There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: TRI/98/G52/2101/006 |
A local NGO, Conservation International - Suriname, will assist the GEF/SGP National Coordinator in the day-to-day implementation and coordination of the GEF/SGP in Suriname for the period February 15 to June 30, 2001. |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: TRI/01/06 |
A local NGO, Conservation International - Suriname, will assist the GEF/SGP National Coordinator in the day-to-day implementation and coordination of the GEF/SGP in Suriname for the period July 1 ? December 31, 2001. |
Multifocal Area
Phase 1
Project Number: MLI/01/04 |
Formation des ONG regionales de Kayes sur les themes du FEM.
Objectifs spécifiques -Favoriser la compréhension et la maîtrise par les participants du contenu du nouveau guide de financement des projets FEM
-Développer les connaissances des ( ... )
ipants a l?approche de gestion axée sur les résultats , les themes privilégiés du FEM
-Favoriser la mobilisation et la participation des ONG Association et OCB au programme FEM
Activités -
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/01/10 |
Activités de renforcement de capacités des acteurs locaux pour une meilleure mise en ouvre du Programme FEM au Mali.
Objectifs spécifiques : - Renforcer l?implication des acteurs locaux dans la mise en ?uvre du programme FEM au Mali
Activités ( ... )
formations a Sikasso, Segou et Koulikoro a l'intention des acteurs
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/01/05 |
Formation des ONG regionales de Mopti dans les themes du FEM.
Objectifs : -Contribuer au renforcement des connaissances des participants sur le FEM, son approche, ses themes
-Amener des participants a comprendre le contenu du nouveau guide pour ( ... )
ancement des projets du PPS/FEM
-Renforcer les connaissances de participants en matiere de gestion axée sur les résultats
Activites : -
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/01/27 |
Renforcement des capacites des ONG et associations membres de la CAFO dans les domaines du FEM.
Objectifs spécifiques - Favoriser la compréhension et la maîtrise par les participantes du contenu du nouveau guide, des themes du PPS/FEM ( ... )
évelopper les connaissances des participantes a l?approche gestion axée sur les résultats(GR)
- Favoriser la mobilisation et la participation des ONG et de la CAFO au PPS/FEM
Activités - Informer et former les ONG
Résultats attendus -Diffuser dans les 8 régions du Mali l?information sur le PPS/FEM, sur le guide, les themes, les activités au sein de leur organisation ;
-Conseiller et
Sri lanka
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/01/015 |
Acquisition of environment videos, translating the script, dubbing and sound mixing, preparing handouts for 10 videos, conducitng large screen audio visual presentations. These would enable activities of 100 awareness raising programmes on GEF ( ... )
for partner NGOs and beneficiaries, dubbing of environmental films to Sinhala for better understanding of global & local environmental issues, screening on large screen format and R & D on communication technology for NGO staff as a capacity building
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: DMA/UNF/01/01 |
The baseline Assesment was carried out by Dominica Save the Children fund Baseline Assessment of the Morne Trois Pitons National Park World Heritage Site and the villages around the site.The BA was carried out in the communities of La Plaine/La ( ... )
ette/La Ronde,Pichlen, Dubic, Giraudel, Cockrane, Petite Savanne, Laudat and Grand Fond which lie on the biological fringe of the MTNPWHS.
The data was adquired through group and individual discussions/interviews with community leaders, community group members, government officers and residents.
