There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Operational Phase |
Phase 2
Project Number: ZIM/01/08 |
The project involves the publication of three issues of the Newsletter over one year aimed at rural communities throughout the country. The purpose of the project is to make information available particularly to those comunities who have embarked ( ... )
jects funded under SGP through sharing of experiences. The Newsletter is also targeted towards policy makers as the information will be useful in terms of raising awareness on what is happening on the environmental scene on addressing issues of global concern.The project will also address the problem of limited and often inappropriate information on the environment and on sustainable development
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: INT/98/G52/BOT/01/04 |
WENA magazine was established in 1998 to report on issues pertaining to the environment and industry. It currently employs 3 reporters and 4 sales representatives. WENA has a circulation of about 8000 and comes out bi-monthly.The magazine is ( ... )
tly restricted in expanding because of 3 major factors;
1.Coverage - limited funds makes reporters unable to cover events in remotel areas of Botswana where NGOs do most of their work.
2. Detail - lack of experienced journalists with environmental background limits covering of environmental issues.
3. Language - WENA has been published in English only until June 2001 when the first Setswana
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/01/21 |
Reconstruction of traditional sheep farming in Bieszczady area to preserving its cultural landscape and integrating nature protection with forest and agriculture economy.
Establishement of herd of 50 sheep of local mountain breed aimed in ( ... )
vation of mountain meadows ecosystem being under threat due to decline of monutain farming; further extention of this herd and gradual enlargament of meadows in Bieszczady National Park;
- establishement of educational center for wool processing in Tarnawa; organisation of workshops for women ( wool
Phase 2
Project Number: LIT/01/05 |
Aim of the Project was reconstruction of the European pond Tortoise habitats in the most important habitat areas of the Pond tortoises in Lithuania. The Project also improved living conditions of other rare and protected species: Bombina bombina, ( ... )
us cristatus.
The population of the Pond tortoise was carefully investigated, and a registry of observed individuals was created. This measure is very important as pond tortoise individuals differ from each other through whole their life cycle. This way it will be possible to follow migration of individuals. Investigation also helped to detect where to install new breading places and small
Dominican republic
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/01/15 |
Continuar con el proceso de entrenamiento de los técnicos en refrigeración para la recuperación de R-12 y la reconversión a hidrocarburos de unidades de refrigeración domesticas y promover el uso de esta tecnología en la población en ( ... )
l, así como, continuar con el suministrará equipamiento básico a los talleres que lo requieran, para que estén en la capacidad para hacer las reconversiones. Este proyecto pretende demostrar, a partir de su experiencia, que el uso de hidrocarburos como gases refrigerantes constituye una alternativa menos costosa y de óptimas propiedades para refrigeradores domésticos. De este modo, se
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/01/04 |
En la VII Región borde costero la situación de las comunidades lafkenches que viven es precaria, existe una gran necesidad de generar nuevos espaciosRecuperar la biodiversidad y la calidad ambiental de playas y zonas adyacentes en cuatro ( ... )
dades del borde costero de Tirúa Sur.
IMplementar circuitos de etno y ecoturismo que posibiliten un turismo Mapuche- Lafkenche,
Phase 2
Project Number: BOL/04/01 |
El presente proyecto refleja la preocupación regional por la degradación de los recursos naturales en el chaco boliviano. Generalmente este proceso va acompanado de una pérdida de la vegetación y el suelo, y concluye con la aparición del ( ... )
eno de los peladares y posterior desertisación. El ecosistema del chaco boliviano esta caracterizado por una gran fragilidad, dado el tipo de explotación agrícola, ganadera y forestal, el uso irracional de los recursos naturales causa una considerable degradación de la vegetación y del suelo. Por otro lado, las formas de explotación forestal selectivas de solo algunas especies (quebracho
Dominican republic
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/01/10 |
Restauración de la biodiversidad florística y promoción de sistemas de producción sostenible en terrenos de la cuenca media y alta del río Jura, para reducir el proceso de degradación del suelo y favorecer el restablecimiento de las del ( ... )
en río, así como ofrecer mejores oportunidades de producción y generación de ingresos a la gente que cohabida en estos escosistemas como mecanismos de ejoramiento de las condiciones de
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: ECU/01/012 |
El proyecto busca fomentar el cultivo de productos andinos, como fuente de ingresos y base de recursos para la seguridad alimentaria de la mujer indígena y su familia.
El presente proyecto ejecutado por el Grupo de mujeres Tránsito Amaguana, en ( ... )
unidad de La Chimba, Cayambe, parte de la inquietud de las 26 Senoras que integran el grupo por la realización de actividades productivas que estén encaminadas hacia el mejoramiento de la dieta alimenticia de la familia, mediante actividades productivas como lo son el establecimiento de huertos agroforestales, poniendo especial interés en la recuperación de productos andinos como mashua, oca,
Phase 2
Project Number: MEX/01/04 |
La Sociedad de Producción de Bienes y Servicios Malitzin S. C. de R. L fortalece la capacidad de la mujer para generar formas de producción permanentes, sostenibles económica y ambientalmente, mediante una alternativa novedosa para la región, ( ... )
uso de los recursos florísticos
Phase 2
Project Number: ECU/01/018 |
El proyecto busca capacitar, reforestar y realizar la infraestructura con la colaboración de la comunidad y la fundación para un manejo sustentable del Bosque Protector Cascada de Peguche.
