There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN/UNF-GEF/02/01 |
Lake Nkunga is within a crater and surrounded by indigenous forest. It is a very beautiful and serene environment. The religious myths and traditions of the surrounding communities had kept people from destroying the forest for many generations. ( ... )
recent years, as the cultural and religious beliefs have eroded, people have entered the forest and cut down trees for timber and for burning charcoal. The SGP project is designed to create value to this area and give the community reason to protect it and safe guard it. This will be done by removing weeds from the lake, establishing picnic sites, camping sites and nature trails. Both local
Phase 2
Project Number: BZE/02/04 |
Planning grant to develop a proposal to strengthen the institutional capacity of Itzamna Society to effectively co-manage the Don Elijio Panti National Park. |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: UGA/02/13 |
The goal of this project is to alleviate land degradation caused by overgrazing by promoting agricultural diversification into high value lemon grass. During Phase 1, community members were trained in organisational development, lemon grass ( ... )
ation, and water and soil conservation. They have successfully grown two species of lemon grass, one for essential oil and one for tea, and a processing and storage warehouse has been partly constructed. The project benefits from the experience of ICIPE Kenya, which will continue to assist in technical training, procuring inputs, processing, packaging and marketing. This Phase 2 grant covers
Phase 2
Project Number: HON/98/G52/010 |
El proyecto consiste en la realización de 16 huertos familiares con un área de una manzana por parcela, en igual numero de familias de la comunidad, para lo cual se demanda la construcción de una pila colectora de agua, compra de un sistema de ( ... )
por goteo por huerto, construcción de una cerca viva, elaboración de aboneras orgánicas, y la compra de varias clases de semilla. Lo cual contribuirá a mejorar la dieta alimentaria, generar ingresos. Además de disminuir el avance de la frontera agrícola, diversificando e intensificando la producción y velar por la conservación y protección de la Biosfera Tawahka Asangni, a través de la
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/02/11 |
This minigrant is given with the purpose of raising public awareness on the natural values of the Shkodra Lake, giving a message to the locals regarding the necessity of protecting this area, and also to initiate the creation of a young ( ... )
nmentalists? group.
The activity will involve 40 participants from 10 groups of school students, NGO members and activists, TV and newspaper journalists; organized walks by the lake, in the forest of Shiroka, boat trips in the lake and lectures on the natural values of Shkodra Lake and on the biodiversity protection of this
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MAL/01/15 |
Development of a full project proposal through: (i) consultations with the indigenous Temuan local community of Kampong Bertang, Raub, Pahang on needs assessment for capacity building; (ii) collecting baseline data and information; and (iii) ( ... )
nting indigenous knowledge and experience. The project being developed will prevent the depletion of endangered species such as rattan and agarwood trees, promote the sustainable management of non-timber forest products, introduce appropriate eco-friendly sanitation systems, mitigate climate change by introducing a renewable energy system linked to sustainable livelihoods for the local community
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/02/10 |
This women?s CBO is taking the lead on the recovery of degraded lands at the sources of the Suchiate river, border between Guatemala and Mexico, through the implementation of organic farming and use of soil conservation techniques. Additionally, the ( ... )
will work with native vegetable landraces that have been replaced by commercial varieties.
The participants hope obtein organic seeds, extra incoming and better the nutrition in the
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/02/08 |
Through the enrichment of a previously established organic coffee plantation with native fruit bearing trees and vegetables, this organization will initiate to recover the natural occurring species on the Southern slopes of the Atitlan volcano ( ... )
ted area, and at the same time will diminish the agrochemical pollution through organic farming of all their crops. Over two years.
All participans are training in organic agriculture. This area is very important because have tree volcanos they are protected area and this volcanos have a lake between them.
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/01/13 |
Capacity-building and demonstrating activities in agricultural practice by the reduction of consumption of fossil fuels through the application of renewable energy which include water buffaloes uses in plowing process, sustainable use of fire-woods ( ... )
creasing the use of organic fertilizer. Target population are the residents in 3 villages in 3 districts of Udornthani
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/02/13 |
Situated in the central region of Thailand?s Tha Cheen Basin, the project location has been known as a part of rice and water granary of the country. Since 1972, farming practice has been modified from one crop a year to two and more i.e. five ( ... )
crops two years, prompting the introduction of farm machinery and chemical substance.