A number of project ideas were recommended by persons interviewed. These formed the basis from
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/UNF-02/01 |
Baseline Assessment project with the objective of reviewing and completing the information about the site: involving the collection, organization, analysis and evaluation of the local and resource users, who are residents inside the three (3) ( ... )
ed barangays, including its upland and lowland residents as well as the indigenous people, how their activities affect biodiversity, their status and future prospects; the residents' legal status in te area; what are the key organizations and other partners working in and around the PA, their roles and capacities, what form of participation in PA management; what individuals and organizations
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/UNF-01/01 |
Baseline Assessment project with the objective of reviewing and completing the information about the site; involving the ecological significance of the site, its key species, habitats, and ecosystems; what is known about the status and trends of ( ... )
ersity in and around the PA; the indicators of biodiversity and ecosystem health considered as important by the local communities; the threats to biodiversity and the protected area and their causes; the conservation objectives of the protected area related to the species, habitats, ecosystems, etc. documented or not formally documented, and the establishment of a dataset of information
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/UNF-03/01 |
Baseline assessment project with teh objective of reviewing and completing the information about the site; involving the land-use patterns and trends and their stability; land use and resource tenure involving the PA among users, residents, and PA ( ... )
ment authority; claims against land and resources within the PA and their status; initial legal status of the protected area and the previous landowners; and other land and resources issues, problems and opportunities of the Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park
Phase 2
Project Number: PHI/UNF-04/01 |
Baseline Assessment project with the objective of reviewing and completing the information about the site: involving the conservation objectives of the Protected Area (i.e., which species, habitats, is/are responsible for PA management; what were ( ... )
y events in the establishment of the PA and when did they happer, the key organizations and individuals that played key roles; who were the PA's previous landowners/managers; the legal status of the PA (initial and current), how did the change happened; collation of relevant international, national, and local laws, rules and regulations, ordinances, and other issuances relating to the
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/01/12 |
Creating safe nesting conditions by stocktaking of existing sites, evaluation of possible dangers, mounting artificial nests and active protection of colonies. Publishing folders and books on protected species |
Sri lanka
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/01/017 |
Awareness raising of communities on bio diversity conservation, propagation of reed varieties and produce of handicrafted items using reeds and develop marketing skills of rural communities. The project trained 100 internally displaced women (from ( ... )
nflict areas) on rush and reed crafting, established a training centre within the NGO premises and participated in exhibitions, fairs and other events for selling of the finished products.
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN/UNF/01/05 |
The bee-keeping project is designed to enhance conservation efforts by community members as well as to provide an avenue for generating income through the production and marketing of honey. Bee-hives owned by the farmers will be placed along the ( ... )
edge. The farmers are expected to work with the authorities in monitoring illegal activities within the forest and reporting them. HoneyCare Africa, a private company, will train the farmers, provide them with bee-suits, collect the honey, pay for it and market
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/01/16 |
Creating bicycle roads system from Brzeg Dolny to Glogow with help of district authorities and local people |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/01/11 |
Modernisation of 3 coal-fired boiler plants - changing fuel to wood waste harvested during preservation actions in BPN Biebrza National Park (clearance of secondary vegetation) |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: UGA/98/G52/019 |
As part of the global monitoring tool, Canadian Physician Aid and Relief (CPAR) were contracted to undertake the BPR with the NSC and NC taking the lead in the exercise. This was part of the GEF/SGP global programme monitoring and evaluation ( ... )
gy aimed at analyzing the achievements and shortfalls of the country programme and its project portfolio in order to allow a better understanding of why certain approaches and strategies work well and others less well. Special effort was to be made to analyze how national and localenabling environments, environment and development policies, participation of key stakeholders, the NGO community,
Sri lanka
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/01/10 |
Biodiversity conservation and developement through nature farming to implement through the activities of awareness creation on biodiversity conservation and nature farming among communities, establishment of demonstration units and advisory services ( ... )
istricts, promote and upgrade marketing of organic products of rural farmers, develop capacities of 20 SGP partner organizations at the diatrict level on all aspects of nature
Phase 2
Project Number: GHA/01/046 |
PAPADEV ? a local NGO that is familiar with the local customs and languages of the Bole District, will work in conjunction with Conservation International-Ghana, to carry out hippopotamus and other wildlife conservation to the 20 fringe communities ( ... )
around the northern borders of the Bui National Park as well as communities living along the Black Volta River in that District. The NGO will use theatre and drama to educate the whole population particularly the youth and school children on the need for conservation and sustainable use of natural resources. The conservation education will be extended to communities living around the Mole