There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: PAK/01/33 |
Several innovative projects have been supported by UNDP's GEF Small Grants Program that have potential to be studied and replicated in other areas. Since many of these existing projects are located in areas where the Rural Support Programmes are ( ... )
g, and since the RSPs have a wide potential for outreach through community organizations, the RSPs are interested in undertaking exposure visits to some of the GEF project sites. Through these visits, key staff from each of the RSPs will be able to learn about the experiences of some of the innovative initiatives, the communities' response, best practices, and to assess the replicability of
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-01-57 |
Project objectives: 1. To reduce air pollution and gas emissions in the target area (Abu Korkas Distict-Minia Governorate) . 2. To conserve energy and time used for cooking on traditional ovens. 3. To upgrade 375 traditional ovens. 4. To train 6 ( ... )
rs manufacture upgraded oven. 5. To protect the health of the women using the traditional ovens. To raise the environmental awareness of the local communities through conducting five awareness
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/01/01 |
Saa-paper industry is a traditional paper industry in northern region of Thailand. Saa paper can be used as a raw material for handicraft such as umbrella, note-book,souvenir,etc. The utilization of Saa bark as a raw material for the pulp and paper ( ... )
ry is considered as one of the major potential of pollution source to the environment including air, surface water and ground water, since the process requires some chemical substance and detergent.
The project location is situated along the Song River, an ecological portion of the Yom River and Chao Phraya River draining into the Gulf of Thailand. There are 6 big mills and 200 houses that
Phase 2
Project Number: ECU/01/003 |
En la zona de Canandé están asentadas familias colonas desde 1977. Han realizado actividades agrícolas que cada vez son menos rentables, debido a la degradación de los suelos y otros recursos, por lo que se han visto obligados a empezar la ( ... )
ación de la madera del bosque para poder generar ingresos.
El objetivo principal del proyecto es crear conciencia en los diferentes actores locales sobre la necesidad de coordinar acciones para regular el manejo de los recursos naturales y proteger el ecosistema.
Los componentes y actividades son:
Desarrollo de propuestas: de desarrollo de actividades económicas productivas amigables
Dominican republic
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/01/04 |
Creación de conciencia en la población dominicana y haitiana de la porción norte de la frontera sobre la necesidad de proteger los recursos naturales y utilizarlos de manera sostenible, mediante la emisión de programas de radio, acompanado de ( ... )
es en pequena escala para reducir los efectos del cambio climático, conservar la biodiversidad, reducir la contaminación de las aguas internacionales y luchar contra la
Dominican republic
Phase 2
Project Number: DOM/01/05 |
Concienciación ciudadana y Saneamiento del Río Jaya de la contaminación industrial y domesticas, y recuperación de los recursos de biodiversidad, a través del apadrinamiento tramos por parte de empresas, escuelas y juntas de vecinos |
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: JOR/01/10 |
The grantee, in cooperation with the Aqaba Fishermen Cooperative Society and other official institutions and non-governmental organizations in Aqaba, will implement this project in order to contribute to the existing national and local efforts to ( ... )
t marine environment and promote the well being of fishermen and their families. It will include a training and public awareness component that targets the fishermen community and their families promoting safe fishing mehtods, and enhancing fishing capabilities. A loaning system will be developed to assit fishermen upgrade their equipment in order to improve their fishing practices. Special
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/01/11 |
El presente proyecto pretende complementar la acción de Monitoreo y evaluación que realiza tanto la Coordinación Nacional como el Consejo Nacional Asesor. Esto a través de un trabajo sistemático de acompañamiento y sistemtización que nos ( ... )
ará todos los insumos necesarios para la memoria del Programa en Chile
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/01/24 |
Le présent projet est axée sur la visibilité du programme en profitant de l?organisation de la Coupe d?Afrique des Nations. Aussi pour conscientiser le public sur la nécessité de protéger l?environnement.
Objectifs spécifiques - Renforcer la ( ... )
durable des ressources et la protection de l?environnement ;
- Améliorer l?acces des communautés aux services sociaux de base ;
- Soutenir les initiatives locales et de formation
Activités - Confection des panneaux publicitaires ;
- Confection des poubelles fixes avec des slogans PPS/FEM ;
- Sensibilisation a travers les sketches ;
- Confection des tee-shirt et des
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/01/23 |
La troupe DUGA tres sensible aux problemes de dégradation de la biodiversité au Mali s?est tournée vers le FEM vue de contribuer a sa maniere a la sensibilisation et a la formation des communautés riveraines pour la gestion durable et lutter ( ... )
la pollution des eaux internationales par les hydrocarbures, les déchets ménager, industriels et les plantes envahissantes comme la jacinthe d?eau et la salade d?eau :cas du fleuve Niger.
