There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
Country |
Area Of Work
Start Date |
Amount (US$) |
Operational Phase |
Trinidad and tobago
Phase 2
Project Number: TRI/01/08 |
The grantee organisation, the South Eastern Hunters Association (SEHA) is embarking on an awareness programme, through print and documentary media, for its members, communities and the general public on sustainable use of local wildlife species. ( ... )
oject specifically addresses raising awareness, using a video documentary medium, for the conservation of the local red brocket deer (Mazama americana) which is listed on the 2000 IUCN Red List of threatened species. The specific objectives of the video documentary series are to educate the public on local wildlife, encourage the use of appropriate conservation techniques, influence policy
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: CHI/01/01 |
Mostrar la factibilidad de mejorar la calidad de vida en forma autosustentable conservando recursos naturales y valores culturales de la zona. Diseno e implementación de una aldea ecológica utilizando tecnologías lkimpias de energía y agua. ( ... )
la migración hacia la ciudad. Este proyecto se desarrolla en un pueblo mayoritariamente compuesto por indígenas Aymaras, ellos son los beneficiarios directos del Proyecto y su participación activa supone el éxito de esta
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/01/14 |
Consolidation du projet de Banamba aire vivante a travers une visite d?échange pour s?inspirer de l?expérience du Burkina Faso en matiere de construction des digues filtrantes. |
Phase 2
Project Number: JOR/01/09 |
The project aims at controlling the negative impacts of desert tourism on biodiversity in Wadi Rum Reserve through direct involvement of the local indigenous Bedouin community in a pilot program based on building local capacities of the Rum Tourism ( ... )
ative to enable it to manage tourism services in the area in an effective manner. It will assist individual members of the cooperative to upgrade their vehicles so that their trips become less harmful to the area's delicate ecosystem. Members of the cooperative will also be able to promote camel rides by improving camels' health and providing them with better and more attractive accesories. The
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: TUN/01/05 |
this project involves different activities aiming the valorization of water through awareness activities such as conferences, exhibition and contests, creation of gardens in 5 schools and re-utilization of traditional irrigation systems |
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: MAR/01/06 |
This project aims to create a common platform for the different stakeholders in the tourism industry to acknowledge that there is a need for an Eco-tourism Strategy and to devise means by which the strategy can be developed. The best way to avoid ( ... )
ve environmental impact and to reinforce positive ones is the properly planned tourism, using the appropriate environmental planning approach, before development actually takes place. However, a shared opinion on the subject is not yet fully in existence, hence, the need for the proposed Workshop and Exhibition under this project. The GEF/SGP grant will be used to produce different sensitisation
Phase 2
Project Number: GHA/00/053 |
Ghana is very concerned about the rate of loss of the country?s tropical forests, particularly the off-reserve forests. Whereas at the beginning of the 20th Century, the country had over 10 million Ha of forest cover, this had reduced to about 1.2 ( ... )
n Ha at the close of the 20th Century. The 1.2 million Ha of forests are also degraded in places and patchy because extensive small scale subsistence farming leading to serious habitat fragmentation. Until recently, the major perceived usefulness of the tropical forest is the commodity that can be extracted from it. Thus, logging was the number one usefulness of the forest, followed by its
Papua new guinea
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: PNG/01/12 |
The Grant was awarded to the Niugini Wildlife Society organization that initially proposed this important International celebration. The Conservation Show coincided with the June 5th World Environment Day (WED) and for the first time in the history ( ... )
Enga Province, the people participated in the Global and Provincial Environmental celebration.The output and outcome were improved knowledge & understanding on Climatic Change and its effects on Green House effects so that people were cautious with their interactions with the environment . It was also used to lobby political support for Conservation work in the
Phase 2
Project Number: KAZ/01/14 |
Zhamankum Lakes (Almaty oblast) as part of Sorbulak Lake System were rightfully recognized as wetlands of national significance inasmuch as one of the largest southern flyways of migratory birds ran through the lakes and the number of birds stopped ( ... )
nd stayed for feeding reached 100 thousand. In 1988, after the breakout of Sorbulak, Zhamankum lakes became extinct however started recovering due to filtration makeup and currently make a group of small lakes connected with channels. Due to favorable conditions, a high concentration of water and peri-aquatic birds can be observed in the lakes distinguished by rich species structure and a large
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/00/11 |
Creation conditions for development of valuable xerotermic grassland in Reserve "Gipsowa Góra" (Chalk Mountain) through liquidation of expansive plants (bush,trees). |
Sri lanka
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/98/G52/012 |
Promote participatory approach in conservation and improvement of the city biodiversity in the Galle town.
