There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Papua new guinea
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: PNG/02/30 |
The project is located in Kuper Range, Morobe Province. Kuper range was identified as a terrestrial priority area in the PNG Conservation Needs Assessment report because its high coastal mountain complex are unhabited and provide the research ( ... )
for ecological studies on birds and
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/02/01 |
The most endangered element of biodiversity in Poland is this linked to agricultural space; 68% of Poland's space (excluding protected areas on national parks, landscape parks,resrves where biodiversity is protected by law t least, and forest ( ... )
Protection of biodiversity in agricultural space is so importan especially during a dramatic changes in agricultural sector before joining EU.
Field weeds belong to the most endangered plants by definition.Until this project nothing was done for active protection of these biodiversity resources despite the existing the RED LIST of endangered species.
Project aims in establishment of
Papua new guinea
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: PNG/02/25 |
The Hornbill Nesting site Conservation project is located the Gloucester area of the West New Britain Province. The project area was identified as poorly known to science in the PNG Conservation Needs Assessment report which was conducted to ( ... )
fy the priority areas for biodiversity coneservation by the Department of Environment & Conservationand other organizations. The rationale is to conserve and preserve the hornbill nesting grounds around the Glouscester area. The Province has been and is one of the prime contributor to the national economy from logging operations since the 1960s. The project aims to conserve the areas that breed
Phase 2
Project Number: GEF-KEN-02-009 |
The Ngong road Forest sanctuary is a 620 hectares piece of forest carved out of the larger Ngong forest. The Ngong Road sanctuary Trust, a civil society body holds the title deed for the sanctuary on behalf of the Forest Department of the Government ( ... )
for the purpose of protecting it and developing it for sustainable use by local and international guests to Kenya.
For some of the residents, the neighbouring Ngong forest provides a source of income from the harvesting of various products including firewood, poles and medicinal plants. As there are no fences access is easy. This has threatened its flora and fauna that include 120 bird spp.,
Phase 2
Project Number: KYR/SGP/OP2/Y4/CORE/2002/29 |
The Booterek village located in the Talas river valley. The main population?s sources of income are cattle-breeding and plant cultivation. 37families live in the project realization place. 30 of them have access to electricity but 7 don?t have. ( ... )
7 families consume 0.3m3 of firewood in a day. In terms of money it is 700$ for heating period. Such high price provokes people to illegal provision of firewood in the brushwood?s of river-plain. Cattle grazing in the river-plain damage to brushwood vegetations as well. The second reason of sea-buckthorn disappearance is recurrent drown of brushwood as a result of water level building up in the
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: IRA-G52-2002-009(IRA98G52) |
Project location:Lazoor, Damavand(Lat/Long:35.6767840-52.0642090)
This project aims to raise awareness about the environmental threats, educate the locals on the conservation of rangeland and encourage alternative livelihoods (improve the rural ( ... )
y to cultivate medicinal plants), grazing management, seeding the endangered range plant species, etc. A film, a presentation (in Power Point) and educational brochures on the best practices will be prepared in Farsi and English. To share the lessons learned two workshops will be held in Tehran and Lazoor at the end of the
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/UNF/02/09 |
Este proyecto es la segunda parte del proyecto SIA/UNF/01/04
Los objetivos del proyecto son:
Sensibilización entre los jóvenes sobre la importancia de Sian Ka'an biodiversidad para la medicina tradicional maya, para preservar las tradiciones ( ... )
relacionadas con la curación y la conservación y gestión de los recursos
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/02/08 |
This continuity project has as its objective the consolidation of agroextractivist practices in the agroforestry system demonstrative units, recycling and honing the knowledge of the current agroforestry agents. In 18 months, a roster of ( ... )
nmental agents will be formed through training and capacity-building for recognition of environmental threats in their areas resulting from predatory wood-cutting, hunting and native fruit collecting. A partnership with the National Indigenous People?s Foundation (FUNAI) and IBAMA will be secured for concrete support to the integrated ecosystem management practiced by the Timbira Indigenous
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/02/12 |
Ce projet vise a éliminer la jacinthe d?eau a travers la mobilisation des populations autour des activités de développement et vulgarisation des techniques de transformation de la jacinthe en engrais et en objet d?art.
Activités: Elaboration ( ... )
ules de formation dans les techniques de compostage et de transformation en objets d?art;
Action de sensibilisation de la population par l?appel du Tam-Tam;
Diffusion des résultats a tous nos partenaires intervenant sur le fleuve, les bénéficiaires
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/UNF/02/12 |
Educación ambiental: En la Casa de la Naturaleza con 2000 niños y niñas (turnos matutinos y vespertinos)y 50 maestros, recorridos por senderos interpretativos, 10 visitas a la RBSK , mejoramiento de la infraestructura de la Casa de la ( ... )
leza, maestro de
Viet nam
Phase 2
Project Number: VN/02/004/P |
The primary aims of the planning grant are to promote the participation of key stakeholders of the proposed project, including local authorities and relevant agencies and communities, and provide scientific assistance for the project development. ( ... )
activities of the project include conducting surveys on socio-economic conditions of the proposed project site, identifying proposed project objectives and activities and assessing their feasibility, and providing needed technical assistance in project design and writing project proposal which will be submitted to GEF/SGP for review and appraisal; and identifying possibilities for project
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/02/11 |
Ce projet porte sur la gestion participative des sites Ramsar au Mali qui compte mettre en place une approche qui définit un ensemble d?actions concrete amenant les populations riveraines de toute catégorie sociale (hommes femmes, jeunes, vieux et ( ... )
ones) a assurer une plus grande responsabilité dans la gestion des ressources naturelles.