Activités : La production d'une piece de theatre sur la problematique de la pollution du fleuve. La diffusion de la piece par les cassettes video.
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/CCF/IND/OP2/01/RJ02 |
The project aims to increase environmental consciousness,to promote the importance of recycling, conservation as well as skill development for handmade paper.
The emphasis of the project was to increase environmental consciousness and need for ( ... )
in harmony with the environment and contribute to maintain the quality of the environment. The major activities and objectives included in the project are to make children realise the importance of recycling and conservation as well as develop a positive value of working with their hands, learning about production processes, working with discipline and cooperation and to expose children to the
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: SIA/UNF/01/17 |
La organización cuenta con 8 socios mayas, indígenas de la región.
Hacen sus servicios de turismo en los humedales de Sian Ka'an, con dos grandes lagos y un canal de 14 kilómetros de aguas transparentes que llegan hasta el mar. Hay varios ( ... )
arqueológicos en la zona.
Priori a la financiación por parte del programa, el grupo elaboró ??muebles rústicos, con maderas de la región. Desde mediados del 2002 que dejaron que la actividad que se dedica a tiempo completo al ecoturismo.
Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity
Phase 2
Project Number: JOR/01/03 |
The project aims at building the capacity of national NGOs and community groups which are eligible to support by the Small Grants Programme. The project constitutes a mechanism by which capacities of targt NGOs in project development and ( ... )
entation are built, proper networking and communication among targeted NGOs are enhanced, sustainability of the supported projects by the SGP is insured, and the areas covered by the Programme is
Phase 2
Project Number: ZIM/01/02 |
The project is designed to address the issue of biodiversity loss and consequent ecosystem improveshment at important sites within settled lands due to unsustainable resource extraction and or the conversion of sites and areas of high biodiversity ( ... )
ance to agriculture or other uses. 23 sites in three districts have been priotised for conservation action because of their exceptionally high biodiversity importance,allied to levels of threat from agricultural and other activities. These sites are located in Binga, Guruve and Muzarabani districts and collectively total 23 620 ha in area.The selected sites represent key components of a range
Phase 2
Project Number: BRA/00/14 |
This project seeks to contribute decisively to the strengthening of the Santa Maria do Tocantins Associations in São José and Soninho, in the social, economic, and environmental aspects. Efforts will be made toward the organization of subgroups in ( ... )
munities in the municipality, created to execute activities passed on during the capacity-building courses, construction of a small pre-processing unit, implementation of a sales post, and the creation of an Annual Reimbursable Credit Fund. Association members will be offered training and qualification courses, a diagnostic assessment of native fruit in the rural communities will be carried out,
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: BOT/98/G52/00/10 |
A Solar Lantern Lease Scheme (SLLS) is proposed in four villages in the Central District. The project will make high quality light available to rural households and protect the environment simultaneously by means of offering a lease scheme for Solar ( ... )
s. In the scheme initially 100 households will be able to purchase a Solar Lantern with a down payment, and pay the remainder over a time period varying between 12 and 24 months. The main objective of the project is to promote a renewable energy technology which up to now has little exposure in Botswana, and gain experience with a lease scheme on a cost recovery basis for solar lanterns which, if
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN/UNF/PLN/01/01 |
The community will collect baseline data and conduct an impact assessement for the installation of a solar fence around Mt. Kenya. |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/01/22 |
Mounting of solar collectors and heat exchangers for heating purposes at primary school building in Lutowiska |
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN-GEF-01-027 |
In this project Solarnet will assist a tea growers cooperative society to install 50 solar homes systems for lighting and for electronic equipment. This will be on micro-credit where the cooperative society will remit the funds from tea earnings ( ... )
embers. The recovered funds will be used in a revolving
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: BOT/98/G52/01/03 |
The main objective of the project is to promote a renewable energy technology which up to now has little exposure in Botswana. The project if proved to be successful may be replicated in other villages.
The project will reduce carbon dioxide ( ... )
tion by means of replacing parrafin burning and petrol combustion that is used for lighting by electric lighting from rechargeable batteries that are charged through Solar Battery Charging Stations. Furthermore the project reduces environmental pollution due to discarded dry cells, and also improves indoor air quality by replacing paraffin lighting with electric lighting.
The project will