Enhance the city greening by establishing adequate tree coverage in the city with special reference given to the marine ( ... )
Making Galle a clean and green city- building partnerships for conservation of Bio diversity, create green spaces by planting trees along the marine drive and other open spaces in Galle city area and in scholl premises, strenghten partnerships with other stakeholders in improving biodiversity
Groups involved:
Environmental committee at the municipal level, school environmental society at
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-00-06 |
Hasandede is located in Kirikkale in Northeast of the Central Anatolia and is the center of an eco-village initiative since 1996.
The region is rich in biodiversity important for the agriculture, having hybrit relatives of some domesticated wheat ( ... )
ies. The project has a focus on the rich steppe ecosystem, damaged mainly by extensive agricultural activities. The project aims to conserve the natural ecosystem by promoting the traditional and sustainable living practices and the wise use of the resources. The "Hasandede Training Centre for Sustainable Livelihood" will be the place to expand and promote this
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/00/17 |
This project aims to ensure the fully participation of local community near the 'Gryke-Lumi' village, through different actions to be undertaken for the plant environment rehabilitation as well as for monitoring and preservation of this ( ... )
litated area. This project will also intend: to collect a full information on the real state of the Vaini lagoon; to determine the degraded plant area and the area to be rehabilitated; to plant about 800 pine saplings; to train local community on the techniques of plants maintenance; Public awareness elements will be very sensitive during project implementation. Two seminars will be organised
Phase 2
Project Number: ALB/00/13 |
This project aims to withdraw the attention of media and environmentalists on the natural values of Lura.
About 20 journalists and 20 environmental specialists from Tirana will be hosted by families of this area, aiming as follows:
-rising of ( ... )
communities awareness on the damages caused to this National Park and strengthen of cooperation among local communities and journalists, environmental specialists as a basis for further activities in Lura;
-settling a tradition for sports development in the area, between young people and inhabitants through different activities will be organised on 5 June;
-meetings and discussions will be
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: EGY-00-11 |
Project's objectives are:
1. To disseminate the appropriate technologies and utilize the solar energy in the daily activities.
2. To conduct 8 awareness seminars for the community
3. To Install 69 solar heaters in Kom El Akhdar Village within ( ... )
4. To train 3 of the youth on how to install, maintain and service the solar heaters
5. To establish and manage a warehouse for solar heaters spare parts in the
Phase 2
Project Number: BOL/01/00 |
Este proyecto se lleva a cabo en el departamento de Tarija, la duración estimada es de 12 meses y el área focal al que pertenece es a la Conservación de la Biodiversidad.
El Proeycto se desarrolló en la parte alta de la Reserva Biológica ( ... )
lera de Sama, específicamente en la cuenca Tajzara.
Los beneficiarios directos son 9 comunidades de la parte alta de la Reserva biológica Cordillera de Sama, haciendo un total 429 familias, 2.339 personas de las cuales 1.175 son mujeres y 1.164 son hombres.
Por medio del presente proyecto se busca resolver los problemas relacionados al uso o aprovechamiento de los Recursos Naturales por
Phase 2
Project Number: MX/98/028 |
Conservar especies vegetales de la región a través de un jardín botánico abierto a visitas y establecer un vivero para reproducir especies forrajeras locales. |
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/00/10 |
Description : Renforcement de la conscience environnementale pour une gestion durable des especes autochtones menacées de disparition dans le pays Dogon.
Objectifs spécifiques - Conscientiser les populations sur la nécessité de conservation ( ... )
biodiversité et une meilleure gestion de ressources naturelles ;
- Renforcer les capacités techniques et organisationnelles des populations pour la protection de l?environnement ;
- Restaurer la biodiversité a partir de techniques d?agro ? foresterie a partir d?essences autochtones (baobab, tamarinier, ronier, balanzan et des arbres fruitiers).
Activités - Séances d?animation et de
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/00/01 |
inventarisation of tortoise breeding places, data base, education for local community to increase the environmental awarness, follow up to the activities financed by SGP and Ecofund in 1994-1998 |
Phase 2
Project Number: POL/00/03 |
The main goal of the project - improvement of living conditions of 2 shrike species - red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio) and great grey shrike (Lanius excubitor) in Western Poland through protecytion of their habitats and preying area. |