El proyecto busca mejorar las condiciones de vida de ( ... )
s y mujeres de las comunidades de Peguche y Faccha Llacta, generando ingresos económicos por medio del turismo comunitario de naturaleza. La cascada tiene un profundo simbolismo para las comunidades indígenas del norte del país y para los visitantes. Su recuperación y manejo sustentable tienen mucha importancia ambiental y sociocultural, para las comunidades beneficiarias del proyecto y tiene
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: GUA/01/01 |
To increase awareness among local population on means to recycle potentially contaminant materials (organic and non-organic) by providing access to environmental education activities for school children, local families and bussinesses, garbage ( ... )
tion containers strategically allocated and a collection center that will recycle and commercialize non-organic items to provide a mean of sustainability to the project. Activities will be done on Panajachel, Sololá, one of the main touristic centers located on the Atitlán Lake protected area, and the educational activities will be replicated on other villages that are located on the shores of
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-01-58 |
Project objectives: 1. To reduce air pollution and gas emissions in the target area (Abu Homas Distict-Behiaa Governorate) by means of stop burning the agricultural waste. 2. To help in enforcing the environmental law. 3. To design and assemble a ( ... )
or converting agricultural waste into organic fertilizer. To raise the environmental awareness of the local communities through conducting number of awareness
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: PER/01/02 |
El proyecto esta orientado a dismuir las emisiones de gases de fecto invernadero producidas por los microemrpesarios recicladores de metal por fundición, al mismo tiempo mejorar sus niveles de competitividad en el mercado y sus condiciones de ( ... )
o. El cual se posible a través del mejoramiento de la técnica de producción, mejorar la combustión del insumo energético, aprovechar el calor residual y optimizar los tiempos empleados en el proceso de reciclaje de metales ferrosos y no ferrosos desechados.
1.- Mejoramiento de las técnicas de producción (Estudio de linea base, capacitaciones (curso de modeleria mecanica
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: GHA/01/050 |
The city of Accra, like most medium to large human settlements in Ghana, have a big problem with improper disposal of solid waste, particularly plastic waste. The seemingly unmanageable plastic litter, apart from being an eyesore, gets washed into ( ... )
and chokes the latter leading to flooding of parts of Accra. Since the waste does not burn readily, it stays as litter in the drains until it is finally washed into the sea. In the sea, the plastic pose a danger to marine organisms, like sea turtles who mistaken them for jellyfish and feed on them. On land, the plastics are also consumed by domestic animals who get choked on them.
The project
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: LIT/01/02 |
This multifunctional project is going to promote ideas encouraged by GEF SGP trough telecasting. A weekly environmental program of 25 minutes shall be broadcasted on the LRT 36 times. The program aimed at spreading of environmental ideas in ( ... )
Five programs will provide information on GEF SGP: biodiversity field will cover sites of foreseen SGP projects and major biodiversity concerns in the country; climate change field will include transport ecologization, new technologies, and restructurisation of energy sector; international water field will cover water pollution reduction, ecological agriculture, protection of fish spawning
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: ZIM/01/05 |
The save catchment area covers 8,455 millionha .Most of the catchmentarea falls within agroecological regions which are characterised by unreliable rainfall and sandy granite derived soils of poor qualty. Human populations in the area have tended to ( ... )
the carrying capacity at current technology levels and the future of the population living in the Save catchment area is threatened by soil loss and siltation.
The proposed intervention will directly contribute towards the mitigation and reduction of siltation into the save river and the protection and maintenance of biodiversity.Some of the key activities underpining this project such as gully
Phase 1
Project Number: MLI/01/06 |
Description : Le présent projet, porte sur la réhabilitation des formations de palmier doum dans la zone de Tarabé-Korombana (Tako).
La zone du Tarabé-Korombana est située dans le cercle de Mopti et de Douentza. Ce projet est basé sur le ( ... )
pe de la participation et la responsabilité des communautés rurales a la gestion des formations dégradées. Il faut rappeler que ces populations tirent essentiellement leur besoins de subsistance de ressources naturelles, particulierement de l?exploitation du doum dans la zone du projet.
Cette especes, malgré sa valeur économique est ignorée par les décideurs et détruites par les
Sri lanka
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/01/007 |
Participatory energy conservation and removing of barriers to energy efficiency to implement:
documentary video, poster and mobile exhibition unit and establishment for a information centre on energy conservation, awareness of raising, training of ( ... )
conservation committees, exhibition of new inventions of school committees, educational tours
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/00/22 |
creation of natural refuges on the area of former fish ponds and their surroundings , tree planting , protection of flora and fauna, education campaign for local community.Project visited and evaluated by Mr. Lee Risby and Ivo Moravski on 14-15 ( ... )
2007 during IVth Global Independent Evaluation.
The State Rural Agency was willing to transfer to the Board of Wielkopolski Landscape Park previous fishing ponds of area 100 hectares with buffer zone just for nature protection purposes what is the only legal exceptional possibility (Agency is obliged to sell surpluses of land in their disposal). PTOP SALAMANDRA accepted the request of the