There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Phase 2
Project Number: BZE/UNF/01/01 |
This project seeks to conduct a management audit and needs assessment for each protected area within the Belize Reef World Heitage Site as part of the process to complete the Baseline Assessment and prepare the preliminary Conceptual Model for the ( ... )
T project. The project will provide an opportunity to compile, analyze and disseminate key information on the Belize Barrier Reef World Heritage Site that will facilitate the identification of priority actions that can be undertaken by local communities with grants from the COMPACT project. The reports and analysis that result from the project will facilitate dialogue among stakeholders and
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/01/08 |
Proptección de los ecosistemas de mayor biodiversidad de la región de Los Lagos, X Región, como son los ríos Maullín y Quenuir,permitiendo su utilización a los pescadores y algueros de la Comuna, mediante un uso ecoturístico responsable. ( ... )
car los distintos ecosistemnas que pueden identificarse en ambos
Dominican republic
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/01/25 |
Conservación y protección de la cuenca media del río Masacre para asegurar el restablecimiento de sus recursos naturales y caudada, mediante la consolidación de sistemas de producción sostenible (los sistemas agroforestales diversificados) y ( ... )
orestación con especies nativas en áreas degradadas, establecidos en la primera etapa, así como apoyar el fortalecimiento de las organizaciones comunitarias presentes en el área del
Dominican republic
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/01/26 |
Continuación con las actividades de protección de los manantiales en el municipio de Duvergé , ayudando restablecer la cobertura forestal de su entono, mediante regeneración y reforestación según convenga. |
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/01/04 |
Creation of conditions enabling implementation of efficient flora protection of stands of rare vacular plants in area administrated by the Regional Directorate of the State Forest in Lubuskie Voivodship. |
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/01/07 |
Sensibiliser et mobiliser les populations concernées pour la protection de la grue qui est tres menacée. La grue couronnée (balearica pavonina) ou n?gouman (en langue nationale bambara) est un oiseau tres prisé au Mali a cause de sa triple vertu ( ... )
r le pouvoir, le savoir et la richesse. Les oiseaux sont capturés et vendus par les villageois aux commercants qui les traffiquent a Bamako et jusqu'a l'etranger. Les villages du projet sont dans le Delta Interieur du Niger, un site Ramsar et important lieu de sejour et reproduction des oiseaux migrateurs.
Objectifs spécifiques -Sensibiliser et mobiliser les populations concernées pour la
Phase 2
Project Number: MOR/01/05 |
Ce projet initiera les premieres actions de protection de l?avifaune de la zone humide d?Aguelmane Sidi Ali et contribuera a lancer les premieres actions de sensibilisation des acteurs locaux de la zone d?Aguelmane Afenourir (site Ramsar). Les ( ... )
tés prévues consistent au niveau du site de l?Aguelmane Sidi Ali a organiser les acteurs locaux, a mettre en ouvre de façon participative et concertée des mesures de sauvegarde pour la conservation du site, a développer l?écotouristime (formation de guide, identification et aménagement de circuits, information des visiteurs) et a explorer les possibilités de développement d?activités
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/01/06 |
Experience from the other countries proved that long-eared owl (Asio otus) can be better protected and decline of their population can be stopped by hanging in the small pieces of forrest between farm field, in green belts special baskets, ( ... )
, 2-4 meters above the ground. Improvement in hatching conditions, positive reaction to new possibilities should bring (as in Czech republic and other countries ) succes. Wide consultations with local farmers (farm-to-farm, distribution of brochures and posters, talks) should change the attitude of people towards owls, and long-eared owl in
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/01/13 |
Protection of spring and autumn habitats placed at the wetlands of Warmia-Mazury region. Encouraging local population to pro ecological actions |
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/01/17 |
Introduction of green legged partridge to poor farms run by women .This primitive, forgotten species is on FAO red book of endangered animals.Distribution of stock(20-120) to several farms, veterinary assistence provided, organisation of workshops ( ... )
neficiaries(selection of committed farmers at the end of workshops cycle).Providing construction mateials (for fences);organisation "egg" festival before the Eastern 2002 in the Old Market in Wroclaw, distribution and sale of eggs, brochures, consultations with interested farmers and
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/01/09-PG |
To provide training on natural resources protection and sustainable use to local communities that live around a lagoon that is important for migratory birds and lobbying local authorities to provide legal conservation status to the area. At the same ( ... )
tablish income generating organic agriculture with native species to diminish local population pressures over the lagoon's
Pilot Phase
Project Number: POL/01/18 |
Preservation of biodiversity in Sobibor Landscape Park through implementation of plans of active protection of ecosystems and ecological education of local communities.
