa Village in Kilifi District is situated 50 kms northeast of Mombassa Town. Most of the inhabitants are subsistence farmers, growing coconut, maize and cassava. The village is fairly isolated and even the daily newspaper is not available.
The ( ... )
njoys a good wind regime and wind speeds reach 25-45mph (22-39 knots).
Before the project started, most energy needs of the village were met by single use dry cell batteries, paraffin, diesel and firewood. Many batteries were not disposed properly, which resulted in soil and water contamination. The consumption of fuel wood is a serious factor in deforestation, air pollution and carbon dioxide
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN-GEF-PLN-03-002 |
This is a planning grant. DEPROTECS will conduct preliminary activities including visits, baseline and topographic surveys, water analysis and Environmental Impact Assessment of the Ngura Wind Pump Irrigation Scheme to demonstrate the use of wind ( ... )
for micro irrigation. The NGO will submit a report of undertaken activities to the
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/02/23 |
Agroecologic use of native fruit species with economic value is the subject of the qualification courses to be offered to the smallholders, with special emphasis on the women, is the objective of this project. Agroforestry systems, culinary use of ( ... )
al resources, and orchid growing are the activities to be covered. Value will also be added to the improved products, promoting income-generating activities and employment for the beneficiary community. Inserting native flora species in the agroforestry systems ensures that the economic use in the agricultural areas will attract native wild fauna. The techniques to be employed contribute toward
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: JOR/03/05 |
The project aims at transferring the knowledge gained on Permaculture from the pilot site implemented by the Center over the past three years, with financial support by JICA, to the home gardens at the local community level in South Shouneh and the ( ... )
nding areas, with special focus on women. This would entail training of women who will participate in project activities and raising the awareness of the local community of the benefits of this approach, specially that it goes in line with the traditional approach of farm management that used to prevail in the country in the past. Support to implement home garden projects using permaculture
Land Degradation
Phase 2
Project Number: JOR/03/02 |
The Lower Khsheibeh Women Cooperative will be implementing this project in their village, located to the south west of Jerash, where several environmental and livelihood problems prevail. Agriculture in the area is difficult due to its difficult ( ... )
aphy and water shortages, leading to soil and land degradation as well as poor economic situation. In order to assist community members improve their living conditions, the project will provide loans to women to construct cisterns, plant medicinal herbs, olive trees, forest trees, construct terraces and other soil conservation measures in addition to encouraging the use of domestic solar energy
Palestine, State of
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: PAL/03/38 |
Capacity building and public awareness project through refreshing the skills and knowledge of 30 female graduates on practical methods to conserve domestic energy consumption. As a step forward, community awareness trainees will launch a campaign in ( ... )
the most densely populated localities- Al-Sheikh Radwan district. For evaluating the impact of the project, the grantee will administer per and post intervention assessment to determine the impact of the project on changing the energy consumption and practices. The project will contribute to the promotion of energy conservation and efficiency methods through disseminating accessible, sustainable
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN-GEF/04/01 |
The Main objective/goal of this project is to involve fishermen and other beach dwellers in 10 beaches at Rusinga Island in tree planting and beautification of beaches and also develop crafts for income generating, with the ultimate aim of ( ... )
ting the waters of Lake Victoria. The Victoria Youth group will work with several other beach based groups to:
1. Identify already formed beach cooperatives and other groups to work with
2. Plant trees in 10 beaches at least 100,000 seedlings planted in the 10 beaches
3. Participating fishermen to purchase half the seedlings required
4. Make different types of crafts for income
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: PAK/03/51 |
Project goals or objectives:
q To document and share experiences and lessons learned by SGP funded grassroots initiatives
q To identify issues which could be addressed in future support for development and implementation of local level ( ... )
nmental initiatives
q To evaluate the level to which SGP funded initiatives have had an impact on awareness levels of local communities with regard to environment
q To disseminate lessons learned and establish a network of SGP partners for networking and information sharing
Activities to be carried out under project:
q Produce and disseminate a background report on selected SGP funded
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-03-02W |
The main aim of the workshop, is to gather the existing information on the biodiversity of the Mesudiye District of Ordu Province, to be able to identify if and how important the area is regarding its biodiversity.
The Melet River splits the ( ... )
ye region into two, in a north-south direction, becoming the boundary between two distinct flora regions, kolsik and oksin. At the 7th Mesudiye Development Plan Panel in 2001, this characteristic of the region is stressed, as well as the diversity of the region with respect to bird and flowering plant species. There is also reference to the importance of the district regarding tree species,
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-02-13W |
The workshop aims to bring the interested parties together to focus on the newly emerging problems of the foresters due to two new laws that have recently been accepted by the parliament (Turkish Grand National Assembly).
The forest villagers in ( ... )
are among the lowest wage group. Most of them are organised in the form of cooperatives, which are barely surviving. The two new laws will eliminate the priority given to the local forest villagers for works to be done in or around the forests, as well as changing the definition of the work, resulting in a competitive forestry market. Due to the relatively small nature of the cooperatives,
Phase 2
Project Number: BOT/98/G52/03/01 |
Lekanyane Conservation Project requests a planning grant from GEF Small Grants Programme for a workshop to facilitate participation for its membership in the formulation of a full application for GEF/SGP funding. The workshop will also enable ( ... )
ity members and technical partners to advise on both the formulation and substance of the proposal. The full proposal will request funding for building capacity on participatory problem animal control, and thereby mitigating negative interaction between cattle farmers and predators - in particular the more sensitive predators such as wild dogs and
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-02-15W |
A series of three workshops, which aim at the identification of methods and criteria in conservation area selection and the ways these can be implemented in practice, are planned. The target audience is those who are interested and representatives ( ... )
he public institutions that are responsible from the selection of conservation areas. The NGO will be in close contact with the Project Management Team of the full size GEF project, Biodiversity and Natural Resources Management, as one of the components of that project is to establish protected area management prototypes that can be replicated throughout the