There are 27,190 projects available.
Project Title |
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Operational Phase |
Sri lanka
Phase 2
Project Number: SRL/98/G52/014 |
The state of the Batuwita-Masmulla reserve which is the largest natural resource in the area, is critical at present due to desruptive human activities.
Objectives, activities:
Conservation of Batuwita - Maasmulla reserve by ( ... )
ing sustainable use through community participation
Plant 5000 Bamboo, 5000 Kumbuk, 4000 Acacia trees.
Conduct soil conservation projects in 50 home gardens and plant 40 varieties of economically useful plants in them.
Groups involved:
CBOs, school children of 3 schools in the natural reserve
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/00/08 |
Ce projet permettra d'accroître les connaissances afin d'aboutir a un plan d'aménagement de cettee réserve particulierement riche en diversité biologique.
Objectifs spécifiques:
- Identifier le plantes utilisées par les communautés pour ( ... )
aire leurs besoins (alimentaires, médicaments, abri, etc) ;
- Recenser et analyser les différents types d?utilisations des plantes ;
- Etudier les connaissances écologiques des communautés sur les plantes qu?elles utilisent ;
- Documenter et échanger les informations sur l?écologie et l?importance de plantes sur les plans alimentaires , sanitaires, culturels, esthétique etc) entre les
Phase 2
Project Number: GEF-INS/YBUL/OP2-2000-08 |
Project development goal:
To increase community participation on managing and developing the area of Dieng Mountain, which is supported by it?s stakeholders
Project objectives:
1. To raise community awareness and increase community ( ... )
tanding on nature resources conservation
2. To increase community capacity in managing nature resources in sustainable way which is in line with their traditional values
3. To increase community?s income through the development of environmentally sound economic activities in 5 villages
4. To encourage the establishment of law enforcement in nature resource management supported by the
Phase 2
Project Number: MLI/00/16 |
Projet visant a endiguer les facteurs maitrisables par la mise en oeuvre participative d'une série d'actions en vue de parvenir a la réhabilitation du lamantin dans un habitat écologique amélioré.
Objectifs spécifiques:
- Sensibiliser, ( ... )
er et éduquer les populations ;
- Protéger l?habitat et favoriser l?augmentation de l?effectif des lamantins ;
- Protéger les berges immédiates et habiter les zones de pâturages des lamantins ;
- Lutter contre la pollution des eaux du fleuve Niger a Koulikoro ;
- Créer des comités de gestion dans les villages riverains ;
- Développer un tourisme de vision des lamantins ;
- Organiser
Phase 2
Project Number: PAK/99/04 |
Balochistan Bear Ursus thibetanus gedrosianus is a subspecies of Asiatic Black Bear only found in Balochistan and some parts of south-eastern Iran. The main population of this species appears to be concentrated in hill ranges south of Khuzdar ( ... )
ts, 1997). This may be the last surviving population of the species in Balochistan. Balochistan Bear is placed in IUCN Red Data Book as a threatened species. Threats to the species include habitat disturbance, persecution by local populations on the assumption that it kills the young ones of goat and sheep and also the habit of this species to raid the cultivated crop of Sorghum (Sorghum
Phase 2
Project Number: PAK/99/05 |
The Indus is among the great rivers of the world. It originates high in the mountains of Tibet and flows through Ladakh and Pakistan before ending at the Arabian Sea near Karachi.
On its 2000 miles journey it passes through the great Himalayas ( ... )
rakuram ranges, the fertile plains of Punjab and the vast deserts of Sind. It is blessed with a rich variety of wildlife throughout its journey. Among these are different species of resident and migratory birds, mammals, reptiles and fish. Particularly Indus Dolphin or ?Bhulan? as it is known in local vernacular, is a blind river cetacean endemic to Pakistan. It was once distributed throughout
Phase 2
Project Number: TAN/00/07 |
Research data has show that, Chimpanzees which is listed among the endangered species is on the decrease. The situation is serious in the Southern part of Gombe National Park where population is reported to have declined by 50% during the last two ( ... )
s. The project's parimary objective is combat poaching in the Gombe Nationsl Park and to sensitize park-adjacent village communities with the view to securing their involvement in the conservation of the
Multifocal Area
Phase 2
Project Number: GHA/00/040 |
Following the GEF/SGP sponsored research into Elephant Crop Raiding in the Red Volta River area, - the international biodiversity corridor - by the Elephant Research Group and a Planning Grant($1000) to PAS, Garu, this main project was funded to ( ... )
s the problems of unsustainable landuse practices, forest degradation and agriculture by fringe communities. These problems were identified as the remote factors that underline the human-elephant conflicts in the area. Addressing these problems will also improve the livelihood of the communities since they are basically farmers. The main objectives of the project is to build the capacity of the
Phase 2
Project Number: KEN-GEF-00-001 |
In this project, a local CBO, KEEP is developing an ecotourism package for Kakamega forest. The package includes training of guides, butterfly farm, equipping a resource center, solar power for the center, snake park, canopy viewing towers and a ( ... )
Phase 2
Project Number: TUR-00-02 |
The project's aim is to raise the awerness of hunters to sustaine biodiversity of the Agri Mountain. Although there is not much information, it is known that:
· there is high population of bear, wolf threatened in Europe and bezoar goat (data ( ... )
ent in Turkey)
· bird species Caspian Snowcock (rare in Europe) is breeding.
It is also a possibility that there is lynx lynx in the
Phase 2
Project Number: ecu/00/009 |
El proyecto propone la realización de censos poblaciones de canclones para identificar las variaciones de su población versus la utilización de la laguna para la ganadería. Se plantea realizar actividades de mejoramiento de ganadería, ( ... )
ión ambiental e investigación científica.