Conducted activities:
- detailed inventory of protected plants, animals and ( ... )
le ecosystems, secured places of herpetofauna, ichtiofauna and insects:
- reconstruction of optimal ground water level in selected peatbogs of Sobibor Landscape Park; -
- preparation of technical design for construction and modernisation of weirsy.
- educational classes and workshops with youth and information meetings with local farmers concerning ecological and social functions
Dominican republic
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/01/24 |
El proyecto busca la promoción y protección de la avifauna de la península de Samaná mediante la implementación de un paquete educativo sobre la avifauna de la península, para ser empleado por maestros, guías turísticos y visitantes ( ... )
sados en prácticas de conservación de las aves y sus hábitats. El paquete educativo está conformado por tres herramientas, disenadas con tecnologías diferentes: una guía de aves de la península de Samaná, un curso práctico para observadores de aves, y una página web, colocada en el sitio Toda estos materiales se elaboran con la información sobre avifauna obtenida en
Sri lanka
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/01/025 |
Constructing of micro hydro with community participation, strengthen community organization, awareness raising on protecting the forest with the watershed; capacity building of members through training, monitoring of activities. The micro hydro ( ... )
ervice 35 familiies for domestic lighting - vital for this remote village which is not included in the national grid expansion programme. The villagers are a settled colony more or less ignored by authorities and grows tea in home plots or are hired labourers.
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: TRI/01/05 |
The fourth conference of the Association of Indigenous Village Chiefs in Suriname (VIDS), to be held from September 21-23, 2001, presents an opportunity for information and discussion on the GEF Small Grants Programme in Suriname. It is anticipated ( ... )
putting the GEF Small Grants Programme on the conference agenda, the 34 indigenous villages in Suriname can address project development in areas which the GEF/SGP can
Palestine, State of
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: PAL/01/15 |
The project is located at the Northern boarder area of the West Bank and aims at promoting renewable energy for electrification in public and domestic premises to serve 200 inhabitants in 10 houses, school, women's charity and the main street of the ( ... )
. The project also gives attention to the importance of exploring possible techniques to increase the effectiveness of the photovoltaic plate as well as develop the institutional and community capacity to implenebt and monitor similar
Dominican republic
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/01/19 |
Mejoramiento de las condiciones de vida, mediante el aprovechamiento de la energía solar para impulsar el bombeo de agua, para abastecer de agua potable, así como la electrificación de algunos hogares utilizando sistemas fotovoltaico en cuatro ( ... )
dades de San
Phase 2
Project Number: SIA/UNF/01/12 |
Los motores de cuatro tiempos pasan entre un 30-40% menos que la gasolina, que no expulsan directamente el aceite a los humedales o de la bahía y es menos ruidoso.
El cambio de los motores se realiza con un fondo rotatorio en el que participan ( ... )
los socios hasta que todos tienen los nuevos motores
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/01/01 |
Sharing information is one of the most important constituents of success both for SGP and each project.
Information distribution will raise awareness of different focus groups about the GEF SGP mission; strengthen confidence of a wide public to the ( ... )
ough better understanding of the SGP role in environment and sustainable development problems solution; will make SDGP activities more efficient and assist resource mobilization by means of better understanding of potential donors the opportunities the SGP offers to satisfy their own interests.
Based on these factors, the SGP focuses attention on information distribution at all the stages of
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/01/09 |
In a droughty climate conditions, irrational land and water resources use, processes of the land salinization, degradation and desertification develop in a very intensive manner. On the territory round Otyrar area of the South-Kazakhstan province ( ... )
nd salinization has led to decreasing of agricultural crops productivity and deducing cultivated irrigate land have been taken out of use.
Local people don?t have enough sufficient knowledge, and are engaged in cultivation of melons and gourds and garden cultures having used extensive methods without taking negative ecological impact factors into consideration. Due to lack of finance, local