With such intensive production, the application of chemical fertilizer has gradually increased i.e. from 60-90 kg/ha towards 1982 to 300-450 kg./ha at present time. Application of chemical pesticide is also in parallel intensive. Under the average slope of 1:1,000, the excessive chemical runoff is seeping
Sri lanka
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/02/02 |
Introduction as paddy husk as a alternative to firewood for the operation of bakeries within Anuradhapura and Pollonnaruwa districts. Creating awareness among 50 bakery owners in the two districts, on the disadvantages of using firewood to operate ( ... )
s and on the advantages of using rice husk as a substitute; provide technical and financial support to convert five firewood operated bakeries from the two districts reducing the threat to bio
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/CCF/IND/OP2/02/SKM01 |
The Goal of the project is to provide water security to the villages adjoining to Tendong Nature Reserve with the purpose of survey, restoration and sustenance of the dying streams originating from Tendong, through formation of pani panchayats. The ( ... )
gy includes making the community aware of their responsibilities towards conserving the Tendong nature reserve, formation of pani panchayats, sharing responsibilities in the conservation and ensuring water security, associate with the concept of Joint Forest Management (JFM).
The project successfully
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/02/19 |
Se pretende desarrollar en un área de 12 hectáreas, un esquema agroecológico diversificado, se busca utilizar abonos verdes para mejorar los suelos, sedentarizar la agricultura, evitar la quema, crear un modelo demostrativo que pueda ( ... )
licarse a otros grupos e incorporar inicialmente a 25 mujeres y familiares en los trabajos agrícolas. Se designarán 305 has de selvas medianas, bajas y acahuales, como un área de recuperación y conservación de la
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/02/UP08 |
The project aimed to develop & establish a sustainable model of participatory biodiversity conservation for medicinal plants, pulse & oil seeds of the area. Major activities included the preparation of database for biodiversity of the area, ( ... )
ion of organic cultivation of valuable medicinal plants & herbs, emphasis was given to some selected medicinal herbs viz. Safed Musli (Chlorophytum arundinacub),Kalmegh (Andrographus panniculata) and Ashwagandha (Withenia somnifera).
Phase 2
Project Number: TUN/02/08 |
A participatory diagnosing process aiming at the Nefta ?Basket? Restoration and development, by identifying the causes of degradation, finding out solutions, and elaborating a strategy and action plan through community involvement. The diagnosis is ( ... )
on data collection, field research, and workshop
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: IRA-G52-2002-017(IRA98G52) |
Project location:Bandar e Kiashahr, Gilan(Lat/Long: 37.413509-49.975433)
Registered as Ramsar Convention Site (21 R11), Kiashahr Wetland and Sepidrood Delta is of great international significance. The main objective of the project is to reduce the ( ... )
effects of fish farming projects on the environment of Kiashahr Wetland, through implementation of an effective Participatory Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) to determine its capacity for sustainable fish farming. The project is meant to seek an optimal balance between fish farming projects and minimizing the environmental threats to the wetland through an applicable framework for
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/02/13 |
This project will demonstrate a novel way for increasing the energy absorption and storage capacity of passive solar heating systems in green houses. The system uses low-cost polyethylene tubes filled with water laid between the rows of plants that ( ... )
solar energy during the day and release it gradually during nighttime resulting in reduced CO2 emissions due to reduced use of fossil fuels for heating as well as earlier and bigger production of cultivated plants. Activities consist in training farmers on the use of this technology, establishment of field demonstration sites and monitoring of the effects of the passive solar heating in indoor
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/02/P02 |
Modelo educativo para la implementación de proyectos de desarrollo sustentable (conceptual e instrumental) pertinente, que permita operar la capacitación como un factor de desarrollo; asumido y utilizado por los propios sujetos hacedores de la ( ... )
ad, y por lo tanto, que le imprima al desarrollo una perspectiva ambiental de sustentabilidad y una dimensión social de autogestión y de realización
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/02/WB04 |
The project involved documentation of biodiversity in the selected villages of West Bengal. It was a community-based programme involving young participants from local educational institutions and a selected number of teachers. The project also aimed ( ... )
rting field base training as also linking with traditional ecological knowledge covering diversity of plants, birds, insects, and agricultural crops. The study was expected to lead to the setting up of Biodiversity Resource Centre in the sample villages at selected local high schools. The Centre would maintain a collection of local biodiversity resources, the people's biodiversity register and
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/GEF/IND/OP2/02/KAR04 |
The emphasis of the project was on collection of secondary data of selected bio-diversity sites, mapping the study area, collection of basic household data, visiting the representative landscape elements, organizing personal interviews & group ( ... )
sions with user groups, recording diversity of cultivars, livestock & ecological history, conducting discussions with nomadic shepherds & government officials, recording the instances of conflicts & consensus, recording management options suggested by user groups, carrying out follow-up activities and to develop applications of bio-diversity registers as a document compiled by villagers about