Il s?agit de créer des conditions favorables a une réelle implication des populations locales au processus de gestion durable de ces sites.
Se faisant le projet compte doter la plaine de Séri d?un plan d?aménagement et de gestion et amener les populations notamment les élus locaux et les femmes a
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: MOR/01/08 |
Ce projet a contribué à la réduction des émissions de méthane produites par les déchets ménagers des communes de Oulmes et Missour. Il a permis de renforcer les dispositifs de gestion au niveau de deux centres :
- Le centre de Missour ( ... )
entre est géré par une association locale. Il traite 12 tonnes de déchets par jour et produit 939 tonnes de compost par an. Le compost produit est de bonne qualité mais il n?est pas écoulé. Seulement 18 tonnes de compost sont commercialisées. Le centre reçoit une subvention de la commune ce qui permet son fonctionnement.
- L?unité de tri et de compostage d?Oulmès : cette unité
Phase 2
Project Number: MOR/01/12 |
Le présent projet contribuera a la sauvegarde des peuplements des plantes aromatiques et médicinales (PAM) dans le site d?intéret Biologique et écologique (SIBE) de Ben Karrich situé dans la région de Tétouan. Il a pour objectif la ( ... )
tion et la réhabilitation des plantes menacées et l?amélioration des conditions sociales et des revenus des femmes qui exploitent les PAM. Les principales activités consisteront en la formation de formatrices et des femmes de la zone sur les techniques durables de récolte et de valorisation des plantes aromatiques et médicinales, la mise en place d'expériences pilotes de culture des
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: UGA/02/14 |
The project aims to reduce the biodiversity loss and siltation of water bodies caused by deforestation, soil erosion, and land degradation in the River Nile catchment. Activities include raising awareness on the importance of biodiversity and the ( ... )
cosystem, policy advocacy to ensure implementation of bye laws against cultivation near river banks, and developing skills for more sustainable land use. Target communities will receive training in sustainable agriculture, energy conservation technologies and sustainable forest management, and
Phase 2
Project Number: INDO/02/24 |
Project development Goal:
Healthy coral reef and sustainable livelihood in ornamental fish, in Les, Tejakula, Bali.
Project Objectives :
1. To restore the health of coral reef habitat
2. To put in place sustainable ornamental fishery ( ... )
o improve people?s livelihood through eco-trading
4. To improve the awareness and knowledge of local people in management of coral reef ecosystem.
Expected output :
1. A model of community-based coral reef management which is able to restore the condition of the coral reef
2. A concept of sustainable ornamental fishery
3. A formulation of success indicators of coral reef
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-01-51 |
Purpose of the project:
1- The protection of the coral reefs environment in the south of the Red Sea in Qusair.
2-to determine the suitable places in order to fix the mooring buoys near to the places of the coral reefs .
3- to enlighten the ( ... )
men of the necessity of connecting the coral reefs.
4- to inform the wokers in the tourist villages and the tourists of the regulations of protecting the coral reefs which prohibit cutting them or trading in them.
5 - promote awareness of how to prevent getting rid of human waste and the waste of the tourist's ships in the Red Sea.
The implementation:
The installment and the
Costa rica
Phase 2
Project Number: COS/01/29 |
Como en todas las Reservas Indígenas, la búsqueda del desarrollo se ve limitada por las condiciones de marginalidad que han sufrido a través de los anos, debido a la falta de recursos, inversiones y políticas de apoyo por parte de las ( ... )
uciones Estatales.
Debido a estas limitaciones, por la falta de inversiones productivas y por la falta de recursos para establecer un control sistemático de patrullaje y supervisión de la tala y de la caza ilegales, se han consumido partes importantes de los recursos naturales y se han venido deteriorando en forma acelerada áreas importantes, por parte de los propios indígenas como de los
Costa rica
Phase 2
Project Number: COS/01/30 |
YIMBA es conocido como el territorio de rey curre en el idioma Brunka. Es habitado por Brunkas desde miles de anos, sobre la rivera del Río Grande del terraba. Esta comunidad fue afectada desde hace muchos anos por atravesarlo por el centro del ( ... )
orio por la Carretera Interamericana. Las consecuencias son:
- Penetración de personas no indigenas, explotando sus recursos naturales primero y luego adquiriendo mediante diversos mecanismos la tierra, Hoy casi se ha perdido del idioma propio.
- Perdida de la tierra y sus recursos naturales, razón por la cual la mayoría de la población Indigena no posee tierra o si lo posee es en
Costa rica
Phase 2
Project Number: COS/01/31 |
Como en todos los Territorios Indígenas, la búsqueda del desarrollo se ve limitada por las condiciones de marginalidad que han sufrido a través de los anos, debido a la falta de recursos, inversiones y políticas de apoyo por parte de las ( ... )
uciones Estatales.
La mayoría de sus tierras han sido sometidas a una gran degradación, tanto por los propios indígenas como de los no indígenas, ocasionando un marcado deterioro del medio ambiente, por lo que la erosión en las riberas de las principales fuentes de agua, así como especies tradicionales utilizadas en la fabricación de artesanía, se han visto disminuidas en forma