El objetivo general es proteger y mantener a largo plazo la diversidad de la ecoregión Churute y su especie de ave más vulnerable como es el canclón Anhima Cornuta.
Los objetivos específicos son:
- Establecimiento de pastos para el manejo de ganadería controlada controlada con participantes del proyecto.
- Establecimiento de programa de
Phase 2
Project Number: ECU/00/014 |
El proyecto busca consolidar la gestión local en el manejo del bosque y páramos de la parte alta de Malchinguí a través de varias acciones como la capacitación, reforestación e instalación de sistemas agroforestales.
El objetivo principal ( ... )
conservación del bosque y del páramo de Malchinguí.
Los objetivos específicos son:
- Conservar el bosque de malchinguí como fuente de agua y banco de germoplasma para utilizar especies para la reforestación.
- Investigar sobre la reproducción de especies promisorias para la reproducción masiva en vivero para la reforestación de ecosistemas altos de montaña.
- Mejorar la
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: TAN/00/04 |
The project has benefited the global environment by replacing fuelwood with biogs in cooking and heating. it is also used for lighting. The primary objective was to consolidate the school biogas plant in order to make it a model for learning and ( ... )
ation by other schools and public institution and also preserve mangrove forests by eradicating the use of fuelwood at school by
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: BOL/06/00 |
El proyecto se lleva adelante en la comunidd Condoriri. El proyecto a través de la implementación de obras hidráulicas y mecánicas, aumentó la eficiencia de los molinos tradicionales rústicos de baja productividad, mejorando la cantidad y ( ... )
d de productos transformados de 2 a 8 arrobas al día e incrementando los servicios de molienda en la comunidad Condoriri, esperando que las familias logren generar algunos ingresos económicos por la venta de fideos y harinas a comunidades
Cote d'ivoire
Climate Change Mitigation
Phase 2
Project Number: IVC/95/G52/013 |
The consumption of firewood in Torgokaha and Zanakaha (north of Côte d?Ivoire) is increasing because of the growing up of the population. The wood ressources then become rarer and rarer, and people have to go 10km far to get some.
The aim of the ( ... )
t is to fight against the environment destruction (deforestation) and to half reduce the consumption of firewood.
The objective of that project is to train and popularize the construction of concrete improved stoves, and to build 210 concrete improved stoves in the villages of Torgokaha and
Viet nam
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/VN/99/020 |
The project will be carried out in Loc Tri Commune, one of the 11 communes in the buffer zone of Bach Ma National Park, in Phu Loc District, Thua Thien Hue Province. Bach Ma National Park was established in 1991, and situated in the northern part of ( ... )
Son mountain range and in the two districts of Phu Loc and Nam Dong, Thua Thien Hue Province. Bach Ma National Park, together with Hai Van special use forest in Thua Thien Hue Province and Ba Na Nature Reserve in Quang Nam Province constitutes an unbroken transact from the coast to the border with Lao PDR. This bioregion contains an extremely diverse range of habitats and species of evergreen
Viet nam
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/VN/99/021 |
The project will be carried out in Gia Luan and Viet Hai communes, located in the core and buffer zone of Cat Ba National Park, in Cat Hai District, Hai Phong Province. Cat Ba National Park was established in 1992 and is listed as the highest ( ... )
al conservation priority in the National Biodiversity Action Plan. It is located in the Cat Ba archipelago, which is part of Ha Long Bay, declared World Heritage Site in 1994, and includes Cat Ba Island, several small islands nearby, and the surrounding surface waters. The Park contains highly valuable biological resources of the limestone ecosystems. A World Bank Workshop on limestone
Viet nam
Phase 2
Project Number: SGP/VN/99/023 |
The project will be carried out in Tam Quan and Dai Dinh Communes (Tam Duong District) and Dao Tru Commune (Lap Thach District), the three buffer zone communes of Tam Dao National Park. Tam Dao National Park was established in 1996 and contains the ( ... )
o mountains and its surrounding buffer zones stretching the three provinces of Thai Nguyen, Vinh Phuc and Tuyen Quang. It contains highly valuable biological resources of the tropical rainforest ecosystem, which is the home of many rare and endemic species. The high level of biodiversity can be partly attributed to the location of the Tam Dao mountains, located on an ecological frontier zone with
International Waters
Phase 2
Project Number: THA/00/G20 |
Situated along the west coast of the Gulf of Thailand, the project location is teeming with coral which has been a source of food and tourist spot. Starting about 5 years ago, the rate of consumption and boom of tourism have caused degradation in ( ... )
pots of the coral.
In cooperation with the district fishery office, provincial central office and community-based organizations, the club has initiated a plan to manage the consumption and use of the coral by building conservation awareness in youth groups and fishermen in the vicinity.
The project has been launching activities that emphasize the management of the coral by minimizing
Costa rica
Phase 2
Project Number: COS/00/012-01 |
La Isla de Chira, se encuentra localizada en el Golfo de Nicoya, siendo la más grande territorialmente a nivel centroamericano, en ella se ubican 225 familias, cuyas actividades principales son; pesca y agricultura tradicional. No obstante el ( ... )
iento de los recuros marinos y la ausencia de fuentes alternativas de trabajo, provocan una gran presión sobre los recursos. Ante esa situación el objetivo del proyecto es por un lado establecer un banco de pianguas para la pesca artesnal sostenbile con el fin de repoblar, sembrar, cosechar y comerciliazar este recurso. Por otro lado desarrollar una serie de actividades realacionadas con el